Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, October 31, 2022
Pelosi's misadventure with a gay hustler ?
Interesting article by KUNSTLER.COM :
[ "So far, police have not disclosed how DePape journeyed from Berkeley to Pacific Heights at 2:00 o’clock in the morning, about fourteen miles. Did he walk from Berkeley across the Bay Bridge and then halfway across town? Mr. DePape is apparently also known to the police as a gay hustler, that is, a person who sells sex for money. Unless I’m mistaken, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) has a detective department — experienced men and women who go around the city seeking clues, evidence, and testimony in order to make sense of perplexing crimes — and then solve them! Shall we assume they are on-the-job? " ]
No democratic socialist government of the United States would ever " honor " POWER BALL lottery tickets
No democratic socialist government of the United States would " honor " POWER BALL lottery tickets. Do any " progressive " Democrats in the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ever recall reading about Karl Marx's LABOR THEORY OF VALUE ? Or is it too much of a reproach to the capitalist Moloch Money God ? Even a fundamental law of physics says you can't get something for nothing !
Nobody can ever " earn " MILLIONS of dollars . Certainly not BILLIONS of dollars. That is made possible by a SYSTEM of exploitation and oppression . And this was explained a long , long time ago by a then vibrant and confident SOCIALIST movement.
A rational PLANNED economy can easily enough replace the erratic and chaotic STOCK MARKET circus.
NOTHING IS FOREVER - not even FOR PROFIT capitalism.
As a long time independent democratic socialist I note that none of the " progressive " Democrats ( some are mistakenly called " socialists " ) ever connect politics inspired crazed violence with the global crisis of decaying capitalism. How superficial -and FALSE - to associate all the evil that afflicts " OUR democracy " with Donald Trump and mostly decent Republican voters.
Our FOR PROFIT capitalist economic system put ups an obstacle course to the solution of every kind of social justice problem - from adequate health care for all citizens to the plight of the chronically homeless.
How many of these hack " progressive " Democrats ever in their college years encountered radical-left social criticism of American society ? Even great American literature - like Theodore Dreiser's " American Tragedy " - has a mostly damning view of this sick society , this capitalist America.
It must have been like the proverbial water off a duck's back . No CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS survived here . A glib tongue, a corrupted social conscience , and philistine sophistry is all you need to succeed in the American TWO PARTY SYSTEM . Or TV journalism. Of course , you can trust Lester Holt !
Angry phone call between Biden and Zelensky
[ " Biden had barely finished telling Zelenskyy he’d just greenlighted another $1 billion in U.S. military assistance for Ukraine when Zelenskyy started listing all the additional help he needed and wasn’t getting. Biden lost his temper, the people familiar with the call said. The American people were being quite generous, and his administration and the U.S. military were working hard to help Ukraine, he said, raising his voice, and Zelenskyy could show a little more gratitude. " ]
VERY INTERESTING : So now even " Sleepy Joe " Biden begins to see the war monger ZIONIST Jew for the parasite he is . Zelensky 's ZIONIST Jew friends in the Democratic Party - indeed the Biden administration is top heavy with belligerent ZIONIST Jews - would give creepy, arrogant Zelensky the keys to the U.S. Treasury . The AMERICAN PEOPLE are not cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. " Recruiting is down ? " you say .
The daily vilification of Donald Trump and decent Christian Americans as malevolent " haters " is nonsense
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think this daily vilification of Donald Trump and millions of decent Christian Americans as crazed " haters " - responsible for deranged acts of the no longer institutionalized mentally ill - is malicious nonsense.
If anything the WOKE-LIBERAL Democrats pose a greater threat to whatever is left of " OUR democracy ".
For years now the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism and the infuriating WOKE agenda in the nation's public schools.
For years now the " progressive " Democrats have made themselves hostile to the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . And how many WOKE " liberal " Jews in the Democratic Party apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Fwd: Perhaps the real " party of fascism " in the United States is led by sleepy , creepy , corrupt, senile Joe Biden ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 13:33
Subject: Perhaps the real " party of fascism " in the United States is led by sleepy , creepy , corrupt, senile Joe Biden ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 13:33
Subject: Perhaps the real " party of fascism " in the United States is led by sleepy , creepy , corrupt, senile Joe Biden ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
The so called FAR LEFT of the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party - with phony " socialist " leaders like Bernie Sanders - is hardly a bastion against " IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE " fascism in the USA. For decades the Democratic Party has promoted a hateful, intolerant , daffy IDENTITY POLITICS. The WOKE Zionist Jews in the party never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. Since 2016 the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. They have shown contempt -again and again -for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And they have made traditional Christianity ANATHEMA for the rank and file of the Democratic Party . And there is not now one voice for WORLD PEACE in the " progressive " Democratic Party. Not one ! Instead they slobber over the NATO war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky . And would give him the keys to the U.S. Treasury for nuclear World WAR III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Which party poses the greater threat of ALL AMERICAN FASCISM ? Perhaps the party now led by sleepy , creepy, corrupt , senile Joe Biden ? I speak as a long time independent democratic socialist .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
WOKE WARRIOR Democrats slobber over war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky and would give him the keys to the U.S. Treasury
The so called FAR LEFT of the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party - with phony " socialist " leaders like Bernie Sanders - is hardly a bastion against " IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE " fascism in the USA. For decades the Democratic Party has promoted a hateful, intolerant , daffy IDENTITY POLITICS. The WOKE Zionist Jews in the party never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. Since 2016 the " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. They have shown contempt -again and again -for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And they have made traditional Christianity ANATHEMA for the rank and file of the Democratic Party . And there is not now one voice for WORLD PEACE in the " progressive " Democratic Party. Not one ! Instead they slobber over the NATO war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky . And would give him the keys to U.S. Treasury for nuclear World WAR III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Which party poses the greater threat of ALL AMERICAN FASCISM ? Perhaps the party now led by sleepy , creepy, corrupt , senile Joe Biden ?
I speak as long time independent democratic socialist .
WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE'S views on anti-Semitism and fascism warped by too many neurotic or crypto- ZIONIST Jews in David North's Socialist Equality Party
I cannot help thinking that the views of the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE on these assorted ( often mentally ill , deranged and homeless ) " fascists " in the news is warped by the presence of too many neurotic or crypto-ZIONIST Jews in David North's ( himself a very " enterprising Jew " owner of a multi-million dollar printing company under the name of David Green ) Socialist Equality Party. . CRAZY people -like HUMAN BEINGS everywhere - try to make sense of the world . And they might be more sensitive to " extremist " views -on the Left or on the Right - than ordinary people. But in no way do these masses of CRAZY people ( who make shocking news headlines like the Pelosi home attacker ) constitute a serious ORGANIZED political threat of a FASCIST movement.
One way for permanent GREAT LEADERS to control their very marginal " vanguard party " is to scare the rank and file with the threat that American fascism is just around the corner, highly organized , and just waiting for the signal for a bloody but triumphant insurrection .
This independent democratic socialist sees the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party as a greater threat to whatever is left of " OUR democracy " than Donald Trump and conservative Republicans.
Hip hop celebrity, millionaire Kanye West emerges as full-blown anti-Semite
[Hip hop celebrity, millionaire Kanye West emerges as full-blown anti-Semite
Corporate sponsors have fled in droves as the rapper-celebrity has engaged in unprecedente]
Millions of traditional Christians in the United States now beginning to UNFRIEND Zionist APARTHEID Israel.
Millions of traditional Christians in the United States -fed up with the WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party now guided and inspired by belligerent ZIONIST Jews - are beginning to UNFRIEND Apartheid Israel. And they are not cheering for war monger Zelensky's not so " sovereign " Ukraine ( not worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ) .
There is not one voice for WORLD PEACE in the " progressive " Democratic Party ,not one voice boldly sympathetic to the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians.
And we have a mainstream news media completely sympathetic to the WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party. Always censoring their political opponents .
Friday, October 28, 2022
So much emotion is attached to MARRIAGE & FAMILY . So much heartbreak to divorce .
So much emotion is attached to MARRIAGE & FAMILY . So much heartbreak to divorce. A " scientific " view of modern marriage seems a well kept secret. More than 150 years ago the SOCIALIST movement produced the first compassionate but cutting criticism of MARRIAGE & FAMILY as it is under CAPITALISM. The capitalist system thrives on EGO and there is plenty of that among the rich and famous. TRUE LOVE and TRUE ROMANCE just cannot survive the capitalist Culture of Narcissism.
If you browse through DIVORCE books on the shelves of a public library it will strike you that DIVORCE is mostly about MONEY and PROPERTY.
Even among the working class and lower middle class people MARRIAGE & FAMILY is inseparable from economic slavery . Alfred Hitchcock seems to be the patron saint of murderous crime involving married couples. The spouse is often treated as jealously guarded PRIVATE PROPERTY with due consideration for that insurance policy. The children are also viewed as PRIVATE PROPERTY worthy of a murderous fight.
MAKE-A-BUCK lawyers are no small factor in vitriolic divorce.
The invisible bubble of MARRIAGE & FAMILY can hide alienation and despair . How LONELY a spouse can be even in a nice big expensive house where LOVE has disappeared.
The human community CAPITALISM divides into atomized bubble families. Each alone carries out the daily miserable struggle for existence. If your family is hungry ,that is not your neighbor's business , is it ? Or if you cannot afford to send your kid to college ? Or if there is a death in the family and a decent funeral is unaffordable ?
Democratic socialism - without promising UTOPIA - can correct much of the Marriage & Family misery today.
TRUTH - banned in the mainstream news media indefinitely ?
It would be nice if there were indeed a revival of respect for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. It seems now that anyone who disagrees with the WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats is one of the HATERS , one of the RACIST , SEXIST , HOMOPHOBES. ALL white working class Christians who voted for Donald Trump are WHITE SUPREMACIST DEPLORABLES ?
And TRUTH ? Banned in the mainstream news media indefinitely ?
With " liberal " Democrats as professed FRIENDS of the poor and oppressed they do not need any REPUBLICAN antagonists .
".Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said "what happened to Paul Pelosi was a dastardly act. " When " progressive " politicians decided decades ago to DE-INSTITUTIONALIZE - the mentally ill could they not foresee the human catastrophe that it is today in the United States ?
For seriously mentally ill people -many of them homeless - the still mostly FOR PROFIT health care system is nothing but cracks to fall through .
With " liberal " Democrats as professed FRIENDS of the poor and oppressed they do not need any Republican antagonists.
There is nothing anti-Semitic about FACTS . Stop muzzling real American public opinion !
Does the mainstream news media notice the irony that secular , openly anti-CHRISTIAN , Zionist Jews are the pillars of censorship- even in modern Germany - of ANTI-WAR public opinion ? Does the mainstream news media notice that secular , openly anti-CHRISTIAN ,
Zionist Jews are the pillars of odious WOKE ideology brainwashing in our public schools ? Does the mainstream news media notice that the Biden administration is top heavy with belligerent ZIONIST Jews who think APARTHEID Israel can do no wrong ? And seem to be cheer leading for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Do ordinary working class Christians in the United States go along with this ? Do BLACK LIVES MATTER groups ?
There is nothing extreme or anti-Semitic about FACTS . Stop muzzling real American public opinion !
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Child corrupting , WOKE ideology lunacy everywhere being sponsored by secular , openly anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews
Can there be anything more obvious than this child corrupting, WOKE ideology lunacy being sponsored everywhere by secular , openly anti-CHRISTIAN , Zionist Jews in collusion with the obnoxious New Atheists ? With the blessing of the super WOKE Democratic Party ?
Working class CHRISTIANS in the USA fed up with war monger, NATO darling Zelensky
I think the vast majority of working class Christians in the USA are fed up with WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats who have given the puffed up NATO darling Zelensky the keys to the U.S. Treasury . The mainstream news media in the United States insanely imagines that it can stir up war fever with stale Wilsonian blather . The misery index for ordinary Americans will make them focus on their own life or death problem( like MEGA -INFLATION ) here in the United States. They will not lose sleep over a NATO smothered, dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine . Worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
Is our American plutocracy really on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ? Ordinary working class people in all countries do not plan or start wars. But history teaches that they can end them . Have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " in the COVID-19 era ?
Young American college students : YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE 1950s -OR REAGAN ERA - PROSPERITY . That world is GONE WITH THE WIND !
It is sad to see fresh young college kids bamboozled by phony " progressive " WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats all of whom are completely out of touch with working class Christians . My Baby Boomer generation protested every war ( there were no " good " ones ) . Today there is not a single ANTI-WAR voice in the Democratic party.
A warning to the younger generation: Any ambition to rise ( to achieve philistine success ) in decaying capitalist society will surly corrupt your soul. You will never again see a complacent 1950s - or Reagan Era - Prosperity USA ! That world is GONE WITH THE WIND !
In Rhode Island the problem is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM that operates like a political machine designed in STALINIST Russia
As a long time independent democratic socialist I and millions more have observed the corrupt TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States which effectively rigs every election - not in favor of this Democrat or that Republican- - but in resonance with the general interests of the American plutocracy.
But in recent decades the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - which pretends to own " OUR democracy " - has become especially creepy and as contemptuous of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization as any storm trooper mob in Weimar Republic Germany in the 1920s .
In Rhode Island -oddly enough - the problem is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM which operates like political machine designed in STALINIST Russia.
These rotten bourgeois European governments have a long history of ruthless imperialism and colonialism
All these rotten bourgeois European governments pretend to be all upset ( to the point of starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ) over the violation of " sovereign " Ukraine . They have a long history of ruthless imperialism and colonialism.
With so much trouble , crime and economic chaos, in this country very few CHRISTIAN working class Americans are losing sleep over the fate of the NATO smothered " sovereign " Ukraine .
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Kennedy Plaza and Jack London's book " People of the Abyss "
Kennedy Plaza Providence is daily a scene right out of Jack London's bleak book " People of the Abyss " . I witnessed this man taken into the ambulance fall on his head from a sitting position inside the RIPTA bus shelter. He looked to be in a drugged or drunken stupor. A crazed woman was alarmed and , I think , called 911. The crazed woman complained about the loud " Jesus " street preacher across the plaza heard on an annoying bull horn . " HELL FIRE IS WAITING FOR ALL YOU SINNERS ! "
If the famous Providence , Rhode Island horror writer H.P. Lovecraft were alive today, he would find inspiration for a " Horror at Red Hook " story just waiting for a bus in Kennedy Plaza.
The masses of LIVING DEAD are only capable of making a notable DISTURBANCE . By themselves they will never change anything - not five , not fifty years from now .
" If there is hope it lies in the proles " , writes Winston Smith in George Orwell 's " 1984 ".
But which proles ?
Fwd: Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? Who controls the mainstream news media in the United States ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 16:10
Subject: Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? Who controls the mainstream news media in the United States ?
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 16:10
Subject: Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? Who controls the mainstream news media in the United States ?
To: Letters <>
True, Neo-Nazi groups daily talk about " Jewish " control of the mainstream news media . But there are prominent Jews who actually brag about this and brag about " owning Hollywood ". The disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein said that " Jews should learn from the Mafia " to the adoring applause of a Jewish audience. The generic Left is shy about violating a taboo here . But TRUTH is not anti-Semitic. From the perspective of democratic socialists belligerent ZIONIST Jews are a major force in the government of the United States, and are pillars of the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party. Who do you think daily censors ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States - daily slobbering over that war monger NATO darling Zelensky and giving him the keys to the U.S. treasury ? Pious Christians ? Years ago the American " radical left " ( ? ) historian Howard Zinn wrote that APARTHEID Israel was a major factor in 20th and 21st century anti-Semitism . How long can sane news media in the United States ignore a FACT ? Read Howard Zinn's unflattering " People's History of the United States ".
Belligerent ZIONIST Jews are a major force in the government of the United States
True, Neo-Nazi groups daily talk about " Jewish " control of the mainstream news media . But there are prominent Jews who actually brag about this and brag about " owning Hollywood ". The disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein said that " Jews should learn from the Mafia " to the adoring applause of a Jewish audience. The generic Left is shy about violating a taboo here . But TRUTH is not anti-Semitic. From the perspective of democratic socialists belligerent ZIONIST Jews are a major force in the government of the United States, and are pillars of the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Who do you think daily censors ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States - daily slobbering over that war monger NATO darling Zelensky and giving him the keys to the U.S. treasury ? Pious Christians ?
Years ago the American " radical left " ( ? ) historian Howard Zinn wrote that APARTHEID Israel was a major factor in 20th and 21st century anti-Semitism . How long can sane news media in the United States ignore a FACT ?
Read Howard Zinn's unflattering " People's History of the United States ".
We rarely hear from or about democratic socialist Jews today
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am appalled at the way conservative Ben Shapiro FREE SPEECH rights have been violated by WOKE " progressive " groups usually supporting " liberal " Democrats. I listen to Ben on local 630WPRO ( Rhode Island ) at night now and then. Like " Red Eye Radio " he never talks " extremist " nonsense . But I have a different slant on rather cheap " ANTI-SEMITE " slurs. On ZIONISM I am influenced by the late Harvard history professor Howard Zinn.
Not quite fair this image of Joseph P. Kennedy [ another branded " anti-Semite " ] , father of the president JFK , as virulent anti-Semite. Here was an upper class ( now RULING CLASS ) Catholic business man who deals not with the more common type Jew - say a Jewish plumber or a Jewish high school teacher, or a Jewish medical doctor or dentist- but with fellow swindler rival capitalist Jews. HE could not trust THEM. THEY ruin everything. Also , THEY dominate the Democratic Party.
The type of Jews that were clearly despised by Joseph P. Kennedy were upper class Jews whom any serious democratic socialist would categorize as CLASS enemies. In what way can Jewish capitalists and Jewish ZIONISTS- pillars of APARTHEID Israel - today be considered friends of the working class , of organized labor ?
Rarely do we encounter anti-Semitism today based on Dark Age perceptions of Jews as " Christ killers ". And most powerful ZIONIST Jews today are more likely to be atheist followers of Ayn Rand than pious zealots of Old Testament mythology.
Could it be that too many Jewish intellectuals today are just on the wrong side of the " Les Miserables " barricades , the wrong side of capitalist CLASS WAR ? We rarely hear much about democratic socialist Jews today - committed to the all but forgotten ideal of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM.
Most public intellectual Jews today in the United States are not champions of the proletariat ( like Irving Howe , author of " World of Our Fathers " -but pillars of Zionist APARTHEID Israel, pillars of Wall Street . As the Jewish historian Howard Zinn pointed out years go this is the real root of 20th and 21st century " anti-Semitism ".
American socialist writer Irving Howe summed up his late in life political views in a book aptly titled " A Margin of Hope " . Hope for socialism that is . Howe always stressed the the importance of respecting the LIBERAL tradition , the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Back in the Vietnam War era he often clashed with the passionate but often foolish New Left.
The WOKE new New Left today -attached to the Democratic Party - is weirdly STALINIZED and not much different from the street fascists in Germany's Weimar Republic.
And sadly these remaining " Marxist " vanguard parties have degenerated into bizarre cults with a permanent GREAT LEADER and followers like those " CLEARS " in the Church of Scientology . So pathetic and good for nothing !
So I think that generic CHRISTIANITY should be the foundation of any future democratic socialist movement.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Fwd: Unfair image : father of JFK , Joseph P. Kennedy , as virulent anti-Semite .
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:41
Subject: Fwd: Unfair image : father of JFK , Joseph P. Kennedy , as virulent anti-Semite .
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:41
Subject: Fwd: Unfair image : father of JFK , Joseph P. Kennedy , as virulent anti-Semite .
To: <>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:39
Subject: Unfair image : father of JFK , Joseph P. Kennedy , as virulent anti-Semite .
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 12:39
Subject: Unfair image : father of JFK , Joseph P. Kennedy , as virulent anti-Semite .
To: Letters, NYT <>
Not quite fair this image of Joseph P. Kennedy , father of the president JFK , as virulent anti-Semite. Here was an upper class ( now RULING CLASS ) Catholic business man who deals not with the more common type Jew - say a Jewish plumber or a Jewish high school teacher, or a Jewish medical doctor or dentist- but with fellow swindler rival capitalist Jews. HE could not trust THEM. THEY ruin everything. Also , THEY dominate the Democratic Party.
The type of Jews that were clearly despised by Joseph P. Kennedy were upper class Jews that any serious democratic socialist would categorize as CLASS enemies. In what way can Jewish capitalists and Jewish ZIONISTS- pillars of APARTHEID Israel - today be considered friends of the working class , of organized labor ?
Rarely do we encounter anti-Semitism today based on Dark Age perceptions of Jews as " Christ killers ". And most powerful ZIONIST Jews today are more likely to be atheist followers of Ayn Rand than pious zealots of Old Testament mythology.
Could it be that too many Jews today are just on the other side of capitalist CLASS WAR ? We rarely hear much about democratic socialist Jews today - committed to the all but forgotten ideal of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM.
Most public intellectual Jews today in the United States are not champions of the proletariat -but pillars of Zionist APARTHEID Israel, and pillars of Wall Street. As the American Jewish historian Howard Zinn pointed out years go , this is the real root of 20th and 21st century " anti-Semitism ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 5010580-7432 )

Image: The Sins of the Father: Joseph P. Kennedy and the Dynasty he ...
Found on Google from
Fwd: Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are already sick of war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:56
Subject: Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are already sick of war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:56
Subject: Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are already sick of war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky
To: Letters, NYT <>
Working class CHRISTIAN Americans are already sick of war monger NATO puppet Zelensky and his stupid war with Russia over dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine . Friends of ZIONIST Jew Zelensky in the Biden administration and in the Democratic Party have already given him the keys to the U.S. Treasury. Not one voice in the WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party for world peace !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Cardinal Vigano : " The Vatican must withdraw its support for the disastrous COVID shots "
[The safety and efficacy of the individual vaccines should have been established after a period of experimentation, which normally takes several years. But in this case the health authorities have decided to carry out the experimentation on the entire population, departing from the normal practice of the scientific community, international regulations, and the laws of individual nations.
The results that are now emerging from the official data published in all the countries that adopted the mass vaccine campaign are incontestably disastrous: it is emerging that people who have been subjected to inoculation with the experimental serum not only have never been protected from contagion by the virus, nor from grave forms of illness, but they have actually been made more vulnerable to COVID-19 and its variants due to the irreversible compromising of their immune systems caused by mRNA technology ]
Abp. Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the 'disastrous' COVID shots - LifeSite
Abp. Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the 'disastrous' COVID shots - LifeSite
The results that are now emerging from the official data publi
Is the ballyhooed American Way of Life incompatible with functional mental health ?
So there are just not enough mental health professionals to deal with the growing insanity of decaying capitalist society ? But oddly enough, how many professional MAKE-A-BUCK psychiatrists - and child psychologists - have applied anything resembling critical thinking skills to this SICK society ? Find a MAKE -A-BUCK anti-capitalist psychiatrist !
Has the ballyhooed " American Way of Life " become incompatible with functional mental health ? Do we really LOVE our children ? Or does EGO , corrupted by the capitalist Culture of Narcissism, poison the human capacity for love ?
Fwd: In Defense of Kanye West
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:00
Subject: In Defense of Kanye West
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 11:00
Subject: In Defense of Kanye West
To: Letters, NYT <>
It is ironic that " progressive " Democrats - guided by secular, ZIONIST Jews - would make themselves the righteous arbiters of HATE SPEECH and anti-Semitism. How many WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ? Kanye West's perceived " anti-Semitism " should be seen in the context of a mainstream news media ( it is still taboo to note ZIONIST Jew dominance here and there are Jews that openly brag about " owning Hollywood " ) that routinely equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.. Black Muslim leader Malcolm X -according to numerous reports - thought that American Jewish politicians and community leaders were the false friends of American Black people. And Malcolm X had no use whatsoever for the " liberal " Democratic Party. To be sure , in recent decades " progressive " Democrats have become the arch-enemies of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Ron ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
It is ironic that " progressive " Democrats - guided by secular, ZIONIST Jews - would make themselves the righteous arbiters of HATE SPEECH and anti-Semitism. How many WOKE-WARRIOR Democrats apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Kanye West's perceived " anti-Semitism " should be seen in the context of a mainstream news media ( it is still taboo to note ZIONIST Jew dominance here and there are Jews that openly brag about " owning Hollywood " ) that routinely equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism..
Black Muslim leader Malcolm X -according to numerous reports - thought that American Jewish politicians and community leaders were the false friends of American Black people. And Malcolm X had no use whatever for the " liberal " Democratic Party.
To be sure , in recent decades " progressive " Democrats have become the arch-enemies of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Monday, October 24, 2022
In recent years that Democratic Party is the pits !
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think these interesting polls on PUBLIC OPINION ( Who do you trust more , Democrats or Republicans ? ) really suggest that American voters are becoming rapidly disillusioned with the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM which is always rigged in the interests of corporate America.
But in recent years that Democratic Party is the pits ! It has made traditional CHRISTIANITY anathema among its rank and file . It has promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . It has shown contempt for the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
And there is not one voice for WORLD PEACE among the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party candidates for election or re-election in 2022. Tulsi Gabbard made some correct observations here.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND is a disgrace , Mayor Elorza !
I do wonder why Providence Mayor Elorza disdains to notice the filth right under his nose in Kennedy Plaza ? Whatever their grandiose plans for the future of Kennedy Plaza, cannot Mayor Elorza and corrupt , incompetent RIPTA officials at least show some respect for RIPTA riders now and at least once weekly scrub down the plaza and sweep up the garbage and mountains of cigarette butts accumulating right under Mayor' Elorza's nose ?
PROVIDENCE is a disgrace !
Remembering an old friend - Mortimer Simons , who taught chemistry at Woonsocket High School
[MORTIMER SIMONS CRANSTON - Mortimer Simons, 67, of 184 Laurens Ave., a chemistry teacher at Woonsocket High School for 20 years, retiring in 1991 , died July 3 in the Jane Brown Unit of Rhode Island Hospital. He was the husband of Anita (DeMarco) Simons. Born in Providence, a son of the late Simon and Pearl (Bernat) Simons, he moved to Cranston 20 years ago. He had been a chemical engineer for 20 years at area firms. He was a graduate of the University of Rhode Island. He was an officer in the MerchantMarines in World War II. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, Stacy Simons , of Cranston and Nancy DeMarco of Burrillville; a sister, Stella
Glassman of Pawtucket ;and a brother, Sylvan Simons of Greenwich, Conn. A graveside funeral service was held July 5 at Lincoln Park Cemetery, Post Road, Warwick. Services were coordinated by Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 Hope St.,Providence. LEE SOLOM ]
1 Comment
Ron Ruggieri
I finally located the obituary of an old friend,Mortimer Simons,who for a number of years employed me as a helper around his Bayview Ave. home in Cranston. Mort came from a Russian Jewish background and once decribed himself as " right wing Marxist " . We had many interesting conversations on politics USA and on the then still existing Soviet Union. In matters of religion he clearly shared the views of the British agnostic Bertrand Russell. One day in 1992 I learned from his wife Anita that Mort died of mesothelioma - probable connected with asbestos contact while serving in the Merchant Marine.
Shame on Bernie Sanders . He forgot the ABCs of SOCIALISM long ago
This phony " socialist " Bernie Sanders wants young people to VOTE DEMOCRAT and just ignore the stubborn fact that HIS party is just as controlled by the Corporate America and the military industrial complex as the more openly pro-business Republican Party .
At least the conservative Republicans have not completely alienated working class CHRISTIANS in the United States. And have not mocked the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
And it seems that the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats are cheer leading for nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Shame on " socialist " Bernie Sanders ! He forgot the ABCs of SOCIALISM long ago.
Fwd: War monger Zelensky has the keys to the U.S. Treasury ? ( on YOU TUBE )
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 at 12:02
Subject: War monger Zelensky has the keys to the U.S. Treasury ? ( on YOU TUBE )
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 at 12:02
Subject: War monger Zelensky has the keys to the U.S. Treasury ? ( on YOU TUBE )
To: <>
The WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party of the USA has become a catastrophe for the whole world
I view the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party from the perspective of independent democratic socialism. This party in recent decades has evolved into a seemingly STALINIST organizational monstrosity. It is completely out of touch with ordinary working class " deplorables ". It seems to have made traditional Christianity anathema in its ranks . It has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. It has scorned the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. In foreign policy alone it seems to be guided by belligerent ZIONIST Jews who just adore the arrogant war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky -and have given him the keys to the US Treasury. On top of being ruined by INFLATION and a coming GREAT DEPRESSION II in the United States the American working class and the American middle class ( now in FREE FALL ! ) do not need nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. The Democratic Party in the USA has become a catastrophe for the whole world. This comment appears in Radical Ron's Blog and my FACEBOOK page. In case it is REMOVED by the self-appointed guardians of " OUR democracy ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party of the USA has become a catastrophe for the whole world
I view the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party from the perspective of independent democratic socialism. This party in recent decades has evolved into a seemingly STALINIST organizational monstrosity. It is completely out of touch with ordinary working class " deplorables ". It seems to have made traditional Christianity anathema in its ranks . It has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. It has scorned the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. In foreign policy alone it seems to be guided by belligerent ZIONIST Jews who just adore the arrogant war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky -and have given him the keys to the US Treasury.
On top of being ruined by INFLATION and a coming GREAT DEPRESSION II in the United States the American working class and the American middle class ( now in FREE FALL ! ) do not need nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
The Democratic Party in the USA has become a catastrophe for the whole world.
This comment appears in Radical Ron's Blog and my FACEBOOK page. In case it is REMOVED by the self-appointed guardians of " OUR democracy ".
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Our plutocracy is more worthy of those Russian millionaire yachts ?
Why the arrogant , war monger ZIONIST Jew Zelensky - a former sleazy comedian - is entitled to endless blank checks from the US Treasury is no mystery . The Biden administration and the Democratic Party are packed with ZIONIST Jew zealots seeing the Ukraine as a second Israel in Europe. And are we to suppose that Putin's POST-COMMUNIST Russia does not live up to their lofty political ideals - such as those of " OUR democracy ". Our plutocracy is , of course , morally superior to Putin's Russian oligarchy ? It is more worthy of those Russian millionaire yachts ?
We live in the GOLDEN AGE OF FALSE ADVERTISING , especially POLITICAL CAMPAIGN advertising
We live in the GOLDEN AGE OF FALSE ADVERTISING. This applies not just to those abominable prescription drug TV commercials but to these obnoxious political campaign commercials - the most obnoxious being those of the now WOKE-WARRIOR ( hear Tulsi Gabbard on this ) Democratic Party. It is just plain ridiculous to suggest that the typical Democrat voter sees abortion as a " value ". And sees the affable Allan Fung as some sort of sinister extremist. The WOKE Democratic Party has made traditional CHRISTIANITY anathema in its ranks.
Fwd: What wrecked the Marxist Left in the 20th century
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2022 at 10:26
Subject: What wrecked the Marxist Left in the 20th century
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2022 at 10:26
Subject: What wrecked the Marxist Left in the 20th century
To: Letters, NYT <>
What wrecked the LEFT in the 20th century : So many Marxist " vanguard " parties dominated by neurotic or crypto-ZIONIST Jews with implacable hostility to Christianity
Many years ago the author of " 1984 " , George Orwell , wrote that " socialism should be obvious ". The stupefying, obfuscation industry of capitalist society ( as Karl Marx said " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class " ) makes this not so . Sadly the LEFT itself has degenerated over the past 50 years. And many self described " Marxist vanguard parties " have become quite STALINIZED themselves , led by egomaniacs with craven followers very much like the " Clears " in the Church of Scientology. And it never helped any socialist MOVEMENT ( that could reach the masses ) that so many " vanguard " parties were dominated by neurotic or crypto-ZIONIST Jews with implacable hostility to the world's CHRISTIANS. The biggest mistake of the Russian Revolution was to quickly declare the new state " officially atheist ". Everywhere OFFICIAL ATHEISM turns out to be as horribly undemocratic and EVIL as any nihilistic NAZI regime. The common sense and moral sanity of ordinary working class people will never embrace " official atheism " no matter how " scientific " DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM appears to be. Also ordinary working class people can see clearly when pompous Church officials are serving as lackeys for the capitalist ruling class.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
What wrecked the LEFT in the 20th century : So many Marxist " vanguard " parties dominated by neurotic or crypto-ZIONIST Jews with implacable hostility to Christianity
Many years ago the author of " 1984 " , George Orwell , wrote that " socialism should be obvious ". The stupefying, obfuscation industry of capitalist society ( as Karl Marx said " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class " ) makes this not so .
Sadly the LEFT itself has degenerated over the past 50 years. And many self described " Marxist vanguard parties " have become quite STALINIZED themselves , led by egomaniacs with craven followers very much like the " Clears " in the Church of Scientology. And it never helped any socialist MOVEMENT ( that could reach the masses ) that so many " vanguard " parties were dominated by neurotic or crypto-ZIONIST Jews with implacable hostility to the world's CHRISTIANS. The biggest mistake of the Russian Revolution was to quickly declare the new state " officially atheist ". Everywhere OFFICIAL ATHEISM turns out to be as horribly undemocratic and EVIL as any nihilistic NAZI regime.
The common sense and moral sanity of ordinary working class people will never embrace " official atheism " no matter how " scientific " DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM appears to be. Also ordinary working class people can see clearly when pompous Church officials are serving as lackeys for the capitalist ruling class.
Diary of a socialist Amazon worker: Why we need democracy in the workplace
Diary of a socialist Amazon worker: Why we need democracy in the workplace
“Diary of a socialist Amazon worker,” is a column authored by Austin Bailey, a socialist-minded w
Friday, October 21, 2022
Any program to help the homeless must never threaten capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY landlord rights
The mainstream news media in the United States makes sure Americans are only rarely exposed to Marxist-Socialist views on the cause of homelessness. It has been self-evident to socialists for more than a century that a huge and still growing population of homeless Americans are a casualty of the FOR PROFIT capitalist economic system .
None of the star " progressive " Democrats dare to make SYSTEMIC criticism of our decaying capitalist system. They foolishly make Donald Trump and Republicans the root of all evil in " OUR democracy ".
The TWO PARTY system in the United States is designed never to threaten the core interests of the American plutocracy nor threaten the military-industrial complex, the war agenda of American imperialism.
Any program to help the homeless must never threaten capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY landlord rights.
In the USA the hard core of support for a holy war against POST-COMMUNIST Russia seems to be from prominent , vociferous Zionist Jews
[" When Russian forces invaded Ukraine earlier this year, Dr. Michael Fine was outraged—like a lot of Americans. So he traveled to see first-hand the human cost of this war. "]
In the United States the hard core of support for a holy war against POST-COMMUNIST Russia over dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine seems to be from prominent , vociferous Zionist Jews . But their adored hero ,Ukrainian president Zelensky, seems more and more like a puffed up , arrogant, war monger puppet of effete , rotting NATO.
And the mainstream news media in the United States is routinely censoring anti-war public opinion. For years the WOKE-WARRIOR " progressive " Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism . Today you do not find one audible voice for world peace in the Democratic Party. Not one loud ANTI-WAR voice . No, not even from phony " socialist " Bernie Sanders .
Fwd: Do Brown students really control their own student newspaper : " The Brown Daily Herald " ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 at 14:18
Subject: Do Brown students really control their own student newspaper : " The Brown Daily Herald " ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 at 14:18
Subject: Do Brown students really control their own student newspaper : " The Brown Daily Herald " ?
To: <>
Hard to believe that Brown students are in any way in control of " their " student newspaper " The Brown Daily Herald ".
During the Vietnam War era they seemed to have their mental fingers on the pulse of an angry American working class and middle class. There were activist SOCIALIST parties on campus.
To be obtuse , oblivious , and IGNORANT on an Ivy League college campus in 2022 !
Any " liberal " Brown University professor without CIA ties ?
Ron from Cranston
Fwd: For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as an endless ( ?? ) supply of cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 at 13:56
Subject: For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as an endless ( ?? ) supply of cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 at 13:56
Subject: For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as an endless ( ?? ) supply of cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
To: Letters <>
Can ordinary people in the Ukraine be aglow with high spirits for an endless war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a stupid alliance with rotten NATO for a very dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Zelensky seems more and more like a puffed up , arrogant war monger with close ties to ZIONIST Israel and belligerent Zionists in the United States. For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as an endless ( ?? ) supply of cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
Can ordinary people in the Ukraine be aglow with high spirits for an endless war with POST-COMMUNIST Russia over a stupid alliance with rotten NATO for a very dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Zelensky seems more and more like a puffed up , arrogant war monger with close ties to ZIONIST Israel and belligerent Zionists in the United States. For NATO ordinary Ukrainians can serve as an endless ( ?? ) supply of cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
Are liberal Catholics too extreme for the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party ?
For the Rhode Island STALINIZED Democratic Party to paint conservative Republican Allan Fung as some sort of " extremist " is ridiculous . Are liberal Catholics too extreme for the new WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party? Is traditional Christianity ?
I speak as a long time independent democratic socialist . I note that the main stream news media -so partial to the " progressive " Democratic Party - is daily censoring ANTI-WAR public opinion in the United States .
There is not now ONE anti-war -pro-world peace - voice in the " liberal " Democratic Party .
No Fungus.
Ron Ruggieri
That comment savors of anti-Asian bigotry.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
No CHRISTIANS behind the WOKE Reign of Terror in the nation's public schools
All too obvious : there are NO Christians behind the WOKE Reign of Terror in the public schools . The pillars of WOKE nonsense are invariably secular, openly anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews ( who never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ) . Just ask them !
Inside the " progressive " Democratic Party traditional Christianity is all but anathema !
Fwd: Gene Valicenti thinks rich people's taxes are none of our plebian business ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:33
Subject: Fwd: Gene Valicenti thinks rich people's taxes are none of our plebian business ?
To: Gene <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:33
Subject: Fwd: Gene Valicenti thinks rich people's taxes are none of our plebian business ?
To: Gene <>
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:31
Subject: Gene Valicenti thinks rich people's taxes are none of our plebian business ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:31
Subject: Gene Valicenti thinks rich people's taxes are none of our plebian business ?
To: <>
630 WPRO 's Gene Valicenti seems to think that prominent members of the American capitalist ruling class - who now prefer to rule directly -politically - in " OUR democracy " should be proud of their most often UNEARNED wealth . Just say in a haughty tone : " MY TAXES ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ! "
How many college educated " successful " adults were exposed to hard truths about the capitalist system ? Like the well documented EXPLOITATION of the working class ?
Consider this opinion of prominent scientist J.D. Bernal :
One perhaps long forgotten science scholar, J.D. Bernal writes , in his book " Science In History " :
" Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ".
.... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ".
" The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . "
( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 ).
Ron from Cranston
Fwd: Many decent Americans ruined by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:17
Subject: Many decent Americans ruined by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 11:17
Subject: Many decent Americans ruined by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror
To: <>
Compared to a decade ago there is a dearth of COMMENT in social media. Indeed COMMENT opportunity has been BANNED in mainstream news media . The Providence Journal was actually proud of this prudent " protection " of " OUR democracy ".
The TRUTH : the American ruling class is very nervous about the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Decaying capitalism is all too obvious to ordinary working class Americans .
So many ordinary Americans - even highly educated Americans - have been intimidated by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror which has its base in the " progressive " Democratic Party .
In recent years how many decent people have been smeared or ruined due to this WOKE Reign of Terror ?
You would expect this video to have 200 views and 200 UNCENSORED comments . So much for " OUR democracy " !
How many decent Americans have been ruined by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror ?
Compared to a decade ago there is a dearth of COMMENT in social media. Indeed COMMENT opportunity has been BANNED in mainstream news media . The Providence Journal was actually proud of this prudent " protection " of " OUR democracy ".
The TRUTH : the American ruling class is very nervous about the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Decaying capitalism is all too obvious to ordinary working class Americans .
So many ordinary Americans - even highly educated Americans - have been intimidated by the WOKE ideology Reign of Terror which has its base in the " progressive " Democratic Party .
In recent years how many decent people have been smeared or ruined due to this WOKE Reign of Terror ?
You would expect this video to have 200 views and 200 UNCENSORED comments . So much for " OUR democracy " !
Foolish young men of military age eager to die for SOVEREIGN ( ??? ) Ukraine ?
All the rotten bourgeois capitalist imperialist governments of Europe reference POST-COMMUNIST Russia and the Ukraine as a big part of their problems. As if the plutocrats of Europe operate on a higher moral level than the Russian oligarchs.
And just what does " OUR democracy " - rapidly degenerating under the TWO PARTY SYSTEM- have to offer the FREE WORLD in the way of lofty ideals ? Does stale Wilsonian blather from a century ago ( " make the world safe for democracy " ) still inspire military recruiting efforts in the United States ? Foolish young men of military age eager to die for SOVEREIGN ( ??? ) Ukraine ?
Does decaying American capitalism and decaying British capitalism ( indeed decaying global capitalism ) inspire spine tingling patriotism ?
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
A cruelly INDIFFERENT universe or a hateful MALEVOLENT one ?
The very stuff of H.P. Lovecraft's COSMIC HORROR is when even the world of dumb things suddenly appears MALEVOLENT .
As if Azathoth , Lovecraft's " Blind Idiot God ", has taken charge of the universe.
A factory worker is cruelly pressed to death by THE MACHINE he serves for a living.
Even NOT SO DUMB wild nature turns ferocious against individual human beings . A ten year old child is seen as mere PREY to the nightmare bear hiding in the nearby woods.
In that inviting rural swimming hole lurk BRAIN EATING BACTERIA.
A cruelly INDIFFERENT universe or a hateful MALEVOLENT one ?
Sink into a soporific daydream back into a LOST PARADISE where innocent children were really protected by kind and loving divine guardian angels.
Flee back in time to that " GOLDEN COUNTRY " when life once made sense.
SIN & SATAN brought on these daily reports of horror stories. " Slouching Toward Gomorrah " ?
Or perhaps ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE are playing with us :
Here the opening paragraph of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds:
[ " No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the older worlds of space as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable. It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twentieth century came the great disillusionment. " ]
Getting tired of Ukraine news ?
Ordinary working class CHRISTIAN Americans are not just getting " tired of Ukraine news ". More accurately they are getting tired of FAKE NEWS propaganda on " heroic ", " sovereign " Ukraine . And puffed up , war mongering Zelensky as another Winston Churchill . Stale Wilsonian blather ( once again " make the world safe for democracy " ) is irrelevant applied to POST-COMMUNIST Russia . Ludicrous in terms of the American plutocracy vs. the Russian oligarchy !
" Dare to declare capitalism dead " by George Monbiot
[ Dare to declare capitalism dead – before it takes us all down with it
George Monbiot
[The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one
For most of my adult life I’ve railed against “corporate capitalism”, “consumer capitalism” and “crony capitalism”. It took me a long time to see that the problem is not the adjective but the noun. While some people have rejected capitalism gladly and swiftly, I’ve done so slowly and reluctantly. Part of the reason was that I could see no clear alternative: unlike some anti-capitalists, I have never been an enthusiast for state communism. I was also inhibited by its religious status. To say “capitalism is failing” in the 21st century is like saying “God is dead” in the 19th: it is secular blasphemy. It requires a degree of self-confidence I did not possess.
But as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to recognise two things. First, that it is the system, rather than any variant of the system, that drives us inexorably towards disaster. Second, that you do not have to produce a definitive alternative to say that capitalism is failing. The statement stands in its own right. But it also demands another, and different, effort to develop a new system.]
In Rhode Island WE THE PEOPLE have a nearly STALINIZED ONE PARTY STATE fronted by corrupt unions
In general ,the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in virtually every election in the United States , in " OUR democracy " , favors the interests of the American plutocracy ( actually less than ONE PERCENT ) . But in Rhode Island the local capitalist ruling class ( led by the likes of the Magaziners ) has made an even greater mockery of " OUR democracy ". WE THE PEOPLE here have a nearly STALINIZED ONE PARTY STATE fronted by PRO-DEMOCRAT ( pro-capitalist , pro - American imperialism ) corrupt unions .
So line up to vote for the rotten STATUS QUO on election day - NO CHANGE , THANK YOU !
Fwd: IN YOUR FACE contempt for traditional Christianity - who are the pillars of WOKE ideology ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 10:20
Subject: IN YOUR FACE contempt for traditional Christianity - who are the pillars of WOKE ideology ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 10:20
Subject: IN YOUR FACE contempt for traditional Christianity - who are the pillars of WOKE ideology ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
There is so much IN YOUR FACE contempt for traditional Christianity here that millions of ordinary working class Americans can see clearly that the pillars of toxic WOKE ideology are secular ZIONIST Jews attached to the Democratic Party who have no problem with APARTHEID Israel .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
The Chinese " communists " have forgotten the ABCs of Marxism !
As a long time independent democratic socialist - very much influenced by classic Marxism - I have wondered for years if Chinese Communist officials have forgotten the ABCs of the international CLASS STRUGGLE as explained in the Communist Manifesto . Where does Marx encourage toxic nationalism and creating " communist " millionaires and billionaires ? For decades George Orwell's " Animal Farm " has explained " Communist " China just as well as it explained Stalinist Russia.
And yet George Orwell was to the end of his life a democratic socialist . He once wrote that " socialism should be obvious " .
Right wing Republicans are not the greatest threat to the Social Security System
Seth Magaziner represents everything stale and rotten in the Rhode Island Democratic Party and in the national Democratic Party. Moderate Republican Allan Fung would at least be counter force to a corrupt ONE PARTY - increasingly STALINIST - Rhode Island political establishment. The greatest threat to the Social Security System is not right wing Republicans . It is the " crackpot realism " military budget for nuclear World War III . For years now the " progressive " Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism . There is not now one sober voice in this WOKE-WARRIOR( listen to Tulsi Gabbard ) party calling for world peace .
Is it not morally obtuse to run TV ads saying abortion is a Rhode Island " value " ? In a still very Catholic rooted state Allan Fung thinks like most liberal Catholics. And he does not have to pay homage to senile " Sleepy Joe " Biden - a total disaster for Democrats come November . They will never succeed in painting the well liked Allan Fung as some sort of sinister extremist .
Fwd: Trump anti-Semitic ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 14:28
Subject: Trump anti-Semitic ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 14:28
Subject: Trump anti-Semitic ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
It makes no sense to call Donald Trump anti-Semitic
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I cannot understand this perception ON THE LEFT that Trump - popular in Israel - is anti-Semitic . The TRUTH is a lot messier. To be sure , secular ZIONIST Jews have been entrenched in the Democratic Party for years. Many hawkish ZIONIST Jews are now high up in the Biden administration. The " progressive " Democrat leader in the Senate , Chuck Schumer , said a while back that he sees himself as APARTHEID Israel's " guardian angel ". The very pillars of infuriating WOKE ideology in the Democratic Party are secular , openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews. And they are the chief censors of public opinion in the mainstream news media. Daily anti-war public opinion is being blocked in the U.S. media . It is this " progressive " Democratic Party that shows an arrogant , totalitarian , STALINIST streak. Does the present dysfunctional TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States give WE THE PEOPLE a choice between STALINISM and FASCISM ? Three cheers for " OUR democracy " !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
It makes no sense to call Donald Trump anti-Semitic
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I cannot understand this perception ON THE LEFT that Trump - popular in Israel - is anti-Semitic . The TRUTH is a lot messier. To be sure , secular ZIONIST Jews have been entrenched in the Democratic Party for years. Many hawkish ZIONIST Jews are now high up in the Biden administration. The " progressive " Democrat leader in the Senate , Chuck Schumer , said a while back that he sees himself as APARTHEID Israel's " guardian angel ".
The very pillars of infuriating WOKE ideology in the Democratic Party are secular , openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews.
And they are the chief censors of public opinion in the mainstream news media. Daily anti-war public opinion is being blocked in the U.S. media .
It is this " progressive " Democratic Party that shows an arrogant , totalitarian , STALINIST streak. Does the present dysfunctional TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States give WE THE PEOPLE a choice between STALINISM and FASCISM ? Three cheers for " OUR democracy " !
Monday, October 17, 2022
Why should secular ZIONIST Jews be the arbiters of HATE SPEECH ?
The problem with socially lethal accusations of " anti-Semitism "is that the accusers are more often than not secular ZIONIST Jew zealots of APARTHEID Israel.
The mainstream news media invariably equates anti-ZIONISM with anti-Semitism. Just follow the censorship !
And the very pillars of infuriating WOKE ideology in the Democratic Party are indeed secular , openly anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews.
Why should these people be the arbiters of HATE SPEECH ?
How could Donald Trump be so popular in Israel if he were perceived as anti-Semitic ?
The greatest threat to the Social Security System is the budget for nuclear World War III
The Democrats here in Rhode Island scare the voters with a rather brainless claim that Republicans ( like popular Allan Fung here ) are eager to cut back their precious Social Security . I know of no Republicans in 2022 stupid enough to openly threaten Social Security recipients.
In truth, the " progressive " Democrats are completely oblivious to the problems of so many elderly people, especially those living under this or that public Housing Authority .
They won't say that the greatest threat to the Social Security System is the " crackpot realism " ( sociologist C. Wright Mills ) military budget for nuclear World War III .
There is not one voice in the now WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party ( hear Tulsi Gabbard on this ) calling for PEACE ON EARTH .
" THE PLUTOCRAT " Donald Trump is no more corrupt than the generic CLASS of plutocrats in the United States
I am not a Trump fan . As a long time independent democratic socialist I could not fail to notice the daily smear campaigns against him from his first day in office. HE was not a LEGITIMATE president ?HE colluded with evil Putin to rig the 2016 presidential election ?
We socialists think that the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the United States is structurally rigged against the interests of ordinary Americans.
In a very close election the voters are rightly paranoid about corruption on either side. Hence the over the top anger of January 6 , 2021 . NOT AN INSURRECTION ! More like YIPPIE THEATER of the early 1970s ( but here very right wing ) .
" THE PLUTOCRAT " Donald Trump is no more corrupt than the generic CLASS of plutocrats in the United States. Billionaires who support the Democratic Party are hardly on a higher moral level than " The Donald ".
In general, OUR plutocracy is not on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy . They are certainly not worth nuclear World War III !
ONE PARTY STATE Rhode Island is very similar to authoritarian Russian under Stalinism
Your comment reminds me of the stupid NATIVIST TV commercial . What passes for " OUR democracy " is based on a TWO PARTY SYSTEM. But the State of Rhode Island is even on a lower level of " democracy " ONE PARTY STATE Rhode Island is very similar to authoritarian Russia under STALINISM .
Also in STALINIST Russia you did find Christianity officially scorned . No place even for conservative REPUBLICAN dissent in now nativist ( one happy DEMOCRAT family ? ) Rhode Island ?
I see a HAPPY DAY for Fung on Election Day 2022. And a new feisty governor ?
What a glorious cause : nuclear World War III over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine !
What " OUR democracy " will not offer American voters is democratic socialist criticism of the plutocracy controlled TWO PARTY SYSTEM and its decaying capitalism now incompatible with the very mental health of ordinary Americans. It does seem that the " WOKE-WARRIOR " Democrats ( hear Tulsi Gabbard on this ) are the louder cheer leaders for nuclear World War III with post-COMMUNIST Russia. And their mainstream news media daily slobbers over NATO " hero " and war monger Zelensky . What a glorious cause : Nuclear World War III over a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ! Sell this you FAKE NEWS MEDIA with stale Wilsonian blather ( once again " make the world safe for democracy " ) to long-suffering , oppressed working class America ? Ordinary people nowhere plan or start wars but history teaches that they often end them .
Not ONE voice for PEACE in the WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party !
This is also THE VISION of crackpot CHRISTIAN Zionism . It has penetrated the WOKE-WARRIOR Democratic Party. For years now " progressive " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA ( post -COMMUNIST Russia ! ) New McCarthyism . There is not ONE voice for PEACE in the Democratic Party . No, not even " socialist " Bernie Sanders !
Sunday, October 16, 2022
The CLASS STRUGGLE is a fundamental reality of our lives . The future ? Read Jack London's " The Iron Heel "
To be sure , American minds have been poisoned for years against the very idea of SOCIALISM. But as a long time, independent democratic socialist I have never met a working class person who was starry eyed over " eternal " capitalism or antagonistic to the basic principle of SOCIALISM : economic justice for the vast MAJORITY of people on earth.
The mainstream news media in the United States gets away with equating the idea of SOCIALISM with the STALINIST nightmare of the old Soviet Union which as Leon Trotsky in exile explained was essentially a betrayal of socialism , a betrayal of the 1917 Russian Revolution.
There is no rational reason for working class people in the United States to embrace American capitalism or the crackpot goals of American imperialism . The CLASS STRUGGLE is a fundamental reality of our daily lives . Famous American socialist writer Jack London understood this at the turn of the 20th century . Read his novel " The Iron Heel ".
Fox News Poll: Voters want Uncle Sam to 'lend me a hand'
Fox News Poll: Voters want Uncle Sam to 'lend me a hand'
A majority of 52% want government assistance, up from 44% in 2021; the 8-poi
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