Attacking the evil influence and dominance of SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS in the mainstream news media is NOT " attacking Jews again " .
What is good for " Greater Israel " is not good for tens of millions of working class Christian Americans- who must the supply the cannon fodder for the next Middle East War.
The war on Faith is directed by SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS in collusion with the obnoxious New Atheists. Who else would rage against a prayer on a Cranston public high school wall or a Ten Commandments monument in Roger Williams Park ? And the sweet atheist heroine of the story is honored at the Playboy Mansion by " liberal " Democrats.
The war on FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT in the USA is directed by SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS. They smother the VOICE OF THE OPPRESSED.
The avenging angels of DNC based " identity politics " are inspired and directed by SECULAR ZIONIST JEWS. So are the # Me-too fanatics. Not a day goes by when they don't ruin some fine reputation.
Being anti-Mafia is not being anti-Italian . I am being very specific here.
There should be formed a Christian-Muslim-Humanist alliance against THESE villains. Are not WE a majority ?
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