Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, November 30, 2023
FINALLY Zionist Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger is dead !
The human symbol of American imperialism - together forever with Israeli Zionism- is FINALLY dead. The sun is setting on American imperialism and Israeli Zionism. To be sure ,the American ruling capitalist class will send this ZIONIST Jew war criminal off with the highest plutocratic honors.
Expect the ZIONIST Jew controlled news media in the United States -led by the venerable New York Times - to slobber over Kissinger's bloody " legacy " ( which includes years of war crimes in Vietnam and the CIA arranged assassination of the democratically elected Marxist president of Chile in 1973 , Salvador Allende. ).
Henry Kissinger has a disciple - one of many - in the US State Dept. today. American Secretary of State Antony Blinken now presides over genocide war crimes in Gaza , Palestine. Oh , yes, he too is a belligerent ZIONIST Jew.
They routinely censor anti-war , anti-Zionism public opinion in the United States. As if what 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS think has no relevance in " OUR democracy ".
These 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS are getting a little bit annoyed with all this .
[ All my You Tube posts are shared on my blog and on my Facebook page.]
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
For a while I thought the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger was too rotten to die !
For a while I thought the ZIONIST Jew war criminal , Henry Kissinger , was too rotten to die . His disciples are prominent in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. GENOCIDE in Gaza could have been his last inspiration . And I am sure Kissinger is beloved in Chile. In 1973 he presided over the assassination of the democratically elected Marxist president of Chile Salvador Allende. Beloved memory also in Vietnam .
An endless list that won't be missed !
" Christ in Concrete " is an honest depiction of the Italo-American immigrant experience in the HARD TIMES of 1930s USA
The book is an honest depiction of the Italo-American immigrant experience in the HARD TIMES of the 1930s No " reparations " asked for here . It should be more widely. read today. I recall seeing a copy of my Uncle Nick's " Christ In Concrete " at the family's second floor apartment on Federal Hill, Providence, Rhode Island. Did Uncle Nick ever " lose " his Catholic faith ? He did recover it later in life in any case.
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That haunting , Frank Sinatra sentimental song : " Love & Marriage "
Pressure on still young men to get married and " settle down " is still a social reality. But how can a VITAL young man, whose eyes have been caught by a female CELESTIAL VISION , resist daydreaming, along the lines of The Frank Sinatra sentimental slop song " Love and Marriage " , about HER as " my wife " and ten angelic children ? Years pass and you let go of THE DREAM !
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
The fact that Brown University president , Christina Paxson , is a ZIONIST Jew confirms her bias against the cause of " Free Palestine "
The fact that Christina Paxson is a ZIONIST Jew confirms her bias against the cause of " FREE PALESTINE " on the Brown University campus. This is true also of Professor Wendy Schiller, a ZIONIST Jew WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , frequently interviewed on 630WPRO Gene Valicenti's morning talk radio show.
The mainstream news media in the United States has been implacably hostile to the dispossessed, oppressed Palestinians for years now. It wishes to displace the public outrage over GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine with an unctuous concern over mostly imagined rise in anti-Semitism in the United States.
Working class people in all countries have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
As some sort of " socialist " Bernie Sanders should understand that APARTHEID Israel is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy
As some sort of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders should have understood long ago that APARTHEID Israel is a mockery even of bourgeois. democracy. Israeli Zionism & American imperialism together forever . Bernie Sanders, whom I voted for in the Rhode Island presidential primary here in 2016, would do a big favor for what is left of " OUR democracy " by denouncing ZIONIST Jew control over the mainstream news media in the United States.
Also the very pillars of WOKE ideology in the public schools and Ivy League colleges are secular ZIONIST Jews. This usually infuriates working class CHRISTIANS of whom there are only 200 MILLION in the United States.
It is even beginning to seem that there is even a secular ZIONIST Jew camp in SCIENCE. What would Darwin , who has a whole chapter on " Sexual Selection " in " Origin of the Species " , think about gender spectrum nonsense ?
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Monday, November 27, 2023
On APARTHEID Israel our effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM does not offer " OUR democracy " much choice
As a long time independent democratic socialist I agree with this perspective on the terrorist ( what else ? ) incident published on today's World Socialist Web Site :
[ " Saturday’s shooting is part of a geyser of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab hate and bias that has been encouraged by wealthy Zionists, imperialist politicians and virtually every press outlet outside Qatari-backed Al Jazeera. Politicians, media talking heads and opinion columnists have slandered protesters against the US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza, many thousands of whom are Jewish, as “antisemitic,” while urging police and university administrators to charge and outlaw expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people." ]
Too bad we no longer hear the voice of anti-ZIONIST Jew, Professor Howard Zinn , author of the classic textbook " People's History of the United States ". Ordinary working class people in all countries have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. No puzzle why BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies featured Palestinian flag waving.
Popular science writer Isaac Asimov also applied both his his extraordinary intelligence and " liberal " humanism to the Jewish state and concluded that it was a colossal mistake.
Just a while back President Joe Biden ( good Catholic , of course ! ) said that if were a Jew, of course, he would be a ZIONIST Jew . And presently he stands as much chance of being re-elected in the 2024 election as the proverbial snowball in hell.
But on APARTHEID Israel our effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM does not offer " OUR democracy " much choice.
What is " completely absurd " is a nation state system forever dividing the world into GOOD FELLOWS and EVIL EMPIRES
What is "completely absurd " to all democratic socialists is a nation-state system forever dividing the world into GOOD FELLOWS and EVIL EMPIRES. The nuclear arsenals of " OUR democracy " are not more virtuous ( or less genocidal ) than the nuclear arsenals of China , Russia, North Korea , Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
In no country on the planet do ordinary working class people plan or start wars. For thousands of years now WAR has been a function of the ruling class whatever the social structure. Working class people do END wars !
Our proxy war with Russia in Ukraine is being justified with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago,
The mainstream news media focusing on a mostly imagined growth of anti-Semitism is a brainless cover up for REAL genocide in Gaza, Palestine. How weird that belligerent ZIONIST Jews get to decide what constitutes hate speech in American public opinion .
Global capitalism and rival " empires " cannot solve any of the problems of WORLD CIVILIZATION in the 21st century. The puffed up ,uniformed representatives of American militarism seem more and more effete as if they belong to another era. These social dinosaurs try to convince successive American presidents that nuclear war is winnable. That is what 's behind corrupt, senile, creepy , Joe Biden always WARNING the assorted governments of the " UNFREE " world not to cross this or that red line.
How many young people targeted by military recruiters in ' OUR democracy " are eager to risk their lives for the thug Netanyahu in Israel, for the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine , for " Sleepy Joe " Biden and Son and the crackpot agenda of their WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ? Or for right wing populist blowhard Donald Trump and his fan club cult ?
Sunday, November 26, 2023
The mainstream news media is daily vilifying the Palestinian people
The mainstream media is daily vilifying the Palestinian people. It tries to substitute for public opinion horror over Israeli genocide in Gaza ruling class concern for a mostly imagined rise in anti-Semitism. Ordinary working class people in all countries - even Israel -have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
We democratic socialists have always denounced all forms of terrorism including STATE terrorism. There has been vocal support for the cause of a FREE PALESTINE on the Brown University campus.
[ " Ex-Obama adviser Stuart Seldowitz arrested after Islamophobic rant
The former State Department official was filmed harassing a Muslim street vendor in New York, saying more Palestinian children should be killed in Gaza. " ]
Are WOKE decadents in " OUR democracy " nostalgic perhaps for the last days of the German Weimar Republic ?
Are there WOKE decadents in " OUR democracy " USA Today nostalgic perhaps for the last days of the German Weimar Republic.? Disgraced Hollywood Babylon director Harvey Weinstein would have been very much at home in Weimar along with sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein. And our LGBTQ+ " community " would certainly fit into this " Culture of Narcissism " & hedonism. Here in the German version of the " Roaring Twenties " PORNOGRAPHY was a thriving big business. Like in USA today .
If you are a TRUE BELIEVER in capitalism, Zionism, and American imperialism , you have many sleepless nights ahead
Corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden has not a snowball's chance in hell of getting re-elected president of the United States in November 2024. According to recent poll Biden is holding the support of American Jews but hardly any other major sector of the population. He still has the more reluctant support of the mainstream news media . He is their proverbial useful idiot. The fact that BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies feature Palestine flag waving is enough WARNING to WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Joe Biden.
The bigger problem in " OUR democracy " is the effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM which is on the brink of complete meltdown. If you are a TRUE BELIEVER in capitalism, Zionism, American imperialism , you have many sleepless nights ahead.
So every AMERICAN Jew is somehow entitled to citizenship in two countries and one is dearer than the other ?
We ALL trust trustworthy Lester Holt and the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media to gives us TRUTH about APARTHEID Israel's GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine. And a Joe Biden administration from the top down packed with ZIONIST Jews. And the leader of the Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer who said that he wants to be " guardian angel of Israel ". So every AMERICAN Jew is somehow entitled to citizenship in two countries and one is dearer than the other ?
Can I get an intelligent answer or just REMOVE which will be shared on my Facebook page and blog ?
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The only people in the world who would be delighted with a US war with Iran are belligerent ZIONIST Jews
The only people in the world who would be delighted with a US war with Iran are belligerent ZIONISTS in Israel, in the United States , and in Ukraine. The Biden administration - in case you have not noticed - is packed with ZIONIST Jews .
Do the working class CHRISTIANS - which just might constitute a MAJORITY in " OUR democracy " - have any say in this BUSINESS of war ?
Derek Chauvin stabbed ? HUMAN dignity should be protected in prison
HUMAN dignity should be protected in prison. SHOULD BE ! Prison should not be a place of extra-torments and deprivation. Of course, this will never happen in the " American Gulag ". . If a particular cop seems a sadist, from what evil atmosphere did he absorb evil " influence ". Derek Chauvin like ALL prisoners is entitled to better protection and a measure of hope for a more meaningful life on this side of paradise.
For ALL of us American capitalism & militarism is not a school of KINDNESS and ANTI-HATE whatever the prevailing -often phony - political correctness.
That is why ANTI-HATE legislation is so ludicrously futile. Do nuclear weapons have HATE written all over them ? They should .
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Comfortable Pro-Israel Jews on the East Side of Providence should consider what popular science writer Isaac Asimov had to say about APARTHEID Israel some years ago
[“I am frequently asked if I have visited Israel, whereas yet, it is simply assumed that I have. Well, I don’t travel. I really don’t, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t visit Israel. I remember how it was in 1948 when Israel was being established and all my Jewish friends were ecstatic, I was not. I said: what are we doing? We are establishing ourselves in a ghetto, in a small corner of a vast Muslim sea. The Muslims will never forget nor forgive, and Israel, as long as it exists, will be embattled. I was laughed at, but I was right. I can’t help but feel that the Jews didn’t really have the right to appropriate a territory only because 2000 years ago, people they consider their ancestors, were living there. History moves on and you can’t really turn back."]
Obnoxious ZIONIST Jew Seldowitz as " a humanitarian diplomacy consultant " ?
[ " In the past, Seldowitz contributed to various sectors, including serving as a humanitarian diplomacy consultant for an Israeli businessman’s company. His role as an editor at Bloomberg News in 2011 showcased his versatility, and he also had a stint as a life insurance agent in New York City. "]
The Joe Biden administration is packed with liked minded ZIONIST Jews. To be sure, the American People are turned off by the ZIONIST Jew thug leader of Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu and turned off by the ZIONIST Jew war monger , embezzler V. Zelensky , president of " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
These repugnant individuals get BILLIONS of dollars in American tax payer money while the American working class becomes more and more destitute and the once stable American middle class in economic free fall .
Seldowitz as " a humanitarian diplomacy consultant " ?
According to polls only the American Jewish community is solidly ( so far ) behind WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Joe Biden
Corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden has no chance of being re-elected president of the United States in the 2024 election. According to polls only the American Jewish community is solidly ( so far ) behind WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Joe Biden. One factor in this group's support is that the Biden administration is packed with pro-Zionist Jews.
The YOUTH have turned away from Biden . BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies still feature Palestine flag waving. The vast majority of traditional Catholics and Christians have no use for the Biden administration. And it is unlikely that Commander-in-Chief has much respect in the armed forces of the United States.
The American people as a whole do not seem besotted with the ZIONIST thug Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel or the the ZIONIST warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine.
Working class people of whatever race or ethnic group have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. This applies to Jews who are not pro-Zionist , pro-capitalist , and pro-American militarist.
But together forever Israeli Zionism and American imperialism. " Good " Catholic Joe Biden said that if he were a Jew , of course, he would be a ZIONIST Jew. United States Election 2024 will be one hell of a " Great Event in History.
Friday, November 24, 2023
The Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews beginning with Secretary of State Antony Blinken
This is what you are dealing with : the administration of corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews beginning with Secretary of State Antony Blinken who must find inspiration in the political wisdom of the still living mentor ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger who must have a found a mentor in the notorious conservative Austrian statesman von Metternich ( downfall 1848 ). .
In contrast ordinary working class people in all countries can distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Zionist APARTHEID Israel -together forever with American imperialism -is making itself the most hated nation-state on the planet.
If you are Jewish and you are :
NONSENSE about left wing anti-Semitism :
If you are Jewish and you are :
a) rabidly PRO-ZIONIST
b) fervidly PRO-CAPITALIST
c) manically PRO-AMERICAN MILITARIST( pro-American imperialism )
d) Mercilessly PR0-GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine :
You might be right to suspect that the LEFT-WING " deplorables" might even UNFRIEND You .
Now contrast that to the Neo-Nazi " UNFRIEND THE JEW " agenda .
Anti-Semitic Elon Musk ?
The way I view it as a longtime independent democratic socialist is that the very pillars of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy " are secular , openly anti-Christian, ZIONIST Jews. Oddly enough, they never apply " Critical Race Theory " to APARTHEID Israel. " Liberal " , " progressive " Jews attached to the Democratic Party are always patronizing, grooming , or mentoring rising star Black leaders . Black Muslim Malcom X way back in 1965 was very cynical about rich " liberal " Jews pretending to be the best friend of Black people in a society of barely suppressed ( their view ) White supremacy , " la supremacia blanca ". Presently vicious " identity politics " is backfiring on WOKE Democrat Jews. Just a few years ago BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies featured flying Palestinian flags.
Where is Elon's Musk's heart if he is :
PRO-ZIONIST , PRO- CAPITALIST , and PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST ( together forever with Israeli Zionism ) ?
Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism ( which ,of course, included Zionism ) . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ".
And long ago the United Nations declared ZIONISM to be a form of racism.
In every country on earth ordinary working class people can always distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . For weeks now they are in the streets by the hundreds of thousands protesting Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine . In the streets the pro-ZIONIST voice is barely heard .
" OUR democracy " is even failing right wing populist Donald Trump
As an independent democratic socialist I can see how ,in a way now, even " OUR democracy " is failing Donald Trump. " Deep State " which is really entrenched in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, is determined to smear him as an out of control " populist " ( on the Left or on the Right synonymous with " dangerous "). Immediately after his " shock " election " in 2016 mainstream news media, regarding " The Donald ", made rather ridiculous innuendoes of " anti-Semitism ". This might be connected to Trump's still frequent references to " FAKE NEWS ".
But in general the American TWO PARTY SYSTEM is at the meltdown stage. It is really time for an independent third party surge. Perhaps sparked by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.- himself a " Profile in Courage " . And oddly enough, also smeared as " anti-Semitic ". That is what happens to American politicians when they step out of line with " Deep State ". We just passed the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. RFK Jr. has much credibility here.
REAL liberals in what is left of " OUR democracy " must condemn the LEGAL persecution -not prosecution -of the former president now matter how disturbing his right wing populism .
REAL socialists will continue to point out how profoundly irrational is the capitalist system, and how INSANE is American militarism allied forever with Israeli Zionism. The YOUTH in all countries are turned off by creepy Joe Biden and thuggish Benjamin Netanyahu. Also the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
Around the clock belligerent ZIONIST Jews censor anti-war , anti-ZIONISM public opinion in " OUR democracy "
The American people are in no mood for another stupid endless war -or possibly nuclear World War III - to make the world safe not for " democracy " - but for the ZIONIST Jew thug president of APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu , the war monger embezzler ZIONIST Jew president of " sovereign " Ukraine , V. Zelensky , for the American imperialist ZIONIST Jew Secretary of State Antony Blinken. And the mainstream news media -led by the ZIONIST Jew New York Times ( always FAKE NEWS ) will not succeed in stirring up deranged war fever with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago,
Around the clock anti-war, anti-ZIONISM public opinion in the United States is CENSORED by ZIONIST Jews under the pretense that they are suppressing only hate speech.
No safely employed news media reporter , journalist, editor , TV anchor , talk radio show blowhard will ever admit this while still employed..
The Joe Biden administration and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party are
packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews. They see corrupt , senile, creepy, " Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot.
Don't expect to hear this from NBC's " most trusted " Lester Holt or genial ( if not gentile ) Chuck Todd.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
I have not seen any antiwar protests like this since the late 1960s. Today protest at Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade !
The whole WORKING CLASS world is fed up with belligerent Zionist APARTHEID Israel. And appalled by Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine pre-approved by American imperialism.
There must have been a rather sudden " sea change " among American youth . I have not seen any anti-war protests like this since the late 1960s. Will 2024 be like that peak year of the " Tumultuous Sixties " 1968 ?
LBJ resigned that year. Will corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden resign early in 2024 ?
Clearly the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM is in meltdown. And American militarism will never recruit this younger generation to fight for the thug Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel or the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Wise Sixties remark : " What if they start a war and nobody shows up ? "
In our " Culture of Narcissism " real " Spirit of Christmas " music is almost banned ! Like " Oh Holy Night "
While waiting for my brother in law Guy to pick me up to spend Thanksgiving at my sister Adrienne's pleasant cozy house in Cranston , I listened to this soft , pleasant SPIRITUAL Christmas music. A contrast to a nearly blasphemous " An American Christmas " program played often this time on local radio. It seems that THEY prohibit ANY music which suggest CHRISTIAN music theme like the birth of Christ.The obnoxious intolerant attitude of the New Atheism prevails in our " Culture of Narcissism " today.
And who are THEY ? Well THEIR Christmas gift to the Gaza Palestinians is GENOCIDE pre-approved by American imperialism.
Needed an Uncorrupted Congressional Investigation of ZIONIST Jew censorship in " OUR Democracy "
A future less corrupted and bribed US CONGRESS will investigate -NAMING NAMES - the extent of ZIONIST Jew censorship of ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM American public opinion. In the mainstream news media of " OUR democracy " there is hardly an honest , uncorrupted journalist , reporter , columnist , editor , TV anchor.
Also the pillars of the WOKE ideological tyranny in the public schools , in Ivy League schools, are invariably secular, openly , anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews.
So many " comments " are REMOVED without any explanation by a faceless ( Christian ? ) censor other than they " violate " community " standards against hate speech.
Please name the name of these New McCarthyism censors . Belligerent ZIONIST Jews get to judge what constitutes hate speech for the whole country ? Nothing hateful about APARTHEID Israel ,vicious identity politics, and daffy WOKE ideology ?
THEY censor not hate speech but IDEAS & OPINIONS that rub them the wrong way .
George Nathan. Adams
A victim of the terrible 1938 Hurricane in Rhode Island this man now rests uniquely in the frequently vandalized Roger WILLIAMS PARK Mausoleum.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
RIP ( ? ) GEORGE NATHAN ADAMS at the vandalized Roger William Park Mausoleum
I just discovered that one of the dear departed residents of the Roger Williams Park Mausoleum was first a victim of the terrible 1938 Hurricane in Rhode Island . His name is George Nathan Adams , Birth 9 , Jan 1864 , Death, 21 Sept. 1938 ( at age 74 ). There were reported 229 deaths in Rhode Island alone.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am pleased to see the arrogant ZIONIST Jew community rip itself apart
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am pleased to see the arrogant ZIONIST Jew community rip itself apart. In our WOKE " democracy " secular ZIONIST Jews are the very pillars of WOKE. They hate CHRISTIANS as much as they hate any imagined " Jews for Jesus ". And they hate " socialist " Jews like Bernie Sanders as much as they hate Trotskyist Jews. Their prevailing ethos these American Zionists is pro-CAPITALISM, pro- Israeli ZIONISM , and pro-American imperialism ( especially when it defends APARTHEID Israel's " right to exist " as a mockery even of bourgeois democracy.
THEY have nothing in common with the American working class - CHRISTIAN or NON-CHRISTIAN.
Working class CHRISTIAN public opinion on genocide in Gaza is blocked by ZIONIST Jew zealot censors
As long as belligerent ZIONIST Jews control the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " we will never know the truth about these wars fought -together forever -with American imperialism..
The corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden is packed with ZIONIST Jew zealots. They see " Sleepy Joe " as their proverbial useful idiot. What working class CHRISTIANS think about the genocide in Gaza , Palestine is blocked out mostly by the ZIONIST Jew censors. You do not have to be a goose stepping Neo Nazi to see this. I am a longtime independent democratic socialist who voted for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in the April 2016 Rhode Island presidential primary. The SHOCK of the local political hacks: Bernie won !
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
So many un-exemplary " Jew in the News " . Add " Tinder Swindler " Simon Leviev to the " endless list that won't be missed "
So many un-exemplary " Jews in the News " .Decadence worthy of Sodom and Gomorrah ! Are they by chance nostalgic for the last days of the German Weimar Republic ? When he gets out of jail disgraced Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein can make a comeback film on this theme. A while back before THE FALL Weinstein told an adoring pro-Israel audience that Jews should " learn from the Mafia ". And they did!.
There are hardly any socialist humanists left among the last two generations of American Jews. Their prevailing ethos is pro-CAPITALISM , pro-ZIONISM , and pro-American imperialism ( especially when it defends Israel's " right to exist " as an APARTHEID mockery even of bourgeois democracy.
Add " Tinder Swindler " Simon Leviev to the " endless list that won't be missed "
How much longer 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " be muzzled by the ZIONIST Jew censorship ?
Zionist APARTHEID Israel can be compared to APARTHEID South Africa. Long ago the United Nations declared ZIONISM a form of racism.Working class people in all countries can distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
Part of the explanation for the horror in Gaza , Palestine is that the corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews. They must see " Sleepy Joe " as their proverbial useful idiot.
Israeli Zionism is making itself - together forever with American imperialism- the most hated country on the planet.
The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " daily censors ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion. How much longer can 200 million working class CHRISTIANS be muzzled ? To be sure ,they are turned off by the decadent WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " be muzzled by the ZIONIST Jew censorship ?
Zionist APARTHEID Israel can be compared to APARTHEID South Africa. Long ago the United Nations declared ZIONISM a form of racism.Working class people in all countries can distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
Part of the explanation for the horror in Gaza , Palestine is that the corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews. They must see " Sleepy Joe " as their proverbial useful idiot.
Israeli Zionism is making itself - together forever with American imperialism- the most hated country on the planet.
The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " daily censors ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion. How much longer can 200 million working class CHRISTIANS be muzzled ? To be sure ,they are turned off by the decadent WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Hi Bill. Ron Ruggieri here. I hope all is as well as possible with you and Sue. Happy Thanksgiving week.I will be at my sister Adrienne's house. I catch and appreciate your LIKES on my Facebook page. Let me know when we can meet for lunch this winter.2024 will be a hell of a year.Like the iconic year 1968? If there is hope it lies in the proles!
Fwd: Your credibility?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Nov 21, 2023, 1:44 PM
Subject: Your credibility?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Nov 21, 2023, 1:44 PM
Subject: Your credibility?
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
All the 630WPRO talk radio celebs SLOBBER over the program sponsors. How can thinking listeners take them seriously as shapers of public opinion?
There should be a congressional investigation of our insane advertising industry
Could Consumer Reports confirm that we are living in the Golden Age of False Advertising ? The prescription drugs advertised every minute on some radio or TV stations are a HEALTH HAZARD to the public. Those creepy , silly , GIDDY drug commercials are getting more and more bizarre and obnoxious.
They should be banned ! On local radio TV stations the tuned in audience is bombarded with unctuous , charlatan sounding NAVAGE nose cleaner and PREVAGEN memory " miracle " commercials. Must EVERYBODY in the country get hooked on junk NON-PRESCRIPTION products ? How greedy can the capitalist investors get ?
There should be a congressional investigation of our insane advertising industry.
Monday, November 20, 2023
POLICE STATE vs. HATE CRIME ? If you want to make people KIND , make them less miserable !
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can only have a sardonic laugh over the capitalist POLICE STATE concerning itself with " hate crime ". How do you uproot the EMOTION known as hate in a capitalist society based on the exploitation and oppression of the MAJORITY by a tiny plutocrat minority ? This minority must be above " hate " ,of course, while daily attending to their rather unloving business, always involving WAR and MILITARISM . THEY will start the holocaust of nuclear World War III - a mass genocide! - but with no such politically incorrect HATE in their cold , cold hearts.
if you want to make people KIND ,make them less miserable !
Glad to know that " smartest man who ever lived " was a SOCIALIST supporting the Russian Revolution !
What I found amazing about this SMARTER THAN EINSTEIN child prodigy ( IQ 300 ? ) is that he soon rebelled against that LOW IQ social order of CAPITALISM . He began to identify with the OPPRESSED working class at the very time of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution :
[ "Again, this was a time in American history when a lot of people were very much opposed to socialism as they viewed it. So, when Sidis went on trial, and it was covered by the media, he didn't exactly make any friends. It was revealed that he supported the Russian Revolution, in addition to being a pacifist and a socialist. This wasn't long after the end of World War I. " ]
But then the LESSER GENIUS Albert Einstein late in life wrote a popular essay titled " Why Socialism ? "
NOTE : I am cynical about IQ evaluations even of " genius ". A necessary side of GENERAL intelligence is EMOTIONAL intelligence. A gifted child can seem to be fluent in a half a dozen languages. The MEANING of so many words is inseparable from their CONTEXT. A child " genius " does not have the HUMAN experience in LIFE needed to understand , for example , a great novelist like Charles Dickens.
Many child prodigies are ruined for LIFE by being forced to show ACHIEVEMENT . GENIUS is best encouraged and left alone with that INNER LIGHT.
One hint that this guy was smarter than Einstein was that he willfully shunned " girl friends and marriage ". Einstein was more weak minded here. He married early, had two kids. His thoughts on bourgeois marriage border on the vulgar. Too late he learned " only a pig could have invented this institution."
SOME marriages might be made in heaven.
SOCIALISTS are wise to stay single !
[ "The concept of marriage must have been thought up by an unimaginative pig. "]
Albert Einstein
The TRUTH in the streets in all the countries of the so called FREE WORLD is that Zionist APARTHEID Israel has made itself the most hated country on the planet. But " OUR democracy " blocks the message because the corrupt , senile Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews backed up by the mainstream news media.
WORKING CLASS Christians in America have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever. But Biden in his Commander in Chief role will not get any half-bright WORKING CLASS kids to risk their lives for the thug ZIONIST Jew leader of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu or the warmonger ZIONIST Jew embezzler, V. Zelensky of " Greater Israel " Ukraine .
NOTE : The ZIONIST Jew censorship will probably REMOVE or SCRATCH OVER my post here. It will be shared on my blog and Facebook page. A future uncorrupted US Congress will investigate today's ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion. THEY cannot censor what we say to friends and relatives, censor what we say in church and in the working class beer halls and pubs. What we say in our sleep as Winston Smith in " 1984 " : " DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER ! "
Time for the Catholic Church to confer Sainthood upon the heroine of WORKING CLASS Argentina Eva Peron
Time for the Catholic Church to confer Sainthood upon the heroine of WORKING CLASS Argentina Eva Peron.
Soon enough a less than completely corrupted Congress of the United States will investigate NAMING NAMES Zionist Jew censorship in " OUR democracy "
In a happier future time a less than completely corrupted Congress of the United States will investigate NAMING NAMES the extent of ZIONIST Jew censorship in " OUR democracy " . Just WHO are these paid Orwellian censors ? Who programs these obnoxious , ludicrous SCRATCH OVERS on You Tube ? I have a collection of them and forward them to ( don't laugh) the New York Times !
Speaking of David Axelrod there are not a few ZIONIST Jew " pricks " in the " Sleepy Joe " Biden administration
[ "Axelrod was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, and grew up in its Stuyvesant Town area.[1][8][9] He was raised in a liberal Jewish family[10][11] and had his bar mitzvah ceremony at the Brotherhood Synagogue in Manhattan." ]
Some of Biden's " pricks " are worthy of the epithet . Soon he could include thug ZIONIST Jew Benjamin Netanyahu of APARTHEID Israel and Jew war monger and embezzler V. Zelensky of " Greater Israel " Ukraine .
Packed with such " pricks ", how can the Biden administration expect to see another " Sleepy Joe " term ? Some might set up an ACLU headquarters in Gaza, Palestine.
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Election in Argentina - time for Catholic Church to confer sainthood on legendary First Lady of Argentina Eva Peron ?
Like the " Far Right" Donald Trump cult in the United States , Argentina would give THE PEOPLE another Juan Peron ? Another Eva Peron ? Any " populist " candidate in bourgeois democracy on the Right or on the Left can get out of control even of the seemingly stable capitalist ruling class. Packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews - hell bent on taking their FREE WORLD into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia- how stable is the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy "USA ?
The so called FREE WORLD on all continents is resting on the rotten foundation of decaying capitalism.
How " democratic " are our dear allies the thug ZIONIST Jew Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger embezzler ZIONIST Jew V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? How " democratic " is bloody Saudi Arabia ?
Everywhere decaying capitalism will begin to look the last days of the German Weimar Republic.
How many socially prominent Jews nowadays are NOT pro-capitalist, pro-Zionist, and pro- American imperialist ? In contrast, how many are democratic socialists, socialist internationalists, old fashioned anti-war pacifists ?
The fate of Gaza , Palestine is the fate of the WORKING CLASS everywhere unless global capitalism is overthrown.
It might be wise now for the New World Order Catholic Church to confer sainthood on the legendary First Lady of Argentina Eva Peron. The WORKING CLASS loved her !
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Sunday, November 19, 2023
How many young Americans of prime military age will follow this corrupt , senile jackass president of the United States into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
How many young Americans of prime military age will follow this corrupt , senile jackass president of the United States into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
I prefer the Catholic philosopher Thomas Aquinas to the high priest of NOTHINGNESS the disgraced ZIONIST Jew scientist Lawrence Kraus
The " scientific " sophistry that the UNIVERSE with its glorious ORDER and complexity came from NOTHING -literally NOTHING - is far more obtuse than a Catholic theologian like Aquinas arriving at an UNMOVED MOVER or an UNCREATED CREATOR.
Modern science has been corrupted by crude CAPITALIST ideology. Are we also to believe that PROFIT comes from nothing ( but the magic of the entrepreneur ) and NOT systematic and PLANNED exploitation of the working class which always included brain workers ?
Indeed, the New Atheism - for which so many secular ZIONIST Jews have an affinity - is more obnoxious and arrogant than it is " scientific ".
Did belligerent ZIONIST and militant atheist Ayn Rand , author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " , have her own theory of cosmology ? I prefer the Catholic philosopher Thomas Aquinas to the High Priest of NOTHINGNESS the now disgraced ZIONIST Jew scientist Lawrence Kraus .
I wonder how many WOKE scientists today believe in FREE SPEECH?
There is a parallel to the Jewish ritual of " excommunication " ( applied to Spinoza ) and the ZIONIST Jew hand in our " Cancel Culture "
[We should, in fact, take the herem document at its word: What really got Spinoza in trouble were his “evil opinions” and “abominable heresies.” ]
[" The Senhores of the ma’amad [the congregation’s lay " governing board] having long known of the evil opinions and acts of Baruch de Spinoza, have endeavored by various means and promises to turn him from his evil ways. However, having failed to make him mend his wicked ways, and, on the contrary, daily receiving more and more serious information about the abominable heresies which he practiced and taught and about his monstrous deeds, and having for this numerous trustworthy witnesses who have "]
There is a parallel between this Jewish ritual of " excommunication " applied to the wise Jewish philosopher Spinoza and ZIONIST Jew censorship in our " CANCEL CULTURE " democracy.
Osama letter to America goes viral . But why ?
For a democratic socialist this is axiomatic : belligerent ZIONIST Jews should not get away with CENSORING what THEY perceive as HATE SPEECH for everybody else in " OUR democracy " .
This is even true of Hitler's " Mein Kampf ". I did get around to reading that rather tedious windbag orator Adolph Hitler " Bible " . It was not all about THE JEWS. German nationalism had a found a VOICE for German militarism which was a REACTION to British, French , and American imperialism and fear of nightmare STALINIST " socialism in one country ( ? ) Russia.
To what degree were " left-wing " German Jews pillars of the notorious moral decadence of the last days of the Weimar Republic ? Something comparable is not happening here in
What destroyed the morale of the once confident WASP American ruling class ?
In the past 50 years the " morale " of the once proud and confident WASP American ruling class has been undermined by " assimilation " with belligerent, secular ZIONIST Jews. Less than a decade ago many Republican candidates for president of the United States professed to be disciples - of all people - Ayn Rand, author of the reactionary classic " The Virtue of Selfishness ".
And yet today the Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent Zionist Jews . So is his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party with its Senate Leader Chuck Schumer saying that HE wants to be " guardian angel of Israel ".
No accident that they are firmly backing the thug ZIONIST Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zekensky in his " Greater Israel " Ukraine.
The result ? 200 MILLION Christians feel quite alienated from " OUR democracy " ! A recent poll has most American Jews supporting President Joe Biden. Biden said a while back that if HE ( a good Catholic ! ) were a Jew , he would be a ZIONIST Jew . Go figure why AMERICA is GONE WITH THE WIND !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 _
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Reckless prescription of QUETIAPINE FUMARATE for elderly neighbor with dementia ?
My 90 year old neighbor Rita on the same floor has been diagnosed with dementia. While checking her mail today I was shown a bottle of prescription medicine. I thought it was for PAIN as Rita has arthritis and frequently complains about pain in her hip. Curious , I wrote the name of the prescription: " QUETIAPINE FUMARATE . I was disturbed by this warning when checking the purpose of the drug :
[Quetiapine-related toxicity is typically associated with central nervous system (CNS) depression, leading to slurred speech, sedation, and hypotension. Notably, quetiapine has a black box warning associated with death in older adults with dementia, and higher doses are believed to exacerbate this risk (1).Dec 2, 2022[
I lack the medical knowledge to question this. But there is cause for concern here. I think Rita would be safer now in HOSPICE care and just made COMFORTABLE and free of pain.
This particular drug I read is a generic form of Seroquel which was wrongly prescribed to my 89 year old mother in the last months of her life. The family got her off it as it caused nightmares and was BLACK BOXED for the elderly.
To be sure 90 year old Rita should not be living alone as she is an accident waiting to happen.
Today there was nothing but junk mail for both Rita and I.
[ Another consideration : should a 90 year old woman with dementia-LIVING ALONE - be unsupervised with a dangerous prescription ? Rita will FORGET what she was just told !]
[OVERVIEW: Seroquel, which is known generically as quetiapine fumarate, is an atypical antipsychotic medication which was approved by the FDA in 1997. It is approved for treatment of schizophrenia, but it is also commonly used off-label for treatment of anxiety, obsessive dementia, compulsive disorders and autism.
AstraZeneca has been accused of heavily marketing Seroquel for “off-label” uses which the FDA has not approved or determined to be safe and effective. Some experts have estimated that as much as 70% of all Seroquel prescriptions were for unapproved uses.
Seroquel has been used by more than 19 million people worldwide. It is one of the most profitable drugs for AstraZeneca, with annual sales of about $2.8 billion]
Whatever amounts to anti-Semitism is inseparable from the war crimes of Zionist APARTHEID Israel
At a time when Israeli ZIONISM is committing GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine the mainstream news media would have the American people all flustered over a mostly imagined spread of anti-Semitism . Whatever amounts to anti-Semitism today -in contrast to the ignorant Dark Age - is inseparable from the war crimes of Zionist APARTHEID Israel together forever with American imperialism.
ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion is daily censored in " OUR democracy " . On You Tube if not REMOVED is idiotically scratched over ( no doubt by Christian zealots ! ).
In all countries working class people can readily distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Our comfortable petty bourgeoisie have a problem here, especially if DISSENT would disturb their paymasters.
Most of these destitute , desperate migrants come from countries destroyed by American imperialism
A democratic socialist government backed by the authority of THE PEOPLE will not beg the wealthy for anything . They will learn from the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 how to deal with the capitalist exploiters and oppressors of THE PEOPLE.
Most of these destitute , desperate migrants come from countries destroyed by American imperialism. As Black Muslim Malcolm X put it decades ago : " The chickens are coming home to roost ".
American capitalist society is in visible decay as author Naomi Wolfe points out in a recent excellent essay.
Long ago Karl Marx was right about the true nature of THE LAW in capitalist society : it serves the interests of the ruling class even the convoluted interests of a ruling class in conflict with itself.
To deny FREE SPEECH to a former president of the United States is real legal chutzpah. But a legion of shyster lawyers is still determined to " Get Trump ".
American capitalist society is in visible decay as author Naomi Wolfe points out in a recent excellent essay.
I had to check out the lyrics of " Baby It's Cold Outside ". No wonder the neurotic " ME-TOO " crowd wanted it censored
I had to check out the lyrics of the popular Dean Martin song " Baby It's Cold Outside ".
I can see why the neurotic ME-TOO crowd wanted this song censored. But the HUMAN mating game with all its " dirty tricks " is only a million years old.
Dean Martin was a GREAT popular singer. I heard he died of a broken heart over the death of his son.
Featured snippet from the web
[ " Martin's grief over his son's death left him depressed and demoralized. Lewis stated in an on-stage interview in 2005 that subsequent to his son's death Martin became a reclusive alcoholic."
Dean Martin - Wikipedia]
Other world leaders just cannot measure up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son !
Corrupt , senile, creepy president of the United States " Sleepy Joe"Biden & Son looks more and more ridiculous always WARNING other world leaders ( a threat of nuclear war ? ) who do not measure up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son in " OUR.democracy " which sets the gold standard everywhere for RIGHT THINKING and political wisdom.
200 MILLION Christian voices in " OUR democracy " should raise their collective voice against ZIONIST Jew censorship of " news "
[ " Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million) . " ]
[ "As of 2019, DellaPergola estimated the “Jewish connected” population in the United States at about 8 million. The 2020 Pew Research Center estimate of 7.5 million Jews of all ages roughly matches the current AJPP total. " ]
The only way to get TRUTH out on Zionist APARTHEID Israel's genocide and war crimes in Gaza , Palestine is for more than 200 million CHRISTIAN souls in the United States to MASS PROTEST in the streets ZIONIST JEW CONTROL OVER " NEWS
" What if THEY [ a cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews] start a war and nobody shows up " ?
The American ruling class is seriously deluded if it thinks it can RECRUIT a new generation of young working class Americans to fight nuclear World War III with China, Russia, Iran , North Korea.
Led by corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden & Son , " OUR democracy " sets the gold standard for RIGHT THINKING governments around the world ?
Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " thought : " What if THEY [ a cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews ] start a war and nobody shows up ?
Reverie on Sports Mania in TIME - life as a useless passion !
I never attended a local high school football game. Nearby is busy Cranston Stadium. Weather permitting I might soon get a whiff of the ATMOSPHERE of school sports drama - the highs and lows of regional Olympics.The stuff of Ancient Greek poetry - the immortal game ! A moment in TIME for healthy , beautiful YOUTH.
But also THE VANITY of it all. Ashes in your mouth victory. Manic murderous emotions aroused by a controversial call. Terrible injury to a fine young body.
Do hot apple juice and hotdogs with mustard and relish taste better in the stadium stands on a chilly afternoon in November? Do teen age girls look more radiantly delicious to teen age boys leaving THE GAME ?
The roar of the crowd for the home team echoes what was heard in Olympia 3000 years ago . Pindar captures the eternal MOOD of very watched athletic contests.
In a sober mood on a Saturday afternoon I wonder while watching TV how THE CROWD gets so excited over a golf game.
A fan memory of young Red Sox legend Ted Williams : a poetry in motion vision. But his decapitated head and lifeless body now FROZEN IN TIME in some super cold cryogenics hell. Show that on a fine Greek vase !
Friday, November 17, 2023
Russia's Putin got this right : The United States has a dangerous HUBRIS belief in its own exceptionalism
NOTE the ZIONIST JEW censorship evident in the scratched over words ?
American imperialism -together forever with Israeli Zionism -is not a force for GOOD in the world anymore than super powers China and Russia and bellicose but futile North Korea .And much over-vilified Islamic Iran.
Russia 's Vladimir Putin got this right in a published article here years ago : The United States dangerously deludes itself with its HUBRIS belief in its own exceptionalism. The inexorable laws of HISTORY do not give our capitalist ruling class a pass.
For a number of years now working class Americans and socially sinking middle class Americans have had a putrescent whiff of " OUR democracy " - not worth starting nuclear World War III over.
Today it is hard to find a socially prominent Jew who is not a vociferous PRO-ZIONIST , PRO-CAPITALIST , PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST !
NOT the scratch over in my post below !
You really have to be politically dense not to understand the SEEMING rise in " anti-Semitism " on college campuses. Decade after decade the mainstream news media in the United States shamelessly associates widespread revulsion for Zionist APARTHEID Israel with the effete anti-Semitism of the Christian Dark Age .
Working class people everywhere and more and[ more sensitive and INFORMED college students , including JEWISH college students ]- have no difficulty in any dramatic world conflict distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
The mainstream news media in the United States ( and, of course , it is now THOUGHT CRIME to conceive it as being dominated by belligerent ZIONIST Jews ) presently tries to shift attention away from Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine to mostly imagined rise in anti-Semitism in the country ?. Is anti-Semitism some strange , inexplicable social virus, older than the Great Plague, for which even a scientific ( Marxist ? ) study of history has no clear explanation ?
In the past not a few intellectual Jews were attached to the organized labor movement which always transcended race , gender , and ethnic identity. Read socialist American writer Irving Howe's " World of Our Fathers ". Indeed many radical Jews were associated with socialist and communist political organizations.
Today it is hard to find a socially prominent Jew who is not a vociferous PRO-ZIONIST , PRO -CAPITALIST , PRO-AMERICAN IMPERIALIST . To this add : the pillars of WOKE ideology in the Democratic Party and in Ivy League academia are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews. To most CHRISTIANS in " OUR democracy " WOKE ideology is odious .
So PERCEIVED anti-Semitism is still a complete mystery ?
So few people in the mainstream news media are free to express REVULSION at our relations with other world powers and nation states
So few people in the mainstream news media are free to express sane REVULSION at our relations with other world powers and nation states. When corrupt , senile ,creepy Joe Biden calls the leader of China a " dictator " does that make " Sleepy Joe " and his WOKE WARRIOR party the gold standard for political wisdom in " OUR democracy " ?
Are our unsavory allies in APARTHEID Israel , bloody Saudi Arabia, " Greater Israel "Ukraine , pillars of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ?
What IDEALS lurk in Joe Biden's fuzzy brain for which are worth risking nuclear World War III with " communist " China, Islamic Iran , or POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Or bellicose but futile North Korea ?
Many working class Americans and many sinking middle class Americans have had a good whiff of " OUR democracy " in recent years !
This morning Genial Gene ( 630 WPRO ) irked me with his vociferous opinion that our dear pets only SEEM to have feelings
This morning Genial Gene ( 630 WPRO ) irked me with his vociferous opinion that our dear pets only SEEM to have FEELINGS ! Way back in the 19th century Charles Darwin wrote " The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals ". Our species HOMO SAPIENS are not a special creation. We did inherit the generic MAMMALIAN BRAIN. You have to be emotionally stunted not to see EMOTION in pets and wild animals . Read Jack London's classic novel " Call of the Wild ". There was nothing sentimental about this American SOCIALIST author Jack London:
[ " The fourth insight [ Charles Darwin's ] was that emotions are not unique to humans, but found in many other species. His examples in Expression range from bees to roosters, dogs, cats, horses as well as other primates. " ]
Title: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and. Animals .. by Darwin, Charles
Fwd: Gene Valicenti and the 630WPRO vet are not being " scientific " when they say that our pets only SEEM to have feelings . Just read DARWIN !
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 at 10:10
Subject: Gene Valicenti and the 630WORO vet are not being " scientific " when they say that our pets only SEEM to have feelings . Just read DARWIN !
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 at 10:10
Subject: Gene Valicenti and the 630WORO vet are not being " scientific " when they say that our pets only SEEM to have feelings . Just read DARWIN !
To: <>
[ " The fourth insight [ Darwin's ] was that emotions are not unique to humans, but found in many other species. His examples in Expression range from bees to roosters, dogs, cats, horses as well as other primates. " ]

Title: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and... by Darwin, Charles
Found on Google from
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Karl Marx proved long ago that what generates PROFIT for the capitalist class is the EXPLOITATION of the working class
Karl Marx in his writings long ago proved that what generates PROFIT for the capitalist class - without exception - is the EXPLOITATION of the working class. In some areas of employment EXPLOITATION is more intense . Organized labor always tries to lessen this. But do not expect any incurably greedy capitalists to vote for Bernie Sanders disciples in any election. Just THINK : How does a tiny class of business owners end up with most of country's tangible wealth not just on paper wealth ? And how do working class people, who do all the real work end , up with very little PRIVATE PROPERTY ? Put Karl Marx aside and ponder a fundament law of natural science : conservation of mass-energy - which simply means that you can not get something for nothing . The greedy capitalists are NOT magicians !
[However, googling “Starbucks-Israeli settlements,” revealed a goldmine of information.
A Muslim website had the most extensive information about Starbucks CEO Schultz:
On this website, it notes an award given to Schultz is no longer listed on the Starbucks website: “In 1998 he was honored by the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah with ‘The Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award’ for his services to the Zionist state in ‘playing a key role in promoting close alliance between the United States and Israel.”]
NOTE how the ZIONIST Jew censorship scratched over " and the shaky loyalty of the rank and file US military forces " !
[ Note how the ZIONIST Jew censorship scratched over " and the shaky loyalty of the rank and file US military forces " !]
With virtually ZERO support from WE THE PEOPLE and the shaky loyalty of the rank and file US military forces the chief executive officer of American imperialism, corrupt , senile , creepy Joe Biden, imagines that he can daily WARN and threaten the designated enemy of the month of " OUR democracy " - China, Russia, Iran , North Korea , countries whose leadership does not measure up to the high moral standards of Corporate America, of the CIA, FBI , " Deep State " , of the Pentagon War Crimes Dept. , Homeland Security , of Joe Biden & Son !
Just with what can " Sleepy Joe " threaten these EVIL EMPIRE AXIS countries ? Of course, with inherently genocidal nuclear weapons ! And no need for VOTE APPROVE from WE THE PEOPLE !
But the mass ANTI-WAR , ANTI -GENOCIDE in Gaza protests around the world shout out that the sun is setting on American imperialism, together forever with Israeli Zionism.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
In " OUR democracy " the people deciding the limits of free speech are called the RULING CLASS.
In " OUR democracy " the people deciding the limits of free speech are called the RULING CLASS . And within this class belligerent ZIONIST Jews decide what constitutes " hate speech ". There is daily censorship of ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM American public opinion. It helps them to own and control vast means of communications. Presently they try to switch the hot topic of public concern from Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestine to mostly imagined growth of anti-Semitism in the United States. Working class American have no difficulty in ALL conflicts distinguishing the OPPRESSED from the OPPRESSORS . In the recent Pro-Israel demonstration in Washington D.C. how many in the crowd resembled Orwellian " proles ".
1984 : " if there is hope it lies in the proles " ( Winston Smith ).
The designated enemies of " OUR democracy " are just not on the high moral level of Joe Biden & Son
What " Uncle Joe " Biden must keep in mind is that the designated enemies of " OUR democracy " are just not on the high moral level of Joe Biden & Son. Nor are they as morally enlightened as distinguished members of the US Congress and Senate , as our high courts, as our CIA , FBI, " Deep State ", Pentagon War Crimes Dept.
But the UNFREE WORLD has never tasted the blessings of American capitalism and our TWO PARTY SYSTEM and the eternal wisdom of the Founding Fathers.
Only our America is exceptional in being above all the known laws of history. Well, Zionist APARTHEID is also special in the eyes if history.
ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion is really getting quite obnoxious in " OUR democracy "
Has any HAMAS spy located " weapons of mass destruction " inside Zionist APARTHEID Israel ? There is a well founded suspicion of an Israeli nuclear arsenal there . Tell me nuclear weapons ,possessed by American imperialism or Israeli Zionism or Iran Islamism, are NOT genocidal ?
If belligerent Israel should possess THE BOMB , why not belligerent Iran ?
To be sure , North Korea knows what gets respect in the global capitalist world . Why not send our SURPLUS nuclear weapons to the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " sovereign " Ukraine ? PARITY makes sense here .
ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion is really getting quite obnoxious in " OUR democracy " !
As a German, I am deeply ashamed of my government.
If belligerent Israel should possess THE BOMB , then why not belligerent Iran ?
Has any HAMAS spy located " weapons of mass destruction " inside Zionist APARTHEID Israel ? There is a well founded suspicion of an Israeli nuclear arsenal there . Tell me nuclear weapons ,possessed by American imperialism or Israeli Zionism or Iran Islamism, are NOT inherently genocidal ?
If belligerent Israel should possess THE BOMB , why not belligerent Iran ?
To be sure , North Korea knows what gets respect in the global capitalist world . Why not send our SURPLUS nuclear weapons to the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in " sovereign " Ukraine ? PARITY makes sense here .
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Many Jewish college students participated in recent Pro-Palestine rallies
I like the headline in the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE this morning : " The Washington D.C. March : a bipartisan rally for genocide . "
[ " Substantial funding was devoted to flying participants from throughout the country and financing their attendance. At its height, however, the rally barely attracted 10,000 people, a tiny fraction of those who participated in the mass rally of 300,000 in Washington D.C. 10 days ago " ]
In fact there is much CENSORSHIP in " OUR democracy " of ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion.
The article pointed out that many Jewish college students participated in recent , some MUCH BIGGER, Pro-Palestine rallies. I filmed one in front of the Textron office building in downtown Providence.
An eternal truth : AMERICA IS SPECIAL !
With ZERO support from WE THE PEOPLE the president of the United States ,speaking for the American plutocracy, routinely WARNS China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba. The unsavory leaders of the UNFREE WORLD lack the outstanding moral character of Joe Biden & Son , of the CIA , FBI, " Deep State ", Pentagon War Crimes Dept. The wretched of the earth can learn so much from " OUR democracy ".
Also of the highest moral character : our allies like thug ZIONIST Jew Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel,, warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in Greater Israel Ukraine ,the bloody Saudi Arabian royal family.
Perhaps a dose of our TWO PARTY SYSTEM will reform our dear allies. They need THEIR Joe Biden & Son , Donald Trump, Hillary and Bill Clinton.
An eternal truth : AMERICA IS SPECIAL !
Italian post-war Neo-realism film " Umberto-D " was very moving
I rarely go to the movies anymore - so bad, so bad, But I wish
Hollywood film makers would revive the feelings aroused in me by these
post Italian neo-realism films. I watched this film Umberto D again a
while back. As I am now almost as old as Umberto-D in the movie I can
all the more easily identify with the character. For decades now the Ayn
Rand Republicans have been talking foolishly about privatizing social
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
American imperialism literally sponsors both thug Netanyahu in Israel and warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in his Greater Israel Ukraine
ZIONIST Jew thug leader of APARTHEID Israel Benjamin Netanyhu is now a better bet for GUILTY in some International War Crimes Tribunal than Russia's Vladimir Putin. American imperialism literally sponsors both thug Netanyahu in Israel and warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in his Greater Israel Ukraine. Together forever Israeli Zionism and American imperialism. Everywhere morally sane people can distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
We democratic socialists recommend a ONE STATE solution where Jews and Arabs live together under secular EQUALITY
Long ago the United Nations -the conscience of the world -condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. Most morally sane individuals can with little difficulty distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Mighty arrogant Israel backed by American imperialism is daily persecuted by OCCUPIED Palestine ? Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza is the only solution to terrorism that springs up rather naturally among oppressed, dispossessed people ? I recall years ago an article on the growing Black Muslim movement in the United States ,focusing on charismatic speaker Malcolm X , was titled : " The Hate That Hate Produced ".
Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and imperialism [ add ZIONISM ] , between racism and capitalism.
How many prominent Jews today are anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist , and anti-capitalist ? Just a generation or two ago many Jewish intellectuals were attached to socialist and communist parties and to organized labor in the United States. Today these Jews have been replaced -without exaggeration - by cramped soul disciples of Ayn Rand. Professor Howard Zinn made similar observations on what Zionism has done to the Jews.
We democratic socialists still recommend the ideal of socialist internationalism to both Jews in Israel and Arabs in the Arab world.
Rather than Israel disappear we recommend a ONE STATE solution where Jews and Arabs live together in a SECULAR state not warped by ethno-centrism.
For centuries liberated COSMOPOLITAN types , ZIONISM has turned the Jews collectively into the most unhappily ethnocentric people on the planet.
Is every Jew in the United States also a citizen or an honorary citizen of APARTHEID Israel ? Divided loyalty not a problem here ?
Can one take seriously affluent American Jews fleeing from persecution in New York City ? Vacationing in one one of those Jewish settler communities in occupied Palestine ? A recent video shows Zionist youth spitting on CHRISTIAN Arabs over there.
Rather than Israel disappear we recommend a ONE STATE solution where Jews and Arabs live together under secular EQUALITY
Long ago the United Nations -the conscience of the world -condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. Most morally sane individuals can with little difficulty distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Mighty arrogant Israel backed by American imperialism is daily persecuted by OCCUPIED Palestine ? Israeli GENOCIDE in Gaza is the only solution to terrorism that springs up rather naturally among oppressed, dispossessed people ? I recall years ago an article on the growing Black Muslim movement in the United States ,focusing on charismatic speaker Malcolm X , was titled : " The Hate That Hate Produced ".
Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and imperialism [ add ZIONISM ] , between racism and capitalism.
How many prominent Jews today are anti-imperialist, anti-Zionist , and anti-capitalist ? Just a generation or two ago many Jewish intellectuals were attached to socialist and communist parties and to organized labor in the United States. Today these Jews have been replaced -without exaggeration - by cramped soul disciples of Ayn Rand. Professor Howard Zinn made similar observations on what Zionism has done to the Jews.
We democratic socialists still recommend the ideal of socialist internationalism to both Jews in Israel and Arabs in the Arab world.
Rather than Israel disappear we recommend a ONE STATE solution where Jews and Arabs live together in a SECULAR state not warped by ethno-centrism.
For centuries liberated COSMOPOLITAN types , ZIONISM has turned the Jews collectively into the most unhappily ethnocentric people on the planet.
Is every Jew in the United States also a citizen or an honorary citizen of APARTHEID Israel ? Divided loyalty not a problem here ?
Can one take seriously affluent American Jews fleeing from persecution in New York City ? Vacationing in one one of those Jewish settler communities in occupied Palestine ? A recent video shows Zionist youth spitting on CHRISTIAN Arabs over there.
Disgraced Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein said that Jews should " learn from the Mafia " . And they did !
The " PRO-ISRAEL " theme for this demonstration is morally meaningless. The "PRO-PALESTINE , ANTI-ISRAELI GENOCIDE in GAZA " theme makes more concrete sense.
When young people around the world en- masse protested US war crimes in Vietnam in the " Tumultuous Sixties " right-wing Americans organized " PRO-AMERICA " rallies . Did they VOTE APPROVE for the My Lai massacre ?
The working class people of the world -and more and more not so privileged college students - have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
It is ridiculous to see mighty Israel , together - forever with American imperialism, as being persecuted by OCCUPIED Palestine and surrounding officially non-committal Arab countries.
The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " routinely censors as " hate speech ' ANTI-WAR , ANTI-APARTHEID Israel , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion . Who believes that these most diligent censors are church going Christians ?
The Biden administration and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is packed " with ardent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews. Senate leader Chuck Schumer said a while back that he wishes to be " guardian angel of Israel ".
On the cultural front disgraced Hollywood movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, said a while back that Jews should " learn from the Mafia ". And they did !
And long ago the United Nations condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism.
Clearly the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " hardly believes anymore in MAJORITY RULE .
For democratic socialists " fiscal responsibility " starts with cutting the military budget in half
It is rather simple minded to think that threats of government shutdown ( in a way it is like a threat to shut down CIVILIZATION ) are explained by irresponsible spendthrift " liberal " Democrats vs. fiscally responsible conservative Republicans . To begin with, in no way does our effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM reflect the CLASS structure of American society today. Within the American ruling class there are conflicting ideas about THEIR class priorities and the best way to protect THEIR system from lower class revolt and perceived foreign power threats.
Democrat or Republican, the prevailing ethos of our TWO PARTY SYSTEM is PRO-CAPITALISM , PRO-MILITARISM , PRO-Israeli Zionism.
From the point of view of WE THE PEOPLE the US military budget can be immediately cut in half and all funds cut off for thug Netanyahu in Israel and warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine. If anything this would revive what is left of " OUR democracy ".
Monday, November 13, 2023
A split is coming in the Catholic Church . Who speaks for the Holy Ghost ? Who for the Prince of Lies ?
Many of the older generation Catholics remember a Golden Age of Catholicism in the United States that seemed to peak with the election of Irish-Catholic president JFK in 1960. They also think that Vatican II was Catholic Church Self-Destruct. Not " fresh air " but demons were let in through the windows and doors of St. Peter's in Rome. Now the ancient LATIN MASS ritual is anathema ? With this WOKE New World Order Pope the Catholic Church has lost all of its pristine MYSTIQUE & GRAVITAS.
A split is coming . But who am I to judge in the 21st century who speaks for the Holy Ghost ? Who for the Prince of Lies ?
Just what " OUR democracy " need in the US Congress : fast talking , loud mouth WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Gabe Amo
Just what " OUR democracy " needs : more less than mediocre, hack WOKE WARRIOR Rhode Island Democrats. Like Congressman David Cicilline , fast talking , loud mouth with never a pause to THINK after a sound bite barrage. A larger voter turnout on Election Day in Rhode Island and lesser, lesser evil , FAR LEFT Aaron Regunberg would be standing there. Come 2024 election a lesser , lesser ,lesser evil could be INDEPENDENT Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself a " Profile in Courage ". A NO EVIL politician in " OUR democracy " is UTOPIAN dreaming , of course.
The most rigid ethics code for Supreme Court justices will not block them from faithfully serving the American plutocracy
The most rigid ethics code for Supreme Court justices will not block them from faithfully serving the American plutocracy even while being slightly more discreet in accepting invitations to share in the " LIFE STYLES OF THE RICH AND FAMOUS ". In indulging themselves at lavish banquets worthy of most decadent ancient Roman aristocrats.
This standard plutocrat TREATMENT gives YOUR HONORS a keener perspective on " EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL " And more empathy for " under-privileged " prisoners in the American Gulag.
The big heart of THE PEOPLE of the world sides with the oppressed , dispossessed Palestinians-not belligerent APARTHEID Israel
The big heart of THE PEOPLE of the world sides with oppressed, dispossessed Palestinians . Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country on the planet. Unlike bought and sold WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ordinary working class people - and more and more UN-PRIVILEGED college students - have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " tries to switch the focus of popular concern from GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine to mostly imagined anti-Semitism.
Whatever increase in anti-Semitism in the world can be blamed on belligerent Israel alone.
American ESTABLISHMENT politicians lose touch with popular feelings at their own peril.
Why did the stupid CENSORS scratch over " Black people " ? How dumb can you get ? What WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Gabe Amo also has in common with shady Cicilline is a fast talking loud mouth that will make him useful not to THE PEOPLE including Black people - but to the ONE PERCENT , Corporate American plutiocracy and inevitably to Israeli Zionism. Only hack Democrats in Rhode Island ,besotted with vicious IDENTITY POLITICS, will be giddy over " Gabe Amo goes to Washington ".
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Albert Camus in " The Rebel " warns us about political idealism turned into MADNESS
At my age 76 I have seen any number of Marxist " vanguard " parties disintegrate or degenerate into wacky personality cults. Old leftists might recall the fate of the SWP and the SEP .
ALL fresh ones have my blessings as the IDEA of a SANE SOCIETY as old as Plato's Republic will never go away.
But LIFE has taught me the wisdom of KNOW THYSELF independence. I have been and remain an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist. I would like to pass into the GREAT BEYOND with a firmer hope in a BETTER WORLD.
The FUTURE , of course, belongs to the young. Encouraging memories of THE PAST belong to the YOUNG AT HEART. WISDOM acquitted over TIME never grows stale.
Over 50 years I retain the BRAIN TRUST that enlightened me by age 25. They range from hard core Marxists and Trotskyists to Norman Thomas socialists , to the varied Catholic Left. With especial fond appreciation of the HUMANIST OF THE ABSURD ,French writer and Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus. " The Rebel " warns us about political idealism turned into MADNESS .
Saturday, November 11, 2023
" Old Joe " Kennedy , patriarch of the clan, got some things right about the Jews
[Joseph Kennedy and the Jews
History News Network › article
Who are we to stand in the way of the future?" Kennedy replied that he expected the "Jew media" in the United States to become a problem, that "Jewish pundits ...]
Joseph Kennedy and the Jews
[ Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
Wikipedia › wiki › Joseph_P._Kennedy_...
Kennedy allegedly told Klemmer that "[some] individual Jews are all right, Harvey, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch." ]
Joseph Kennedy and the Jews | History News Network
Joseph Kennedy and the Jews | History News Network
Arriving at London in early 1938, newly-appointed U.S. Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy took up quickly with another transplanted American. Viscountess Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor assured Kennedy early in their friendship that he should not be put off by her pronounced and proud anti-Catholicism.
Old " Joe Kennedy ", patriarch of the clan, was right about a number of things involving Jews
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was smeared as an anti-Semite. So was his grandfather Joseph P. Kennedy , " Old Joe ," patriarch of the clan. " Old Joe " was right about a number of things involving Jews. They do even today dominate the Democratic Party. And you really don't have to be a goose stepping Neo Nazi to observe ZIONIST Jew control over the mainstream news media. Presently they arrogantly censor ANTI-WAR and ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion in the United States. Secular ZIONIST Jews are the pillars of odious WOKE ideology in the nation's public schools and in Ivy League universities . Presently they try to shift the HOT TOPIC from GENOCIDE in Gaza, Palestinian to a mostly imagined rise of anti-Semitism in the United States.
So THEY are definitely blackballing now INDEPENDENT candidate for US president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. THEIR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. It has betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Even smearing in McCarthyism fashion the only Palestinian in the Congress , Rashida Tlaib , as a vicious anti-Semite.
Our Veterans Day now just honors War & MILITARISM !
Our Veterans Day now just honors WAR & MILITARISM . How many working class Americans can honestly celebrate FREEDOM in this oppressive capitalist hell ? How many US combat veterans are nearly suicidal mental and physical wrecks HOMELESS or neglected in the horrid conditions of veterans hospitals ?
How is American imperialism improving " OUR democracy " for working people ? If we just JUNK THE MILITARY , Mega-Inflation will disappear overnight. How do we benefit from together- forever Israeli Zionism and American imperialism ?
Does any politically literate American citizen take stale Wilsonian blather seriously or even ceremoniously on Veterans Day ?
Once again " make the world safe for democracy " ? Where ?
With few exceptions our radio talk show host celebs in Rhode Island ( 630WPRO ) are WARNED by the para-CHRISTIAN management that only slobbering over APARTHEID Israel constitutes RIGHT THINKING. The celebs have too much to lose by contradicting the boss. You see there is no ZIONIST Jew GENOCIDE in Gaza. There is only profoundly regrettable collateral damage while mighty Israel smites the terrorists !
The ZIONIST Jew censorship censors Ideas & Opinions not hate speech !
Notice in my comment below the heavy hand of ZIONIST Jew censorship -not of HATE SPEECH - but of ideas and Opinion of Americans : " together forever with American imperialism ." It is Ideas & Opionions which THEY censor daily NOT hate speech. Belligerent ZIONIST Jews decide what constitutes hate speech in " OUR democracy ". Do they ever censor the thug Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu ?
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country[ together forever with American imperialism on the planet]. There is much CENSORSHIP of anti-war and anti-ZIONISM public opinion in " OUR democracy ". The prevailing ethos of the effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM In " OUR democracy " is PRO-MILITARISM, PRO-CAPITALISM, and always PRO-ZIONISM . Our Veterans Day honors WAR and MILITARISM while thousands of US combat veterans languish in horrid conditions in veterans hospitals. Many are mental and physical wrecks -even HOMELESS..Not much has changed since Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic wrote " Born on the Fourth of July ".
What does FREEDOM even mean in a country of the ONE PERCENT plutocracy based on the exploitation and oppression and daily deception of the working class ?
Friday, November 10, 2023
The simple truth is that the exponentially increasing homeless population of the United States - including masses of HUMAN BEING migrants - is on collision course with legally sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. We democratic socialists have understood the root of the problem for more than a century.. Even in talking about THE PROBLEM ruling class bureaucrats - Democrat or Republican - fear even the CLASS STRUGGLE terminology of socialism.
The real purpose of Veterans Day is to honor WAR and MILITARISM !
An astute American sociologist would conclude that the real purpose ( or subliminal ) purpose of our Veterans Day- like Memorial Day- is to honor WAR and MILITARISM . - Not a ceremonious THANK FOR YOUR SERVICE to mentally and physically broken veterans, some languishing in horrid conditions in Veterans hospitals , some disgracefully HOMELESS. The prevailing ethos of our TWO PARTY SYSTEM is PRO-MILITARISM, PRO-CAPITALISM , and always PRO-ZIONISM . So much for " OUR democracy " !
A cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in Ukraine , in Israel, and in the United States want to plunge us into nuclear World War III
A cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in Ukraine, Israel , and in the United States want to plunge the " FREE WORLD " and " OUR democracy " into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. The prevailing ethos of our TWO PARTY SYSTEM is PRO-MILITARISM, PRO-CAPITALISM , and always PRO-ZIONISM . Neither Republican Trump nor Democrat Joe Biden is a force for WORLD PEACE. TRUTH now is only shouted to ruling class deaf ears in the streets . The mainstream news media WITH NO DISSENT goes along with war agenda. It daily CENSORS ANTI-WAR , ANTI-ZIONISM public opinion in the United States. It smears the ONE Palestinian in Congress, Rashida Tlaib, in New McCarthyism fashion , as anti-Semite. It tries to switch the HOT TOPIC from GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine to mostly imagined rise in anti-Semitism.
Whatever real rise in anti-Semitism in this country or in Europe or in the Arab world can be attributed to the brutality of the thiug ZIONIST Jew bully Benjamin Netanyahu regime ( almost brought down in Israel ! ).
The only Palestinian member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib , gets the New McCarthyism treatment
Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated ally of American imperialism in the world. And Secretary of State Antony Blinken, far from being a brake on the thug Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, is really inspired by the still living mentor of many in our state department , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger.
These people are invariably backed up by ZIONIST Jew control of the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ".
The prevailing ethos of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " is PRO-CAPITALISM. PRO-MILITARISM , and always PRO-ZIONISM .
WE THE PEOPLE need a change !
THE CENSORSHIP is aimed mainly at working class CHRISTIAN , anti-war , anti-Zionism public opinion. And our army of bought and sold radio talk show host celebs got the message from management that only slobbering over Israel in the present crisis is RIGHT THINKING ! In " OUR democracy " independent , critical thinking is not a virtue; it can get you quickly CANCELLED .
The only Palestinian member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib , gets the New McCarthyism treatment. But ordinary working class Americans have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED.
The mainstream news media tries to change the HOT TOPIC from genocide in Gaza to mostly imagined anti-Semitism .
To be sure , our leaders are not on a higher moral level than the leaders of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea , or even HAMAS !
" Saint Jude Pray for Us ! "
My Italian immigrant grandmother had a quite a collection of " sensuous " Catholicism. What definitely worked for Grandma Ruggieri was some unidentified PATRON SAINT OF THE KITCHEN .Those divine Sunday meals at 62 Gesler St, Federal Hill, Providence , RI.So EVIL are THE TIMES that scientific minded as I am I refuse to scoff at the still operational Catholic Office of Exorcism : " The power of Christ commands you ! "

Title: Sterling Silver 25.0mm Round San Judas (St. Jude) Medal |
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