The essence of working class socialism is raising CLASS consciousness. Petty bourgeois " identity politics " can only stupefy the working class , blunting class consciousness.

Even Black Muslim Malcolm X way back in 1965 made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism. Even Martin Luther King had a negative of view of our capitalist " way of life ".

A long time ago democratic socialists had a enlightened attitude toward homosexuality and gay rights. But the gay voices who get so much attention nowadays are clearly egocentric souls who want to be special, who crave endless media attention on gay people.

Democratic socialism rejects the Culture of Narcissism.

We reject the public circus of bourgeois feminism where jaded affluent feminists indulge in absurd man hating. A feminist who supports both capitalism and imperialism is no friend of working class women.

My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " .

We also don't believe in character assassination: President Trump is not a KKK type racist or a stereotyped woman hater.

 Nor is Trump a stooge of Russia's Vladimir Putin. He is, however, what he is : an All American plutocrat - and for us that is bad enough.

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