Monday, April 16, 2018

Trump is likened to Hitler in all things EXCEPT his war mania

   James Comey Speaks Out

Since when has the FBI ever embodied even middle class morality ? A sanctimonious attitude toward the SINS of others is not the message of the New Testament.

             Comey probably is closer to middle class morality in America than President Donald Trump - the ELECTED president (without the help of Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin ) .
But neither Trump nor Comey can rise above the systemic immorality of the capitalist system and its imperialist appetites.

                 It is an insufferable contradiction to try to be a decent human being and wield power in a social-economic system that exploits and oppresses and routinely DECEIVES the working class majority.

               Oddly enough Trump is likened to Hitler in all things EXCEPT his bullying impulse for war.

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