Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Where is the social necessity to " deconstruct " public restroom tradition ?

Is ignoring objective  reality -like DNA - an act of kindness or a folly of " identity politics " ? Your subjective concept of WHO YOU ARE should correspond with TRUTH .

    [ "  Transsexualism specifically is caused by mistimed endocrinic action inutero causing brain sex differentiation.
    Google transsexual brain research and get educated. You might want to also learn about endocrine disruptors.
    God may not make mistakes but humankind seems to make a hobby of it!!!  "]

    • Most biologists do not hesitate to talk about Nature's mistakes : "mistimed endocrinic action inutero ... " Well here we have an organic " mistake " which can be corrected by biochemical techniques.

    •  Is homosexuality also an organic malfunction ? Where is the social necessity to " deconstruct " public restroom tradition ? 

    •      If a brain chemistry enzyme defect makes you color blind, can you demand that the authorities repaint your school or work place ?

      Propaganda point : equate the " enemies " of the American plutocracy with the terrible Nazis ?

      A propaganda point : just equate the present day " enemies " of the American ruling class plutocracy - Russia, China, the angry people of the Middle East- with the quintessence of evil - the Nazis- and with a philistine " good conscience " start yet another world war : to make the world safe for " democracy " - the kind that gave us Trump vs. Hillary ?

                  For democratic socialists around the world British Imperialism was-and is - a big part of the problem.

              Our Establishment USA - the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, Wall St., corrupt labor unions - are on such a higher moral level than the Russians and the Chinese ?

      Soon Providence , Rhode Island drinking water will be as bad as Flint, Michigan's

      If any issue completely transcends " identity politics " it is environmental decay and poisoning - a gift of reckless, unregulated global capitalism.

       Soon Providence - which in the 1950s had the best drinking water in the world - will resemble Flint , Michigan.

           You just cannot respect both the capitalist profit system AND life on earth. Ask Hillary Clinton .

      [ Much of the discussion centered around the idea of privilege: “I can’t help but think about these things in terms of white supremacy,” Araujo said ]

                Fight a toxic environment by ending " white supremacy " ?

       Race and drinking water pollution conversation

      Monday, February 27, 2017

      Brown Mental Health Services to the rescue ! A very disturbed Trump fan " deplorable " ?

      " Students were also disturbed by the fact that the incident occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, as it suggests transphobia as well as anti-semitism, NBC 10 news reported "

             The disturbed culprit is quite a mess ! If he is one of those oh-so-benighted white working class " deplorables " , perhaps Brown Mental Health Services can help save his soul - for the Hillary Democrats : now lovingly preparing America for World War III with nuclear powers Russia and China.

                 Do sophisticated Brown students now think that effete " identity politics " is the key to understanding all social diseases ? CLASS can be safely and impudently ignored ?

            How do you explain the rise of Nazism ? Exceptionally " hateful " Germans ? Or a profound crisis of capitalism in post war Germany of the 1920s ?

            Swastika vandalism on RISD campus

        Image result for Swastika with feces
        A similar incident on RISD campus ?

        Vicious All-American " identity politics " and Tolstoy's interpretation of the New Testament

        Decaying capitalist society in " America the Exceptional " desperately needs a political ideology that helps it save face while attacking the generic working class at home and promoting the New Colonialism in the Middle East and the New Cold War with nuclear powers Russia and China.

          " Across The Divide, Identity Politics Unites The Base At Both CPAC And DNC  " ( NPR )

                That explains the obsession with now effete, phony, and too often vicious " identity politics ".
        The unspoken assumption of " identity politics " is an ever threatening, ignorant, stupid, and hateful white working class majority.

         The American ruling class -above all -fears basic DEMOCRACY - called " majority rule ".

            If anything the working class majority is the protector of oppressed minorities. And LOVE, I recall , has been preached by New Testament Christianity for 2000 years now.

             I just read Tolstoy's interpretation of the New Testament. He sees this holy book as condemning war between nations. How many hawkish Democrats would agree with the famous Russian author of " War and Peace " ?

        Image result for Tolstoy's on pacifism


            Saturday, February 25, 2017

            " The tyranny of the majority " : the fundamental axiom of " identity politics "

            [“I believe the legal challenges in the courts are really important,” Ngai said. “The court is supposed to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.”]

            This seems to be the fundamental axiom of effete and increasingly vicious " identity politics " : the " tyranny of the majority ".

             Democratic socialists believe - and have a century of political history to support them- that the capitalist state is designed to protect the wealthy minority from the always threatening " tyranny " of a SOCIALIST majority.

                This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Think about it: just who is OPPRESSED today in capitalist America : The wealthy or the working class majority ?

                    So Democracy in America has nothing in common with MAJORITY RULE ?

                       It does seem to us democratic socialists that " identity politics " is designed to stifle CLASS consciousness.

                   All these neo-con, pro war Democrats - such sensitive souls !

              Wednesday, February 22, 2017

              Democratic socialists must EXPLAIN the roots of anti-Semitism

              Anti-Semitism will almost certainly play a role in this incipient American fascism. But how best to explain it ?

                As for the root of racism I offer my favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ". A good quote for " Black Lives Matter " too.

                       I wish real " democratic socialist " Jews got more attention even on these leftist web sites. They can clear up a lot of confusion.

              Mounting anti-Semitic attacks in US draw half-hearted response from Trump
              By Niles Niemuth, 22 February 2017
              Since January, [ there have been 68 bomb threats at 53 community centers in 26 states and one in Canada, and some 200 headstones toppled at a Jewish cemetery in Missouri ]

              NPR the PUBLIC VOICE or the voice of Establishment USA ?

              National Public Radio disgraced itself in 2016 presidential election with its smear campaign against Republican candidate Donald Trump ( Is he really a KKK -NAZI fellow traveler ?)

                In the midst of this hysterical campaign they disabled COMMENTS . Yet they continued to ask the public for financial support - to help keep NPR " independent " - of the ruling class, of Establishment USA ?

                     No surprise that NPR also prefers passive -and credulous - " consumers ".
                Interesting academic project. Just put the New York Times - still beating the war drums against Russia, demonizing Putin, and promoting the New McCarthyism-at the top of the list of " the usual suspects " in spreading " fake news ".

                Saturday, February 18, 2017

                The beating of war drums at big bad Russia continues

                The Establishment USA's beating of war drums at big bad Russia continues. But the Russian bear will have the last laugh. Remember Stalingrad ? 

                For working class American soldiers the American plutocracy is just not worth dying for. Or rather the " democracy " that gave us Trump vs. Hillary. 

                What if THEY start a war and nobody shows up ?

                Image result for US preparing for war with Russia ?
                World War III- no joke !

                Democratic Socialism is not all about hating rich people

                • As a democratic socialist I , of course, do not believe that Donald Trump and his junta are  friends - or even a friendly break - for the American working class.

                  We believe - with no need or compulsion to demonize any individual ( beyond the FACTS ) -that BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans are subservient to a now VISIBLE plutocracy.

                  But democratic socialism is not all about hating rich people. It is about bringing ORDER to economic and moral chaos. This chaos - war, depression, crime, environmental decay- is bringing an immense about of preventable misery to our failing species.

                  You can only wish that the much maligned " Sky God " would enlighten us for a second time.But our Darwinian brain works well enough.

                Was my 1997 post on Nixon relevant to SEXIST Donald Trump today ?

                  A few quotes of John F. Kennedy would make him seem an incorrigible

                    and vulgar sexist. Would such a mam have attracted a classy woman like

                    Jackie ?
                          Did Nixon as President do anything to make life more miserable for
                    blacks or women ? Did he make hateful speeches  about anybody but
                    faceless " communists " ?
                          A man should be judged by his whole life, not quotes taken out of

                    context. Can anybody's reputation survive an omnipresent tape recorder ?
                        I'm not - heaven forbid - SOFT ON NIXON .  I just don't think he
                    was a malicious racist . If he loved anybody in the world, he loved his
                    wife and daughters. Is that characteristic of a vile sexist?

                        Perhaps Dick Nixon was just a little old fashioned ?

                Radical Ron's random thoughts from February 1997: my own " February Revolution "

                Some random thoughts in 1997

                1. Brown professors, it seems, have a habit of making public asses of themselves. As a scholar he may subscribe to some school of higher criticism which always ignores the text itself.
                2. Hope ?
                3. There are just too many professional unmaskers of racism and sexism out there. 
                4. Sorry Joe, the check is not in the mail.
                5. These unkind and insensitive comments of adults are like little sprinkles of acid on growing flowers. They leave their mark!
                6. Political Correctness is just a polite euphemism for Left Wing McCarthyism.
                7. I spotted the scholarly priest in the lobby of Fatima Hospital a few weeks ago. I was reminded of his TV program which was always lively and interesting- and on a higher moral plane than myself,of course.
                8. It is possible for a plain fact to be politically incorrect: Africa,for example. never contributed anything to Civilization. And today it is still THE HEART OF DARKNESS.
                9. Is it possible, I asked, for an author to have a political agenda and still be telling the truth about a very important matter?
                10. The human soul– whether it is mortal or immortal- is sacred to me. People have an absolute right to think and feel whatever they will about controversial issues.
                11. The politically correct crowd is beginning to feel the counter-attack. And it will be furious!
                12. Curiosity– divine curiosity- is one of the few emotions that cannot be faked. We can fake so many things- love for the masses, friendship, devotion to this or that fatuous cause; we can even fake sexual passion.

                Impeach Trump - for what ? Remember the " Impeach Libertine Clinton " fiasco ?

                Some random thoughts in 1997

                I have not encountered a single working class person here in Cranston, Rhode Island concerned about President Trump's non-belligerent attitude toward POST-COMMUNIST Russia and fellow plutocrat Vladimir Putin.

                They are much more concerned with Hilllary Clinton pal Governor Gina Raimondo's attacks on the poor , the elderly, the jobless, and the homeless. And Raimondo's multi-million dollar new state computer system fiasco.

                And the state Democrats pretend to have a welcoming attitude toward refugees of war - war supported by " liberal " Democrats ?

                If you are looking for a villain in 2016 presidential election, you can begin with Hillary Clinton. Sorry but Donald Trump is for now the LEGITIMATE president of the United States.

                 Where did the Republican effort to impeach sexual libertine Bill Clinton go ?

                Image result for The" impeach Clinton " campaign

                Friday, February 17, 2017

                Why the HATE RUSSIA campaign ?

                The Hillary Democrats -after sabotaging the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " - quickly evolved into a neo-con war party and they are now promoting the New McCarthyism.

                The war criminal Hillary Clinton was not even a " lesser evil " to President Donald Trump . Democratic socialists also regard him and his junta as political antagonists.

                But the BIG LIE against Trump is still UNPRINCIPLED politics on the working class Left.

                Trump is NOT the puppet of Russia's Vladimir Putin. And it is only sanity to want a good relationship with nuclear powered Russia. Not for nothing Putin viewed Hillary Clinton as the face of World War III.

                Why the HATE RUSSIA campaign ? What did post- communist Russia do to working class Americans ? Is the Russian oligarchy more of a menace to us than the American plutocracy ?

                The neo-Democrats abandoned working class America decades ago.

                We need our own American Labor Party- with a militant class struggle spirit. What do the Hillary Democrats offer ?

                What is so " hateful " about that ?
                Image result for On hating Russia
                This is how THEY start wars

                Speak about " hate " ? Nothing is more hateful than identity politics

                • In general, democratic socialists agree that BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties serve the American plutocracy.

                  But the Democratic Party, the mainstream news media -with the collusion of the CIA - have been demonizing Donald Trump since his nomination as the Republican presidential candidate.

                  Does every American who voted for Trump have a warped soul , hates everybody outside his or her immediate social circle ?

                  The popularity of both the right wing nationalist Donald Trump and the " socialist " Bernie Sanders can only be explained by a profound crisis of American capitalism.

                  " Angry working class voters " in those Rust Belt states handed the presidency to Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton was completely out of touch with the American working class " deplorables " ( which included devout Catholics ) .

                  And speak about " hate " ? Nothing is more hateful than your " identity politics " .

                  Democratic socialists have a CLASS perspective on various forms of social inequality in capitalist society. It really makes a lot more sense.

                " Get rid of him ".... A CIA assassination plot against President Trump ?

                •  " He [ President Trump } is insane. Get rid of him before he does very real damage to the country. Time is not on our side. "

                  • Donald Trump is -by the nation's own laws - the legitimate president of the United States. Do you recommend that the CIA consider another Salvadore Allende - " Marxist" president of Chile - " project " ?

                    The CIA and the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media seem to hate Trump for a very wrong reason : he is not a war monger toward Russia and respects Vladimir Putin.

                    Consider the support Trump has among all those Americans who voted for him.Any violence against Trump will spark immediate civil war.

                    THINK about what you are suggesting.
                    Image result for A CIA assassination plot against Trump ?

                Thursday, February 16, 2017

                My 2004 letter in " Cowl " titled " All whites live like Elvis in Graceland ? "

                The racism of La Raza

                All whites live like Elvis in Graceland?

                I am wondering if bright college kids will buy this slice of politically correct baloney: According to Raul Yzaguirre, the president of the National Council of La Raza, the average Hispanic household in the United States has only 8 percent of the financial wealth of the average non-Hispanic, white household.

                He asserted this on the commentary pages of the Providence Journal ( Sept.10 ) and the Miami Herald ( Sept.12 ). You don’t have to be a math wiz to infer that the average white household in America must resemble Elvis Presley’s Graceland.

                 Yzaguirre spoke at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. He is on the board of Sears, Roebuck. About ten years ago he headed a task force to investigate ” racism ” at our venerable Smithsonian Museum. Of course he found it shamefully lurking in every corner. A credible employee at the Smithsonian said that Raul’s damning report was astonishingly dishonest.

                . This voice for ” La Raza ” revealed himself to be from a Spanish-Jewish background and is very pro-Zionist. The United Nations has judged Zionism to be a form of racism. Why is the news media not even challenging Raul Yzaguirre’s baloney ?

                  [Part of La Razas “Excelencia in Education” initiative was a 2001 goal of creating 50 publicly funded charter schools that teach an ethnically separatist curriculum. Former La Raza president Raul Yzaguirre, Hillary Clintons Hispanic outreach advisor, said “US English is to Hispanics as the Ku Klux Klan is to blacks.”]
                Image result for Raul Yzaguirre, La Raza
                Yzaguirre  and Obama

                Time for self-respecting " liberals " to recognize the New McCarthyism

                The Trump- Russia connection ?

                On the working class LEFT I can see that President Trump is at least right-telling the truth- about sinister connections between the CIA, the mainstream news media, and the neo-con, pro-war Democratic Party.

                 Who ELECTED - even in a RIGGED election - all these shadowy, sinister, SPY bureaucrats ? They know what's best for America , for the common people of this country ?

                Time for self-respecting " liberals " to recognize the New McCarthyism.

                Image result for The CIA and the Democratic Party

                Wednesday, February 15, 2017

                Calling on " socialist " Bernie Sanders

                Democrats and CIA beating war drums at Russia         Help, Bernie !

                [ " They basically explained to Bernie, it looks like you could be the person that could calm down and make sure their energy and all this enthusiasm is directed in all the right proper channels,” Manchin said. ] 

                Yes, that is Bernie's role as a phony establishment socialist. Endorse Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary, " Corrupt Hillary ". Channel all that passionate " political revolution " energy into the neo-con, pro-war, pro-capitalist Democratic Party. 

                And be a cheer leader for the New McCarthyism and paranoia toward Russia and the demonizing of Vladimir Putin. 

                Sell out " socialists " are a dime a dozen in the big world. Nothing special about Bernie Sanders.

                Image result for Bernie Sanders will save capitalism

                Tuesday, February 14, 2017

                Oroville Dam emergency - America is literally crumbling

                Monday, February 13, 2017

                From the present national anxiety an American Equality Party will arise

                For me the democratic socialist perspective has - for many years- answered very many political questions: which ideas and partisan agendas serve the American working class ?

                Can " class war " energy be directed into a really peaceful and progressive mass movement ? There is no way the capitalist ruling class in America can even help save human civilization-or the living planet.

                You can hope and pray for divine intervention. But miracles are always very problematic.

                You must see " dangerous Donald Trump " in his ruling class connection. Political power - the power of the American presidency - is always a social relationship. And the Democratic Party is itself entrenched in the ruling class.

                Working people must ask : are the foreign and domestic enemies of Republicans and Democrats OUR enemies ?

                It is not a matter of seeing EVIL in these people. They just can't or won't rise above narrow privileged class interests - interests that create an enormous amount of preventable human misery: war, economic chaos , poverty , moral decay, crime, corruption, mental illness, existential despair, the pollution of the environment...etc.

                • Given the level of anxiety, fear, and political unrest in the post election weeks in the USA it should be possible for an American Equality Party to emerge - similar in many ways to the British Labor Party - but with more class struggle militancy and ideological boldness.

                  Image result for capitalism and existential despair

                United Nations " police action " more effective against " world terrorist " conspirators

                The nature of the conflict is best understood by listening to the daily give and take at the United Nations building.

                 United Nations " police action " should be more effective than super-power bullying in checking maniacal but limited-in-means " world terrorist " conspirators.

                The chaos in the Middle East simply cannot be explained by drooling Dark Age religious fanaticism. Old Europe imperialism is also guilty of the bloody everyday horror in this part of the world.

                You can propose a Pax Americana- but that , I believe, is reactionary daydreaming.
                Image result for The United Nations - still a great hope

                North Korea has a right to nuclear self-defense

                Only patriotic philistines will bloviate on how some nation states are on such a higher moral level than other nation states that they should not even be questioned about the right to their own nuclear weapons.

                 For example, Iran and North Korea have as much nation- state- right to nuclear weapons as imperial America and Zionist Israel.

                The real point is to OUTLAW ALL NUCLEAR ARSENALS .
                Image result for The North Korea hydrogen bomb

                Are we In Afghanistan to make the world safe for bourgeois feminism ?

                " Anyone who doesn't conform to a strict anti-cultural ideology is the enemy to them."
                What does the American ruling class know about tolerating non-conformity ?

                Presently the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media are promoting the New McCarthyism in America.

                Most professional journalists are going along with the program.

                Are we in Afghanistan to make the world safe for bourgeois feminism ?

                Our military is never sent to counter right wing- " fascist "- regimes in Europe or Latin America .

                Just as long as they bow to US imperialist interests.

                Our quarrel with Russia and China : Their oligarchies are not as " democratic " as our plutocracy ? Their " imperialism " is more obnoxious than our own ?

                The Pentagon's case for the New Colonialism and " America as Special " is very shabby .

                Image result for Why are we still in Afghanistan ?

                Sunday, February 12, 2017

                Revenge porn backfires- a young Italian woman Tiziana Cantone's suicide

                Wise advice from the Roman philosopher Lucretius in a poem written more than 2000 years ago: " On the Nature of Things ". A whole chapter is devoted to the tragedy of human sexual passion.
                 One dimensional porn films are rarely great art - because they blot out the human dignity of the individual performers.
                 In general, a decadent capitalist society is desperately in need - not of censorship- but of Kindness Visible.

                [  It probably took no more than a few seconds for Tiziana Cantone to begin the sequence of events that led to her suicide.
                In April 2015, the 31-year-old from Mugnano, on the outskirts of Naples, sent a series of sex videos to five people via WhatsApp. The recipients included her boyfriend Sergio Di Palo, with whom she had an unstable relationship.
                The videos showed her performing sex acts with a number of unidentified men.
                "She was beautiful but fragile," remembers Teresa Petrosino, a friend for 15 years. "She was with the wrong people at the wrong time."]

                Image result for tiziana cantone

                How much " collateral damage " is morally acceptable in our endless " war on terrorism " ?

                The conscience of the world rejects these usual stale excuses for United States hegemony in the world. Martin Luther King would still say that we are the greatest purveyor of violence -of STATE TERROR- in the world today.

                Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between domestic racism and imperialism, between racism and capitalism.

                The FBI and the CIA did not like Malcolm X or Martin Luther King-who opposed the Vietnam War.

                Ultimately nuclear bomb genocide will root out all the born terrorists of the world ? Are Russia and China also lacking in the Pentagon's list of high civic virtues ?

                How many innocent people - " collateral damage " - are morally acceptable in our phony - and ENDLESS - " war on terrorism " ?

                And WHY all this hostility to the United States ? Our wonderful " democratic " way of life ? A " democracy " that gave us the Hillary vs. Trump presidential election of 2016 ?

                The foreign enemies of the American plutocracy are not OUR enemies, the enemies of the American working class.

                Image result for Martin Luther King on America's violence

                Happy Valentine's Day to " Dottie " and " Mindy "

                ADOPTED-Dottie & Mindy

                ADOPTED-Dottie & Mindy
                Hello everyone! Our names are Dottie and Mindy. Have you seen the Golden Girls~ well that's us. We are in our golden years, a little quirky, and bonded.

                 Because of that we are PARL Pals, meaning that we will be adopted out together for the price of one dog adoption. We do have some medical things going on so if you are interested please reach out to staff at PARL for more information.

                ADOPTED-Dottie & Mindy is a part of our Special Adoptions program “PARL Pals”

                Some animals, like people, just belong together. PARL Pals are pets that may have lived together all of their lives or maybe they just bonded during their stay at our shelter.

                 Either way, we just can’t bear to see them separated! It’s our hope that a special adopter will feel the same way as we do and adopt them together. To make the deal even sweeter, we’ve made their adoption fees a 2-for-1 deal!

                Take Me Home… I'm Adoptable!

                Beloved pets " Dottie " and " Mindy " have been adopted !

                Radical Ron with "Mindy" & "Dottie"

                Dorene and I have just learned that her beloved pets- and my beloved " girls "- Dottie and Mindy - have been adopted.
                 We pray they have found a loving home. I know in my heart that there are very many dog lovers in Rhode Island.
                 I would be delighted to run into Dottie and Mindy on one of my long " Lovecraftian " walks . My Dottie was always " the perfect French lady ". My Mindy ( the little black poodle nicknamed " The Monkey " ) always made me utter : " How come you're so cute ? "
                 Dorene and I were planning to visit them at the Providence shelter -for Valentine's Day.
                 I will leave my Valentine's Day WISH here for them right here : Happy Thoughts About You Two Sweethearts Forever ! "
                 email address radicalron72647@gmail.com

                Saturday, February 11, 2017

                But are THEIR enemies OUR enemies ?

                Trump dealing with the devil ?

                • The mainstream news media - mostly the voice of the Democratic Party- is recklessly promoting an era of New McCarthyism - with post-communist Russia and pro-capitalist China now being pictured as the root of EVIL on a global scale.

                   But are their wealthy oligarchies on a lower moral level than our own plutocracy -or President Trump's junta ?

                  Why should working class Americans think that THEIR enemies are OUR enemies ?

                    "Trump's National Security Adviser Reportedly Discussed Sanctions With Russia "

                The Socialist on improving public education

                Let me respond first as a democratic socialist - a true believer in peaceful revolution ( if at all possible ). WE would help get people out of poverty by helping the privileged class get out of a life of irrational greed.WE can promise them that the " good life " is possible without an excess of exploitation and oppression- without a repressive STATE that cost billions.

                Huge amounts of social wealth will become available for the purpose of public education, USEFUL job training, and for the masses living a more meaningful life.

                Today we let capitalist considerations determine the usefulness of almost any activity. Talk radio sages laugh at young college students who prefer to study philosophy, art, music, literature, or ancient history, or DEAD languages. This is the death of CULTURE !

                Unemployed individuals become depressed thinking that not being useful to some capitalist is the same as absolute uselessness.

                In " Man's Search for Meaning " famous psychiatrist and Nazi concentration camp survivor Viktor E. Frankl explains why human life is ALWAYS meaningful.

                The late Isaac Asimov had some brilliant ideas on improving public education. He did see the personal computer as a marvelous means to make education exciting and relevant to millions of otherwise BORED students.

                Socialism will not be boring.
                Image result for Isaac Asimov on public education

                Friday, February 10, 2017

                Radical Ron with "Mindy" & "Dottie"

                Just a few days ago my good friend Dorene Rousseau of Randall Manor in Cranston had to give up her beloved pets " Mindy " and " Dottie " at the 34 Elbow St. Animal Rescue.
                She is still crying about this loss of " family ". We hope our precious - getting old- canine friends find a loving home and are treated with kindness for the rest of their lives.
                 Dorene is 75 years old and diagnosed with bone cancer. She was just unable to keep these adored and faithful companions here at Randall Manor. I cared for Mindy in recent months. We would love to hear about Mindy and Dottie finding a new home.

                  [ Providence Animal Rescue League

                34 Elbow Street
                Providence , RI 02903

                Back to Afghanistan, general says

                More and still more war
                There will be no working class support here in the United States for more imperialist wars or the New Colonialism- or "The Arrogance of Power " updated in 2017 . And our military has lost all moral authority to LEAD any " war on terrorism " anywhere on the planet.

                We offer the rest of the world the kind of " democracy " we see at work here in the USA - the " plutocracy - democracy " that gave us Trump vs. Hillary ?

                Make the world safe for the American ruling class ? I expect the anti-war movement to grow big again. A mass movement against World War III ?

                No anti-war voices among the " more love and kindness " Hillary Democrats ?

                 "Thousands More Troops Needed To Break Afghanistan 'Stalemate,' General Warns "

                Thursday, February 9, 2017

                Decaying capitalism warps humanity

                But the war criminal Hillary Clinton and the ruling class people supporting her rise above all these ugly characters' flaws : racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia - all the better to lead the American people into nuclear World War III ?

                 Can you elaborate on the virtues of the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, the Israel lobby, the mainstream news media - all of which openly supported Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary, " Corrupt Hillary " ?

                In truth decaying capitalism does not breed mentally healthy individuals - especially those who make up the privileged class.

                CLASS PRIVILEGE warps humanity. We need no lessons in " love and kindness " from the Hillary Democrats.


                I should say the" perceived vestige racism of the Old South " - which takes a rather innocuous pride in the Confederate Flag.

                The American plutocracy -supporters of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump - are not all about effete racism.

                 They are pathologically determined to defend ruling class privilege and imperialist interests around the world.

                 Most of them would like to keep wearing a " progressive " mask . The Trump Junta has taken it off. Yes, indeed - a fascist profile.


                " Racist " Sessions confirmed as US attorney general

                As a democratic socialist I see too many ironies in Democratic politicians -like Senator Elizabeth Warren- playing the RACE card against any disliked Republican choice for high office.

                 To be sure, they are often dishonest. Racism is usually not what these conservative Republicans are all about: making life more difficult for people just because of their color ? Why not try " enemy of the American working class " ?

                 But that would include most - if not all - establishment Democrats.

                Image result for Racist Sessions ?

                Wednesday, February 8, 2017

                Senator Elizabeth Warren is a strident " phony liberal "

                The establishment Democrats invariably introduce -often irrelevant- " identity politics " in trying to discredit any number of right wing Republican reactionaries. They are not always even honest here, to be sure. Again and again they play the race card and not the CLASS card. Why ? Because they have no deep quarrel with decaying American capitalism.

                Senator Elizabeth Warren did not hesitate - along with ALL the Hillary Democrats- to over-demonize Republican Donald Trump as some sort of KKK racist. They continue to smear Trump as a puppet " friend " of Russia's Vladimir Putin. We should have voted for the war criminal Hawk Hillary even though she is " less than perfect " . But Trump was pure EVIL ?

                The working class " deplorables " in the Rust Belt states voted against Wall St. Hillary . Were they all white supremacists too ?

                Warren is indeed a strident " phony liberal " . And she- and Bernie Sanders - endorsed a neo-con war monger, Hillary Clinton.
                Image result for senator elizabeth warren silenced on floor
                A strident " phony liberal "  Elizabeth Warren

                Tuesday, February 7, 2017

                Pseudo liberal nonsense : college education is THE TICKET to the middle class

                “The data shows that in today’s economy, a college degree is the ticket to the middle class” . Fake pseudo-liberal nonsense.

                 Leading the attack on the poor, the elderly, the working class in general here in Rhode Island, Hillary pal " Wall St. Gina " Raimondo is serious about elevating the " underprivileged " in Rhode Island to the heights of middle class respectability?

                 She could begin by fixing those dysfunctional state computers. It would be nice to have breakfast or lunch - and place to live - before paying full price for a RIPTA bus ride to CCRI's Warwick campus with that mirage of a " FREE " educational ticket to the middle class.

                But has not today's capitalist economy also ruined the many college educated " middle class " Americans, leaving them with a constant " Fear of Falling " ?  Must capitalism remain the official state religion ?

                Image result for " Fear of Falling ", book review

                No democratic socialist can get excited over the " secretary of education " choice

                Rally against Trump's education secretary pick

                • It is hard for any honest democratic socialist to get " disappointed " or excited over ANY " secretary of education " selection.

                   Teacher union bureaucrats- subservient to the Democratic Party- will see this as their own " Alamo ".

                   But in general public education is a disgrace in capitalist America. Here it becomes all too clear the Marxist insight that the " ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class " : The big idea is to make it impossible for bright high school students even to IMAGINE a social /economic order very different from American capitalism.

                   And much grovelling is encouraged before the status quo of the military industrial complex. How SPECIAL" we " are ! And a brainless : " thank you for your service " - whatever ?

                  Image result for trump's secretary of education creationism

                Monday, February 6, 2017

                " Progressives " will not reform the Democratic Party

                Bernie Sanders to the rescue ?

                As a democratic socialist myself I can only offer a sardonic smile for those " progressive " types -under the banner of the working class fighter Mother Jones - who still pine to reform the corrupt Democratic Party- now evolved into a neo-con , neo-McCarthyist , war party- to " reform " it with or without that fake socialist Bernie Sanders.

                 The Left already has too many anti-socialist socialists. Hawk Hillary was not even the lesser evil in the presidential campaign of 2016. And yet so called " socialists " endorsed her. Putin was right in viewing Hillary Clinton as the face of World War III.

                " Patriots Win ! " - not even SPORTS history has ended

                My old friend Dave and I were planning to see the Superbowl game at a local sports bar in Cranston, RI.  Dave called me saying he was feeling too sick to leave his apartment.
                 I tuned in by radio just before half time. SHOCKED - the Patriots were losing! My friend called sounding VERY pessimistic. I turned off the radio until the very last minute of the game. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone: " And the New England Patriots win! ".

                I woke up at 5:00 AM and turned on the radio. No , it was NOT fake news. It did remind me of 3:00 AM in the morning after the SHOCKING " Trump Elected " news on my same old clock radio- which I wanted to junk months ago : only right wing RED EYE station comes in clearly.

                History -not even SPORTS HISTORY - has ended. I am simply AMAZED. But my Lucretius philosopher assures me that the gods do not meddle in human affairs. I am not so sure in the morning twilight.

                Image result for twilight zone episode the mighty casey
                " The Mighty Casey " ( 1960 )

                Saturday, February 4, 2017

                Inspiration from old Roman philosopher Lucretius

                Can the " long view of history " - a scientific theory of the history of humanity - throw some light on the political crisis of the Democratic Party ? Lately I have been pondering the thoughts of the ancient Roman philosopher Lucretius -who had a nightmare vision of the origin of the human race -long before Darwin :

                 WE- Civilization- emerged from the animal world after a terrible struggle for existence. But everything changes - no human social order is forever.

                 Lucretius would not give his blessing to American capitalism - as moribund as ancient slavery.
                Image result for Lucretius on human history
                Science can throw light on dark politics

                Working class Americans must show no moral support for World War III

                Does it occur to any NPR readers that other nation states with a capitalist economic base also have a " WE FIRST " ruling class mentality ?

                 As a democratic socialist I fail to see anything SPECIAL about any nation state . The multi-ethnic, multi racial, multi-gendered ( still two ? ) privileged class of global capitalism are not God's " chosen people ". THEIR enemies are not our enemies.

                Why should any working class American have a personal grudge against Russia or its oligarchy led by Vladimir Putin ? Are they are on a lower moral level than President Donald Trump's junta ?

                The American working class should formulate its own " foreign policy " -and build its own political party. The Hillary Democrats have burned all bridges to us.They have evolved into a neo-con war party. WE must show no moral support for World War III.

                  Call  it " The Arrogance of Power ". Why should not every nation state have nuclear weapons in an AMERICA FIRST world ? Which is why NO nation state should have them -not even the Holy Israel of Christian Zionists.

                Rhode Island representative Moira Walsh - a product of vicious " identity politics "

                Racialism gone berserk !

                The " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders humiliated the Hillary Clinton political machine here in the Democratic Primary in Rhode Island last April. Working class issues - not rabid identity politics - were the major concern. Man hating is not a " progressive " political agenda.

                The working class is not helped by obsession on race, gender, and sexual orientation. CLASS matters more.But the Hillary Democrats have quickly evolved into a neo-con war party- the face of ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM.

                I live in Cranston , Rhode Island where this Moira Walsh is the talk of talk radio. Right wing talk show hosts call Walsh a voice on the " left ". The only working class " left " that I know rejects crackpot " identity politics ".

                She is a product of vicious, irrational - and now moribund- " identity politics ".

                I will agree that the Hillary Democrats have burned all bridges to the American working class. All " deplorables " ?

                   RI representative Laura Walsh