Sunday, March 9, 2014

Overnight transformation: U.S.- a pillar of international law ?

         After more than a decade of stupid wars against terrorism, reckless occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq ; permanent hostility toward any country in Latin America that dares to honor Catholic social philosophy or socialist humanism; after more than five years of the Great Recession that has ruined the hopes of a generation of working class youth, the American ruling class wants to revive Cold War fever and make Vladimir Putin's Russia again the " axis of evil " in the world ?  Americans can overnight forget their dysfunctional democracy, their mass misery, and cheer brainlessly for the redeployment of our mighty missiles-and pretend that America still stands tall as a pillar of " freedom " and international law ? How can any red blooded American sleep well at night knowing that one jackass oligarch has replaced another jackass oligarch in far away Ukraine ? Thank God for our A-bombs !
       What we need is another  Woodrow Wilson to make the world safe for our own plutocracy ? Our so very patriotic ONE PERCENT ?      
   Calling all international lawyers and other charlatans to the New Crusade !
         But old Sixties radicals won't be fooled again !

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