Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, June 30, 2022
" Ketanji Brown Jackson is sworn-in to formally become a Supreme Court justice, officially making her the nation’s first Black woman to serve in the role. ". Would a Black transgender woman also qualify as " first Black woman to serve the role ". ?
Are there any professional biologists that go along with this idea that DNA determined SEX is irrelevant not only in human society but even in NATURE ? Charles Darwin has a whole chapter on SEXUAL SELECTION in his book on the descent of the human species.
Why has WOKE nonsense become such an intellectual tyranny in USA academia ?
Can our LAW still be RACE blind ? It does pretend to be CLASS blind. Find a Supreme Court justice who cogitates on the CLASS STRUCTURE of American society .
Third Wave Feminism now negates its own cause ? The feminism of the Progressive Era was integrated with a radical sociology influenced very much by Marxism. How are female capitalist oppressors and exploiters preferable to the male ones ? What is " progressive " about women who fit into toxic American militarism and rise in the hierarchy of the military industrial complex ? What is so " progressive " about women cops being also equally ferocious guardians of capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY ?
What is so " progressive " about a woman judge who sentences working class " criminals " -before HER majesty - under the same ruling class instituted -grotesquely unfair - LAW ?
Seeing this high school reunion video I was reminded of the Twilight Zone episode " Walking Distance ". I must sort through so many memories again. I presently live at 75 Mathewson St. in Knightsville, Cranston. My brother Ray ( passed away )and I were passengers with Howard Sherman in a car driven by fervent John Chafee supporter Bob Kaufman . Once Howard said something not quite flattering about Bob's political idol. Bob stopped short with a brief reprimand for Howie. Ray and I always laughed about this incident.
My older brother Rick ( also passed away ) were students at Hope High School on that eerie afternoon when my biology teacher Mr. Cunningham announced to the class - viewing a film on the circulation of the blood- that President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. Later, on Rick's car radio, we learned that JFK had died .. .
Our love to all you precious souls from the past
Of course , it is absurd to think that real protection for the much endangered environment of the once GOOD EARTH can be secured by phony ,corrupt , compromised , PRO-CAPITALIST Democrats now officially HOSTILE to both population , technical , and resource rich nation state giants Russia and China.
As for the mass migration problem now on all continents why not let EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY settle the question. Where in NATURE does any environmentally challenged species show respect for UN-NATURAL , artificial , human civilization created BORDERS ?
Again I refer to that classic 1968 photo of GOOD EARTH as seen by those pioneer astronauts exploring the moon . It was GOOD EARTH that amazed them not the bleak, God forsaken lunar surface.
Naturally the capitalist ruling class will never cease to believe that a world in which they are on top is the best of all possible worlds. Do not expect the so called FAR LEFT of the Democratic Party to seriously flirt with REAL socialism : always icy serious about abolishing ALL PRIVATE PROPERTY rights in modern nation-states. And by the way , I wonder about the last time any of the bloated rich Chinese " communist " leaders read Marx's " Communist Manifesto " or Engel's classic " Socialism - Utopian and Scientific ".
I am a long time democratic socialist still hopeful of peaceful EVOLUTION to a SANE SOCIETY .
As a longtime democratic socialist I see THE PROBLEM here as sick minds in a sick society not the mere proliferation of guns. WE are over-vilifying the NRA and frightened middle class gun owners rightfully fearing the breakdown of LAW & ORDER .
Just wait and see if draconian gun laws make a difference in domestic violence.
As a long time democratic socialist I am more inclined to see the SPECTER OF FASCISM in the now oh-so-WOKE Democratic Party than inside a divided Republican Party . Note that the " liberal " Democrats - showing no respect for Donald Trump's stunning but LEGITIMATE 2016 presidential election victory- proceeded to smear him every day of his presidency with Russian intrigue and some unsavory relationship with Vladimir Putin. THEY - not the conservative Republicans - are still promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism.
Any FAR LEFT in the Democratic Party is deaf , dumb and, blind to its DEEP STATE FASCIST SOUL .
WE THE PEOPLE desperately need a break from this " OUR democracy " . We need an independent American Labor Party like the British Labor Party but more militantly working class conscious . That alone might prevent violent , anarchic , and chaotic REVOLUTION. But CHANGE is coming !
I was brought up CATHOLIC , I guess, in the Golden Age of Catholicism in the USA - the post wars years , the 1950s to the dreadful 1965 . I will never associate the beautiful Latin Mass -which preserved the dignity , solemnity , gravitas , and MYSTIQUE of the Catholic Church for centuries - with " odour of the devil " . If anything I associate everything UNHOLY about Vatican II with the scary warning of the 1972 horror movie " The Exorcist ". As a democratic socialist and an " Old Catholic " I am amused by this WOKE pope giving the papal blessing and Holy Communion to WOKE ( and war mongering ) Democrat Nancy Pelosi .
A WOKE Catholic Church is a JOKE Catholic Church .
" The Power of Christ Commands You ! " DOMINUS VOBISCUM !
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Ordinary working class people in the United States , in Russia , and in the Ukraine do not plan wars and do not start wars. Indeed " OUR democracy " does not even consult us on this business of war: A referendum for nuclear World War III with Russia ?
But working class people can END wars and PREVENT wars. Have ordinary working class Americans been convinced by all this Wilsonian blather ( once again make the world safe for democracy ? ) that no cause should be dearer to our hearts than a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine led by an arrogant , war mongering President Zelensky ?
So infinitely precious - American capitalism and American imperialism . A mountain of corpses is worth it ?
As a democratic socialist - not MEGA-MAGA Donald Trump fan - I can not fail to observe that the WOKE Democratic Party has no concept of OBJECTIVE TRUTH . And no concept of EQUAL JUSTICE before the law.
Nothing inspiring or constructive about this Congressional Kangaroo Court ! The mainstream news media in the United States for years now operates on the ethical level of Stalin's infamous Moscow Trials of the 1930s .
Off duty Providence police officer Jeann Lugo not getting a fair hearing in news media -- is he really guilty of a creepy assault on Black woman Democratic political opponent ?
As a democratic socialist I think only TRUTH can serve our cause. I suspect that officer Jeann Lugo is not getting a fair hearing in the very biased ( always on the side of the corrupt , lying Democratic Party ) mainstream news media and daffy social media. Real DEMOCRATS abhor hysterical , easily manipulated psychological lynch mobs. Let some unbiased jury decide exactly what happened in a chaotic moment in time. Hating cops for the hell of it IS just plain anarchy . The WOKE Democratic Party clearly now rejects the very concept of OBJECTIVE TRUTH . And they dare to think that SCIENCE is on their side in so many controversial issues ? What a joke !
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Off duty Providence police officer Jeann Lugo not getting a fair hearing in news media -- is he really guilty of creepy assault on Black woman Democratic political opponent
As a democratic socialist I think only TRUTH can serve our cause. I suspect that Jeann Lugo, an off-duty Providence police officer, is not getting a fair hearing in the very biased ( on the side of the corrupt , lying Democratic Party ) mainstream news media and daffy social media. Real DEMOCRATS abhor hysterical , easily manipulated psychological lynch mobs.
Let some unbiased jury decide exactly what happened in a chaotic moment in time. Hating cops for the hell of it IS just plain anarchy .
Corrupt , war mongering Democrats " the last best hopes against fascism " ?
As a long time democratic socialist I think telling American voters that the corrupt , rotten , stupidly WOKE Democrats are " the last best hope against fascism " is in itself an Orwellian police state BIG LIE . More vacuous than the Wilsonian blather of the GREAT WAR of 1914 - " the war to make the world safe for democracy " . " Corrupt , " Sleepy Joe " Biden as the bulwark of " OUR democracy " ? What a joke !
Presently WOKE Democrats are conspiring to get us into nuclear war confrontation with both Russia and China. " OUR democracy " is best represented by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Establishment ? By the CIA , FBI, Homeland Security, and the Pentagon War Crimes Machine as the vanguard of the American plutocracy's military industrial complex ?
The task of the phony " FAR LEFT " of the Democratic Party is once again to herd angry, worried voters , and naive, idealistic young activists, onto its voting lists. For more than a century now is there anything more tired than appeals to the LESSER EVIL ? American socialist Eugene V. Debs warned crowds of supporters about this more than a century ago. Debs opposed both the GREAT WAR and the TWO PARTY SYSTEM. He proposed a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST USA .
For decades now " liberal " WOKE Democrats - not Republicans , not working class , " deplorable " Christians,- have made themselves adversaries of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Christian Civilization.
Since 2016 they have promoted the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism. They have the FAKE NEWS media working for them hour by hour , day by day. They have managed to alienate the vast majority of decent , law abiding , working class Christians in the USA .
Which party has a FASCIST agenda ? Ask Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Chuck Schumer.
Monday, June 27, 2022
Is the war monger Zelensky's corrupt government too stupid to warn civilians not to flock to shopping malls as in the horror movie " Dawn of the Dead " ?
Don't expect much TRUTH from the fake capitalist imperialist news media in the United States. Ordinary working class Americans are all excited over SOVEREIGN Ukraine and nuclear World War III with Russia ( a possible cure for MEGA-INFLATION ? ) .
" A historic Catholic Church in West Virginia burned to the ground this weekend, and police are now investigating the incident as arson.
St. Colman Catholic Church was already a smoldering ruin when firefighters from the Beaver Volunteer Fire Department arrived to the scene Sunday morning. The church was built in 1878 and was declared an official historical site in 1984.
Authorities have not released information about potential suspects. "
Since when will the satanic spirit of the New Atheism make this a better , more just world ? I speak as a long time democratic socialist with deep Catholic roots .
I think the " progressive " Democrats - so much like the sectarian Marxist Left - have a tin ear for the moral conscience of the very working class they pretend to champion. The most they can do for poor Black women is to make it a lot easier for them to terminate NEW HUMAN LIFE in the womb ? Is that what is left of their legendary WAR ON POVERTY ?
All the corrupt bourgeois governments of NATO umbrella Europe-always out of touch with their own working class - want to punish POST-COMMUNIST Russia mercilessly for not recognizing the now SOVEREIGN country that is the Ukraine ? ALL these bourgeois capitalist governments have a long bloody history of colonial and imperialist oppression of " under-developed " countries on all continents. So much for Wilsonian blather about defending the FREE WORLD !
How many ordinary working class people around the world share NATO's belligerent interest in a not so sovereign Ukraine ?
When will war monger Zelensky fall off his pedestal ? Is he being cheered on by 5 million Ukrainian refugees in Poland ?
As a democratic socialist I do suspect that Putin's villainy in this stupid Ukraine war is greatly exaggerated . How is our American plutocracy on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian oligarchy ? Three cheers for nuclear World War III with " evil " Russia ?
Fwd: Will the hard core of the new WOKE Democratic Party consist mostly of varieties of New Atheists ? Ask AOC !
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 09:40
Subject: Will the hard core of the new WOKE Democratic Party consist mostly of varieties of New Atheists ? Ask AOC !
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 09:40
Subject: Will the hard core of the new WOKE Democratic Party consist mostly of varieties of New Atheists ? Ask AOC !
To: <>
And speaking as a longtime democratic socialist - who believes in the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western CHRISTIAN Civilization - I wonder if the now obnoxiously WOKE Democratic Party wants to turn off every sincere Catholic and Protestant in the United States ? Ask AOC about this . Will the hard core of the WOKE Democratic Party consist mostly of varieties of New Atheists ? Will THEY constitute a new MORAL MAJORITY ? A landslide for THEM come November ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
And speaking as longtime democratic socialist - who believes in the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western CHRISTIAN Civilization - I wonder if the now obnoxiously WOKE Democratic Party wants to turn off every sincere Catholic and Protestant in the United States ? Ask AOC about this . Will the hard core of the WOKE Democratic Party consist mostly of varieties of New Atheists ? Will THEY constitute a new MORAL MAJORITY ? A landslide for THEM come November ?
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Is not the Supreme Court the final highest authority in " OUR democracy " ?
Is not the Supreme Court the final highest authority in " OUR democracy ". If WOKE Democrats got to choose three Supreme Court judges in one blissful administration, would the Court be " less political " ?
What if the Congress and the Senate come November turn majority Republican ? Would that be also an ILLEGITIMATE Congress and an ILLEGITIMATE Senate ? Would arrogant WOKE Democrats then constitute the real VOICE OF THE PEOPLE ?
What WE THE PEOPLE really see happening is the collapse and meltdown of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM - brought on by internal conflicts within the ruling class - not any revolutionary upsurge from below.
One good thing for now : the American imperialist war machine will be paralyzed for years. In a deep political and economic crisis decaying capitalism needs a foreign enemy. For years now the " liberal " Democrats have promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism . To be sure , nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia will not solve their problems at home
Poor working class people , here is what President Joe Biden and his WOKE " progressive " Democrats can do for you -which is why you should rush out to vote for them come November : they will restore on a federal level your " constitutional right " to end a budding HUMAN life ! That is essentially what is left of their War on Poverty. So now the best friends of the poor Black woman , in particular , are the FOR PROFIT abortion clinics and scandalized PLANNED PARENTHOOD .
Why not a more humane , direct form of SOCIAL JUSTICE ? Like a democratic socialist America. See if the Supreme Court will ever overturn truly sacrosanct CAPITALIST PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS !
Those oh-so-progressive Democrats- true pillars of " OUR democracy " !
A WOKE Catholic Church in the USA is a JOKE Catholic Church in the USA !
How can you respect a president of the United States , President Joe Biden , who claims to be a devout Catholic Catholic but in open contempt for what his Church has taught for centuries ? Since when have HYPOCRITES become honorable in the USA ? And yet Biden has the blessing of Catholic bishops and even of the present Pope ? Are there TWO Catholic Churches ? Is Catholicism in general compatible with brainless " AMERICANISM " and toxic , belligerent patriotism ?
I speak as a long time democratic socialist with enduring respect for Catholic moral philosophy -at least as understood in " Old Europe " until a few decades ago .
A WOKE Catholic Church in the USA is a JOKE Catholic Church in the USA !
Fwd: No more editorials , no more columns, no more letters to the editor ? Is the Providence Journal now a corpse of a newspaper - indifferent to PUBLIC OPINION, to " Democracy in America " ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 at 10:33
Subject: No more editorials , no more columns, no more letters to the editor ? Is the Providence Journal now a corpse of a newspaper - indifferent to PUBLIC OPINION, to " Democracy in America " ?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 at 10:33
Subject: No more editorials , no more columns, no more letters to the editor ? Is the Providence Journal now a corpse of a newspaper - indifferent to PUBLIC OPINION, to " Democracy in America " ?
To: Gregg, Katherine <>
Does this explain what happened recently to the EDITORIAL-OP-ED PAGE of the Providence Journal ? Are YOU not ashamed to work there ?
Ron from Cranston
As a lifelong democratic socialist and respectful of Catholic moral philosophy I was never any fan of " Roe vs. Wade ".
I can not see how democratic socialism can ever once again succeed in becoming a MASS MOVEMENT if these so called MARXIST VANGUARD parties have a tin ear for listening to the moral concerns of at least half the ordinary working class people in the United States . And they daily show contempt for Christians and Christianity , especially for the 2000 year old Catholic Church.
People who would get violent or condone violence over some imagined " constitutional right" to terminate HUMAN LIFE in the womb are rather morally deranged .
Why is there no passionate anti-war movement brewing on the Left ? Are they infatuated with SOVEREIGN Ukraine ? Do they imagine that Ukraine's president Zelensky represents " OUR democracy " in contrast to Putin's plutocracy in POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Is our American plutocracy - which controls both the Democratic and Republican parties - in any way morally superior to the Russian oligarchy ?
What Democrat Joe Biden wants to do is channel all this anger and resentment of millions ( no doubt ) into votes for WOKE Democrats now promoting daffy" Critical Race Theory ". And these " liberal " Democrats-led by Israel's " guardian angel " , Senator Chuck Schumer - are also promoting nuclear World War III with Russia. And WE THE PEOPLE have no PRO-CHOICE alternatives in the belligerent foreign policy of American imperialism.
So VOTE DEMOCRAT come November ? Better to stay home . Or VOTE SOCIALIST, if that is possible .
Friday, June 24, 2022
Fwd: What a joke! The WOKE Democrats are the true guardians of " OUR democracy " ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 13:54
Subject: What a joke! The WOKE Democrats are the true guardians of " OUR democracy " ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 13:54
Subject: What a joke! The WOKE Democrats are the true guardians of " OUR democracy " ?
To: <>
What a joke ! The WOKE Democrats are the true guardians of " OUR democracy " ? So vote for THEM come November ? I speak as a long time democratic socialist -not a MEGA-MAGA Trump fan . " Sleepy Joe " Biden and his belligerent ZIONIST Jew friends here in the USA and around the world are distracted from starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Well at least Roe vs. Wade arouses more passion than a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
What a joke ! The WOKE Democrats are the true guardians of " OUR democracy " ? So vote for THEM come November ? I speak as a long time democratic socialist -not a MEGA-MAGA Trump fan .
" Sleepy Joe " Biden and his belligerent ZIONIST Jew friends here in the USA and around the world are distracted from starting nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Well at least Roe vs. Wade arouses more passion than a dubiously SOVEREIGN Ukraine .
Fwd: THE END of the Providence Journal ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 13:05
Subject: THE END of the Providence Journal ?
To: letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 at 13:05
Subject: THE END of the Providence Journal ?
To: letters <>
Today it seems that the once distinguished Providence Journal has even ceased to publish LETTERS or COLUMNS on what was their OP-ED page.
What a disgrace ! What contempt for even bland PUBLIC OPINION ! Soon the printed version of the Providence Journal will disappear altogether .
As a long time democratic socialist I fail to understand the neurotic obsession of the so called LEFT ( very vague generic term ) with this purely IMAGINED " constitutional right to abortion " . As if the newly created HUMAN LIFE in the womb was beneath contempt .
Do not " control my own body " cries also suggest sexual self-control and moral responsibility - the opposite of what prevails in this decadent capitalist " Culture of Narcissism " ? I commend the Catholic Church for fighting the good fight on this always controversial issue. DOMINUS VOBISCUM !
A real MORAL MAJORITY are probably fed up with " liberal " Democrat WOKE country !
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Roe vs. Wade overturned by US Supreme Court today June 24, 2022
The WOKE Left along with the sectarian Marxist Left have not succeeded in creating a mass movement for democratic socialism because they have alienated their cause from millions of working class Christians who happen to think that the LIFE of a child in the womb is as sacred and precious as any other HUMAN life.
And I speak as a long time democratic socialist- not a MAGA HAT Trump fan.
Also the WOKE Democratic Party has made itself not only the arch-enemy of religious freedom in the United States but also - ironically - the foe of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Christian Civilization.
A real democratic socialist government would shut down the FOR PROFIT abortion industry even if abortion remains a " choice " in special cases. The PRO-CHOICE mobs seem morally obtuse while screaming for gun control and against HATE and VIOLENCE making a mostly murderous and hideous " operation " a pseudo -sacred right .
Of course , one sober way to " control your body " is to do just that . Avoid drunken nights in seedy bars with lecherous and brainless males.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Kürtajla ilgili Türkçe yazım
Marksist sol, demokratik sosyalizm için bir kitle hareketi yaratmayı baÅŸaramadı, çünkü davalarını, ana rahmindeki bir çocuÄŸun HAYATININ diÄŸer herhangi bir Ä°NSAN hayatı kadar kutsal ve deÄŸerli olduÄŸunu düşünen milyonlarca işçi sınıfı Hıristiyanına yabancılaÅŸtırdılar. Ve MAGA HAT Trump hayranı deÄŸil, uzun zamandır demokratik bir sosyalist olarak konuÅŸuyorum. Ayrıca WOKE Demokrat Parti, kendisini yalnızca Amerika BirleÅŸik Devletleri'ndeki din özgürlüğünün baÅŸ düşmanı deÄŸil, aynı zamanda - ironik bir ÅŸekilde - Batı Hıristiyan Medeniyetinin ÖZGÃœR SÖZ, DÜŞÜNCE ÖZGÃœRLÜĞÜ geleneÄŸinin düşmanı haline getirdi. Gerçek bir demokratik sosyalist hükümet, özel durumlarda kürtaj bir "seçim" olarak kalsa bile, FOR PROFIT kürtaj endüstrisini kapatacaktır. PRO-CHOICE çeteleri, silah kontrolü için ve NEFRET ve ŞİDDET'e karşı çığlıklar atarken ahlaki olarak saÄŸduyulu görünüyorlar ve çoÄŸunlukla kanlı ve iÄŸrenç bir "operasyonu" sözde kutsal bir hak haline getiriyorlar. Tabii ki, “vücudunuzu kontrol etmenin” ayık yollarından biri de tam olarak bunu yapmaktır. ÅŸehvet düşkünü ve beyinsiz erkeklerin olduÄŸu köhne barlarda sarhoÅŸ gecelerden kaçının.
Marxist left have not succeeded in creating a mass movement for democratic socialism because they have alienated their cause from millions of working class Christians who happen to think that the LIFE of a child in the womb is as sacred and precious as any other HUMAN life.
And I speak as a long time democratic socialist- not a MAGA HAT Trump fan.
Also the WOKE Democratic Party has made itself not only the arch-enemy of religious freedom in the United States but - ironically - the foe of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Christian Civilization.
A real democratic socialist government would shut down the FOR PROFIT abortion industry even if abortion remains a " choice " in special cases. The PRO-CHOICE mobs seems morally obtuse while screaming for gun control and against HATE and VIOLENCE making a mostly murderous and hideous " operation " a pseudo -sacred right .
Of course , one sober way to " control your body " is to do just that . Avoid drunken nights in seedy bars with lecherous and brainless males.
Nostalgic St. Michael statue
This statue was dedicated by the pupils of St. Michael's Catholic School in Providence circa 1960 . As a 12 year old student there I recall the nuns being so proud of the first Catholic president of the United States , John F. Kennedy .Radical Ron was confirmed at St. Michael's . I still lean toward pre-Vatican II mystical Catholicism and miss the GRAVITAS of the ancient Church. The Latin Mass was a component of that GRAVITAS. My dear Kindle now includes the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome (English/ Latin text) .
Another DEEP STATE American plutocrat -aristocrat Jake Auchincloss - like the rest of the " liberal " . " progressive " Democratic Party - promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism. Do ordinary working class CHRISTIAN Americans lose sleep over poor " sovereign " Ukraine ? Will the main stream news media in the United States get them all excited with fatuous patriotic fever over nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? That Wilsonian blather about FREEDOM as practiced by " OUR democracy " is getting a little stale : " Make The World Safe For Democracy" ? Woodrow Wilson , 1917 .
This rescue of American citizen , nuclear scientist John Spor is just more evidence that sinister " DEEP STATE USA " and its NATO allies were engaged in Western imperialist intrigue against POST-COMMUNIST Russia years before Putin ordered the invasion of the not so " sovereign " Ukraine.
" DEEP STATE " propaganda-and the mainstream news media in the United States - will never succeed in getting ordinary working class CHRISTIAN Americans all excited over SOVEREIGN Ukraine and nuclear World War III with Russia.
Puffed up Ukrainian president Zelensky is beginning to look a little war mongering sleazy. Our hero ? Will Zelensky bring the blessings of " OUR democracy " to the Ukraine ? The blessings of our benevolent plutocracy in contrast to the wicked Russian oligarchy ?
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
A rational explanation for this plague of WOKE agendas in American institutions
There has to be a rational explanation for this plague of WOKE agendas in American institutions. The key to understanding this is a pithy remark of Karl Marx : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". Is life better now for ordinary working class black people because Ivy League trained individuals are intoxicated with WOKE nonsense ? Do elite white Americans they think that THEY are incorrigible racists ? And if THEY think that SOCIAL INEQUALITY in general is so intolerable , why are THEY not democratic socialists ?
The chartered members of the American plutocracy feel a need for some PR moral grandeur beyond the blessing of the Moloch Money God. Black Slavery was Gone with Wind a long long time ago in the United States. The American ruling class has nothing to lose by sermonizing against it in this 21st century . The American Civil War was the last time the anti-slavery Northern capitalists could feel the euphoria of moral leadership in their still very young country. But those FREE black slaves were quickly herded into the WAGE SLAVERY of the capitalist Industrial Revolution.
Reading Engels 1844 classic " The Condition of the Working Class in England ", the thoughtful reader might wonder why REPARATIONS are not overdue to the descendants of those poor Irish Catholics so cruelly exploited in those dark Satanic mills that were the backbone of the British Empire in its 19th century glory. Reparations for THEM , anyone ?
Today it is dangerous to see and talk about CAPITALIST wage slavery . Do not awaken critical thinking skills here ! Better to stupefy the Black and the White working class with daydreams of the GOOD LIFE under capitalism .
The American ruling class is always discovering some new exotic minority . If they can fragment society into hundreds of such RECOGNIZED ( at least by WOKE Democrats ) " victimized " sub-cultures - TRANS GENDERS being the latest - with the white Christian working class invariably as their unnamed persecutors - then the capitalist ruling class can effectively blunt the CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS of the whole working class. And phony " liberal " Democrats can pass themselves off as righteous crusaders for a kinder , more just , more PROGRESSIVE world ! And ZIONIST Jews, so prominent in the Democratic Party, need not be embarrassed by their devotion to APARTHEID Israel .
And all LIBERALS can remain comfortable scorning real SOCIALISM and embracing the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
As a democratic socialist I deplore American propaganda excuses ( a SOVERIGN Ukraine? ) for another stupid and endless war to prop up a moribund American imperialism and a war starved Pentagon War Crimes Machine, accompanied by the international intrigue of Zionist APARTHEID Israel. I doubt very much if ordinary working class Ukrainians were longing for a dangerous and foolish NATO alliance. Are those five million Ukrainian refugees in Poland just adoring Zelensky ? I doubt very much if ordinary working class Americans - apart from these rather pathetic Soldiers of Fortune -are losing any sleep over a SOVEREIGN Ukraine ( dominated by NATO ) and are enthusiastic about nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
Democrat president of the United States ," Sleepy Joe " Biden - the Conqueror of Afghanistan ( and of MEGA-INFLATION at home ) - is unpopular enough . He wants also to be our GREAT WAR TIME LEADER ? What a joke ! Picture Winston Churchill at the beginning of World War II falling off a bike !
Way back in 1848 Karl Marx in " The Communist Manifesto " presented very succinctly the SCIENTIFIC analysis of the then still young global capitalist system. Yes, many social evils were inevitable under the FOR PROFIT capitalist economic system . Even back then Marx and his partner Engels had observed that RECESSION could be expected every 10 years .
If there is any one big law in the Universe it is this : NOTHING lasts forever. Everything contains the seeds of its own destruction .
Yet bourgeois scholars connected to American colleges and universities cannot even imagine a society not based on the profit motive. And they pass on their defective social imaginations to their graduate students.
For decades now the mainstream WOKE minded mainstream news media has been fatuously fawning on gay and lesbian activists and celebrity " achievers " in the news. But not too wrongheaded conservative CHRISTIANS were seeing much evidence of old fashioned SIN and vanity operating in the capitalist " Culture of Narcissism " and sexual decadence in this much applauded " community " - which might remind historians of the last days of the German Weimar Republic.
The people with LOTS OF MONEY in the USA have no quarrel with the FOR PROFIT capitalist economic system
As a democratic socialist I wonder if it is not too impudent to ask if these SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY positions-even on a STATE level- could benefit from a vigorous AFFIRMATIVE ACTION program for NON-WOKE Christians :
[" Summers was born in New Haven, Connecticut, on November 30, 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania. "]
Only a fool will think that these invariably secular ZIONIST Jews are planning to impose some form of SOCIALIST agenda in the WOKE Democratic Party. But ironically " socialist " Bernie Sanders makes them nervous .
The people with LOTS OF MONEY in the USA have no quarrel with the capitalist FOR PROFIT economic system.
In Rhode Island one Seth Magaziner - ex- Secretary of the Treasury- thinks that they desperately need him in the Congress of the United States -as one more stalwart Democrat adversary to the nasty conservative Republicans .
[Daily Kickoff: American Jews on Israel's Nation-State Law › 2018/07 › daily-kickoff-am...
Jul 20, 2018 — “Get Over It—Israel Is the Jewish State: The nation-state law declares ... since his state-wide election in 2014, Seth Magaziner turns 35… ]
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Don't expect ANY AFL-CIO leader to oppose American imperialist wars today
In general, the American ruling capitalist class has had no love affair with organized labor. What would they think if the AFL-CIO today was led by that titan of the organized labor movement SOCIALIST Eugene V. Debs ? Running for president of the United States in 1920 ,he got nearly one million votes .
True enough that CORRUPT unions today - which routinely betray the rank and file - are the major influence in the Democratic Party . In many speeches Eugene V. Debs explained that the American capitalist class controls BOTH the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Debs was jailed for opposing American involvement in the First World War - " the war to make the world safe for democracy ".
Don't expect ANY AFL-CIO leader to oppose American imperialist wars today. Also expect them to be always on board with the Israel lobby . This was said about their last president Richard Trumka :
[ “We mourn the sudden and tragic passing of Richard Trumka, who served as President of the AFL–CIO labor federation for more than a decade.
He was a dedicated labor leader on the national stage, a strong supporter of the special US-Israel relationship, and a devoted friend of the American Jewish community. We were privileged to engage with Mr. Trumka in meaningful dialogue on vital issues as pictured above in 2018 with Conference leaders Arthur Stark, Malcolm Hoenlein, and Stuart Appelbaum, President of Jewish Labor Committee.]
NOTE that ZIONIST Jews are very prominent in the Democratic Party . Old Joe Kennedy, the father of JFK , once said that they , in fact, dominate the Democratic Party. Today they are slobbering over SOVEREIGN Ukraine led by that puffed up in the mainstream news media , war monger Zelensky . No problem instigating nuclear World War III with Russia ? No obstacle in the American ZIONIST Secretary of State, Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer , and NBC's congenial Chuck Todd .
FOR PROFIT health care is rapidly becoming unacceptable among the common people of the United States. Also as long as medical doctors are attached to FOR PROFIT health care industry corporate giants they will have ZERO credibility in their endorsements of this or that vaccine of which dozens are now advertised on TV and radio programs. Shameless medical doctors promote one quack remedy or prescription after another on the TV news hour. Indeed we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising . There seems to be no end to these sleazy commercials for " Prevagen " ( for the aging memory and " Navage " for a permanently ( ? ) healthy nose - should become as routine as brushing your teeth ? ) .
The oh-so-WOKE Democratic Party - always ready with sanctimonious sermons on the evil of HATE & VIOLENCE - has promoted HATE TRUMP hysteria since his shocking but LEGITIMATE ( according to the Establishment's Constitution ) election as president in 2016. There are just as many deranged minds on the Left as on the Right. I don't speak as a Trump fan. I am a long time independent , democratic socialist.
Note that the " progressive " Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA ,New McCarthyism for just as long. Their loathing for weapons of mass murder does not apply to nuclear weapons !
Fwd: It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 09:43
Subject: It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2022 at 09:43
Subject: It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins
To: Letters <>
Presently, June 18, 2022, the voice of the anti-war movement in the United States - whatever is left of it - is being smothered by belligerent ZIONIST Jew friends of Ukrainian president Zelensky . Indeed a cabal of ZIONIST Jews is instigating nuclear World War III with Russia . Also anti-ZIONISM is routinely censored as anti-Semitism in the mainstream news media ( ask NBC 's Chuck Todd ! )How long can the vast majority of working class CHRISTIANS be silenced in " OUR democracy " ? The pillars of WOKE in our public schools are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews hostile to Christianity. Whatever happened to LIBERAL tradition among educated Jews ? That respect for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ? Good decent Christians in the United States have been victims of an ideological reign of terror of vicious " identity politics " and "political correctness " for decades now. Ironically WOKE " liberal " ZIONISTS do not apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel. The so called FAR LEFT has also - under the ZIONIST influence ( many neurotic " Marxist " Jews in " vanguard " parties ) - has also turned STALINIST authoritarian. It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins . Certainly in Israel. But have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins
Presently, June 18, 2022, the voice of the anti-war movement in the United States - whatever is left of it - is being smothered by belligerent ZIONIST Jew friends of Ukrainian president Zelensky . Indeed a cabal of ZIONIST Jews is instigating nuclear World War III with Russia . Also anti-ZIONISM is routinely censored as anti-Semitism in the mainstream news media ( ask NBC 's Chuck Todd ! )How long can the vast majority of working class CHRISTIANS be silenced in " OUR democracy " ?
The pillars of WOKE in our public schools are invariably secular ZIONIST Jews hostile to Christianity. Whatever happened to LIBERAL tradition among educated Jews ? That respect for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization ?
Good decent Christians in the United States have been victims of an ideological reign of terror of vicious " identity politics " and "political correctness " for decades now. Ironically WOKE " liberal " ZIONISTS do not apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel.
The so called FAR LEFT - under the ZIONIST influence ( many neurotic Marxist Jews in " vanguard " parties ) - has also turned STALINIST authoritarian. It does seem that ZIONISM and FASCISM have become twins . Certainly in Israel. But have you had a whiff of " OUR democracy " lately ?
Friday, June 17, 2022
COVID-19 vaccine reactions cover up in Israel ?
There are reports from individuals living in Israel of a COVID-19 vaccine reactions cover-up :
" As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information. ". The Zionist APARTHEID state wants to set an example for the whole world ? But for what ? TOTALITARIAN public health system ?
[AVITAL LIVNY is the initiator of the Testimonies Project, Israel
Watch: The Testimonies Project (Israel)
Avital Livny Giving Evidence About Testimony Project In Israel To Grand Jury Day 6 02/26/22 ]
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 at 09:35
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 at 09:35
To: <>
How is " OUR democracy " in any way morally superior to Putin's Russian oligarchy ? Behind our ballyhooed TWO PARTY SYSTEM are the American plutocracy and its depraved prison system , the American Gulag " , its corrupt judges and courts, the murderous FBI , CIA , Homeland Security , DEEP STATE. All these oppressive institutions in the service of rotten capitalism ! Do YOU want another century of " Our Way of Life " ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Does anybody ever dissect this view of some generic LEFT that is daily acting so preposterously in the minds of the sober American working class and the once solid -now in inflation free fall middle class ? Right wing critics see a close connection with Marxism . But Marxist political philosophy was rooted in a vision of liberated working class finally free from capitalist exploitation and oppression. No serious Marxist scholar can imagine traditional Marxists endorsing wacky WOKE causes which , in effect, atomize the working class , dividing it into often conflicting " identity politics " groups. This WOKE Democratic Party would destroy a little something called CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS. The socialists I remember back in the Tumultuous Sixties would integrate recognized special forms of oppression under capitalism but would integrate the collective fight against them into a CLASS STRUGGLE framework . For example, Black leader Malcolm X made a connection way back in 1965 between RACISM and capitalism , between RACISM and imperialism . My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ".
Today gay rights activism and " Third Wave Feminism " are completely detached from CLASS STRUGGLE politics and focused on petty bourgeois social climbing and upward mobility. This fits so well into what has been called " The Culture of Narcissism ".
The corrupt Democratic Party wants to channel all these assorted INDENTITY " communities " into THEIR camp. They have been telling angry Black voters for decades that there is no salvation outside the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has the same message for organized labor . It has a strangle hold on the AFL-CIO telling the workers : " There is no salvation outside the Democratic Party ! ". Rubbish, say we democratic socialists . There IS salvation in a third party , independent of the American ruling class. Call it an American Labor Party similar to the British Labor Party but with a more militant CLASS STRUGGLE agenda.
The mainstream news media in the United States - what Republican Donald Trump accurately called FAKE NEWS - will never report that many working class Americans and once solid middle class Americans now in INFLATION free fall - are FINALLY seeing American CAPITALISM for the rotten , insane , unjust economic system that it is and has been since the turn of the 20th century. This period is called the Debs era of the socialist movement . Socialist Eugene V. Debs , four times Socialist Party candidate of the United States, in a soaring " Canton Speech " in the midst of the GREAT WAR , '"the war to make the world safe for democracy ", attacked the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM and the imperialist war that had nothing to do with " democracy " . Debs ' " Canton Speech " is quite relevant to miserable America today in deep economic crisis and preparing for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia.
History shows that decaying capitalism invariably finds some wicked foreign enemy . I speak as a democratic socialist not a Trump fan .
Of course, it is smart to know the ABC of " Civics " . It is smart to know " How Things Work "- even corrupt local and state governments, like what we endure here in Rhode Island. To be sure , we deviate from THE IDEAL . But as a democratic socialist I would also question the wisdom of that ideal , of thinking that completely accepted capitalism is compatible with ideal " democracy " where THE PEOPLE-not the PLUTOCRACY - really rule.
How many " educated " , successful, middle class adults in " OUR democracy " go through careers and LIFE without ever imagining that things could work very differently ?
Decades ago a young psychiatrist named Robert Lindner wrote a quietly subversive book titled : " Must You Conform " . Lindner viewed CONFORMITY in this society as the 11th commandment .
Did Lindner ever suffer through one of those old status quo supporting , insipid , bland CIVICS courses ? His SILENCED generation exploded in the mid-Sixties. In the early 1950s the BEATS were " the only revolution in town ". The seeds of INNER FREEDOM grew in their souls .
Perhaps a nice Jewish ACLU lawyer can take You Tube to court to explain why so many anti-war comments are REMOVED ?
Perhaps a nice Jewish ACLU lawyer can take YouTube to court to explain why so many anti-war comments are REMOVED ? Do the hired monitors and censors of You Tube even LOOK LIKE AMERICA ? I forward this comment to the New York Times and columnists for the Boston Globe and Providence Journal and radio talk show hosts at 630WPRO. com in Rhode Island.
Are militant ZIONIST Jews the best judges of anti-Semitism ? Do they ever apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Fwd: YOU TUBE routinely censors anti-war comments as anti-Semitic ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 at 11:27
Subject: YOU TUBE routinely censors anti-war comments as anti-Semitic ?
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 at 11:27
Subject: YOU TUBE routinely censors anti-war comments as anti-Semitic ?
To: <>
Perhaps a nice Jewish ACLU lawyer can take YouTube to court to explain why so many anti-war comments are REMOVED ? Do the hired monitors and censors of You Tube even LOOK LIKE AMERICA ? I forward this comment to the New York Times and columnists for the Boston Globe and Providence Journal and radio talk show hosts at 630WPRO. com in Rhode Island. Are militant ZIONIST Jews the best judges of anti-Semitism ? Do they ever apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Fwd: Of course , the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media in the United States smothers anti-war public opinion
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 at 11:00
Subject: Of course , the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media in the United States smothers anti-war public opinion
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 at 11:00
Subject: Of course , the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media in the United States smothers anti-war public opinion
To: <>
All these hypocritical representatives of bourgeois European " democracy " with a long history of colonialism and later support for American imperialism. Just consider the historical record for SOVEREIGN nations on all continents by this bunch ?
Not in the interest of any ballyhooed FREE WORLD ideals are they planning to ruin POST-COMUNIST Russia and use its vast resources to save dying FREE WORLD capitalism.
Consider that barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist APARTHEID Israel are key players in this New World Order NATO led alliance.
Since when did a French president report on AMERICA war crimes ? A few years ago a hospital was bombed by a US military operation in Afghanistan - among the many dead were five French doctors ! After the collapse of French colonialism in Vietnam in 1954 the French bourgeoisie did not dare complain about numerous US war crimes there during our Vietnam War.
Of course, the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media in the United States smothers anti-war public opinion and never reports the whole story of any American imperialism adventures. Presently they are cheer leading the war monger president of the Ukraine , Zelensky. And instigating nuclear World War III with Russia ?
A democratic socialist myself I have been given many lessons in FREE SPEECH values here on You Tube and on Facebook . I copy all these REMOVED posts on my blog . What they censor is not hate speech or incitements to violence or just foul language. They censor IDEAS & OPINIONS !
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
The real FAR Left has this guy's number . Professor Timothy is an academic lackey for American imperialism . His view of the world has nothing in common with SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM. From the World Socialist Web Site today ( June 16 , 2022 ) with the world on the brink of nuclear World War III :
[The very first session of the convention [ recent AFL-CIO ] included comments delivered by Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, the foremost academic propagandist for the US-NATO proxy war against Russia. Speaking from Austria, Snyder claimed that the defense of democracy, from Ukraine to the US, depended on the actions of the unions, which he claimed were now “at the center of history.” The unions, he went on to say, were the best examples of “civil society” because they were organizations which “stood between the government and the people.” The unions, moreover, gave “people practice in representing themselves” and using and defending their “right to vote.”
These comments were made to union officials who routinely trample over the democratic will of their members, including stuffing ballot boxes to push through pro-company contracts.
As for the claim that the unions stand “between the government and the people,” this is no less a lie. The AFL-CIO is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American capitalist state. It has long been the recipient of grants from the U.S. State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy to subvert unions around the world and protect the interests of US imperialism. The Biden administration is proposing new subsidies and political structures to draw the unions even closer into the domestic and foreign operations of the US government.]
The real FAR Left has this guy's number . Professor Timothy is an academic lackey for American imperialism . He view of the world has nothing in common with SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM. From the World Socialist Web Site today ( June 16 , 2022 ) with the world on the brink of nuclear World War III :
[The very first session of the convention [ recent AFL-CIO ] included comments delivered by Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, the foremost academic propagandist for the US-NATO proxy war against Russia. Speaking from Austria, Snyder claimed that the defense of democracy, from Ukraine to the US, depended on the actions of the unions, which he claimed were now “at the center of history.” The unions, he went on to say, were the best examples of “civil society” because they were organizations which “stood between the government and the people.” The unions, moreover, gave “people practice in representing themselves” and using and defending their “right to vote.”
These comments were made to union officials who routinely trample over the democratic will of their members, including stuffing ballot boxes to push through pro-company contracts.
As for the claim that the unions stand “between the government and the people,” this is no less a lie. The AFL-CIO is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American capitalist state. It has long been the recipient of grants from the U.S. State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy to subvert unions around the world and protect the interests of US imperialism. The Biden administration is proposing new subsidies and political structures to draw the unions even closer into the domestic and foreign operations of the US government.]
Lynch mob atmosphere over " kinky " males - gay or not gay ?">>
What I fear is how a lynch mob cloud gathers over any male-gay or not gay - who is accused rightly or wrongly of abusing their authority for their own sexual amusement. Even convicted child molesters have HUMAN rights. One man was driven out of the Washington Park neighborhood -where I grew up - a while back. Back in the 1950s and 60s such men were known instinctively by kids as " creeps " -and AVOIDED . Meanness will not correct severe personality disorders . Perhaps we should re-read the original Dr. Sex Sigmund Freud and undertake a new Kinsey Report research project. If human beings are DNA kin to monkeys , what do you expect ?
In many other ways the public schools are totally oblivious to the real needs of children and young adults. What passes for elementary and high school education today is often a form of psychological destruction. Inevitable when the public schools " prepare " pupils for rat race capitalism of the American Way of Life.
Even the sexually deranged are not above ordinary CHRISTIAN compassion.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Fwd: ZIONIST Jew Democrats pillars of WOKE nonsense in the public schools ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 13:00
Subject: ZIONIST Jew Democrats pillars of WOKE nonsense in the public schools ?
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 13:00
Subject: ZIONIST Jew Democrats pillars of WOKE nonsense in the public schools ?
To: Letters <>
Does anybody care to notice that very pillars of WOKE nonsense in the public schools are attached to the Democratic Party , secular, anti-religious , mostly anti-CHRISTIAN, Zionist Jews ? And they daily betray the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Apart from WOKE lunacy , they are hawkish supporters of a dubious SOVEREIGN ( NATO dominated ? ) Ukraine and its puffed up war mongering ( all of Europe should declare war on nuclear armed Russia ? ) Ukraine president Zelensky .SOVEREIGN Ukraine worth nuclear World War III with Russia ?
To be sure, the Democrats are losing the working class CHRISTIAN vote . Do the WOKE Zionists ever apply Critical Race Theory to APARTHEID Israel ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Fwd: A democratic socialist solution to " gun control " problem
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 12:18
Subject: A democratic socialist solution to " gun control " problem
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 12:18
Subject: A democratic socialist solution to " gun control " problem
To: <>
As a longtime democratic socialist -not a MEGA-MAGA Republican - I cannot approve of entrenched Democrats in Rhode Island imitating the old STALINISM of 1930s Russia. What is the real root of gun violence in the USA ? The NRA ? How about the craziness induced by the norms and values of an insane SOCIETY ? Just how democratic is " OUR democracy " where the TWO PARTY SYSTEM smothers effective opposition to essentially plutocratic rule of the less than ONE PERCENT ?
The AFL-CIO leadership is foolish and sleazy to endorse a completely corrupt Democratic , Joe Biden, for a second disastrous term as president of the United States. INFLATION is drowning the working class, Mr. Champion of Organized Labor !
A real SOCIALIST government would control all the colossal industries of capitalist America. It could simply STOP the sale of ALL guns just for some daffy FREE MARKET . Immediately STOP the mass production of BULLETS for these mass murder weapons - and also abolish INSANE nuclear weapons for Pentagon War Crimes Machine . How many WOKE Democrats would endorse this real solution to " gun control " ?
The " liberal " Democrats will not get away, in coming elections in the USA , with blaming all social evils on Donald Trump and conservative Republicans . And their endless WOKE bashing of Christian values and standards of decency does not help their job security .
Even Eugene V. Debs imagined Jesus , " the carpenter's son " , as a sort of UNION organizer in his time.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
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