Monday, June 6, 2022

Did Vatican II -which abolished the ancient Latin Mass ritual - open the doors of Saint Peter to Satan ?

In no way do priests who lust after children have any authentic APOSTOLIC FAITH . Did Vatican II -which abolished the ancient Latin Mass ritual - open the doors of Saint Peter to Satan ? When I was a 12year old kid going to Saint Michael's School in Providence priests and nuns - so many of them - had an aura of GOODNESS about them if not saintliness . I recall my 7th grade class dedicating the newly erected ( and still there ) statue of Saint Michael on Oxford St. in front of Saint Michael's Church. Saint Michael's School disappeared long ago. That was in September of 1959. Next year the nuns were ecstatic over the FIRST CATHOLIC president JFK . A brief Golden Age of American Catholicism . You could say that HIS Holy Catholic Church is being persecuted today . But did this WOKE Catholicism bring it on itself ? Always BEWARE FALSE PEOPLE whatever their religion or their politics. The devil Satan is a LIAR ! [12 NEWS NOW: Former Providence priest charged with sexual assault YOUTUBE.COM 12 NEWS NOW: Former Providence priest charged with sexual assault A grand jury has handed up an indictment charging a former priest of the Roman Catholic Dioces]

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