Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Why did Republicans become so extreme ? A democratic socialist would says that there IS a profound crisis of capitalism in the United States and in the world . The American ruling class governs through their TWO PARTY SYSYEM. There is a break in the American ruling class - conflicting views on how to govern " OUR democracy " , how to control the masses of working class people. For decades wealthy American Jews -taking most of their ethnic group with them - have entrenched themselves in the Democratic Party. For them now to associate themselves with the NON-WOKE Republican Party , the traditional party for the more proud and arrogant members of the upper class, might prove socially dangerous . The affluent Jews in the Democratic Party think that their party can remain in power only by endlessly promoting a vicious " identity politics " agenda. They use the social climbing Black petty bourgeoisie as a buffer and a battering ram against the " deplorable " White working class CHRISTIAN majority . The WOKE Democrats are daily turning off more and more working class CHRISTIANS . They no longer recognize a party where the arrogant New Atheism is setting the agenda. They certainly do not identify with WOKE Hollywood millionaires ! But in the 2020 presidential election a surprising number of traditionally " liberal " Jews were attracted to the Donald Trump camp - and indeed Trump was quite popular in APARTHEID Israel. Is WHITE Supremacy taking on a new form ? The TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the USA is in peril .

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