Thursday, October 13, 2016

American ruling class recreates the world of Charles Dickens

ACLU defends the right to beg

I agree with ACLU in making do with whatever rights protect homeless people. But HUMAN rights must rise above the abject right to beg.

The state should recognize the right to a decent home just as it is beginning to recognize the right to health care. And how can being homeless not oppose the right to health care?

To be sure, capitalist property rights everywhere collide with HUMAN rights, including the right to a dignified life.

For too long rent control has been brainlessly dismissed or just unmentionable.

Since the beginning of the Reagan Era the American ruling class has revived  the world of Charles Dickens, the world of Oliver Twist and " A Tale of Two Cities ".

A century ago socialist author Jack London wrote " The People of the Abyss ".

Image result for The world of Oliver Twist
Dickens' " Oliver Twist "

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