In general, democratic socialists agree that BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties serve the American plutocracy.

But the Democratic Party, the mainstream news media -with the collusion of the CIA - have been demonizing Donald Trump since his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate.

Does every American who voted for Trump have a warped soul , hates everybody outside his or her immediate social circle ?

The popularity of both the right wing nationalist Donald Trump and the " socialist " Bernie Sanders can only be explained by a profound crisis of American capitalism.

" Angry working class voters " in those Rust Belt states handed the presidency to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was completely out of touch with the American working class " deplorables " ( which included devout Catholics ) .

And speak about " hate " ? Nothing is more hateful than your " identity politics " .

Democratic socialists have a CLASS perspective on various forms of social inequality in capitalist society. It really makes a lot more sense.