Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Socialists everywhere might discover that Jesus , " The Carpenter's Son " is really on THEIR side

God should NOT be a " problem " for socialist propaganda ( in the best sense of the word ) . I like the view of Bertrand Russell here ( he who wrote " Why I Am Not A Christian " ) that there should be no religious test for socialists in the socialist movement. Just a wariness that long established religious institutions -like the Catholic Church -have a long history of betraying the oppressed.

          The vast majority of working class people on this planet will only begin to revise their idea of God when SOCIALISM takes the terror out of everyday life.

          Nothing can be dumber than for a socialist government - after a century of reaction ( The Russian Bolsheviks can be forgiven for their mistake here ) - than to declare itself officially ATHEIST and demand ideological conformity.

     Do you think the New Atheists ( former Trotskyists like Christopher Hitchens , author of " God Is Not Great -- how religion poisons everything " ) can inspire the working class ? Is there anything radical or revolutionary about intellectual snobbery ? ) .

           In their more effective propaganda socialists will stick to the moral appeal of socialism to workers of ALL religions. We need no conformity on the question of the Big Bang or a Creator of the universe.

        They might discover that Jesus, the Carpenter's Son, is really on THEIR side.

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