On the Left myself I would certainly not turn a deaf ear to this young Finnish woman's justified anxiety about this politically correct agenda for any and all migrants - too many with no appreciation for Western Civilization.
They really must be pointed in the direction of some Islamic " Promised Land " - perhaps somewhere in Saudi Arabia.
Neo liberal " identity politics " has betrayed the decent working class MAJORITY and the enlightened middle class in countries of the West.
The world plutocracy is playing a dangerous " divide and conquer " game. There are limits to cultural " diversity ", to be sure. Something called " cultural literacy " is the very glue of a social order.
The TRUTH - which people die for - is not just a construct waiting to be " deconstructed " by nihilistic, anti-Christian modernism. And the heart has its own truths- beyond the sophistry of the New Atheism, beyond those sophisticated -and useful - tools of Science.
But we must never forget the Gospel of Love even for " the stranger in a strange land ". And risk hell on earth.
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”
Finnish Lady Talks about Migrants In Finland