For more than 150 years the world socialist movement has defined the terms liberal, conservative , moderate , radical with reference to the capitalist social system. Is it good or bad or both?
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, July 31, 2023
French writer-philosopher Albert Camus got it right in a long essay about an Absurd Universe ?
Does " socialist " ( ? ) Democrat Bernie Sanders understand that as understood by sound SCIENCE the climate change crisis of planet earth can never be solved by some miraculous PROFIT ignoring , extraordinary co-operation WITHIN the economic system of global capitalism? Also dialectical materialism seems to encourage socialist political views. But the real " Dialectics of Nature " is utterly indifferent not only to homo sapiens but also to LIFE ON EARTH .With no human beings around millions of years ago to spoil the planet there was still whole eras of extreme climate change deadly to most life on earth. There was once a " Snowball Earth " ( see the NOVA documentary ). There was the Great Dying of the Permian Age. Perhaps humanity barely survived the last Ice Age. There was probably a Scorched Earth Era.
The real " Dialectics of Nature " seems to validate H.P. Lovecraft's " Cosmic Horror ". We better hope that the God of the Bible is not just on a long vacation. We better hope that Book of Revelation is more than an allegory . At some point THINKING FEELING human beings cannot be Carl Sagan ecstatic over " what hydrogen atoms can do " after 10 billion years of cosmic evolution.
Albert Camus got it right in a long essay about the Absurd Universe ?
Only LGBTQ+ militants will volunteer for nuclear World War III
There will never be a hot war with colossal nuclear world power China. American imperialism and Israeli Zionism - the biggest bullies and trouble makers in the world - are moribund. American imperialism can never recruit enough dumb cannon fodder to challenge China's military. Stale Wilsonian blather was FALSE more than a century ago. No country on earth is eager for " OUR democracy " to instruct it on " progressive " ideas ( as expressed in WOKE ideology ) .
Nor will there be any hot war with Russia, North Korea, Iran . The " Paper Tiger " strikes back ?
The stressed out , alienated American working class and lower middle class are feeling anything resembling toxic " patriotic " war fever ? Once again feeling a delirious mania to " make the world safe for democracy " in accordance with stale Wilsonian blather ?
No more " ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS " as Christianity has been canceled by DEEP STATE stationed secular , ZIONIST Jews. Only LGBTQ+ militants will volunteer for nuclear World War III . Make the world safely radioactive for WOKE Nation ?
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Just who are the " WE " leading us into nuclear World War III ?
The "WE " leading us into a future nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ( or any other country disagreeable to " OUR democracy ) are invariably DEEP STATE representatives of the American capitalist plutocracy not a few of whom are belligerent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews. Oddly enough Joe Biden's administration is packed with them. And in the mainstream news media THEY slobber over the puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger Ukraine president V. Zelensky .
But what does working class CHRISTIAN " WE " think about another stupid , endless American imperialist war ? Have " WE " not had a good whiff of " OUR Democracy " lately ?
Corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , as our next great war time leader ?
Note that the Biden administration is packed with ardent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews
Sad to see " Old Bernie " - " socialist " Democrat - so miserably compromised. There is hardly one voice in today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party that boldly dissents from the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism and DEEP STATE"s preparations for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Note that the Biden administration is packed with ardent " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews. And they seem to idolize the puffed up , NATO " hero " warmonger , Ukraine president-for-life V. Zelensky . To whom Biden has given the US Treasury keys - to guarantee a " sovereign " Ukraine ! What do working class CHRISTIAN Americans think about moribund American imperialism and Israeli Zionism getting nasty in their dotage ?
Sospecho que la campagna de Sabina Matos fue saboteada por oscoros oponentes en su propio Partido Democrata de Rhode Island
Con el prestigio de un alto funcionario público ELEGIDO en Rhode Island, la candidata al Congreso Sabina Matos deberÃa haber tenido CERO dificultades para reunir suficientes firmas para estar en la boleta electoral. Como socialista demócrata independiente desde hace mucho tiempo, encuentro incoloros a todos estos candidatos demócratas y republicanos para el Congreso de EE.UU. aquà en Rhode Island. Ninguno piensa fuera de la caja de la ideologÃa nacional WOKE WARRIOR basada en DNC. Aún asÃ, sospecho que la campaña de Sabina Matos fue saboteada por oscuros oponentes en su propio Partido Demócrata de Rhode Island. ¿En beneficio de quién? Cui bono?
I will give " critical support " to some RI candidate for US Congress. Then I might just write-in Arlene Violet who still smells like roses.
Aaron Regunberg is YOUNG , attractive ,very well educated, very bright - with a cut above measure of SOCIAL CONSCIENCE . The other candidates for Congress here in Rhode Island lack " color " in the PR sense. I did have a positive reaction to Regunberg's TV Ad yesterday in which -following mentor ( ? ) Bernie Sanders - he called for MEDICARE FOR ALL. That alone gives him an edge. But in other areas he seems a typical WOKE WARRIOR " liberal " Democrat. Christian Americans are right in thinking that the Democratic Party has made itself both an enemy of " freedom of religion " and has consistently betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Also quite important : there is hardly a passionate voice in this new WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party for world peace. RFK Jr. is scoring points here. And I do suspect that the Sabina Matos campaign was sabotaged by some shadowy opponents in her own party. For an already elected high public official in Rhode Island getting a few hundred voter signatures should have been a banal ,no drama routine.
As an independent democratic socialist myself , I did vote for reputed " socialist " Bernie Sanders in 2016 RI presidential primary. I recall Bernie's April 2016 appearance and the 7000 people crowd at Roger Williams Park in Providence. We still have a Bernie Sanders for President campaign button. And remember, Bernie Sanders WON the Rhode Island presidential primary.
But Bernie Sanders did inevitably disappoint many of his followers with his groveling endorsement of " Harpy Hillary " Clinton. Will we see Aaron Regunberg endorsing corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden for re-election in 2024 ? All the other Democrat candidates for Congress in Rhode Isand have already made it clear that they like " Sleepy Joe ". But they are OUT OF TOUCH with most working class and struggling middle class voters in Rhode Island ( even a starry- eyed attitude toward Zionist APARTHEID Israel is a non-starter ) .
I will give critical support to some candidate in the coming Democratic Primary. Then I might just write in Arlene Violet who still smells like roses.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Can anything be more RIDICULOUS than military preparations for war with China ?
Can anything be more RIDICULOUS than military preparations for war with China ? Working class people in the United States or in China or Russia or Iran or North Korea do not plan or start wars . But HISTORY teaches that they can end them. Has there been any referendum in " OUR democracy " for war with China or Russia or Iran or North Korea ? Is our American plutocracy , our CIA , our " Deep State " , our Pentagon War Crimes Machine on a higher moral level than the Chinese communists or Putin's Russian oligarchy ? In general, on a higher moral level than all the oh-so-sinister leaders of the UN-FREE World ? Corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden & Son paragons of patriotic virtues ?
Will stale Wilsonian blather - FALSE more than a century ago -" sell " nuclear World War III to the American people ? I read that the American military has a serious recruiting problem. Not enough young people stupid enough or ignorant enough or brutal enough to sign up as cannon fodder for nuclear World War III ?
American imperialism and Israeli Zionism are moribund - even if together forever !
From the 1960s anti-war movement : " What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ? "
Roger Williams Park never looked lovelier for brother Steve, sister Adrienne , and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Me
At Roger Williams Park with brother Steve and sister Adrienne on a hot Idyllic summer afternoon. Quietly celebrating my July 26 birthday; 76 years OLD! But feeling fine and optimistic. As everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds!
Roger Williams Park in Providence , Rhode Island never looked lovelier !
You can be sure that " Greater Israel " is no fan of RFK Jr.
For years now the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party establishment has promoted the HATE Russia, New McCarthyism. Their mainstream news media thinks that stale Wilsonian blather - FALSE more than a century ago - will" sell ". the proxy war against Russia for a dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine to already stressed out working class and lower middle class Americans. While MEGA-INFLATION crushes us, corrupt , senile , creepy " Sleepy Joe " Biden gives the puffed up , NATO hero , warmonger V. Zelensky the keys to the US Treasury.
" OUR democracy ", as being deconstructed by WOKE WARRIOR Democrats , no longer respects MAJORITY RULE as a fundamental working principle. Just WHO among common people are cheering for the nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? How many belligerent ZIONIST Jews are among the common people of the United States ? Ask NBC's Chuck Todd . Ask Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer who promised a while back to be " guardian angel of Israel " . Ask the editorial board of the New York Times who are leading the pack in blackballing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - himself a " Profile in Courage .
You can be sure that " Greater Israel " is no fan of RFK Jr. ! Along with our shadowy " Deep State ". THEY do have a well documented history of getting rid of people they don't like. Like JFK , Robert F. Kennedy , Martin Luther King , Malcolm X !
We must some day open up the secret archives of the J. Edgar Hoover building .
Thursday, July 27, 2023
With 13,388 posts on Radical Ron's Blog since 2014 I do qualify as WRITER in the basic sense of having written more than a MILLION words. Above all a WRITER is someone who WRITES . And invariably a WRITER -for the market or not- at least always has something different to say , to write about whatever his or her recurring themes . Or just documenting a private or public "Journal of a Soul ".
Fwd: Sabina Matos campaign sabotaged ? Cui bono ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 10:22
Subject: Sabina Matos campaign sabotaged ? Cui bono ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 at 10:22
Subject: Sabina Matos campaign sabotaged ? Cui bono ?
To: <>
Sabino Matos campaign for US Congress sabotaged ? Cui bono ? To whose advantage ?
With the prestige of an ELECTED high public official in Rhode Island, Congressional candidate Sabina Matos should have had ZERO difficulties gathering enough signatures to get on the ballot. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I find all these Democrat and Republican candidates for US Congress here in Rhode Island colorless . None think outside the box of the national DNC based WOKE WARRIOR ideology. Still I suspect that the Sabina Matos campaign was sabotaged by shadowy opponents in her own RI Democratic Party. To whose advantage ? Cui bono ?
Sabino Matos campaign for US Congress sabotaged ? Cui bono ? To whose advantage ?
With the prestige of an ELECTED high public official in Rhode Island, Congressional candidate Sabina Matos should have had ZERO difficulties gathering enough signatures to get on the ballot. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I find all these Democrat and Republican candidates for US Congress here in Rhode Island colorless . None think outside the box of the national DNC based WOKE WARRIOR ideology. Still I suspect that the Sabina Matos campaign was sabotaged by shadowy opponents in her own RI Democratic Party. To whose advantage ? Cui bono ?
" Singing in the Rain " outside the Cranston Public Library
11 views Jul 10, 2023
I am at the Cranston Public Library at computer station 13. All of a sudden I hear a tremendous downpour of rain. I go to the entrance of the building and just outside I think of the right HAPPY SONG for the occasion: You Tube's " Singing in the Rain " from the movie. The singer the legendary Gene Kelly .
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
That BAD BAD IRS could be the nucleus of a government of PLANNED ECONOMY
" The IRS may levy (seize) assets such as wages, bank accounts, Social Security benefits, and retirement income. The IRS also may seize your property (including your car, boat, or real estate) and sell the property to satisfy the tax debt.Mar 28, 2023 " ]
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I must have a POSITIVE view of the nation's feared ( and hopefully uncorrupted ) Internal Revenue Service. Arithmetic does not lie ! VALUE stolen from an economy will be missed and can be accounted for. In a way the MIND OF GOD is a mathematician and you can't fool GOD . ALL money values must finally adjust to economic REALITY.
I see the IRS as the nucleus of a government of PLANNED ECONOMY which is both just and rational . Let greedy and corrupt capitalists and landlords and various swindlers and con-artists and charlatans tremble before it .
Is it not OK if the most HONEST people in government come after morally sleazy YOU ?
What corrupts our " Way of Life " ?
What we are witnessing every day now is the moral and intellectual collapse of America's seemingly eternal TWO PARTY SYSTEM. No morally sane individual will think that either the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats or the MAGA Republicans have the higher moral ground. Just WHAT corrupts apart from corrupt individuals ? American capitalism corrupts. American imperialism corrupts. Israeli Zionism corrupts. An educational system subservient to plutocracy corrupts. A main stream news media now incapable of telling us the TRUTH about anything corrupts. Christian Churches that preach the " Gospel of Wealth " ( Jesus wants you to be rich ! ) corrupt. Vacuous TV shows and Hollywood movies celebrating " The Culture of Narcissism " corrupt. TALK RADIO celebrities attuned to ruling class ideas and values corrupt. The decline of mass literacy corrupts . The complete loss of religious FAITH corrupts. The prison of SELF , the circumscribed " I " corrupts. The phony profession of American psychiatry corrupts . At least the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote a book titled " Modern Man in Search of a Soul " . Can WE find it ?
As in the Permian Age the next " Great Dying " has begun
For a number of reasons the VOICE OF SCIENCE has been corrupted by subservience to capitalism , American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism . Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the once super-respectable VOICE OF SCIENCE began to sound as credible as a late night 1990s Kevin Trudeau TV infomercial. Whatever the CAUSE climate change is a challenging reality. No way will the human race be able to check -even modestly - the now nightmarish global warming with GLOBAL CAPITALISM still intact. In these critical times WORLD GOVERNMENT ( SOCIALIST , what else ? ) should not sound so fatuously utopian.
Real SCIENCE does still get many things right . The GOOD EARTH -with no homo sapiens around to mess it up - was SNOWBALL EARTH millions of years ago . And HUMANS could not possibly have had anything to do with the recorded Ice Ages of the past. Or those SCORCHED EARTH ages. The Permian Age is remembered as the age of the " Great Dying ".
The next " Great Dying " has begun . If there is still a desperate hope , it is in HIS " Second Coming " ! In a forever evolving universe everything that exists is worthy of perishing. Even the " American Way of Life ".
Fwd: To Gene Valicenti , a Brown student's review of your friend Brown professor Wendy Schiller
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 at 10:22
Subject: To Gene Valicenti , a Brown student's review of your friend Brown professor Wendy Schiller
To: Gene <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 at 10:22
Subject: To Gene Valicenti , a Brown student's review of your friend Brown professor Wendy Schiller
To: Gene <>
Are there no other fountains of political wisdom than Brown University's Wendy Schiller?
. From the Student Review :
[ " If you go to Brown, this is a professor[ Wendy Schiller ] you should avoid at all costs. If you're interested in one of her classes or they are required for you, wait until someone else is teaching the class. She is scary, intimidating, entitled, and constantly gives off the impression that she wants everyone to fail. Seriously...STAY AWAY! "]
I welcome a second more positive opinion of Brown University Professor Wendy Schiller .
From Radical Ron
Monday, July 24, 2023
Was " Old Joe " Kennedy , father of JFK , right in thinking that THEY make a mess of everything ?
Israeli Zionism and American imperialism - together forever. Both moribund in a rapidly changing world. American imperialism has not won a significant war since 1945 . And long ago the United Nations condemned Zionism as a formed of racism. Perhaps ZIONIST Israel will collapse in the same way the old Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Radical but erratic and neurotic Jews played a leading role in the founding of Bolshevik Russia in 1917 and ZIONIST Israel in 1948 . Was one Joseph P. Kennedy , " Old Joe " , father of President JFK , right in thinking that THEY make a mess of everything ? We shall see.
At least Robert J. Oppenheimer had a social conscience : " I AM BECOME DEATH THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS "
The irony here is that Robert J. Oppenheimer was one of an elite group of Jewish scientists with decidedly LEFTIST leanings. Albert Einstein was also suspected of communist leanings. He did write an essay titled " Why Socialism ? " And, of course ,the grisly executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg , " atomic spies " But Hollywood PROPER -dominated by cultural , cosmopolitan Jews-went along with the notorious Red Scare of the McCarthy Era. Even today Hollywood is annoyingly WOKE WARRIOR Democrat. It is now a force for the decay of whatever still passes for " OUR democracy ". And now a threat to CIVILIZATION itself .
A vast PROPAGANDA industry for Israeli Zionism and American imperialism - that is your Hollywood USA !
At least Robert J. Oppenheimer had a social conscience : " I Am Become Death the Destroyer of Worlds ". Today" crackpot realist " militarists in the Pentagon advise ALL American presidents that nuclear war is winnable. Perhaps global warming will be cured by nuclear winter ? ( another LEFTIST Jew , Carl Sagan warned us about this ) .
As a longtime resident of Cranston, I don't think THE PEOPLE are asking too much to have the Cranston Pool restored . I recall its glory days in the early and mid sixties. I did enjoy passing through the new Itri Park last night with high spirited St. Mary's Feast crowd. Nice that somebody recognized the need for FRESH HOT popcorn . But during the day most of the benches and tables in Itri Park need more shade. Nobody is going to sit and bake on a sunny hot day for very long . SKIN CANCER is a consideration here ! I would not be surprised if RACISM were a factor in keeping the Cranston Pool closed : KEEP OUT THE PROVIDENCE RIFF RAFF ?
I would not be surprised if RACISM were a factor in keeping the Cranston Pool closed
As a longtime resident of Cranston, I don't think THE PEOPLE are asking too much to have the Cranston Pool restored . I recall its glory days in the early and mid sixties. I did enjoy passing through the new Itri Park last night with high spirited St. Mary's Feast crowd. Nice that somebody recognized the need for FRESH HOT popcorn . But during the day most of the benches and tables in Itri Park need more shade. Nobody is going to sit and bake on a sunny hot day for very long . SKIN CANCER is a consideration here !
I would not be surprised if RACISM were a factor in keeping the Cranston Pool closed : KEEP OUT THE PROVIDENCE RIFF RAFF ?
Can RFK Jr. rise above the muck of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I can readily see RFK Jr.'s political virtues . He can save his soul , I think , but not the putrescent soul of the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. It IS ideologically dominated by secular , anti-Christian , ZIONIST Jews. They have promoted the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism. And are pillars of WOKE thinking in the nation's public schools. Of course, they do not apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ! And in the mainstream news media of " OUR democracy " they play no small role in smearing and blackballing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - himself a true " Profile in Courage ". They smeared honest medical doctors who dared DISSENT on the COVID-19 pandemic . They showed contempt for Freedom of Religion, with special animosity toward traditional Catholicism.
When it comes to petty hatefulness the WOKE DEMOCRATS outmatch any CHRISTIAN working class " deplorables " who would still vote for Donald Trump. For decades now they have betrayed the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And robot like, they repeat the mantra that Donald Trump is the root of evil in " OUR democracy " of which THEY are the true champions ( led by corrupt , senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan and would be great war time leader for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ) .
Can RFK Jr. rise above this muck ?
Mr. Antonio Pace , The Godfather of Italian radio programs in Rhode Island
Search R
by JR Muratore · 1979 — This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Does any lucid American citizen lose sleep over the fate of dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ?
Does any lucid American citizen lose sleep over the fate of ZIONIST Jew warmonger V. Zelensky's dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Except perhaps that corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Bide has given Zelensky the keys to the US treasury while working class and middle class Americans are being crushed by MEGA - MOLOCH INFLATION .
Now WOKE ideology raises self-centered, social climbing incompetents to the heights of political power in the United States
The DNC and DEEP STATE's obsession with WOKE ideology only guarantees that the sun is setting on American imperialism . It will never win another significant war. At least WOKE comes with some blessings .
Daffy political correctness and vicious identity politics create a cozy LBBTQ+ " community " that fits in perfectly with the " Culture of Narcissism " which raises self-centered , social climbing incompetents to the heights of political power in the United States.
A new WOKE version of " OUR democracy " nullifies the notion that it has anything to do with MAJORITY RULE.
New film " Oppenheimer " raises a question: " Has the McCarthy Era really ended ?
FACTS about J. Robert Oppenheimer :
[ "After the war, Oppenheimer chaired the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. He opposed developing an even more powerful hydrogen bomb. When President Truman finally approved it, Oppenheimer did not argue, but his initial reluctance and the political climate turned against him. In 1953, at the height of U.S. anticommunist feeling, Oppenheimer was accused of having communist sympathies, and his security clearance was taken away. He had, in fact, had friends who were communists, mostly people involved in the antifascist movement of the thirties. This loss of security clearance ended Oppenheimer's influence on science policy. He held the academic post of director of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, and in the last years of his life, he thought and wrote much about the problems of intellectual ethics and morality. He died of throat cancer in 1967. "]
Is the McCarthy era really over ? Today " liberal " Democrats have betrayed the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. And right wing populist Donald Trump promises to OUTLAW " Socialism & Communism " in every state of the United States.
How few Jewish intellectuals today see the world as J. Robert Oppenheimer did after August 6 , 1945 . Their worship of ZIONIST Apartheid Israel can bring on nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Today the the BIDEN administration is packed with WOKE WARRIOR Zionist Jews as is his " progressive " Democratic Party.
No , the McCarthy era just took a long break !With this ironic twist : belligerent ZIONIST Jews have become new world fascists !
American and Israeli Jews who embrace CAPITALISM, AMERICAN IMPERALISM , ISRAELI ZIONISM have made themselves enemies of the working class of the whole world
RFK Jr. is more a commendable " Profile in Courage " than some crackpot anti-Semite .
Clearly, from a democratic socialist point of view , American and Israeli Jews who embrace CAPITALISM , AMERICAN IMPERIALISM , and ISRAELI ZIONISM, and who are silent at main stream news media LIES , have made themselves enemies of the working class of the whole world. In general, ANY nation-state idolatry constitutes a betrayal of socialist internationalism .
American capitalism still as much as a century ago is based on lies and brutality. It seems a long long time ago that intellectual , idealistic Jews attached themselves to the socialist movement. For more than 7 decades now they have joined what American Trotskyist leader James P. Cannon called " The Treason of the Intellectuals " .
Is the mainstream news media preparing us for nuclear World War III with stale Wilsonian lies - false even more than a century ago. Today : " Make the world safe for SOVEREIGN Ukraine " ? How " sovereign " is any country that takes BILLIONS of dollars from American imperialism ? That slobbers over puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger V. Zelensky ?
Was the Sabina Matos campaign for US Congress sabotaged ?
There is no need for a prominent ELECTED Democratic politician in Rhode Island like Sabina Matos to cheat on less than challenging nominations papers. As a registered Democrat ( but an INDEPENDENT Democratic Socialist ) I do suspect that Sabina's campaign was , in fact , sabotaged by shadowy opponents. I will probably have a WRITE IN candidate for US Congress in mind on Election Day. Perhaps Arlene Violet ? The evil here is not so much bigotry as crude and amoral political ambition.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Thursday, July 20, 2023
You can be sure that no CHRISTIAN is censoring anti-WOKE public opinion in " OUR democracy "
Last time I checked I read that the United States has the largest CHRISTIAN population in the world ? So whence this WOKE tyranny going on for decades now ? The pillars of WOKE are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheists. You can be sure that no CHRISTIAN is censoring anti-WOKE public opinion in " OUR democracy ".
The Joe Biden administration is packed with belligerent WOKE WARRIOR Zionist Jews and so is his the New World Order Democratic Party. Apart from the cultural war on everything WOKE , do WE applaud nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Do WE slobber over the puffed up NATO " hero " war monger V. Zelensky and his dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ? Perhaps NBC's resident WOKE WARRIOR, Chuck Todd, can give us a respectable answer .
You can be sure that billionaire Stefan Soloviev will expect a return ON McCoy stadium
An American millionaire or billionaire may or may not be a very moral person within the parameters of his own socially conditioned conscience. Apart from Karl Marx's labor theory of value, there is an equally cogent criticism of capitalism generated wealth : it is right there in High School Physics . The law of Conservation of Energy says, in short, that you can't get something from nothing. The billionaire's exploitation of the working class is slyly hidden : does he not pay his so very happy employees a decent wage ? Still in no way does his own persona ( the smartest human brain can operate on household lightbulb wattage ) account for all that wealth. In the final analysis ,all human ENERGY -physical or mental - is measured in CALORIES. There is no record of any billionaire spontaneously combusting after a long hard day at the office.
A clinical thermometer should tell us what HIS wages should be. Or our own. SOCIETY will end up with much of that surplus value anyway. So you see, High School Physics is indeed subversive : it may lead to " crackpot " SOCIALIST ideas. Which Donald Trump wants banned in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
You can be sure that this Stefan Soloviev will expect a return ON McCoy Stadium . As Marx said, a capitalist is not a capitalist for the benefit of the working class.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
The " Dignity Bus " for homeless is getting so much publicity inversely proportional to its usefulness in helping homeless people
The " Dignity Bus " is getting so much publicity inversely proportional to its usefulness in helping homeless people . Any lucid thinking on the issue of homelessness in " OUR democracy " will consider that the main obstacle to solving this most enduring problem is sacrosanct landlord-capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. But even the appointed or self-appointed advocates for homeless people never see this or think outside the box designed by the DNC . The so called FAR LEFT of the Democratic Party is light years away from democratic SOCIALIST thinking .
Perhaps to deal with resident boredom the " Dignity Bus " will tour Newport's Bellevue Ave. on weekends ? And dream dreams of the Gilded Age.
Do Black Lives Matter to hydrogen bombs ?
The military recruiting is often aimed at the restless psyche of young and desperate Black Americans . But long ago Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and American imperialism, between racism and American capitalism .
Who among the young and promising wants to join the stupid WOKE American military ? They have to be swindled and bamboozled into military. Now cannon fodder for nuclear World War III with China , Russia, North Korea, Iran . Do Black Lives Matter to hydrogen bombs ?
To be sure , no North Korean or Chinese ever called him the N-word .
What more do you want than corrupt , senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden for president for another 6 years ?
If any voters are paying attention , there is not a dime's worth of difference among the Democratic Party candidates in Rhode Island for US Congress. And ( so in tune with public opinion ? ) they all slobber over corrupt , senile, creepy " Sleepy Joe Biden ".
The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats all sing in tune to the Party line, and show bold contempt for the basic ideals of Western Christian Civilization and the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of " OUR democracy ".
And " Sleepy Joe " , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , our next great war time president ? Are ordinary Americans , inclined to vote Democrat, cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Are they slobbering over the NATO " hero " warmonger president of not so " sovereign " Ukraine V. Zelensky ? Are they besotted with Zionist APARTHEID Israel ?
Will " Sleepy Joe " Biden run on a " Peace and Prosperity " theme ? On an anti-crime theme ? What more do you want than corrupt, senile , creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden for president for another 6 years ?
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Who are more paranoid and neurotic than the friends of APARTHEID Israel ?
Highlighted reply
You can always immediately identify a schizophrenic boomer from their need to capitalize completely random words in a way that makes zero contextual sense.
@Malikav109 And what is YOUR position on these issues that concern anti-ZIONIST Christians ? Was Malcolm X right about the real relationship between Blacks and Jews in the United States ? The WOKE WARRIOR Democrats have adopted the old STALINST trick of associating DISSENT with MENTAL ILLNESS . But who are more paranoid and neurotic than the friends of APARTHEID Israel ? Idolatry of Israel has made most Jews in the United States the most annoying ethno-centric people on the planet.
Do Jews In the News- like Harvey Weinstein and Jerry Epstein - and arrogant ZIONIST Jews in the Democratic Party- promote warm feelings toward the " Chosen People " ? Does contempt for the CHRISTIAN parents of America worried sick over crackpot transgender controversies ?
Harvey Weinstein ,while being honored, advised an audience of fellow ZIONIST Jews to "learn from the Mafia " . how to deal with their enemies.
Do I still make " zero contextual sense " here ,Malikov 109 ?
" Black Lives Matter " groups identified with the oppressed Palestinians not with the arrogant ZIONIST Jew Netanyahu
Long ago the United Nations condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. But corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden's administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews , as is his now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. The vast majority of working class Christians in the USA do not slobber over APARTHEID Israel or over the ZIONIST Jew war monger Zelensky , president of the not so " sovereign " Ukraine. ( more like " Greater Israel ? )
Working class CHRISTIANS in the United States are not cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. The mainstream news media in the United States - controlled by militant ZIONIST Jews- never shows a sympathetic voice for the just cause of the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians . No mystery that" Black Lives Matter" groups recently were waving Palestinian flags in anti-police brutality demonstrations. You see, THEY identify with other oppressed people not with arrogant ZIONISTS like Benjamin Netanyahu .
NOTE : Just for the record the United States is still the most CHRISTIAN nation in the world.
Defending Robert F. Kennedy Jr. against the smear of anti-Semitism
When secular ZIONIST Jews - now the backbone of WOKE ideology and instigators of nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia - accuse a man like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of malevolent anti-Semitism , intelligent , really " liberal " citizens , can barely suppress a sardonic smile.
TRUTH is not anti-Semitic. Do they ever apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ? No , but everybody who condemns Israel as a RACIST country ( as did the United Nations a while back ) will soon- if they are socially prominent - hear from the Zionist Jew saints and sages of the New York Times. And very soon from their Chuck Todd. If they are not socially prominent they will dismissed and ignored as working class CHRISTIAN deplorables .
Enough of deranged and murderous " freedom " !
No chance for " socialist justice " when CIVILIZATION itself begins to break down. Beyond a certain critical point CRIME and the HOMELESS CRISIS collide with functional law and order. Short of some ideal form of democratic socialism , what has been described as a " managerial society " could cope with the present chaos. Without " totalitarian " control over the nation's resources, it could still nevertheless commandeer whatever it needs to deal with a social crisis. As a start homelessness would be declared illegal. At the same time CIVILIZED accommodation will be provided for the homeless at the expense of bloated and negligent landlords. All budding criminals- in fact , all young people now of military age - will be drafted into a Reserve Army of Social Repair. All kinds of useful projects for the RASP like the Civilian Conservation Corp during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Eventually we will all be " Looking Backward " at today's capitalist , nihilistic " Culture of Narcissism ".
Enough of deranged and murderous " freedom " ! The needs of the COMMUNITY rise above the EGO of individuals, of the circumscribed " I ".
Monday, July 17, 2023
Fwd: Have any American journalists noticed that Chinese communists betrayed the " Bible of Marxism " decades ago ? What survives is STALINISM and hateful " official atheism "
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 11:01
Subject: Have any American journalists noticed that Chinese communists betrayed the the " Bible of Marxism " decades ago ? What survives is STALINISM and hateful " official atheism "
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 at 11:01
Subject: Have any American journalists noticed that Chinese communists betrayed the the " Bible of Marxism " decades ago ? What survives is STALINISM and hateful " official atheism "
To: <>
[ "Unless you're a CCP official. Then it's a story of a dissident challenging the authority of the state. A possible sneak preview of what a Bible with socialist characteristics might look like appeared in a Chinese university textbook in 2020. The rewritten Gospel of John excerpt ends, not with mercy, but with Jesus himself stoning the adulterous woman to death.
Across Henan province, local CCP officials forced Protestant churches to replace the Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping quotes. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me," became diktats like: 'Resolutely guard against the infiltration of Western ideology.' ]
Have any " liberal " Democrats noticed that the Chinese communists have been obtuse on reading or understanding the " Bible of Marxism " classics as understood by the world wide socialist movement since 1900 ? Do the Chinese communists ever make appeals to the " WORKERS OF THE WORLD " ? Ever talk with an iota of sincerity about " SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM " ? Ever even denounce generic CAPITALISM ?
No , all that remains of aborted " communism " in China is Stalinism and hateful " official atheism ".
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The pseudo Left and pseudo Marxists -and fake Trotskyists - invariably side with the ZIONIST Jew controlled New York Times in sniffing out imagined " hateful " anti-Semitism
[ " The implication of Kennedy’s statement is that the disease is a biological weapon created by Chinese researchers and Jewish American scientists to kill Christians.
There is a deep historical resonance in Kennedy’s comment, which bears comparison to the “blood libel” against the Jews, first concocted as far back as the Middle Ages, when Jews were accused of secretly draining the blood from Christian children. Such lies were revived by Russian Tsarism in its fabrication of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” to justify pogroms against the Jews, and then taken up by the Nazis in their genocidal effort to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe. " ]
NOTE : When it comes to sniffing out imagined " anti-Semitism " the Marxist or pseudo-Marxist Left invariably concurs with ZIONIST Jew controlled New York Times.
Sad to see but the so called Far Left and self-appointed Marxist vanguard parties have been regularly ruined by neurotic leftist Jews for more than a century . From them we get endless New Atheism enforced Anti-Catholic , anti-Christian , anti-FAITH bigotry . As if in power our now effete and simple minded " Marxists " would once again give the world the blessings of an OFFICIALLY ATHEIST state.
Antisemitism and anti-Chinese racism: The case of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Antisemitism and anti-Chinese racism: The case of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
No surprise here : New York Times smears RFK Jr. as an anti-Semite
Not surprising that nervous WOKE WARRIOR New York Times editors and journalists want to smear Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a vulgar, insignificant conspiracy theorist . As if the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media and the Joe Biden administration- packed with war-eager ZIONIST Jews- are a force for TRUTH in the " FREE world " , in " OUR democracy " .
In TRUTH RFK Jr. is himself a " Profile in Courage " in the moral disaster that is today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party.
Apart from voices against " vaccine paranoia " are there any voices for world peace in the Democratic Party today ?
Any " liberal " Democrats who do not slobber over Zionist APARTHEID Israel ?
Are working class CHRISTIANS in the United States cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Saturday, July 15, 2023
The backbone of Ukraine president Zelensky's support in the USA comes from like minded belligerent ZIONIST Jews
Nothing but adulation for this puffed up NATO " hero " arrogant ZIONIST Jew warmonger ? He would plunge our FREE WORLD into nuclear World War III for the dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine ! The backbone of his support in the USA comes from like minded belligerent ZIONIST Jews who control the mainstream news media and the now WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. And they have corrupt , senile , creepy ," Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot .
Holocaust films as FOR PROFIT Zionist propaganda ?
Jul 23, 2011 — The Vel' d'Hiv roundup is brought to tragic life in Sarah's Key, a film adaptation of the bestselling novel by Tatiana de Rosnay, which has sold ...]
[Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein urges Jews to 'kick ass' in anti ... › Jewish World › Jewish World News
Mar 26, 2015 - Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein urges Jews to 'kick a**' in anti-Semitism fight - Jewish World News - Haaretz - Israel News | Haaretz.]
Should this " kick a** " sanction genocidal nuclear weapons ? Obviously Islamic Iran does not rise to the high moral standards of Harvey Weinstein. Nor do the dispossessed Palestinians .
Harvey Weinstein Urges Jews to Take on Anti-Semites: "Kick These ...
Numerous homeless people still spotted everywhere in the vicinity of Kennedy Plaza Providence , RI
Despite all the attention Rhode Island's " progressive " Democrats recently focused on them, homeless people can still be spotted everywhere in the vicinity of Kennedy Plaza , Providence. On my way to the new and improved Providence Public Library today, Saturday , July 15 , I spotted at least half a dozen wretched, ragged, soul broken homeless people. Next time I will politely ask one or more of them if they might tell a little of THEIR story to Radical Ron's Blog Spot.
" Old Joe " Kennedy knew something about Hollywood Jews
Any literate American adult must have read this story or its equivalent : " How American Jews built Hollywood ". The TRUTH is not anti-Semitic. But " Old Joe " Kennedy knew something about Hollywood and the Democratic Party . What he said about Hollywood's " chosen people " is most unflattering. Also Malcolm X had a lot to say about the Black American Experience with capitalist Jews- nothing very flattering.
From global warming nightmare to " Snowball Earth "
It does seem that the film noir science fiction movies of the 1950s -with their "DAY THE WORLD ENDED" themes - are a recurring nightmare for me 50 years later. I often recall that eerie Twilight Zone episode on TV: " Midnight Sun " :
[ "The Earth moving closer to the sun is revealed to be only a fever dream, while in reality the Earth is moving away from the sun, and the world's inhabitants are actually freezing to death.
[The Earth's orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to slowly fall into the sun. A prolific artist, Norma, and her landlady, Mrs. Bronson, are the last residents in their New York apartment building. Their former neighbors have either moved north to seek a cooler climate or they have already perished from the extremely high temperatures." ]
A NOVA science documentary describes " Snowball Earth " millions of years ago. So should we clever HOMO SAPIENS succeed in ending the GLOBAL WARMING nightmare - now this ?
I just finished reading H.P. Lovecraft's weird fiction classic " The Mountains of Madness " centered in the frigid Antarctic . In the story " The OLD ONES" ( very old ones ! ) have adapted to super cold for MILLIONS OF YEARS. But these creatures were much more intelligent than we-if not quite as cute .
Fwd: YOU TUBE comment : " Did a paid ZIONIST Jew censor scratch over my words " ? " When APARTHEID Israel makes a stench in world public opinion ....."
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2023 at 09:49
Subject: YOU TUBE comment : " Did a paid ZIONIST Jew censor scratch over my words " ? " When APARTHEID Israel makes a stench in world public opinion ....."
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2023 at 09:49
Subject: YOU TUBE comment : " Did a paid ZIONIST Jew censor scratch over my words " ? " When APARTHEID Israel makes a stench in world public opinion ....."
To: <>
Whenever APARTHEID Israel makes a stench in world public opinion Hollywood ZIONIST Jews ( like Harvey Weinstein! ) make yet another FOR PROFIT Holocaust movie. The historic TRUTH of the Holocaust or any other ethnic group's collective tragedy does not give them a pass to commit crimes against humanity. The ZIONIST state of Israel has changed the once attractively COSMOPOLITAN Jews( so many of them ) into the most annoying, ethnocentric people on the planet. Today in the 21st century you won't find any socially prominent Jews writing " Why Socialism ? " essays as Albert Einstein in 1945 . Note that the Biden administration is packed with ZIONIST Jews as is Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party . Of course, the mainstream news media in the United States is always defensive of corrupt , senile, creepy Joe Biden. Ask NBC's political oracle Chuck Todd . The TRUTH is not anti-Semitic .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Friday, July 14, 2023
Thursday, July 13, 2023
What Black writer James Baldwin thought about drug addiction
What Black writer James Baldwin thought about drug addiction is described in his famous short story titled " Sonny's Blues ":
" Sonny uses drugs as a means of escaping from an environment that is depressive, stressful and full of suffering. Baldwin restrains from judging Sonny because of his addiction problems because he wants to bring out the destructive effects of drug abuse and the role that the brain plays in the abuse of drugs. "
Dangerous for pedestrians crosswalk at the intersection of Pontiac Ave. and Sockanosset Rd. In Cranston
There is a crosswalk at the intersection of Pontiac Ave. and Sockanosset Road in Cranston , RI. There is a traffic light at the crosswalk by the CVS pharmacy there. The sign blinks WALK for pedestrians crossing over to Sockanosset Rd. But while the pedestrian is crossing traffic too often turn LEFT ignoring the pedestrian . This is an ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN in Cranston. I have crossed over there myself numerous times. Aiming my cell phone camera at these cars worked like magic to slow them down. The drivers must think : " A-HOLE ! "
SPANISH translation :
[ Hay un cruce de peatones en la intersección de Pontiac Ave. y Sockanosset Road en Cranston, RI. Allà hay un semáforo en el cruce de peatones junto a la farmacia CVS. El letrero parpadea CAMINAR para los peatones que cruzan hacia Sockanosset Rd. Pero mientras el peatón está cruzando el tráfico, con demasiada frecuencia gire a la IZQUIERDA ignorando al peatón. Este es un ACCIDENTE ESPERANDO SUCEDER en Cranston. He cruzado por allà yo mismo en numerosas ocasiones. Apuntar la cámara de mi teléfono celular a estos autos funcionó como magia para reducir la velocidad. Los pilotos deben pensar: "¡AGUJERO!"]
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From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2023, 12:37 PM
To: <>
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2023, 12:37 PM
To: <>
What causes writer's block ? And why free spirit-non profit bloggers are immune to it ?
[ "In a lot of cases, writer’s block stems from fear- of failure, of not being as good as others, of not getting recognized. It is fear that often causes authors to make excuses for themselves to put off writing. Let's look at some of the most common excuses and rework that thinking:
I don’t have enough time. It's okay not to have a ton of time to devote solely to writing. In fact, this circumstance can force you to maximize the time you have available. Be committed to the time you’ve carved out for yourself to write. You can devote at least 10 minutes every day, and while you might not see it instantly, you’ll see results with time.
I might fail. And you will. Anyone who tries to succeed is doomed to fail at some point, but that shouldn't stop you. Failure should be taken as a natural occurrence on any path to success. There isn’t a single person whose life is a continuous series of victories.
I don't know where to start. Research is great, but you can't research forever. So how do you start writing a book? It seems daunting, but really, you just have to start writing. It doesn’t matter if you scrap it later on, but just getting yourself to overcome starting will make things easier. No one is forcing you to finish it in one go. Take breaks and come back when you’re ready to write again. With online publishing platforms like LiveCarta, you can update your work as you go and at your own pace.
I am not in the mood to write. There are days when you don't feel like writing at all, but writing is muscle memory, and it needs to be developed with constant repetition. The more you write, even when you're not in the mood, the better you will get.
I don’t know what to write. Sometimes what you write is not nearly as important as how you write. Look for writing prompts online, do some research, and start developing your thoughts.
So now that we’ve discussed the most common excuses writers make, how can you stay motivated when writing a book? Let’s review some factors that trigger writer’s block and writing tips on how to overcome them.
What causes writer's block? " ]
If the arrogant ZIONIST ZEALOT ZELENSKY gets his demand ? Nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ?
As a longtime independent democratic socialist and veteran of many anti-war movements against American imperialism and Israeli Zionism I think our proxy war in Ukraine is not only abominable but ridiculous . Just how " sovereign " can Ukraine ever be getting billions from the US government and being TIED to NATO if the puffed up NATO war monger V. Zelensky gets his arrogant demand ?
Do working class CHRISTIAN Americans lose any sleep over the necessity for a " sovereign " Ukraine ? How about over corrupt , senile , " Sleepy Joe " Biden giving ZIONIST Zealot Zelensky the keys to the US Treasury while MEGA INFLATION is crushing us ? Three cheers for nuclear World War III with POST-COMUNIST Russia ?
What can possibly be so HUSH HUSH about Gina Raimondo's email ?
The whole concept of CONFIDENTIAL , TOP SECRET , STRICTLY PRIVATE US government documents and e-mails is effete and irrelevant to the real concerns of " OUR Democracy ". This is why guys like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange become populist heroes. The reason SECRETS are definitely not for OUR eyes, not just the eyes of the designated enemy of the month ( China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela ) is that they would SHAME us as decent human beings : what DEEP STATE and Corporate America does behind the backs of ordinary working class and middle class Americans. INTRIGUE that has nothing do really with " national security". Who elected the head of the CIA , FBI , Homeland Security , the crackpot militarists in the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ? What can possibly be so HUSH HUSH about Gina Raimondo's email ?
Within the decadent WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party only the still blackballed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is capable of some real reform . The life of the planet might depend on it.
Gene , Iam always proud to identify myself as a resident of that mostly Italo-American Cranston, Rhode Island neighborhood named Knightsville. But I am sure that most listeners of 630 WPRO talk radio found the hot topic of city names protocol annoyingly TRIVIAL. Now today you have SCANDALS IN Cranston - much more interesting and substantial.
Free speech tradition betrayed by old liberals
Early in the morning I am listening to the usual Red Eye Radio crew on YOUR radio station(630WPRO) point out how millions of old liberals are now cravenly silent on FREE SPEECH ,FREE THOUGHT issues.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Has Mario Puzo's " The Godfather corrupted American culture ?
Mario Puzo's " The Godfather " has corrupted American culture
"What Cohen described was a seedier version of an operation that most Americans would recognize from viewing films like The Godfather. "
I have been reading Leo Tolstoy's odd but " infectious " views on art. The titan of great literature insists that great art -or just respectable art- must act as a moral force for truth and goodness in human society.
Mario Puzo 's " The Godfather " might have been a great read and it was turned into one of the greatest movies of all time . But as ART it corrupts and continues to corrupt almost 50 years later.
One local talk radio local celebrity with an Italian surname is always running Godfather cuts and covers the Mueller Russia investigation with famous " Godfather lines : " Don Corleone says this and Don Corleon says that ... "
I wonder to what degree " The Godfather " has corrupted the Italian-American subculture which I recognize from my " Old Neighborhood " on Federal Hill in Providence - where gangster Raymond Patriarca was king . " Stay away from THE CLUB " , Grandma warned.
. So many Don Corleone or "Goodfella " wannabes in the vicinity of Holy Ghost Church off Atwells Ave.
How can any literate person miss the FASCIST message of " The Godfather " ? The world is forever divided into warring FAMILIES . You owe loyalty only to your own FAMILY and to YOUR " godfather ".
You can still be a good Catholic and confess your sins now and then to a " friend of the family " [ all ears ! ] priest. But business is business. And every now and then a bloody " war " will purify the power structure.
The concept of " reparations " for PAST racial injustice by long dead white people is actually rather ridiculous
The concept of " reparations " for PAST racial injustice by long dead white people is actually rather ridiculous . We don't inherit the GUILT of past generations. What will correct any form of social injustice today is some form of democratic socialism. After they were pronounced FREE at the end of the American Civil War , Black people were embraced by more " civilized " capitalist wage slavery. Karl Marx explained this very cogently way back in 1848 in the world famous " Communist Manifesto ".
Today the profits of the master class are based on generalized wage slavery . No reparations for the Irish, Italian , Chinese, German, Jewish cruelly exploited immigrants during the Industrial Revolution of the anti-slavery North ? In the 1930s poor working class Jews constituted the backbone and leadership of organized labor in the USA. Read Irving Howe's " World of Our Fathers ".
Working class people of all races and ethnic groups still need their own American Labor Party - a lot like the British Labor Party but less compromised , more CLASS conscious.
Not for nothing great Black authors like Richard Wright ( author of " Black Boy " ) gravitated toward the American Communist Party in the 1930s Depression Era.
Both Martin Luther King and Black Muslim Malcolm X had a negative view of capitalism and American imperialism. Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism. My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ". In a letter to his wife circa 1953 Martin Luther King said he was leaning toward some form of Christian socialism. Odd that they were both assassinated ! King in 1968, Malcolm X in 1965 .
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