Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A " ME TOO Women's Political Action Committee, Hillary Clinton as chairwoman, husband Bill as paid consultant

 Discussion on World Socialist Web Site  

Why has Time magazine endorsed the #MeToo “revolution”?

Perhaps in the manner of " The Promise Keepers " males of all ages and social classes should cram into Fenway Park in Boston ( Yet another NPR news media icon has been ACCUSED - " A " for ACCUSED ). 

They should pledge on national TV never again to touch or " grope " the gluteus maximus flesh of any female outside the marital bedroom ( Is anything more nasty going on in this world ? )The male Promise Keepers will date " available " females only in accordance with the rules set down by jaded right wing feminists in glass ceiling offices.

 Until the day of the legal bourgeois marriage ceremony they will agree to take a daily ANTI-ERECTION pill. If caught CHEATING by any ubiquitous SEX SPY camera , they will be forced to make a substantial contribution to the " ME TOO Women's Political Action Committee ", with Hillary Clinton as honorary chair- woman and husband Bill as paid consultant.

We have come a long way from the 60s-70s " Sexual Revolution ". Interesting that Wilhelm Reich also wrote " The Mass Psychology of Fascism ". There is a need here for brainless hysteria on all public issues.

In preparation for imminent war and fascism the ruling class news media wants to create a fearful, trembling, docile population. And sex anxiety is the magic key.
Image result for gluteus maximus
 Still just  " a piece of ass "

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