Saturday, June 11, 2022

With gas at 5 dollars per gallon OUR " Way of Life " is GONE WITH THE WIND !

@Snowdenbleep Speaking not as a MAGA-TRUMP fan but as a long time democratic socialist I see the WOKE Democrats - including not a few WOKE Zionist Jews- making a RACE issue of essentially CLASS injustice issues. Ironically the WOKE Democrat Jews never apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. In many of his Harlem speeches Black Muslim Malcolm X warned about the treacherous Democratic Party . He made a connection between RACISM and capitalism , between RACISM and American imperialism. My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a bloodsucker ". Today I see corrupt, senile, stupid President Joe Biden pretending to be a pillar of " OUR democracy ". Of course, he needs a foreign enemy to blame ! And his Democratic Party has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. Nuclear World War III will solve the problems of American capitalism ? Democratic socialists USA believe that the much extolled TWO PARTY SYSTEM is controlled by the American plutocracy. So in a sense they win every presidential election without ever having to steal them . What appears as hopeless division is mostly just an internal squabble within the capitalist ruling class. They never argue about the ABCs of capitalism and the eternal righteousness of American imperialism. Only the intellectual representatives of the nation's WORKING CLASS are even capable of understanding the dramatic decay of the capitalist system , of its way of life. As for " OUR WAY OF LIFE " in the United States of June , 2022 -with horrendous INFLATION making gas prices at $5:00 per gallon - it is indeed " GONE WITH THE WIND " ! Why not just start thinking SOCIALISM ? Life on Earth might be at stake ! [Jan. 6 Capitol riot hearings open with focus on extremists, Trump | Watch YOUTUBE.COM Jan. 6 Capitol riot hearings open with focus on extremists, Trump | Watch The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will attempt to show the “harr]

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