Thursday, December 14, 2017

Contempt for religion is no way to defend the higher values of Western Civilization

The so called " liberal " Left has been attacking and mocking religious tradition - especially the Catholic Tradition- here in Rhode Island - for years now. What seems to predominate is a New Atheism contempt for faith in God. It is all very sophomoric and narcissistic. EGO crowds out any belief in a Higher Power- which seems to rescue so many hopeless drug addicts and alcoholics starved for some TRANSCENDENT principle in life.

       Consider the blood chilling news . Literate Brown students might be familiar with the Russian novelist ( good things do come out of Russia ) Dostoevsky's insight : " If God does not exist , then everything is permitted ".

      Contempt for religion is no way to defend the higher values of Western Civilization. No Orthodox Jew will be a disciple of atheist Ayn Rand in politics . Christ's "Sermon on the Mount " impresses them more than Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness ".


Interfaith dinner brings religious dialogue to campus

I hope Net Neutrality is preserved. Free speech and free thought have few friends even in academia nowadays.

Image result for if god does not exist everything is permitted

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