Letter writer Don Gormley( March 12, "
Bullying and Bigotry ) ) perceived a certain mocking tone in Steve
Ahlquist's March 6 Commentary piece( " Bigotry is bigotry, religious or
not " ). I do think that the recently vetoed anti-gay rights bill in
Arizona was politically unwise.. Yet I also feel that this village
atheist inspired war on ALL traditional religion borders on the demonic-
in the ironic sense. The late ogre-former Trotskyist- Christopher
Hitchens set the hateful tone of the New Atheism in his popular book "
God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything ". The book is quite
obnoxious with chapters titled " Is Religion Child Abuse " and "
Religion's Corrupt Beginnings ".
I note that so many new atheists have abandoned the secular
religion of millions of common people-socialism - in order to worship
at the feet of Wall Street and the war machine Moloch of global
capitalism. Amusing how Ayn Rand can replace the Holy Mother in the
hearts of born again atheists.