Saturday, November 30, 2024

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 30, 2024 3:19:36 PM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 3:21 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 30, 2024 3:19:36 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 30, 2024 3:00:49 PM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 3:01 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 30, 2024 3:00:49 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Origins and History of Woke | HISPBC Ch.1 (Hanson)

It is ridiculous to attribute all this WOKE nonsense with its roots in the " progressive " Democratic Party to the " Marxist inspiration " of its pseudo- " Far-Left ". In politics classic Marxism focuses on the vicissitudes of the CLASS STRUGGLE - not on any crank list of " offenses " by the neurotic, self-absorbed LGBTQ+ " community ". How can any student of American sociology not see that the pillars of WOKE ideology in " OUR democracy " are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews? And note that oh so WOKE " Critical Race Theory " seems to have no application to APARTHEID Israel and the present genocide in Gaza, Palestine . Yes , the ordinary people of the world -not instructed in WOKE - have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Here WOKE backfired on its petty bourgeois ideologists ! [@norichesney 3 months ago I really pray that the people fortunate enough to hear VDH speak will "hear" and understand what he is saying. This man is a giant intellect, a humble hero, and a gift to our times. Thank you, Hoover Institute. @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago All these giant intellects, celebrated in Academia, in the service of the American bourgeoisie. NOPE , no OPPRESSORS here !]

Why America Can’t Break Free from Israel

Two very dubious allies of " OUR democracy " USA : the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the ZIONIST Jew warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Do 200 MILLION working class CHRISTIANS in the United States support nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran to make the world safe not for " democracy " but for these maniacs ? BILLIONS of dollars of American taxpayer money can serve a more saner , more constructive purpose. Also routed in Election 2024 , besides the Kamala Harris -Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, was the credibility of the mainstream news media. Stale Wilsonian blather, that was false more than a century ago, will not rally the masses here for another stupid war . Wisdom from a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT- CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " The daily censorship of American public opinion in " OUR democracy " is despicable to decent human beings everywhere.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 29, 2024 7:14:36 PM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 7:15 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 29, 2024 7:14:36 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

What Antichrist will do in Israel is shocking (Bible Prophecy) - Dr Dav...

The real in control leaders of Zionist APARTHEID Israel - more inspired by right wing reactionary philosopher Ayn Rand than Old Testament mythology - view CHRISTIAN Zionists as the proverbial " useful idiots ". Oddly enough , militant Zionism is sponsoring the obnoxious New Atheism road show and circus.

State Department Official Asked Point Blank: 'Do You Consider Netanyahu ...

In the court of world public opinion the ZIONIST Jew leader of APARTHEID Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu , is indeed a WAR CRIMINAL. Also repudiated in the court of world public opinion his comrade , the warmonger ,embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel Ukraine ". Alas , American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. How does Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " ? No way can the American plutocracy and Israel lobby around the world rally working class CHRISTIAN public opinion for World War III against POST COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran . Wisdom of a " Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " The TWO PARTY SYSTEM of " OUR democracy " mass produces cheap politicians who cannot and will not think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM., and ISRAELI ZIONISM . But working class people in all countries have no problem distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED .

A unintentional monument to CIGARETTE BUTT BUMS in Kennedy Plaza in Prov...

On a cheerful note the CIGARETTE BUM MONUMENT was removed a while back ! Did my video here help ? Reply @OG-Capo--- 1 year ago Man.. It's just crazy and how these people act. Some of these people you see down there and they practically live down there every day. Reply @gremlin23_youtube 2 years ago I saw this lol

Brown University transfers Bristol land to Pokanoket tribe

The Native American had to be corrupted into accepting capitalist concepts of land ownership : [" The Native American concept of land ownership differs significantly from that of the European settlers who colonized the Americas or their descendants in that land could not be owned, only stewarded and lived with. The Earth is understood by Native Americans as a living, sentient being, and, therefore, no one can claim ownership." ] Let me add that gambling casinos and saloons were also no part of Native American culture. Poor maligned Christopher Columbus did not import all the evils of capitalism , colonialism , and imperialism into the New World. Nevertheless, the discovery of the New World was a titanic event in the history of Western Civilization . And statues and monuments to Columbus all over " OUR democracy " should be honored and protected. Also ,this footnote : After the Southern Blacks were freed from plantation slavery they were embraced by the capitalist WAGE SLAVERY of the North , the New England Industrial Revolution. Any " reparation talks " for the descendants - Black , White, and Yellow - of " Dark Satanic Mill " WAGE SLAVES ? Is WAGE SLAVERY benevolently reformed in our times ? Or soon will be in Donald Trump's MAGA " New Deal " ?

‘Serious issue’: NPR CEO claims truth is a ‘distraction’

Election 2024 signified a rout not just of the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party but also a NO CONFIDENCE vote on the credibility of the mainstream news media, including NPR . Even the " sober liberalism " of NPR never thinks outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM. NPR has no problem going along with the daily censorship of anti-war , anti-Zionism American public opinion. For years now the Democratic Party promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism -while betraying the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . Only the extremely self-deluded were shocked by the triumph of the MAGA Trump Republican Party in Election 2024. The MISERY of the American working class and a ruined lower middle class rises up and says " ENOUGH OF WOKE !

Trump Tells Evangelical Activists: 'If Joe Biden Gets Back In, Christian...

As a long time independent democratic socialist I do not expect any politician of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " to take the moral and social principles of CHRISTIANITY seriously. Find a loyal Democrat or a loyal Republican member of Congress or the Senate who can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM ? To be sure , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has practically devoted itself to a cultural war on the Catholic Church . Get the FBI to harass and spy on PRO-LIFE Catholic activists as a potential home terrorism threat ! Since when did the American Constitution assert that permanent hostility should exist between the STATE and organized religion ?

Rising tensions in the resource-rich arctic

How are Russia and China wanting a fair share of the world's resources on a lower moral level than American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity ? Can the working class people of world be rallied for World War III with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago ? NOTE : WAR everywhere, for many centuries now, has been a function of a society's ruling class. Only a morally obtuse soul will pay attention to so many false words and phrases : " freedom " ( for whom ? ) " democracy " ( for whom ? " sovereign nations " ( like Chile in 1973 when American imperialism conspired with the fascist General Pinochet to assassinate the democratically elected Marxist president of Chile, Salvador Allende- and many more stories like this ) .

Stephen Hicks: How Failed Marxist Predictions Led to the Postmodern Left

Petty bourgeois scholars and public intellectuals in all bourgeois governments must ,with the greatest sophistry, profess their devotion to CAPITALISM , MILITARISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM . In " OUR democracy " they never think outside the box of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM of the American plutocracy ( do not risk tenure ! ). They invariably ignore Marx's labor theory of value and pretend that the amassed wealth of the capitalist class has some morally legitimate explanation apart from the EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION of the working class. You can be sure the scholar here will be waving the flag of American imperialism in nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia. The Putin regime just does not live up to high moral values of Kamala Harris or Donald Trump , or of the CIA , FBI, " Deep State " , the high moral values of our ALL -AMERICAN ruling class ( presently dominated by fans of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and of the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in Ukraine) . The American petty bourgeoisie must settle for some political ideology that can at least live with " It Can't Happen Here " American FASCISM. The jackass mistakes of the " FAR LEFT " of the Democratic Party - the WOKE nonsense like " Critical Race Theory " in no way follow from the ABCs of traditional Marxism ( embraced by Lenin and Trotsky in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Czarist Russia ). American journalist John Reed wrote about this world inspiring event in " Ten Days That Shook The World " . NOTE : How many working class and sinking middle class Americans presently are thinking happy thoughts about " the beauty of capitalism ".

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 8:46:47 AM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2024, 8:47 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 8:46:47 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 7:00:56 AM)

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 5:34:16 AM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2024, 5:34 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 5:34:16 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 5:34:16 AM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2024, 5:34 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 28, 2024 5:34:16 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Russia-Ukraine War: Moscow Furious At Ukraine Allegedly Using US-Made AT...

The biggest mistake ever made by American imperialism : thinking it can mobilize its population for nuclear World War III.

Mexican president reveals caravans no longer arriving at US border amid ...

If you look at the GOOD EARTH from the perspective of a space ship approaching the Moon , you might have a not so strange epiphany : nation-state quarrels and ethnic identity conflicts , and differing views on the " God Question " should not lead to nuclear war destruction of CIVILIZATION ( which made the exploration of outer space possible ) and possibly ALL higher forms of LIFE on OUR -one and only -planet GOOD EARTH . Will REASON prevail ? [ Sigmund Freud said, "The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but it will not rest until it has gained a hearing. Finally, after a countless succession of rebuffs, it succeeds" in The Future of an Illusion.]

Netanyahu approves Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire deal 'in principle': Report

Here is what ZIONIST Jew war criminal, leader of APARTHEID Israel, has done for the cause of" Never Again!": he has made the Jewish State the most hated country on the planet. A pointing finger of shame will greet Israeli visitors in most civilized nations.The mainstream news media will not be able to hide it.

Why meritocracy is a LIE... (it's way worse than people realize)

You really must have a really obtuse brain to think the economic elites in capitalist countries are so high up , own so much wealth ( like more than 80 precent of the population ! ) because they have so much more " merit " as human being than the rest of us hoi-polloi ; because they are so much smarter and even much more hard working than the rest of us . Petty bourgeois intellectual defenders of CAPITALISM talk and write as if Karl Marx never published an earth shaking work titled " Das Kapital ". Nothing is more obvious to an honest , politically literate person than that the capitalist system , as Marx analyzed it , is a system of exploitation and oppression of the masses [ One perhaps long forgotten science scholar, J.D. Bernal writes , in his book " Science In History " : " Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ". .... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ". " The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . " ( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 ) ]

Roger Scruton: How Socialism got Repackaged into Human Rights

Many petty bourgeois intellectuals embrace a phony brand of " socialism " while invariably betraying the ideas and spirit of SOCIALISM as a mass movement . The phony leftists gravitate in recent decades toward the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and amazingly make themselves obnoxious to working class CHRISTIAN Americans and to all honest socialist humanists . Hard core Marxists had their number more than a century ago when all these public intellectuals embraced the Wilsonian blather of the First World War , the one to " make the world safe for democracy ". Like the vast majority of Democratic Party members its " Far Left" can not and will not think outside the box of CAPITALISM , MILITARISM, and ISRAELI Zionism. Very soon these " progressive " types will be cheering on nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia ( even China, Iran , North Korea , Venezuela , " Axis of Evil " countries ? ). And Embracing as dear allies the ZIONIST Jew war criminal leading APARTHEID Israel , Benjamin Netanyahu and the warmonger , embezzler of " Greater Israel " Ukraine , V. Zelensky . NOTE : WOKE issues have almost nothing to do with classic Marxism which focuses on CLASS STRUGGLE not the problems of the neurotic, self-absorbed LGBTQ+ " community " and the social climbing obstacles of the Black petty-bourgeoisie .

Screenshot (Nov 27, 2024 5:18:10 AM)

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

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Roger Scruton: Why Intellectuals are Mostly Left

Why not add a footnote lecture here with references in the archives of Marxism to " The Treason of the Intellectuals " and " Intellectual in Retreat " ( from any " dangerous " cause too sympathetic to real SOCIALISM ? ). Shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 ( before the Stalinist " betrayal " ) petty bourgeois public intellectuals were horrified by the militant Marxist leadership of Lenin and Trotsky ) . Even more than a century later talk of abolishing PRIVATE PROPERTY sets them to fear and trembling . Imagine taking this shocking idea seriously ! No puzzle why for decades pseudo-leftists have found a home in the pro-capitalist, pro-militarist, pro-Zionist WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . The "WOKE " is invariably a fatuous distraction and ideological detour away from CLASS STRUGGLE. The coming American Socialist Revolution will not be ignited by professorial philistines in Ivy League academia .

Rep. Mike Waltz at the Republican Jewish Coalition Summit | JNS TV

The Kamala Harris -Joe Biden WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party and their administration was packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews who promoted, for years now, the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism . Lately, it does seem that not a few ZIONIST Jews are dropping their WOKE masks and going over to the really tough guys, the Trump MAGA Republicans ( consult celebrity " liberal " lawyer Alan Dershowitz ) . To both the WASP wing and the ZIONIST Jew wing of the American plutocracy in " OUR democracy " what WE THE PEOPLE think about the wisdom of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia is beneath consideration . The belligerent ZIONIST Jews all over have the privilege of citizenship in two countries. And one is dearer than the other ! Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer said a while back that he wants to be " guardian angel " of Israel. Would he repeat that on our border with Mexico ?

LICENSE FOR ATROCITY: RFK, Jr. blasts censorship as an attack on democracy

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can readily see RFK Jr.'s political virtues . He can save his soul , I think , but not the putrescent soul of the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. It IS ideologically dominated by secular , anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews. They have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. And are pillars of WOKE thinking in the nation's public schools. Of course, they do not apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ! And in the mainstream news media of " OUR democracy " they play no small role in smearing and blackballing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - himself a true " Profile in Courage ". They smeared honest medical doctors who dared DISSENT on the COVID-19 pandemic . They showed contempt for Freedom of Religion, with special animosity toward traditional Catholicism. When it comes to petty hatefulness the WOKE DEMOCRATS outmatch any CHRISTIAN working class " deplorables " who would still vote for Donald Trump. For decades now they have betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And robot like, they repeat the mantra that Donald Trump is the root of evil in " OUR democracy " of which THEY are the true champions ( led by corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan and would be great war time leader for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ) . Can RFK Jr. rise above this muck ?

Christopher Hitchens on Antisemitism

A political evolution from phony " Trotskyist " to pro-capitalist, pro- militarist, God-hater, Zionist Jew ( via his grandmother ? ) . And Christopher Hitchens died a drunk not mourned except by the pseudo-Left and by the obnoxious New Atheism cult.

Screenshot (Nov 26, 2024 7:35:14 AM)

European countries are secretly preparing to deploy troops in Ukraine, t...

@ronruggieri9817 1 second ago Why are the ZIONIST Jew censors of " OUR democracy " so uptight over my words " but brutal and vigorous young people " ? Reply @ronruggieri9817 0 seconds ago How many stupid and ignorant but brutal and vigorous young people can the bourgeois governments of Europe recruit for nihilistic nuclear World War III against POST -COMMUNIST Russia? I wonder if the warmongering ZIONIST Jew censorship of American public opinion in " OUR democracy " will REMOVE this post. I will send it to my Facebook page ( 5000 friends maximum ) and to my blog " Radical Ron's Blog Spot " ( approaching a MILION views ). How many young fools can American imperialism recruit to fight for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? How many young fools can be recruited for the defense of the Zionist APARTHEID Israel presently led by the war criminal, WANTED Benjamin Netanyahu ? Will the Donald Trump WASP wing of the American plutocracy prove to be less belligerent than the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden ZIONIST Jew wing ? ". OUR democracy " awaits his decisions.

Screenshot (Nov 26, 2024 5:30:17 AM)

Horror of turning age 60?

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 26, 2024 4:02:24 AM)

Recruiting challenge for nuclear World War III?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2024, 4:04 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 26, 2024 4:02:24 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>, <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, Letters <>, <>

Recruiting challenge for World War III?

Monday, November 25, 2024

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 25, 2024 12:58:43 PM)

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, Nov 25, 2024, 12:59 PM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 25, 2024 12:58:43 PM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>, <>

Screenshot (Nov 25, 2024 12:58:43 PM)

Fwd: " WE REMOVED YOUR POST " Who is this WE who keep removing my posts " An army of secular ZIONIST Jew censors ?

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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 11:29
Subject: " WE REMOVED YOUR POST " Who is this WE who keep removing my posts " An army of secular ZIONIST Jew censors ?
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, Letters <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

" WE REMOVED YOUR POST " With amazing chutzpah an army of ZIONIST Jew censors continue to block anti-war American public opinion

What happened Nov 25, 2024 We removed your post Ron Ruggieri Nov 25, 2024 Reactionary liars on the payroll of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ! For more than a century Marxists have made the point that WE THE PEOPLE have a choice between SOCIALISM or barbarism. In what way ( look around the world ) is American capitalist-imperialism and Israeli-capitalist Zionism preserving Western Civilization ? By nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? By co-operating in genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? In hoarding the wealth and resources of the world ? In ruining the lives of countless working class and lower middle class people ? How on Earth does less than ONE PERCENT of the population end up with 90 percent of the wealth ? By working harder and being " smarter " than everybody else ? Karl Marx gave " civilization " a more cogent explanation of the profit system in  "Das Kapital " . 
  Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )  

'Giving his middle finger to the American people': Bob Woodward reacts t...

Why is TRUTH scratched over in my post below ? With amazing chutzpah, an army of ZIONIST Jew censors continue to block anti-war American public opinion . You do not have to be a goose stepping Neo-Nazi to see this ! Trump and his MAGA-Republican administration my be setting the stage for " It Can't Happen Here " American fascism. But if so , the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party prepared the way. How much respect did THEY show for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. To be sure, anti-CHRISTIAN WOKE ideology obsessed with identity politics and the nth dimension of LGBTQ+ " community " rights placed the once organized labor , working class oriented ( at least in rhetoric ) Democratic Party completely out of touch with the American working class. Also the Biden Harris administration and the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews failed to see that working class Americans of all races and ethnic groups were turned off by the crimes against humanity of APARTHEID Israel . While ironically ACLU lawyers from Jewish backgrounds defended vicious and vacuous " Critical Race Theory " in the nation's public schools , colleges , and universities. And while the party of " progress " abandoned real science for pseudo-science , rainbow spectrum gender nonsense ( infuriating to working class CHRISTIANS ) . For this long time independent democratic socialist it remains to be seen what form American FASCISM will take. Inevitably it will culminate in a major war ! " OUR democracy " must spread all around the world !

Why Socialists Want to Destroy Western Civilization and Christianity | P...

Reactionary liars on the payroll of American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ! For more than century Marxists have made the point that WE THE PEOPLE have a choice between SOCIALISM or barbarism. In what way ( look around the world ) is American capitalist-imperialism and Israeli-capitalist Zionism preserving Western Civilization ? By nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? By co-operating in genocide in Gaza, Palestine ? In hording the wealth and resources of the world ? In ruining the lives of countless working class and lower middle class people ? How on Earth does less than ONE PERCENT of the population end up with 90 percent of the wealth ? By working harder and being " smarter " than everybody else ? Karl Marx gave " civilization " a more cogent explanation of the profit system in Das Kapital .

Protests erupt in Israel after captive killed in northern Gaza

The American plutocracy, seemingly dominated for decades now by its secular ZIONIST Jew wing, imagines that it can start nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and Islamic Iran ( and other " Axis of Evil " countries ) with ZERO support from the CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM working class. What kind of " victory " can missiles alone bring ?

Protests erupt in Israel after captive killed in northern Gaza

[ "At the opening Friday evening of her new exhibition entitled “This Will Not End Well,” at the Neue Nationalgalerie [New National Gallery] in Berlin, US artist and photographer Nan Goldin condemned both Israel and Germany for their role in the genocide in Gaza and its extension into Lebanon. At the start of her 14-minute speech to a packed audience (excerpts available here and here), Goldin called for four minutes of silence in remembrance of the victims of the conflict in the Palestinian territories and Lebanon, as well as civilians killed in Israel. " ] Here in " OUR democracy " the mainstream news media daily censors anti-war American public opinion .

Screenshot (Nov 25, 2024 8:36:35 AM)

Sunday, November 24, 2024

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The controversial new battle over bibles in public classrooms

Where does the US Constitution assert that a state of war should exist between organized religion and the State ? The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was making the State an " officially atheist " tyranny . References to the Old Testament Bible and to the New Testament abound in the cultural tradition of Western Civilization which also includes the collected works of the bold French philosopher Voltaire. In my elementary schoolroom I recall praying " The Prayer Perfect " with little psychological damage. Also, I do miss that " Ten Commandments " monument in Roger Williams Park, Providence, Rhode Island. What difference did it make that the majority of park visitors were not offended by words like : " Thou shat not kill " ... " Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father "... " Thou shalt not steal " on the iconic monument. What mattered here was that a few sniveling WOKE Democrat, New Atheists were offended. On the side I would also say that I miss the Pre-Vatican Catholic Church with its Latin Mass, its gravitas and mystique. Am I one of those odious RIGHT WING Christians who would applaud the Salem Witchcraft Trial ? No, in Election 2024 I wrote-in the ghost of Eugene V. Debs , five times Socialist Party candidate for president of the United States. NOTE : " OUR democracy " has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE anymore ? WHO matters now are the tiny minority of vociferous cranks ?

Why Narcissistic Leaders Always Fail (In The End)

To be sure, the social-economic system of CAPITALISM generates the " Culture of Narcissism " . The LEADERS are invariably pre-selected by the quite narcissistic most influential members of the American plutocracy. The last thing these people want to see is any degree of SELF-LOVE -CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS developing in the working class. Ordinary people too are conditioned not to think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM. To channel public opinion on all issues into the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM - that is left to the " expert " propagandists employed by the mainstream news media of " OUR democracy " . But today the sun is setting on American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity .

Bill Clinton: Trump's Cabinet is about loyalty, 'no matter who gets hurt'

The MAGA-REPUBLICAN rout of the Biden-Harris WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party was also a referendum on the mainstream news media including NBC, ABC, CBS , MSNBC . Do they have enough CHUTZPAH left to confidently BIG LIE " OUR democracy " , this mostly working class CHRISTIAN nation, into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? When was the last time ANY Democrat running for any high office could be identified as even a semi-pacifist PEACE CANDIDATE ?

Why All Religious Belief is Irrational | Christopher Hitchens

Former Trotskyist -and permanent alcoholic - Christopher Hitchens - was a leading light of the obnoxious " New Atheism ". His road show was all about trashing FAITH , but the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq strengthened his faith in American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ( even with no belief in Old Testament stories ). As a long time independent democratic socialist I have suspected for years now that the Israel Lobby world wide was propping up the " New Atheism " . The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party in " OUR democracy " is also a pillar of Zionism . Does the morality of the New Atheism support genocide in Gaza , Palestine ? Christopher Hitchens' book " God Is Not Great " - how religion poisons everything " is a classic of the New Atheism cult, an elitist snob cult not so much opposed to irrationalism that it opposes irrational capitalism and arrogant American imperialism together forever with Israeli Zionism in crimes against humanity. The former Trotskyist Hitchens might have considered that the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM - it was making itself an " officially atheist " tyranny. American author Gore Vidal had no use for Christopher Hitchens ( even after he proudly discovered that his grandmother was Jewish ( ? ) . Anyway ,Christopher Hitchens deserves a footnote in a revised edition of Leon Trotsky's " The Revolution Betrayed ". u/flintlock_biro avatar flintlock_biro • 11y ago • I was big into Hitch when I started to embrace atheism more, but the more I listened to him the more I realised that he has a lot of really colonial hang-ups. His praise towards the Iraq war is my best example, and I remember finding a lot of his rhetoric bigoted. Upvote 32 Downvote Share Share 38 more replies Infamous_Harry • 11y ago • Well, he simply just didn't think socialism could be achieved and that the era of socialism is over. I personally think he was just ideologically burnt out. Upvote 27 Downvote Share Share 1 more reply u/instantdebris avatar instantdebris • 11y ago • Hitchens: "Capitalism survived a number of its crisis and collapses, and has reemerged as a very dynamic and innovative force." Of course, he doesn't realize that one could say that for slavery. Upvote 6 Downvote Share Share 1 more reply u/Robertooshka avatar Robertooshka • 11y ago • I loved so many things about this man, but when he changed some of his views, I was disappointed. He got me into reading Orwell which really helped me. Upvote 5 Downvote Share Share 13 more replies trchttrhydrn • 11y ago • I've read his old essays on socialist topics and he was never a socialist in my honest opinion. An opportunist, a liberal anti-communist, a phony trotskyist, many things, but never a genuine socialist. I used to like him, like others here, because of his witty remarks on the absurdity of religion, but now I watch with glee as he gets absolutely destroyed in the debate with George Galloway (not that Galloway is perfect either), and I spit on his grave for his racist and colonial views. This is my perspective on the phenomenon of hitchens: he was a great prose stylist with quite an inventive wit, and the fact that he was more than once able to hit home runs when lobbed the underhand slow pitch of the biggest absurdities of religion is not surprising at all. Not that impressive, and not enough to overlook his bullshit. Upvote 7 Downvote Share Share OPINIONS ON CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS 1 more reply u/prematurepost avatar prematurepost OP • 11y ago • starts at 18:15 for mobile users. Upvote 5 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 11y ago • He seemed to just make stuff up out of whole cloth without really thinking through alternative arguements whenever it suited him, that's all I see here. Fair enough he was outspoken against religion, but that does not a moral person make. He also wrote that Vanity Fair piece claiming that women aren't funny for biotruths reasons, which was maybe weird, and definitely unnecessary: Upvote 2 Downvote Share Share 6 more replies

Screenshot (Nov 24, 2024 7:30:17 AM)

Saturday, November 23, 2024

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Ex-Ukrainian general makes grim declaration: 'WWIII has begun'

Wisdom of a "Tumultuous Sixties " THOUGHT CRIME : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? " In 2024 THEY seems to be a cabal of belligerent ZIONIST Jews in Ukraine, APARTHEID Israel , and in " OUR democracy " USA ? Any DISSENT allowed for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?

America's Narcissist Explosion | Dr. Jordan Peterson | Eric Metaxas on TBN

As a longtime independent democratic socialist , I can easily how decadent capitalist society creates a morally repulsive " Culture of Narcissism " based on the circumscribed " I " - always " looking out for number one- " the soul smothering world of landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights.

Dr. Jordan Peterson: There is a crisis of meaning

Dr. Jordan Peterson: There is a crisis of meaning

Yes , there is definitely a " crisis of meaning " brought to us by the pro-CAPITALIST , pro-MILITARIST, and pro-ZIONIST mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " which daily censors every LUCID mind that actually understands and can explain why human civilization is in a severe existential crisis and on the brink of extinction. Does even the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ,still controlled by senile Joe Biden and daffy Kamala Harris, go along with deranged plans for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? [ "Peterson has proposed cutting funding for liberal arts programs throughout Canada, claiming that students were being indoctrinated with "cultural Marxism".[91] He has said that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects such as sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists".[92][93][94] He has said that these fields propagate cult-like behaviour and safe-spaces.[93][92] In 2017 he said that he would create a website to reduce enrollment in "postmodern neo-Marxist cult classes by 75 per cent across the West", including women's and ethnic studies, prompting 'alarm' from the University of Toronto Faculty Association for Peterson's plan to "place under surveillance certain kinds of academic content". Peterson did not go on to develop such a website." ] WIKIPEDIA As longtime independent democratic socialist I can concur with Dr. Jordan's war on fatuous WOKE ideology. But I do think that it is intellectually dishonest to associate it with " cultural Marxism ". Any politically literate person will understand that classic Marxism would never endorse the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party views on racism. sexism, " Critical Race Theory ", all this DNC based rainbow-genderism, very UNSCIENTIFIC drivel. Classic Marxism focused on the exploiting and oppressive nature of the CAPITALIST SYSTEM. It strived to increase CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS where " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". In truth, the WOKE WARRIOR " liberals " are hostile to any orientation toward the working class. And the so called " FAR-LEFT " LGBTQ + " community smother their brains and souls in a semi-cult , intellectual ghetto. Also , Marxism can in no way create its own " culture " within the bowels of the capitalist system. Even the rather " sick " COUNTER-CULTURE of the " Tumultuous Sixties " was doomed to fail. A socialist society will certainly not abolish all past " culture " . It will preserve everything that is good and precious in it :art, science, literature , music, architecture , the best of the cultural heritage of Western Civilization, the Judeo-Christian and Muslim contributions and often sublime moral philosophy . As an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I note very little passion in recent years- on the Left or on the Right - for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. It does seem that the majority of us would actually approve silencing our political , ideological , or cultural " enemy ". To be sure, that is not the way of classic Marxism or the way of SCIENCE. In the 20th century the arch-corruptor of Marxism was Stalinism. And too many once sincere socialists , seduced by the false PHRASES of bourgeois democracy ,found a home in the " progressive " wing of the Democratic Party. And they have been rotting there -led by " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders - for decades !

Putin issues new threats in wake of new hypersonic missile strike

I like what I just read on the World Socialist Web Site : [ "The alarm must be sounded in Europe and internationally. Bombing another country is an act of war. Whether or not war has been declared, a state of war effectively exists between the world’s major nuclear-armed powers. The Russian government has responded to these provocative attacks with increasingly blunt warnings of a military response. Far from stepping back from the brink, Washington and its NATO allies in Europe are continuing to escalate attacks on Russia. " Led by American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ,the bourgeois governments of Europe are starting nuclear World War III with complete contempt for CHRISTIAN-ISLAMIC- SOCIALIST HUMANIST world public opinion. HISTORY teachers that oppressive regimes are easily overthrown in war time. Consider CZARIST Russia in 1917 . What if there is a second Bolshevik Revolution ? Once again " communism " , socialism " and " Ten Days That Shook the World " ( the title of American journalist John Reed's classic account of events in Russia leading up to the " Storming of the Winter Palace " . Well, the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. FINALLY they will get the REGIME CHANGE in Moscow - just what they wanted !

A Career in Science - The Tough Truth Behind A "Dream Job"

I am only a somewhat science literate , old man now, democratic socialist. It does seems to me that most of the broken hearts here might have benefited from understanding that no careers are immune from the irrationality of the capitalist system. No surprise to me that name brands in science research and science academia and public celebrity scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson are warped, corrupt, and phony human beings. I smile when I recall a book titled " The End of Science" by John Horgan . When I read about " God Particle " ( we await the Coming of the Son of God Particle ! ) I am reminded of the French writer Albert Camus and his classic views on " THE ABSURD " : [ “Yet all the knowledge on earth will give me nothing to assure me that this world is mine. You describe it to me and you teach me to classify it. You enumerate its laws and in my thirst for knowledge I admit that they are true. You take apart its mechanism and my hope increases. At the final stage you teach me that this wondrous and multi-colored universe can be reduced to the atom and that the atom itself can be reduced to the electron. All this is good and I wait for you to continue. But you tell me of an invisible planetary system in which electrons gravitate around a nucleus. You explain this world to me with an image. I realize then that you have been reduced to poetry: I shall never know.”] ― Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

Friday, November 22, 2024

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Yuval Noah Harari: "Democracy is on the brink of collapse"

Within the framework of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM ALL government institutions in " OUR democracy " are essentially a joke. As a long time independent democratic socialist I wrote-in the ghost of Eugene V. Debs on my Rhode Island 2024 Election ballot .

Les Misérables | Do You Hear the People Sing?

Les Misérables | Do You Hear the People Sing? What Election 2024 was all about : an attempt to resolve an ideological brawl within the American plutocracy : bitterness between the " Old Money " WASP and " New Money " secular ZIONIST Jew . The latter was confident that their control over the mainstream news media and much social media would rout MAGA-REPUBLICAN Donald Trump . This time WASP won ironically appealing to working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " . Also, Election 2024 was an unofficial referendum on the credibility of the " FAKE NEWS " ( Donald's Trump's refrain ) . Now it seems that even pernicious WOKE is " Gone With The Wind " . Despite the vicious ideological brawl NO Democrat or Republican politician , who holds office for any length of time, can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM . What WE THE PEOPLE really feel is quite another matter : " Do You Hear The People Sing ? "

Lawrence: Republican senators say ‘hell no’ to Musk and Trump

What Election 2024 was all about : an attempt to resolve an ideological brawl within the American plutocracy : bitterness between the " Old Money " WASP and " New Money " secular ZIONIST Jew . The latter was confident that their control over the mainstream news media and much social media would rout MAGA-REPUBLICAN Donald Trump . This time WASP won ironically appealing to working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " . Also, Election 2024 was an unofficial referendum on the credibility of the " FAKE NEWS " ( Donald's Trump's refrain ) . Now it seems that even pernicious WOKE is " Gone With The Wind " . Despite the vicious ideological brawl NO Democrat or Republican politician , who holds office for any length of time, can or will think outside the box of CAPITALISM, MILITARISM, and ISRAELI ZIONISM . What WE THE PEOPLE really feel is quite another matter : " Do You Hear The People Sing ? "

Putin issues new threats in wake of new hypersonic missile strike

I like what I just read on the World Socialist Web Site : [ "The alarm must be sounded in Europe and internationally. Bombing another country is an act of war. Whether or not war has been declared, a state of war effectively exists between the world’s major nuclear-armed powers. The Russian government has responded to these provocative attacks with increasingly blunt warnings of a military response. Far from stepping back from the brink, Washington and its NATO allies in Europe are continuing to escalate attacks on Russia. " Led by American imperialism and Israeli Zionism ,the bourgeois governments of Europe are starting nuclear World War III with complete contempt for CHRISTIAN-ISLAMIC- SOCIALIST HUMANIST world public opinion. HISTORY teachers that oppressive regimes are easily overthrown in war time. Consider CZARIST Russia in 1917 . What if there is a second Bolshevik Revolution ? Once again " communism " , socialism " and " Ten Days That Shook the World " ( the title of American journalist John Reed's classic account of events in Russia leading up to the " Storming of the Winter Palace " . Well, the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years now. FINALLY they will get the REGIME CHANGE in Moscow - just what they wanted !

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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Talk Radio censoring real American public opinion?

Can anything be more silly than " Rhode Island's Anchorman ", Gene Valicenti @ 630WPRO repeatedly " blocking " text messages from " Ridiculous Ron " ( " The SOCIALIST " ! - warned by Genial Gene to " take his meds " ) when Gene has no intention of READING on air any of them ? I suggested in yet another BLOCKED text that Gene's decidedly petty-bourgeois ( he is definitely the " Consumer -in-Chief " of Rhode Island ) brain just cannot process " VOLUME " of more than a few sentences , especially if they rub him the wrong way in " OUR democracy " and " FREE SPEECH " tradition. He is better at slobbering over his program sponsors . In truth ,TALK RADIO locally and nationally daily censors real American public opinion . Which is more and more anti-war and anti-Zionism. What we really get from Talk Radio is the cramped soul voice of the American petty-bourgeoisie . Like both Joe Biden and Donald Trump it is consistently out of touch with REAL working class people in " OUR democracy ". The short video is a little awkward but the viewer can can get the point. TALK RADIO is now effete , a mockery of " OUR democracy " and if the annoying " Cancel Culture " cancels it , it will be no great loss for public enlightenment .

Once again the ZIONIST Jew censors stifle American public opinion ; " WE REMOVED YOUR POST "

Nov 21, 2024 We removed your post Ron Ruggieri Nov 21, 2024 This is not like England attacked by Germany in World War II . With the exception of fans of the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky In " Greater Israel " Ukraine , very few Americans lose any sleep over " sovereign " Ukraine. The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ," invariably under the guidance of belligerent ZIONIST Jews , imagine that THEY can stir up war fever against POST-COMMUNIST Russia among the mostly CHRISTIAN working class ( very few among them CHRISTIAN Zionists ) . THEY think that daily censoring of American public opinion - mostly anti-war and anti-Zionist - can create a false public opinion favorable to the insanity of nuclear World War III . Well , the BIG LIE did work to get us into a costly war with Iraq - and devastating to the Iraqi people - back in 2003 . But WE THE PEOPLE are not stupid forever ! It does seem that Election 2024 was also a referendum on the credibility of the mainstream news media . I guess WE THE PEOPLE really do not trust Lester Holt . Or NBC , or ABC , or CBS , or NPR ! You shared this on your profile

JUST IN: White House Holds Briefing After Russia Fires Intercontinental ...

The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party- routed in Election 2024- and their mainstream news media ( always ready to BIG LIE us into another war ) - will never succeed in arousing jackass war fever among the mostly CHRISTIAN working class for World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Still there is not one voice for world peace among the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats . Even their so called " Far Left " is mostly a fraud. They think it is OK for Zelensky to fire American made missiles into mainland Russia ? Look outside the Democratic Party for the seeds of a serious anti-war movement similar to the one of the Vietnam War era. And remember " BAN THE BOMB " movement ?

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Republicans Hold Press Briefing As Ukraine Hits In...

This is not like England attacked by Germany in World War II . With the exception of fans of the warmonger, embezzler V. Zelensky In " Greater Israel " Ukraine , very few Americans lose any sleep over " sovereign " Ukraine. The mainstream news media in " OUR democracy ," invariably under the guidance of belligerent ZIONIST Jews , imagine that THEY can stir up war fever against POST-COMMUNIST Russia among the mostly CHRISTIAN working class ( very few among them CHRISTIAN Zionists ) . THEY think that daily censoring of American public opinion - mostly anti-war and anti-Zionist - can create a false public opinion favorable to the insanity of nuclear World War III . Well , the BIG LIE did work to get us into a costly war with Iraq - and devastating to the Iraqi people - back in 2003 . But WE THE PEOPLE are not stupid forever ! It does seem that Election 2024 was also a referendum on the credibility of the mainstream news media . I guess WE THE PEOPLE really do not trust Lester Holt . Or NBC , or ABC , or CBS , or NPR !

How British Storm Shadow cruise missiles could disrupt Putin’s plans aga...

These stupid wars in the news growing inevitably into World War III , what are they really all about ? Can ordinary intelligent citizens of any civilized country believe that it is just all about the need to protect FREEDOM from all these dastardly people around the world who just HATE FREEDOM for some dumb reason ? For years now the mainstream news media in " OUR democracy " has been promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism with stale Wilsonian blather that was false more than a century ago. After the First World War - " the war to make the world safe for democracy " - ended with victories for British and American imperialism and French colonialism - sensitive authors in many countries expressed their revulsions at the very WORDS which sparked that catastrophe of civilization : " freedom, " democracy ", " way of life ", " sovereign nations " ( for example, French author Celine's " Journey to the End of the Night " or Ernest Hemmingway's " Farewell to Arms " ) . And behind all the phrases is the BIG LIE , for WAR is and always has been a function of society's ruling classes. Nowhere on this planet do ordinary people plan or start wars. But HISTORY teaches that they do END them. Here in " Our democracy " why should any rational citizen be aroused to war fever to make the world safe for the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel or for the crackpot agenda of the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? Where is the connection here to meaningless words and phrases like " FREEDOM ", "DEMOCRACY ", "WAY OF LIFE" , " SOVEREIGN NATION" ? FREEDOM for whom ? Democracy for whom ? Whose WAY OF LIFE ? And just how " sovereign " is Ukraine after getting permission from Washington D.C . for missile attacks on Russia ? Does American imperialism really invest billions for any country's " sovereignty " ? Do these stultifying words and phrases really echo in a dying brain of a mortally wounded combat soldier ? More likely the last words heard inside their own skulls are " Mother " and " God " . [ “It happened, you see, after the war, when I saw people making money while the others were dying in the trenches. You saw it and you couldn't do anything about it. Then later I was at the League of Nations, and there I saw the light. I really saw the world was ruled by the Golden Calf, by Mammon! Oh, no kidding! Implacably. Social consciousness certainly came to me late.” ― Louis Ferdinand Céline ]

Webb Falsified Dark Matter Prediction – And No One Cares

It seems to this somewhat "science literate " democratic socialist that the scientific METHOD has certainly stood the test of time. But SCIENCE as a HUMAN institution is being corrupted more and more by its integration into the global capitalist system . Here in the United States its best BRAINS are put into the service of the military industrial complex . What else is the final purpose of these super colossal atom smashers ? A science professional singing the praises of of Corporate America is a shabby spectacle of SELL OUT ! A lot of recent BIG BANG and astrophysics science " news " seems determined to dazzle or to stupefy ordinary people into thinking that WE have a future in space , that the details of the fireworks of the Big Bang or the " menace " of black holes or some sinister super nova billions of light years away actually matter to HUMAN EXISTENCE on the planet Earth ( The science " news " might generate $$$ for bigger and better outer space telescopes , bigger and better colossal particle accelerators ) . As if any of this esoteric data can even hint at the MEANING OF LIFE or OUR future here on Earth . Spare us the imminent " science " news of the " Son of God Particle ". Mr. Higgs can be canonized later at some holy private ceremony at CERN. One rather obnoxious VOICE OF SCIENCE on social media, and on overpriced lecture tours, is astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson who evangelizes for the New Atheism while promoting the agenda of " Deep State " and the odious military industrial complex. Did HE endorse WOKE WARRIOR Democrat Kamala Harris -after ridiculing Donald Trump on CNN ? " Deep State " seems entrenched in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. There are no more Michael Faradays left to express the real spirit of Science. As for what is left , when they come on get your credit card ready ! Or better still just TURN OFF! How many semi-prodigy kids still want to be theoretical physicists ? Kindly discourage them !

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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Why does Fermilab need accelerators?

Billions of dollars of public money spent on this charlatan physics monstrosity ? We THE PEOPLE await breathlessly for the COMING SOON , dramatic announcement of the " Son of God Particle " ! Then you can store at least a relic of it at the altar of newly reconstructed Notre Dame Cathedral . 100 years from now this colossal monument of JUNK Science will be open to the public as New Age equivalent of the Roman Colosseum . More and more some rather excellent voices of SCIENCE , like the gentleman above, do remind me of unctuous TV evangelists. VOTE YES for funding and PRAY FOR A MIRACLE of serious science ! A MIND is an awful thing to waste ! Do the high priests of the Big Bang ( laughing ghost of astrophysicist Fred Hoyle ) expect to become the exalted ( and well paid ) ruling class of a near future Pluto's Republic ?

Putin declares Russia could launch nuclear strike in response to convent...

" WE REMOVED YOUR POST " ( just now ) WE= the ZIONIST Jew censors of American public opinion Reply Reply @ronruggieri9817 26 minutes ago WAR is a function of society's ruling class. So you can dismiss all the stale Wilsonian blather ( that was false more than a century ago ) American imperialism, Israeli Zionism propaganda for the next -certainly the last-world war . Reply @ronruggieri9817 36 minutes ago I like what I just read on the World Socialist Website : ["The authorization by the Biden administration for Ukraine to use US long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory marks a new and dangerous escalation in the US-NATO war against Russia. The move, followed just two days later by Ukrainian attacks using the weapons, underscores the unrelenting drive by US and NATO powers to intensify the conflict, regardless of the catastrophic consequences. "] There is ZERO support for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia or Islamic Iran among the working class CHRISTIANS of the civilized world.

Putin declares Russia could launch nuclear strike in response to convent...

I like what I just read on the World Socialist Website : ["The authorization by the Biden administration for Ukraine to use US long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory marks a new and dangerous escalation in the US-NATO war against Russia. The move, followed just two days later by Ukrainian attacks using the weapons, underscores the unrelenting drive by US and NATO powers to intensify the conflict, regardless of the catastrophic consequences. "] There is ZERO support for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia or Islamic Iran among the working class CHRISTIANS of the civilized world. " WE REMOVED YOUR POST " WE = the ZIONIST JEW censors of American public opinion What happened Nov 20, 2024 We removed your post Ron Ruggieri Nov 20, 2024 I like what I just read on the World Socialist Website : ["The authorization by the Biden administration for Ukraine to use US long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory marks a new and dangerous escalation in the US-NATO war against Russia. The move, followed just two days later by Ukrainian attacks using the weapons, underscores the unrelenting drive by US and NATO powers to intensify the conflict, regardless of the catastrophic consequences. "] There is ZERO support for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia or Islamic Iran among the working class CHRISTIANS of the civilized world. You shared this on your profile

Screenshot (Nov 20, 2024 5:53:32 AM)

Fwd: Screenshot (Nov 20, 2024 5:11:31 AM)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, Nov 20, 2024, 5:12 AM
Subject: Screenshot (Nov 20, 2024 5:11:31 AM)
To: Ron Ruggieri <>

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

‘Putin has failed’ we must prepare for the Kremlin’s collapse | Vladimir...

Perhaps the Russian people and the Ukrainian people and the American people might benefit tremendously if there were a second Bolshevik 1917 Revolution soon ( " Ten Days That Shook The World " by American journalist John Reed ) that restores TRUE COMMUNISM to workers of the world ? Or would you rather see American imperialism and Old World colonialism redesign Russia in this century ?

Fwd: Are LETTERS TO THE EDITOR " a thing of the past " >

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 at 13:34
Subject: Are LETTERS TO THE EDITOR " a thing of the past " >
To: <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, Letters <>, <>

[ "Yet for all their value, letters to the editor may be endangered. A recent edition of Cascadia Daily News, the year-old Bellingham paper, took aim at the move to abolish LTEs. Writing in his weekly column, Cascadia editor Ron Judd, noted that a rival paper (the hedge-fund-owned Bellingham Herald) was jettisoning letters to the editor as 'a thing of the past' and as 'too difficult to verify and generally rife with misinformation.' ]
The REAL reason letters to the editor may be a " a thing of the past " is the ruling class fear of REAL American public opinion which is rarely GOOD NEWS for the warmongering , exploiting, oppressing American plutocracy.
Most mainstream newspapers to which I send my now " annoying " ( ? ) letters-to-the editor do not even acknowledge them ( with the exception of the Los Angeles Times ) .
But then again a 77 years longtime democratic socialist simply must be " a thing of the past " . [ Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island
phone (401-580-7432 )
[ Hyde February 22, 2023 At 7:06 am
This article makes excellent points. One further.
Letters to the editor become searchable historical documents, essentially community touchstones in history's rough draft, unlike the transient ephemera of comments lost in a digital ocean of vitriol. Publications can elevate discourse by driving opinion back to letters which require more than a drive-by snipe for successful publication.
IvanIvan February 22, 2023 At 7:40 am
Hi Jean. The New York Governor's name was Cosby, not Crosby. After all these years, I still enjoy copy-editing you. 🙂
David M SucherDavid M Sucher February 22, 2023 At 7:45 am
I stopped reading online CrossCut when it dropped comments, (which are digital letters-to-the-editor.) I'm sometimes (especially if I know the subject area wall) as interested in readers' comments as in the author's.
I find it sad that I'll see an otherwise excellent article in PostAlley with NO — ZERO!!! — comments.
I urge Post Alley to improve its comment system.
Jean GoddenJean Godden February 22, 2023 At 10:25 am
Ivan, thanks so much for your wise correction; as always you are the gold standard. Having a good copy editor to look over one's shoulder is beyond priceless.
I JohnsonI Johnson February 22, 2023 At 12:20 pm
I agree with Tom Hyde about the historical importance of letters, but I would extend that to comments online. The comments on The Stranger are a revelation in terms of watching the shift of public opinion over the last three years. In 2019 90% of letters would be in full agreement with the Stranger. Now there is full revolt and the percentages are flipped. The NYT comments are where I learn what an article is missing and it's context, with commenters who are often erudite and authoritative, as well as hilarious. The comment community often feels more engaged and intellectually challenging than my daily conversations. If the NYT ended comments I dare say it would lose tens of thousands of subscribers.
I too have stopped reading Crosscut since it moved comments to Facebook. There is virtually no activity on their Facebook, possibly because Facebook does not allow the commenter anonymity and conversations (cough, arguments) have been so brutal.
I believe elections can be swung by aggregate comments over a length of time. It is there that language is tested and changed and shapes the framing of issues. Witness more people referring to "up-zoning" for "equity" as "deregulation of the housing market," a sea change in perception. ]