Offer your obtuse mind to others here not comfortable with the Establishment view of things. Not a single independent spirit is employed by the mainstream news media -whether controlled by Zionist Jews or just the generic American plutocracy. The enthusiasm for both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the presidential election of 2016 cannot be explained by the wonderful state of American " democracy ". You say nothing about yourself ? Just a regular " patriotic " Hillary or Oprah Winfrey supporter ? For years I have voted for socialists or near socialists. I voted for Ralph Nader who was falsely accused of anti-Semitic views.. I voted for Bernie Sanders ( a Jew ) in the Rhode Island Democratic primary in April of 2016. Sanders had a shocking victory here but the state delegation supported " Corrupt Hillary " at the convention. Sanders supporters were slandered by the DNC as " having a propensity for violence ". The New McCarthyism is being promoted by all those neo-con, pro-war, HATE RUSSIA Democrats. They are all out of touch with the white working class, with working people in general.
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