Thursday, November 2, 2023

Both WOKE WARRIOR Democrats and Trump Republicans grovel before the Israel lobby

Ordinary working class Americans can easily see that Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet with its war of GENOCIDE against the Palestinians in Gaza. Zionist Jew billionaires threaten to blackball promising law students who dare to join mass protests against GENOCIDE in Gaza. Rhode Island Governor McKee fires a state employee named Sanchez because he made a public protest against GENOCIDE in Gaza. Clearly the arch enemy of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in " OUR democracy " is the ZIONIST Jew checkbook. Directly or indirectly it daily censors ANTI-WAR and ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion in " OUR democracy ". The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the USA always guarantees that Corporate America never takes a serious loss. Both WOKE WARRIOR Democrats and Trump Republicans grovel before the Israel lobby. Perhaps Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can get this going in 2024 : an INDEPENDENT American Labor Party -a lot like the British Labor Party but less muddled and compromised.

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