Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Did not the MOAB monster bomb achieve its goal in Afghanistan ?

US imperialism can drop all pretense of a " war on terrorism " in Afghanistan after 15 years of endless war there and war all over the Middle East.

 Can Trump inspire the American people with a Wilsonian call to make the world safe for plutocracy ?
 Did not the MOAB explosion achieve its goal in poor ruined Afghanistan : terrorizing the " terrorists " ?
 What kind of regime would even approve such a reckless war crime in its own country ?

It is the American nuclear arsenal and the Israel nuclear arsenal that are crimes against humanity waiting to happen. Recall the chemical warfare atrocities in the Vietnam War ?

" Agent Orange " is still killing people more than 50 years later. A completely bribed and dishonest mainstream news media -subservient to the ruling class -not the interests of the common people - hides the truth .

" Democracy " is dead in America !

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