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From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 10:45
Subject: Domestic peace and tranquility is impossible in a war making , capitalist, imperialist America ! MOTOR MOUTH David Cicilline !
To: <tara@630wpro.com>
From: Ron Ruggieri <radicalron72647@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 at 10:45
Subject: Domestic peace and tranquility is impossible in a war making , capitalist, imperialist America ! MOTOR MOUTH David Cicilline !
To: <tara@630wpro.com>
As a democratic socialist not a MAGA Trump fan or conservative Republican I find the daily hypocrisy of the WOKE Democratic Party on all issues worthy of intelligent , civil dialogue stomach turning. The NRA is not the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " . Working class Americans- and once solid middle class Americans now being destroyed by INFLATION - have had a pungent whiff of " OUR democracy " for more than two decades now. The Orwellian police state now loudly barks its presence in the USA .
If educated and law abiding middle class people see CIVILIZATION itself collapsing - with gross government corruption and incompetence - how can you blame them for being solicitous for constitutional gun rights ? I don't think Motor Mouth Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline has a clue about the roots of hate and violence in " OUR democracy " . Those cant words and phrases , the stale Wilsonian blather - like FREE WORLD and SOVEREIGN nation - used to excite the mega-hate and mega violence of world wars between nation-states are also BUULL SHHHITT, Mr. Cicilline .
Domestic peace and tranquility is impossible in a war making capitalist, imperialist America !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
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