Sunday, February 2, 2025

Democracy doesn’t exist in the United States: Chris Hedges | UpFront

My brother Steve sent me this note this morning : Steve Ruggieri 06:33 (7 hours ago) to me Ron, [You introduced me to Hedges who I have tremendous respect for. Here is his latest interview, and I think it’s his best. I don’t think anyone would be wasting their time listening to this in its entirety. Very sobering! Talk soon! ] As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see ( whatever my own limitations ) no significant organizations ( like some pretentious Marxist " vanguard " party ) on the Left that offer real lucid CLASS CONSCIOUS leadership to the working classes of the United States and Europe. To be sure , the just defeated WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is the last place to direct them. Like you can " Trust Bernie Sanders " ? Despite the danger posed by so called CHRISTIAN Zionists the Left is wrongheaded in joining the WOKE Democrat, daily bashing of Catholics , Protestants, Muslims in half-cracked God hating rants. I am certain this God bashing is instigated by secular ZIONIST Jews attached to the Democratic Party. They also seem to be the very pillars of WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools and colleges. Not true ? Anti-Semitism here ? Protesting genocide in Gaza, Palestine is also inherently anti-Semitic ? The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM. It was ( under pressure from world capitalism ) turning itself into a dreary , godless, " officially atheist" tyranny. I am convinced the ubiquitous New Atheists with their YouTube roadshow are ALL shameless shills for Israeli Zionism, American imperialism, and global capitalism. And their arrogant obnoxious cult is imbued with toxic Islamophobia . In the hell of a world Chris Hedges is right to warn people not to lose their souls trying to adjust to it. The instinct of CONFORMITY turns millions of once decent people into rather dangerous robots . Try to get somebody nowadays to say something , to THINK something , beyond a MADE FOR TV soundbite ? Keep listening to that precious TALK RADIO in " OUR democracy ". Also, hardly any responsible voices remind us that we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . The consumer beware !

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