Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Robert Kennedy assassination and THE END of the New Deal liberalism

The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and the end of American liberalism

How well I remember the tumultuous year 1968 - my awakening to my mother telling me that Robert Kennedy was assassinated after winning the California Democratic primary. The above excellent article by Patrick Martin does justice to the struggling inner humanitarian in Robert Kennedy -very much controlled by his class as a young man.. Later what came out was the soul of Catholic existentialist fond of quoting the French writer - also the victim of an ABSURD death in a car accident- Albert Camus.

       You will never see his likes again in the neo-con Democratic Party. For decades the New Democrats - now including the presently ambitious - give the rank and file Old Republican lectures on fiscal " sanity " - a profound reason why so much of the working class -of all races and ethnic groups, both genders, any sexual orientation - must wallow in misery .

           The rest of us : " but for the grace of God ". They mean the Moloch Money God of Wall St, of course.

        The best people of the upper class CAN change for the better. Too few !

Image result for Robert Kennedy, Albert Camus

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