Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wiser morally and intellectually NOT TO VOTE in this absurd election ?

This socialist feminist will not vote for Hillary Clinton

As a democratic socialist I see this film maker,  Michael Moore , as part of the phony " pseudo-left "
 The American working class has been betrayed for a generation by the neo-liberal Democrats-led by the Clintons.

 Establishment USA supports Hillary Clinton. Are working class Americans " stronger together " with the Pentagon, Wall St. , the FBI , the CIA , corrupt intellectuals, bribed journalists and academics, corrupt union leaders ?

       Any voter with a spark of radical " class consciousness " will NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. It would be wiser morally and intellectually not to vote on Election Day 2016.

              How can the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " endorse the Queen of the Status Quo ?  That great American socialist Eugene V. Debs would be ashamed of Bernie Sanders. Just read Debs' Canton Speech.

    How can the anti-war movement support Hawk Hillary ?

 "Michael Moore's 'October Surprise': A New Pro-Hillary Clinton Film " ( NBC News )

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