Thursday, October 20, 2016

Would the US ruling class " honor " the election of a real socialist ?

Establishment USA has already " rigged " the election for Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

 On the brink of World War III ( Watching America )

 Even Ralph Nader and Jill Stein pointed out that the American plutocracy, the ONE PERCENT, Corporate America, the Ruling Class control elections . We have a " For Sale Congress " , for sale judges.

No democratic socialist will be " horrified " by any blunt rejection of ANY election results in capitalist America.

" Socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders -surprise- won the Democratic primary last April in Rhode Island . He humiliated the Clinton machine supported by Hillary pal Governor Gina Raimondo. Raimondo did not " honor " the election results at the Democratic National Convention.

When Bernie Sanders supporters protested this " rigged " nomination, the DNC slandered them as having a " propensity for violence ".

We socialists are NOT HORRIFIED by Donald Trump's cynicism about the presidential election. And this right wing nationalist has been absurdly over-demonized by phony " liberal mainstream news media.

Would the US ruling class have honored a presidential victory of " socialist " Bernie Sanders ? Recall the fate of one " Marxist " Salvador Allende of Chile ?

And Bernie Sanders was wrong to endorse " Corrupt Hillary ".

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