Sunday, April 2, 2017

The " skid row drunk " was better off before deinstitutionalization

In essence the good doctor is saying that patients- alcoholics or on the brink- without means-with or without " Obamacare "- are not getting the treatment they need . Dr. Elisabeth Poorman is not blaming the victim.

This addiction plague - alcohol and drugs -and even gambling - is part of the big picture of social decay in capitalist America.

If you are homeless in America, you probably feel the NEED for drugs or alcohol much more than people leading more " normal " lives. It would be futile to treat your addiction without offering you a decent place to live and adequate nutrition- and a measure of HOPE for the future.

This is not a problem of race, gender, or sexual orientation. It is fundamentally a problem of CLASS misery and oppression.

Here in Rhode Island our " liberal " Democrat governor is even slashing Medicaid funding and bragging about it. Check out the alcoholics and drugs addicts - like the living dead- still camping out on Kennedy Plaza.

If even mental health care is inadequate, how much help is available for the " skid row drunk " ? He was better off when that classic movie " Lost Weekend " ( with Ray Milland ) was made in the early 1950s.

There were places called mental institutions back then that offered even the poorest " drunks " long , therapeutic vacations.

Image result for " Lost Weekend", Ray Milland

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