Friday, January 30, 2015

London mayor slanders Islamic males

I just read this on the BBC internet news: "London mayor Boris Johnson: Extremists PORN DRIVEN." He says that Islamic males driven to acts of terrorism have low self-esteem and are unsuccessful with women, "likely to be severe Onanists."

This is not meant to be a discreet profile of potential terrorists. It is meant to smear ALL young males of the Islamic faith. Reading this, I recalled how Islamic males were sexually abused and raped at the U.S. controlled Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. We are just getting the details from the CIA torture report.

REUTERS: Saddam Saleh, a former prisoner at Abu Ghraib, shows a photograph at a 2004 press conference from the scandal that includes him in the middle of a group of naked prisoners being mocked by Lynndie England. Eleven American soldiers, including three women, eventually were convicted in the case. But it was a woman named Lynndie England -- a U.S. Army Reserve specialist in the 372nd Military Police Company -- who became the face of the scandal.   

Does the Honorable Mayor of London care to comment on the OWNERS of the multi-billion dollar porn industry? Are they so well adjusted themselves and quite "successful" with women?  To be sure, Islamophobia is as much a growth industry as anti-Semitism.

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