

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Science challenge: if only we could SEE Ebola virus in the room ?

    I  have just enough science literacy to imagine a possible breakthrough in fighting the fiendish Ebola virus- made in hell. Just recently Nobel Prizes were awarded to scientists working on advanced  nano-imaging of biochemical molecules in real time. I have seen the wonders of Atomic Force Microscopy ( AFM ) on  You Tube. See individual atoms winking sexy blue at you and dancing impishly. Even those once so abstract, so subtle intermolecular bonds ( so much covalent-ionic confusion ) can be amazingly imaged - showing nearly divine beauty in a very ugly nightmare.  Back in 14th century they did not have medical science nor even crude microscopes to fight  the Black Death. It was just a pathetic : " Lord have mercy on us ! Christ have mercy on us ! ".  Sadly, the Good Lord saw fit to wipe out half the population of Europe. But soon the singing optimism of the Renaissance..
              Modern science and technology has only been around a few centuries.  Modern medical breakthroughs are nothing less than miraculous. Is it not just a rational hope that hospitals can soon deal with the Ebola epidemic- the Great Plague of our times - by actually SEEING the little monster viruses ?  A certain frequency of laser beam, for example, could literally illuminate, with an eerie radium like glow, a cluster of Ebola viruses.  Sort of like scientific " ghost-busting " ?  Making the invisible visible ?
               A marketable  harmless chemical spray ... shows Ebola viruses pretty- in- pink ! Once we can SEE the buggers they are no match for us homo-sapiens. No more of a threat than our beloved Big Blue Bug -which at least can be SEEN from the morgue at Rhode Island Hospital.
        (  No Nobel Prize for this  daydreamer. Just trying to help.)


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