Saturday, December 31, 2016

Governor Raimondo fighting poverty with cutbacks ?

Faith healing for poverty in Rhode Island
Catholic social philosophy has a long history of fighting poverty with faith. But can you fight poverty with faith in capitalism ?

 Governor Raimondo seems to be fighting the good fight against poverty with cutbacks . She shares Hillary Clinton's faith in the Social Gospel.

 No wonder " Wall St. Hillary " lost to " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary last April.
Image result for Catholic social philosophy,  Catholic Worker
Dorothy Day was an original

What " democracy " here was there for Putin to sabotage ?

A bleak future for the millennial generation

In contrast to the neo-con war mongers in both the Republican and Democratic parties Russia's Vladimir Putin seems worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.

Just what " democracy " was left in the USA for Putin to sabotage ? How is our plutocracy -and hated CIA - on a higher moral level than Putin's own CAPITALIST oligarchy ?

US war plans presume a mass contentment with Establishment USA ( which supported Hawk Hillary Clinton ) which does not exist in this year of the Anti-Establishment voter.

During the campaign neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump tossed a bone to the silent or silenced anti-war movement.

 To be sure, no working class Americans have any belligerent quarrel with nuclear powers Russia and China. And no " interest " in the New Colonialism in the Islamic Middle East.

" What if THEY started a war and nobody showed up ? "
Image result for obama wins nobel peace prize
An Absurd Universe indeed !

Friday, December 30, 2016

What if THEY started a war and nobody showed up ?

The Empire strikes back on Putin's Russia

  • President Obama -like Hawk Hillary- must think that the American working class is not only " deplorable " but stupid

    . It was clear to this democratic socialist ( a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders ) way back in April that the Democratic Party had evolved into a neo-con War Party.

    .What can be more ridiculous than the political servants of the ONE PERCENT , the American plutocracy, frowning with high moral indignation over the Russian " sabotage " of the political process in America, of THEIR two party system, THEIR " democracy " ?

    The political system that gave us Trump vs. Hillary ?

    In truth, Vladimir Putin is more worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize than any neo-con Democrat.
    Working class Americans have no quarrel with Russia. How is our plutocracy on a higher moral plane their CAPITALIST oligarchy ?

    " What if THEY started a war and nobody showed up " ?

    Image result for Obama punishes Russia

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The " dialectics of history " is not about any " Chosen People " or Old Testament mythology

I voted for the presidential candidates of the Socialist Equality Party ( White and Niemuth ) . Democratic socialists around the world take no stock in racism or " identity politics ".

 For a " left wing " Jew to become a Zionist he or she must ignore the " dialectics of history " which is not all about Old Testament mythology.

Is seems that the Jewish " community " in America marginalizes anti-Zionist Jews.But let them speak for themselves.

Both Trump and Hillary Clinton were beating the war drums during the campaign.

Image result for Zionism and the Old Testament
And too bad for the Palestinians !

The context of Secretary of State John Kerry's harsh criticism of Israel settlements

Kerry's strong words can be understood in the context of the defeat of Hawk Hillary by right wing nationalist Donald Trump in the presidential election.

Hillary Clinton was the favorite of the powerful Israel lobby. They were humiliated by the Trump Electoral College landslide.

They forget that the vast class of working class " deplorables " in America never voted on our " special relationship with Israel ". All this neo-liberal ( Democrat ) support for a secular America - in contrast to an uncritical attitude toward a " Jewish state " ?

The whole world is fed up with Zionist arrogance and American imperialist " exceptionalism ". It is Russia's Vladimir Putin who could be more worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.
Image result for Kerry condemns  Israel
Secretary of State Kerry critical of Israel settlements

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Humane cops won't make our mental health system any more humane

Rhode Island police get mental health " first aid " training
I am sure there are many good cops who prefer to help mentally ill people in crisis. But humane cops won't make our mental health system any more humane.

The homeless mentally ill are a product of the moral calamity instituted more than a 50 years ago -under the false banner of benign " progress " : a moral calamity known as the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill.

Our prisons have become ersatz " treatment centers " for the crime of being poor and mentally ill. And poverty-the plague of decaying capitalism - is a big factor in the breakdown of an individual's mental health. Suicide is up in America.

In Rhode Island Hillary pal " Wall St. Gina " Raimondo thinks that less is more ( Medicaid ) in helping the poor, the homeless, the elderly, the disabled, and the mentally ill. Her new computer system is denying benefits to thousands of desperate Rhode Island residents.

She fired badly needed social workers . So now the needy cannot even talk to a human face- perhaps with the exception of the police officer.
Image result for West Warwick police help the mentally ill

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Hillary Democrats created their very own " post truth " world

The Hillary Democrats have created their very own " post truth " world of phony identity politics.

The DNC was far more effective in sabotaging the political process in America than Russia's Vladimir Putin.

 How is our plutocracy more " democratic " than Putin's oligarchy ? The Hillary Democrats, evolving into a neo-con War Party, had nothing to do with the Trump victory in the presidential election ?

The American plutocracy's " way of life " is worth fighting for, worth dying for ?

So the Democratic Party needs an " economic message "

Democrats must rebuild party with an " economic message "

  • So the Democratic Party desperately needs an " economic message " ? The DNC was unrestrained in sabotaging the economic message of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.

     The bottom line is that the nation's ruling class considers all SERIOUS talk of socialism anathema. The neo-Democrats prefer that we not think too deeply or fairly about socialism with reference to the real history of global capitalism and American imperialism.

     We should just continue to hug the false identities that " identity politics " commissars assign us . Above all attack imaginary " white supremacy " - which one Drexel University " communist " professor warns us is on the rise.

    And yet President Obama thinks he could have won a third term - being as popular as FDR, you see. At least FDR had a clear " economic message " - which offended the plutocracy- unlike Hillary Clinton . " That man ! ".

    If you want a clear economic message today, listen to HONEST democratic socialists.They rarely get any mainstream news media attention. I wonder why.

Monday, December 26, 2016

It is neo-liberalism that has gone berserk

It is simply a LIE that white supremacy is on the rise. As a democratic socialist I am aware that even so called " communism " of the Cold War era, really Stalinism , did not focus on race or indulge in identity politics.Marxism is all about the dialectics of CLASS struggle- and even avoids personal demonization of ruling class individuals like President Elect Donald Trump.

If President Obama thinks he could be elected for a third term, what does that say about the state of " white supremacy " in America ? It is neo-liberal identity politics that has gone berserk. It led to the defeat of " Corrupt Hillary ".

CLASS explains so much more than RACE....Karl Marx got it right

Drexel professor dreaming of " white genocide "

The American ruling class fears CLASS consciousness. They try to dull it with toxic RACE consciousness and fatuous " identity politics ".

 It is ridiculous to associate capitalist exploitation and inequality with WHITENESS. In fact, England today is beginning to resemble the England of 1844 when Frederick Engels wrote " The Condition of the Working Class in England ". Back then it was mostly white.

        Privileged whites like to feel that they are on top because they are really superior-not because they benefited from " white privilege ". They have no quarrel with capitalism. Along with "Corrupt Hillary " they slander the white working class " deplorables ".

            Hillary Clinton lost the election because she was completely out of touch with the American working class of ALL races and ethnic groups.

      CLASS explains so much more than RACE. Karl Marx was right about that.
Image result for drexel professor white genocide

History has made neither America nor Israel " special "

  • Zionist Israel is righteous. The whole world is wrong. Just why was Hawk Hillary the darling of the Israel lobby ?

     When did those working class " deplorables " ever vote on this country having a " special relationship with Israel " ?

     Making the world safe for Israel should not be what US foreign policy is all about. In the big world belligerent nationalism is invariably self-destructive.

    History has made neither America nor Israel " special " . Russia's Putin gets that right.

    Image result for America is not special

Who loved Hillary ? The black bourgeoisie, jaded feminists, the ever arrogant Israel lobby

Among traditional Democratic voters CLASS consciousness more and more conflicted with the party's effete and elitist " identity politics ".
 Long before Obama the Democratic Party showed signs of sanctimonious moral elitism -which oddly enough marginalized and even demonized- working class Catholics. But Hillary Clinton took this trend to a new level . Who could be enthusiastic for Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary ? The black bourgeoisie, jaded feminists, and the ever arrogant Israel lobby.
The militant gay marriage movement acted as if it had no working class roots at all. In just a few months the Hillary Democrats evolved into a neo-con War Party.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Controversial talk show host WPRO's John DePetro quits- or was he fired ?

Speaking from the Left -as a democratic socialist- I have observed the vicious, snobby, anti-working class, anti-democratic, anti-free speech pattern of neo-liberal " identity politics ".

Not a few times John DePetro spoke truth to power. And where was the evidence that President Elect Donald Trump was a KKK type bigot and women hater ? Bourgeois feminism here ?
   And it is unprincipled for union leaders to gang up - along with petty bourgeois Democrats - on anybody's free speech rights or plot to get an employee - even a very middle class person - fired.
     I will miss the humor and,  often enough , the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE common sense of John DePetro. 
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Christmas Eve surprise - DePetro quits WPRO

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Soon " popular democracy " in America will look like Cairo, Egypt in 2011

The only morally credible criticism of Obamacare comes from the Left : it fails to realize Senator Ted Kennedy's vision of health care in America as a basic human right. But tell that to a Republican Congress - with an Ayn Rand view of working class " entitlements ". But who ENTITLED the ONE PERCENT to own the country and its government ?

The Trump Junta- which now threatens even Medicare and social security- was made possible by decades of Neo-Democrat betrayals of working class interests.

Only masses in the street - like Cairo, Egypt in 2011- can create popular democracy in America. Our " way of life " is not the plutocracy's way of life,  not Hawk Hillary's way of life.

Forget about reforming the putrescent Democratic Party.
Image result for " Egyptian Spring ", 2011
"Arab Spring " 2011

Jewish intellectuals abandon socialism for Zionist state worship

Zionist influence in the news media [ a right wing slant on it ]

  • Democratic socialists around the world can only applaud this still rather weak United Nations " condemnation " of the Zionist settlements, a daily affront to the oppressed Palestinians.

    Decades ago the UN - this " court of world public opinion " - condemned Zionism as a form of racism.It got that right. Too many " left wing " Jewish intellectuals have abandoned socialist internationalism for anti-working class state worship.

    More than a century after the Great War- the war to make the world " safe for democracy " - rival nationalisms threaten yet another world war.

    Hawk Hillary was the favored presidential candidate of the Israel lobby in the United States- a factor in her unpopularity in the Rust Belt states.

    Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. That too was a FAKE NEWS line.The American working class never voted on our " special relationship with Israel " - a 50 year waste of federal government money and resources.
    Image result for condemn Zionist settlements

Friday, December 23, 2016

United Nations condemns Israel's Zionist settlement plan

comment author avatar
As a democratic socialist I  can only applaud this United Nations- the conscience of the world- rebuke of Israel. Decades ago the United Nations got it right when it condemned Zionism as a form of racism.

     This truth was ignored by Hawk Hillary Clinton when she offered unconditional support to the Israel lobby.

       Too many Jewish " leftists" have abandoned internationalism for idol state worship.

  " United Nations Demands End to Israel Settlement Building; U.S. Abstains "

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Democratic socialism will not stifle the energy and talent now invested in small business

  • All the talent and initiative and energy and idealism invested in America's many " small business " enterprises will not be stifled by " democratic socialism ".

     The point is to establish rational control over the economy as a whole -for the good of the human race. It has nothing to do with " envy " of the successful or neurotic hatred for the wealthy.

    On a higher moral plane democratic socialism must question and challenge the moral legitimacy of " legitimate" wealth.

    On a higher moral plane democratic socialism must " deconstruct " the American military industrial complex. For this there is no need for even a hint of " violence " - just the mobilization of mass WORKING CLASS support.

    I do understand that in Rhode Island small business often gets treated brutally- by parasite state officialdom.By the way, that is NOT " socialism ".

End of the American Empire ?

End to American " hegemony " ?

  • Decaying American capitalism and its now dysfunctional imperialism mean an end to " The Empire " as leftist Gore Vidal would say.

    To be sure, the right wing nationalist Donald Trump will not " make America great again ". But it looks like the American working class is fed up with the Hillary Democrats - now a party of war mongers and neo-cons.

     Only the black bourgeoisie , jaded feminists, identity politics zealots, and the Israel lobby were enthusiastic about Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

    All things come to an end -even the " American Way of Life " ( for the plutocracy , that is ).
    Image result for end of the american empire
    Leftist writer Gore Vidal would be amused

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How is Bernie Madoff doing in prison ?

How is Bernie Madoff being treated in prison ?

No surprise that predatory capitalism- legal or illegal - wins “ respect “ in the American prisons. How many low life crooks and swindlers and thugs were inspired by Mario Puzo ‘s “ Godfather “ - the book and the movie ?

Yet, I have little “ respect “ for Bernie’s wannabe victims. As if anything but fraud or extreme exploitation can convert a few million dollars of Capital into a billion dollars in profit.
Image result for " The Godfather ", Puzo

The stupid " war on drugs " should stay away from senior citizens

Older people with an opiate " problem "

  • I think the stupid " war on drugs " should stay away from seniors who benefit on the whole from the scientific conquest of pain.

     Most of the 60s anti-establishment generation want marijuana, for example., legalized not " regulated ". I have a 75 year old woman friend with bone cancer. Apart from pain control, who would object to her just feeling " high " now and then ?

    Nobody is " regulating " alcohol consumption. Must capitalist society be endlessly oppressive and repressive for ordinary people ? And is not a little ridiculous worrying about 80 year olds with a " habit " ?

    It is amazing that insane capitalist society does not produce more drunks and dope addicts.
    Image result for " Reefer madness " in seniors

Monday, December 19, 2016

Working class Americans need fewer anti-socialist socialists -like Bernie Sanders

Could Bernie Sanders have defeated Donald Trump ?

As a democratic socialist I am amused by " leftists " who imagine Bernie Sanders was too ideologically extreme. And also -despite some critical support-by a " socialist " like Sanders who is invariably anti-socialist in practice.

The American ruling class will ALWAYS consider socialism -no matter how modest and meek - anathema. The working class does need fewer of these ruling class sponsored anti-socialist socialists. " Socialists " who gave critical support to Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary , are even less " radical " than FDR liberals.

Neo- liberal Hillary Clinton - sounding more and more like a neo-con - was completely out of touch with working class anger.That is why she lost those Rust Belt states. No recounts necessary.

Remember that the first Bernie Sanders shock victory was in the Michigan primary. Sanders also won - surprise - here in the Rhode Island primary. Yet the Rhode Island delegation - led by the plutocrat Clay Pell- supported Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

 Today Clay Pell -grandson of the famous Senator Pell - is raising hopes that the Electoral College can stop the Donald Trump presidency. What matters, you see, is what our plutocracy wants. Establishment USA wanted Hillary Clinton.

How ironic that Clay Pell of Rhode Island supports Electoral College intrigue

Elitist Harvard professor wants Electoral College to stump Trump
No democratic socialist would agree with this reactionary intrigue to deny the presidency to Donald Trump. To be sure, the Elector College is a mockery of popular democracy. Using it to oust Trump before Inauguration Day would strongly legitimize this elitist political mechanism for checking and " balancing " the popular vote. 

In all probability Putin influenced the election the same way powerful foreign leaders have always influenced American elections: through partisan journalists, honest or bribed. Stalin ordered the American Communist Party to support Roosevelt -after Hitler turned against " Mother Russia ".
One prominent Democrat, Clay Pell of Rhode Island ,would like to see the Electoral College turn down Republican Donald Trump.
 But how ironic ! " Socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders defeated the Hillary Clinton machine in Rhode Island in the April primary. But the state delegation voted for Hillary- not Bernie - at the Democratic National Convention.

It is the capitalist two party system that has betrayed democracy in America- not Russia's Vladimir Putin. Our plutocracy is NOT on a higher moral level than Putin's rich oligarchy.

But Putin was right about Hawk Hillary : she was the face of World War III.

Image result for Clay Pell , Electoral College
Presidential Elector Clay Pell of Rhode Island

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Recommended article by John Pilger

Silencing America as It Prepares for War

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Of course Russians should celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution

How will Putin's Russia celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution ?
For millions of working class people around the world socialism is still a living ideal. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was an inspiring event. The collapse of the Stalinized Soviet Union more than 25 years ago did not validate the irrational and unjust capitalist " way of life ".

And clearly History has not ended or culminated in " America First " and President Donald Trump. The ghost of Lenin and the Old Bolsheviks still haunts the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin.
Image result for 100th anniversary of the russian revolution
History has not ended
European Communist Initiative- Statement for the 99th Anniversary ...

What if " America " ( the plutocracy ) declares war and nobody shows up ?

China to return captured under-sea drone
What is wrong with the rest of the world ? U.S. imperialism has a bone to pick with the governments of three quarters of the human race? We read about " tensions " with China, tensions with Russia, both nuclear powers, tensions with most of the regimes of the Middle East.

 Do working class Americans have a quarrel with the world's " diversity " ? Do we wish to impose our wonderful " way of life " on the rest of the world ? The American plutocracy's " way of life " is not working class America's " way of life ".

What more does the rest of the world want than Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary or " America First " Donald Trump ?

What if our plutocracy declares war and nobody shows up ? The revenge of the working class " deplorables " and the really liberal or really socialist " peaceniks "
Image result for what if they declared war and nobody showed up

Saturday, December 17, 2016

To be sure, in war or peace the ONE PERCENT will sacrifice nothing

Silencing America as it prepares for war

In truth, the American Empire and American capitalism is in a state of acute crisis and tension. In the past such tensions invariably led to world war. The neo-liberal Democrats sound more and more like the Cold War Republicans -the driving force of 1950s McCarthyism.

President Obama's bright picture of America can hardly begin to explain the fervor of the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " campaign or the Trump victory in the presidential election.

It can hardly explain the implosion of the two party system. We face a future of war abroad and austerity at home. We are all Greeks now.

The mainstream news media 's demonization of Russia 's leader Vladimir Putin is as false as its confidence in a Hillary Clinton victory. The capitalist two party system undermined faith in the political system far more effectively than any Putin " sabotage " real or imagined.

Hillary Clinton's contempt for white working class " deplorables " - mostly decent people betrayed by neo-liberalism -was a big factor in the Rust Belt surprise . And Hawk Hillary never tossed a bone to the anti-war movement -which the Trump Junta will soon revive.

The Democratic Party long ago betrayed its New Deal soul. It now has Hillary Clinton's voice , the voice of a neo-con War Party, the kind anti-imperialist author Mark Twain ridiculed more than a century ago.

The American working class has no interest in war with nuclear powers Russia and China, no interest in the New Colonialism in the Middle East, or increasing austerity in government.

To be sure, in war or peace the ONE PERCENT will sacrifice nothing.
Image result for Rust Belt defeats Hillary

Friday, December 16, 2016

Radical Ron can appreciate " conservative " H.L. Mencken

As a democratic socialist I have always appreciated any conservative voice that respects objective truth.On the Left- the pseudo-Left - there is a growing disdain for free speech, free thought, manners, " popular democracy " and objective reality.

 I am not impressed with " Politico ". The 2016 presidential campaign was badly in need of a journalist like H.L. Mencken.
Image result for h.l mencken

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hillary defeat- the revenge of the white working class " deplorables "

How Clinton lost Michigan
Bernie Sanders humiliated the Hillary Clinton campaign here in Rhode Island in the April primary. The Democratic Party is clearly out of touch with working class voters. No amount of image making and phony " identity politics " could make " Corrupt Hillary " seem a true friend of the " forgotten Americans ". Her defeat was the revenge of the white working class " deplorables ".

And Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary never tossed a bone to the seemingly silent anti-war movement. Establishment USA supported her: the mainstream news media, the Pentagon, the CIA, corrupt unions, the Israel lobby, clearly supported " Corrupt Hillary ".

Oh the hubris ! She lost ! It was indeed the year of the Anti-Establishment voter.

Having voted for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in the Rhode Island primary, I did not think that Hillary was a " lesser evil " than Donald Trump. I voted for the obscure but honest presidential candidate of the Socialist Equality Party.

And in no way did Bernie Sanders push Hillary Clinton to the Left. In just a few months the Hillary Democrats sounded like a neo-con War Party, the kind mocked by anti-imperialist writer Mark Twain more than a century ago.

The two party system-controlled by Corporate America- subverted " democracy " in America. Not Russia's Vladimir Putin.

Image result for obama drinks flint water
" Nope.nothing wrong here ! " ( Flint, Michigan water )

The rancid sex scandal at the St. George private school

Our increasingly repressive, authoritarian society- soon to be police state America - is using the natural revulsion against sexual abuse to persecute many quite innocuous individuals with all the hypocritical moral fervor of the Salem Witchcraft Trials.

This is a capitalist society which panders to human sexual lust in every TV and radio commercial. A capitalist society with a billion dollar porn industry. How can any legal team establish the facts about some moral indecency that happened 40 years ago ? And for what purpose ? Justice, catharsis ?

Long ago psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich wrote about the " sexual rights of adolescents " - which , of course, implies the right NOT to be any empowered adult's plaything. Not for nothing George Orwell has the ludicrous " Anti-Sex League " as a force for sexual hysteria in " 1984 ".

Neo-liberal identity politics will soon establish its own version of the " Ministry of Love ".

Now routine : executing the mentally ill


 " 73-year-old dementia-stricken Calif. man fatally shot by police was carrying crucifix, not gun " ( Washington Post on line story )

This now routine story of a mentally disturbed person being judged and executed on the spot by our ruling class supervised police force also points to the decline of mental health programs in the United States.
Killing them is cheaper.


The Aleppo debacle- fake " humanitarian imperialism "

To be sure, United States imperialism and the New Colonialism have no peace plan for Syria or any other country in the Middle East. The criminal invasion of Iraq under President George W. Bush ( the FAKE NEWS lie about weapons of mass destruction ) destabilized the region .

The American ruling class is not on a higher moral plane than Russia's Vladimir Putin or the Syrian government in this war. There was not a hint of an anti-war attitude in the Hillary Clinton campaign for president. On the contrary, Hawk Hillary was favored by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Israel lobby.

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump banged the war drums. Always with phony " humanitarian " excuses.

The American working class has no interest in " progressive " future wars. The class war is quite enough.

Fall of Aleppo
Image result for fall of aleppo
Fall of Aleppo

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


" The Jacobin " on " socialism " in our time 

Yes,  I do believe that the Electoral College is major flaw in " popular democracy ". But where was the popular demand for Hillary Clinton when " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders was drawing all the enthusiasm of the crowds ?
 The ruling class news media relentlessly promoted the virtues of Hillary Clinton and " exposed " the wickedness - real or exaggerated- of Republican Donald Trump.

The mainstream news media completely invented the lie about Trump inspired anti-Semitism . True, the Israel lobby favored Hillary Clinton -for its own belligerent agenda.

How could Bernie Sanders be anti-Semitic ? He denounced unacceptable economic inequality in America .It is more accurate to accuse the Hillary Democrats of anti-Catholic bigotry.

I recall the DNC smearing the Bernie Sanders followers as having a " propensity for violence ". The mainstream news media spread the smear. After Donald Trump was shockingly elected president the New York Times was briefly apologetic.

Worried about FAKE NEWS? Read all about it : PUTIN SUBVERTS THE HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN ! Read about it in the New York Times.

Just wait and see !

Putin " conspiracy " against our wonderful democracy ?
The most sinister power on earth trying and invariably succeeding in subverting popular democracy in America is the two party system.

The ruling class leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties have only war and austerity to offer ordinary Americans- now the not so silent majority.

Just wait and see.

Image result for The capitalist future of war and austerity

Monday, December 12, 2016

May I recommend Russia's Vladimir Putin for a Nobel Peace Prize ?

As a democratic socialist with some experience getting leftist third parties on the ballot-as citizen of the United States- I completely support the RIGHT To ANY election recount by any candidate for any office.

Democrats and Republicans are now making the silly claim -backed by the always suspicious CIA - that Russian leader Vladimir Putin's agents sabotaged our " political process ". But that " political process " is mostly the two party system protecting the rule of the rich.

May I dare to recommend Vladimir Putin for a Nobel Peace Prize ? Since when did working class America declare war on Russia- or China ? Since when does democratic ,working class America support endless wars and the New Colonialism in the Middle East ?

Image result for Vladimir Putin
A Nobel Peace Prize for Putin ?

Why Brown Uniiversity students rarely " comment " in the Brown Daily Herald

Trump makes environment scientists nervous

  • Actually I am curious why hardly any of the " best and brightest " Brown students care to " comment " on these burning issues of the day in the Brown Daily Herald .

     I suspect wise old professors warn them that it is not a good career move to express an honest opinion on any topic at " liberal " Brown University.

     But do they imagine they have a bright future in the decaying empire of capitalist America ? Where ? In some paranoid gated community surrounded by the angry " living dead " ?
    Image result for Brown Daily Herald

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Beyond hot headed politics you need a theory of history

Noam Chomsky : plutocracy killed the American dream

My point is that the American ruling class is not a higher moral plane than the now CAPITALIST oligarchs of Russia and China. Without demonizing either Hillary or Trump - they are the quintessential products of Establishment USA- I voted for neither.

I voted for some honest democratic socialists promoted only by the World Socialist Web Site ( White and Niemuth ).

People who fancy themselves as sophisticated intellectuals never give a thought to the wisdom of capitalism. Even hard core atheists imagine that this system is both divine and eternal.

Beyond hot headed politics you need a well thought out theory of history. I do not find it even on the pages of the New York Times.

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Brainless, pro-military conformity : " Thank you for your service ! "

Serious issues were not even debated by Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump. The 2016 campaign was all about personal attack. It was just assumed - and correctly - that both candidates were pro-military, pro war , pro whatever budget the Pentagon demanded.

The ruling class wants us to have one brainless, conformist attitude toward the military : THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ( even at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq ). Never question the moral sanity of United States foreign policy .

 And talk about FAKE NEWS- all those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ! And Vladimir Putin - not the DNC and Hillary Clinton and the capitalist news media- sabotaging the " political process " in the USA.
Image result for abu ghraib photos

Saturday, December 10, 2016

The CIA has a record of promoting democracy around the world ?

CIA uncovers Putin plot in American election ?
The CIA has a long record of promoting democracy around the world- by sabotaging elections and overthrowing politically legitimate governments.
 Any politically literate college student can supply you with the details. Read Howard Zinn's " Peoples History of the United States ". The CIA also meddled in Iran on the side of the Shah, the " Peacock Throne ". 

I recall the assassination of " leftist " president of Chile Salvador Allende. Is Henry Kissinger still around giving advice to Hillary Clinton ?

Image result for The CIA on Salvador Allende
Assassinated in CIA plot

Friday, December 9, 2016

Millions of workers in the street will " make America great again ".

The ruling class figures in the DNC who promoted the presidential candidate " Corrupt Hillary " and who sabotaged the incipient " political revolution " of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders -and ignored the angry working class voters in the Rust Belt states - even here in economically depressed Rhode Island - have no cause for moral smugness.

" Wall St. Hillary " had no real plan to save the earth from the global capitalist death culture.

 Tens of millions of angry working class people in the streets -demanding democratic rule - will " make America great again ". United under the slogan : END THE PLUTOCRACY !

Image result for mass demonstrations coming in Washington

Thursday, December 8, 2016

True, there is " The Republican War on Science "

Scientists nervous about Trump administration

True, many Republicans are singularly benighted on the subject of human caused global climate change. There is a book I browsed in a public library titled " The Republican War on Science ". The Providence Journal 's editorial page editor , Edward Achorn, has - I think - absurdly associated this climate change controversy as a free speech issue, and a controversy within the human institution of SCIENCE itself.

As a democratic socialist I deplore a certain contempt for free speech on any college campus where " identity politics " reigns supreme- and even oppresses free thought.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has been rather superb at defending the conclusions of SCIENCE on global warming against Big Energy inspired ridicule of us " Save the Earth " zealots.

But how can pro-capitalist Democrats not see that big industry cannot be checked by mere impotent reprimands ? It is essential to establish democratic control over Big Energy.

The scientific method is not based on enthusiasm for unrestrained free speech. It is based on verifiable research data. It is self-correcting and concerns itself with relative not absolute truth. Relative truth goes a long way - like making modern civilization possible.

Must the halls of science offer equal time to Creationism too ? An editorial page should not present a crank as a persecuted scientist .

Image result for " The Republican War on Science "

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Identity politics and anti-Semitism

Erich Fromm revisited

The black bourgeoisie -not the black working class - was enthusiastic for " Wall St. Hillary ". Establishment USA supported " Corrupt  Hillary ". The mainstream news media supported " Corrupt Hillary ". What does this say about the political morality of Establishment USA ?

Working class black people owe nothing to the Clintons - who led the cruel " reforms " on welfare. Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism ( read " The Last Year of Malcolm X " by socialist George Breitman ).

Malcolm X evolved into revolutionary - not anti-white, not anti-Semitic. But he did say : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ".

" Identity politics " is itself making RACE an issue where it is not. The real issue- which the Bernie Sanders campaign focused on - is unacceptable economic inequality.

The rise of fascism in Nazi Germany was a consequence of capitalist decay .Read Erich Fromm's " The Sane Society ". Fromm was a socialist humanist.

   [" Hitler's Mein Kampf a surprise entry in Italian schoolkids' top books list " ]

How would Hawk Hillary stop the spread of anti-Semitism ?

The Donald Trump victory and creeping anti-Semitism

If " liberal " Jews want to check the spread of anti-Semitism, they could voice a more critical view of global capitalism. And stop making an idol of the state of Israel - the faithful ally of the United Stares in all its imperialistic adventures, its intrigues against Russia and China, and its phony war on terrorism in the Middle East- in reality setting up a New Colonialism.

The rich supporters of Hillary Clinton were not on a higher moral level than the working class " deplorables " who -in desperation for change- voted for the right wing nationalist Donald Trump.

In just a few months - after the sabotage of the Bernie Sanders " political revolution"- the Hillary Democrats evolved into a neo-con War Party.

" Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " would check anti-Semitism ? How ? By being the darling of the Israel lobby ? By calling working class Catholics Dark Age benighted citizens ?

How many Jewish intellectuals have forgotten the ideal of socialist internationalism ?

 [There were tears at preschool drop off hours after Donald Trump was declared president-elect, but at Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn they weren’t from the 3-year-olds. It was parents who cried, many of them overcome by grief and fear after Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss to a man who throughout his campaign crudely expressed explicitly anti-Semitic, racist and sexist views.
Explicitly anti-Semitic views such as "Israel should pay us for defending them." What a monster!
During the course of the election, neurotic Jews – and many non-Jews, for the record – compared Trump to Hitler at every turn. In fact, some Jews literally believe that Trump harbors genocidal intentions toward their race.
This is absurd for a number of reasons.... ]

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The family in crisis under capitalism : EXCERPT ( sad reading )

Regrets having children ( selfishness or normal ? )

[ French author Corinne Maier has two children but can't wait for the youngest to leave home, saying they have left her "exhausted and bankrupt". 

Her attack on "idealising parenthood" struck a chord with many mothers and fathers around the world. Here are some of their comments - followed by the responses from others who completely disagreed. ]


 [  It's good to know I'm not the only one who has felt empty being a mom. While I love my two children very much, I feel today I should never have had them. Not only are they expensive, but to raise children comes at a cost to career advancement unless women wait until they are over 35. There are so many reasons to feel joy in being a mom, but I feel exhausted and unfulfilled. Alex, San Antonio.

I've never been someone who's good with kids... and I'm still not. My child is six now and I still find it hard to relate to him and his friends. A whole lot of the time, I just don't like being a mother, and I generally don't fit well into this role. I feel like an outcast among all the school mums who are so actively involved. Anonymous, Cologne.

It is difficult to say I regret having children because I love them. But, on balance, if I could turn back the clock and tell myself what it is like, I'm not sure I'd bother having any. It's only "wonderful" a very small proportion of the time. Without them I'd have money, freedom and far less worry. Mary, Edinburgh.

Reasons to avoid having kids:
•You will lose touch with your friends
•Your sex life will be over
•Children cost a fortune
•Child-rearing is endless drudgery
•Vacations will be nightmares
•You’ll lose your identity and become just “mom” or “dad”
•Your children will become mindless drones of capitalism
•The planet’s already overcrowded
•Your children will inevitably disappoint you ]

Monday, December 5, 2016

Italian voters say NO to ruling class referendum

The global capitalist political establishments are losing authority all over the countries of Western Civilization. A tiny global plutocracy- led by the now very reactionary American ruling class-wants to smother what is left of popular democracy.

To the degree that this plutocracy controls public education they have tried to make it impossible for the younger generation even to IMAGINE a " socialist " alternative to irrational capitalism and bloody imperialism.

Why should working class Americans support our military budget ? Or send their kids to die for the New Colonialism ? Only mass protest can stop incipient fascism in the United States. The Hillary Democrats are part of the problem - not the solution.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 ruling class intellectuals imagined that history had ended and that the profit system was forever. Very " scientific " thinking - in a universe where CHANGE is the rule.

I commend the Italian working class voters. To hell with the European Union.

Image result for Italians vote no

  " Italian Voters Reject Proposed Changes, Prompting Prime Minister's Resignation "

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Your Honors over-ride common sense again and again

Crazed teen to be tried as an adult ?
But how many mainstream news media journalists ever question the rationality of American law ? A judge can decree that a 16 year old moral monster is an " adult " but it is like asserting the true identity of the " Man in the Moon ".

 The Your Honors excel in over-riding human common sense again and again. No wonder they feel free to over-ride biological science and assert that a particular male is a legal female.

They can also pretend that justice in America rises above the vulgar reality of social and economic class.Make you swear on the " Holy Bible " then punish you for taking God and the your religious faith - whatever - too seriously in public.

It might help to ask why a decaying capitalist society breeds such bloody insanity. President Elect Donald Trump's hero general says : " be polite but have a plan to kill everybody ".

 Does that 16 year old beheader have the right stuff for a new invasion of Iraq ? He might help to make America great again.

  " Juvenile To Be Charged With 1st Degree Murder In Case Of Missing Lawrence Teen Found Decapitated "