Wednesday, November 30, 2016

So this is the way to stop American fascism ?

Brown students resist " fascism " ( in their own futile way )

So this is the way to stop American fascism ? Depend on the very means the capitalist ruling class uses -again and again - to control the government , to frustrate the popular will ?

 Useless Democrats who made the Trump triumph possible by showing complete contempt for working class America ?

Street demonstrations should be organized with meaningful slogans : Stop the war preparations ! Stop the daily attacks on the rights of working class Americans! No tampering with social security or Medicare. No support for fascism here or the New Colonialism abroad.

Shouting that " Donald Trump is not our president ! " is ridiculous. Is Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary YOUR president ?

U.S. imperialism created the refugee crisis

U.S imperialism , the New Colonialism- with no more respect for democracy in the Middle East than here at home - created the tragic refugee crisis, unprecedented in modern history. And this happened long before the right wing nationalist Donald Trump fanned the flames of Islamophobia.

The American working class must voice its protest against any escalation of war in the Middle East- which will only create more refugees. The American working class must STOP and DECONSTRUCT the military industrial complex. Working class kids must not be sacrificed for Donald Trump's American plutocracy. Who can recommend THIS " democracy " for the Middle East ?

America now is so obviously PLUTOCRATIC

    So obviously PLUTOCRATIC is capitalist America now that only tens of millions of angry working class people in the streets can " save " democracy. Just which bourgeois scholars discovered that capitalism is forever, that history has ended ? What obtuse thinkers.

  • The professional politicians who-after the Hillary Clinton shocking defeat- don't understand the case against fatuous " identity politics " lack any emotional ties to the real American working class.

     They fail to grasp the ABCs of " class struggle ". Dividing the white working class from everybody else with a special claim for " justice " is an old ruling class trick. In short, Karl Marx was right.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

We do not need more Islamophobia after latest " terrorist " incident

" Radical Islam " blamed for latest campus horror

I refuse to believe that " radical Islam " has magic powers of turning fairly normal persons into deranged warriors-not even intelligently violent. American society is becoming unglued. And many alienated souls reach the " crack up " point.

The " immigrant experience " in America was described from a socialist perspective by novelist Upton Sinclair in " The Jungle " more than a century ago.

Rational individuals discover rational explanations for their own " alienation ". We do not need more Islamophobia in the " Trump Era ".  [White supremacy gave us President-Elect Donald Trump ?]

Jill Stein right about vote recount - for the wrong reason

Serious evidence for voter fraud ?

  • How can any honest " democrat " raise any objection to a recount in ANY state where neither presidential candidate -Trump or Clinton - was beloved by the American voters ?

     I seriously doubt if Russia's Vladimir Putin did more to undermine " democracy in America " than the two party system itself. To be sure, it is clear that Trump lost the popular vote . He now has no mandate to " make America great again " for the Far Right.

    But remember that Hillary Clinton , " Corrupt Hillary ", Hawk Hillary, was the pre-selected choice of Establishment USA. What does that say about our capitalist ruling class ?

    Were the rich supporters of Hillary Clinton on a higher moral plane than Trump's working class " deplorables " - mostly just working class Americans desperate for change ?

    So the right wing nationalist Donald Trump was right from the beginning in saying that elections were rigged in America.But rigged for the plutocracy.

    Image result for Jill Stein wants a recount

Monday, November 28, 2016

" Wall St. Gina " Raimondo wants to streamline Medicaid ?

Rhode Island gets federal money ( 130m) for medicaid " reinvention "

" Wall St. Gina " wants to streamline Medicaid in the same way the Clintons " streamlined " welfare in 90s. Less is more for the poor and the working class ?

 The Democrats " reinvented ' themselves in the Clinton era. These neo-liberals are a long way from FDR and JFK. They are really just traditional Republicans: just shameless enemies of the " Other America ".

No wonder the desperate working class " deplorables " were receptive to the right wing nationalist Donald Trump. They need CHANGE not corrupt Democrats.But alas Trump won't " make America great again " for them.

 What type of president would Hillary be ? Answer: what type of governor do we have in Hillary pal Gina Raimondo ?

Noam Chomsky himself lacks " moral understanding " in supporting " Corrupt Hillary "

Noam Chomsky on the " Trump era " 

" Do you vote against the greater evil if you don’t happen to like the other candidate? The answer to that is yes,” he added. “If you have any moral understanding, you want to keep the greater evil out.”

As a democratic socialist influenced by Catholic social philosophy I voted for socialists ( Socialist Equality Party ) without ever thinking myself lacking in " moral understanding ". I see the pseudo left -represented by Noam Chomsky- as lacking clarity in political thought and loyalty to the working class.

True, Donald Trump lacks the ideological ferocity of Adolph Hitler. But " SELF " is the essence of bourgeois ideology. Many Republicans follow Ayn Rand Thought and are guided by " The Virtue of Selfishness ".

But not for nothing Establishment USA- with much moral understanding - supported Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The mass demonstrations against the plutocracy should begin on Inauguration Day

Paul Ryan planning new attacks on Medicare

Neither the completely reactionary Republicans nor the completely corrupt Hillary Democrats have any mandate to " reform " Medicare.

 Real American democracy - tens of millions of working class people in the streets- will be a counter-force to a ruling class agenda of war abroad and austerity at home. The most formidable revolutionary force on earth is the mass of common people who have nothing to lose.

The mass demonstrations defending working class America should begin on Inauguration Day.
It now seems that " democracy " in America has nothing to do with populist principle of majority rule. But the voice of the people is the voice of God.

Image result for Cairo Egypt, 2011
Like Cairo , Egypt in 2011 ?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Democratic socialists more intelligently sensitive to " identity politics " issues

It was first of all the socialist movement that brought attention to " identity politics " issues - race, gender, sexual orientation - long before bourgeois politicians " discovered " it for demagogic divide and conquer purposes.

 Even today democratic socialists are more intelligently sensitive to these issues than the neo-liberal Democrats. They connect all forms of inequality to the fundamental reality of CLASS injustice. Just an observation : Donald Trump spoke about " forgotten Americans ".

 And who has been more forgotten and invisible in the capitalist news media than poor whites and the white working class ? Its " news " to them that they benefit from generic " white privilege ".

But we expect Donald Trump -like the Hillary Democrats - to focus on the problems of the ONE PERCENT. What is the difference between Wall St. Hillary and plutocrat Donald Trump ? Hillary actually showed more contempt for working class " deplorables " -even pious Catholics.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a quarrel with exploiting capitalism.They disagree on tactics and strategy for protecting THEIR economic system.Would working class Americans vote for capitalism in a national referendum ?

Revolutionary giant Fidel Castro dead at age 90

SEP view of Fidel Castro

Cuba's Fidel Castro dead aged 90 - News from Al Jazeera

2 mins ago - Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolutionary leader who built a communist state on the doorstep of the United States, has died aged 90. Raul Castro ...]

Image result for Fidel Castro in 1959
A revolutionary giant

Friday, November 25, 2016

Religion NOT the root of evil in this world

  • The root of evil in this world is not any religious faith: the morals of Islam, the Jews, the Protestants, the Catholics all emphasize that the individual should rise above selfish egotism ( love ) .

     But -and here is the contradiction- none of great religions openly condemn the centuries old economic system of capitalism - based on selfish private property rights and the circumscribed " I ". And TV evangelists ( mostly Protestant ) preach the Gospel of Prosperity with half-cracked enthusiasm .

    Just a few years ago so many prominent Republican politicians were openly devoted to Ayn Rand thought. Rand wrote the right wing classic " The Virtue of Selfishness ". She was a militant atheist and an extreme Zionist.

     And the Democratic Party - besotted with " identity politics " - now seems embarrassed by God's pernicious presence  in the hearts of working class " deplorable " Americans.

    Democratic socialists do not make rude attacks on any religion. They teach that there is nothing fixed about human society and the economic order -or disorder- of capitalism. God is more likely to be more eternal than private property rights. When I was a kid I heard that " God owned the world ". That left out the likes of Donald Trump -and the American plutocracy.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Is the Bernie Sanders " political revoltion " getting an encore ?

    Here Senator Bernie Sanders sounds like the " socialist " Democrat I voted for in the Rhode Island Democratic primary last April. The voice of the state's working class was heard when Bernie's " political revolution " humiliated the Hillary Clinton machine.

     Working class " deplorables " knew in their hearts that Hillary's effete " identity politics " would do nothing for them as a CLASS.

    It was clear that neo-liberals in the Democratic Party transformed the party from what it was or was so perceived as the party of labor in the era of FDR's New Deal.

    I suspect the Democratic Party is now beyond dramatic transformation. The " honest " voice of socialism ( like Poe's " William Wilson " ) might advise Bernie Sanders to help create the American equivalent of the British Labor Party - with more " class struggle " backbone.

    It is a slander on the white American working class that it votes along racial lines.
    Image result for Bernie Sanders on identity politics
    Bernie critical of " identity politics "

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Hitler parallel with American nationalist Donald Trump

A Welshman looks at Europe

A New Chapter 

[ " Nevertheless, the advent of Hitler may well open a new chapter in German postwar history.  It makes the class-struggle in Germany more violent than it has been before.  The Nazis have now co-operated with the most capitalistic sections of Germany.  In the Cabinet, led by Hitler, there are Nationalist industrialists and great landowners.  The German workers will be more bitter in their opposition to the Government than they were to Schleicher.  Therefore, many people fear that Hitler, in spite of his desire to unite all classes and all creeds, will only succeed in making Germany more divided into master and worker than ever. 

Hitler will find this problem of the workers the most difficult he has to deal with.  In his wireless speech he has promised that by his Four-Year Plan no unemployed man will be left in Germany at the end of four years.  Is this not too great a promise?  Will not the disillusion sweep away the present foundations of Germany? 

Hitler has gone so much to the Right, away from Socialism to Nationalism that he is bound to lose the faith which Radical elements in his party have in him.  "]

Hitler’s Great Task 

[ " Hitler promises to overcome Bolshevism in Germany and to crush the followers of Marx.  But it is misery and hunger, and not agitation, that have made 6,000,000 Germans vote for the Communist Party.  If Hitler fails to banish misery and hunger many more millions will vote for the Communist Party, and the already nerve-stricken Germany will again be on the verge of civil war. 
In German politics, however, nothing can be prophesied.  There are to be elections on March 5th, and what will happen then no one knows.  Perhaps there will be a National Dictatorship.  Perhaps … but no one can tell.  " ]

Image result for Hitler in Germany 1933
Hitler rising to absolute power

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Providence mayor a guardian angel of local Muslims ?

Mayor Elorza " protects " our Muslim residents ?

Democrats can't say how much they love and respect our Muslim brothers and sisters and support the New Colonialism in the Middle East. Muslims have as much right to peace and a piece of the world as the Jewish people.To be sure, the war on terrorism is a miserable failure. To it we oppose STATE terror.

Image result for Mayor Elorza, Muslims
Providence Mayor Elorza offers his " protection "

Ron Kovic of " Born on the Fourth of July " still active at age 70

Ron Kovic has more to tell

Veteran Ron Kovic certainly has not lived his anti-war life in vain. I was touched by " Born on the Fourth of July " - both the book and the movie.
 In the recent presidential election I could not vote for Hawk Hillary or the right wing nationalist Donald Trump. Working class Americans have had quite enough of imperialist wars and the New Colonialism in the Middle East.

Keep writing and feeling and thinking, Ronnie.

 [ “Hurricane Street” is dedicated to Kovic’s girlfriend, TerriAnn Ferren. He is enjoying their life together in Redondo Beach, staying committed to activism and pouring himself into his next work.
“I love to write—I feel like I forget about the paralysis, I forget about the wheelchair,” Kovic said. “When I write, I just feel free and I feel like I’m in another world.”]
Image result for Ron Kovic, memoirs
Ron Kovic at 70

Real " haters " were tuned in to media image of Donald Trump

A " pontificating imperialism " - war crimes in Syria
   As a democratic socialist I am no friend of the Trump-loving crowd. But the mainstream news media did do a smear job on Trump worthy of the McCarthy era. Just replace " communist " with " hater ".

   Trump's desperate working class supporters - betrayed by the Hillary Democrats- were also smeared as benighted " deplorables ". White working class Catholic voters could not identify with Hillary Clinton's " identity politics " pandering to race, gender, and sexual orientation.

   She also made traditional religious people seem like second class citizens.

   The real " haters " were tuning into a news media image of the right wing nationalist Donald Trump. When was he ever unmasked as a KKK type bigot before he ran for president ?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hillary and Elizabeth Warren's " nasty women " lost this election

   As a democratic socialist and a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders until he endorsed the Queen of the Status Quo, Hillary Clinton, I often agree with " conservative " writers on this matter of the vacuity of " identity politics "- personified by Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

 In no way was she a lesser evil than Donald Trump. Such contempt for the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades : the American working class ( which includes all those benighted Catholic " deplorables " ) . 

Why has feminism turned so ugly ? Even Senator Elizabeth Warren was cheering on all those " nasty women " for Hillary.

Rhode Island news media ignoring more attacks on the poor and elderly

Much Hillary Clinton style " love and kindness " from neo-Democrat " Wall St. Gina " Raimondo. I don't think the Rhode Island news media is picking up on ALL the attacks on the poor and elderly.

For example : My 75 year old friend and neighbor - diagnosed with bone cancer- just showed me yet another " present " from Gina - an official notice that the state will no longer pay for her Medicare Part B.

 She was nearly in panic over the change in her income. The bureaucratic applications for Medicaid are nearly incomprehensible to most seniors . And forget about calling the office for help.

Still the best " welfare " is friends & family when you have them. People do go hungry in America - and here in Rhode Island dominated by those friends of the common people - the Democrats.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thoughts after viewing film clip on " The Vatican Secret Archives "

The Vatican Secret Archives

On the whole the Catholic Church has been a great moral force in Western Civilization from the last years of the Roman Empire.
 To me the New Atheist demonizing of Holy Mother Church is so much sophomoric rant.
 The really big questions in life are the concerns of faith. Science is a formidable tool for knowledge - but only up to a point.
 Ultimately the CREATED universe has a metaphysical meaning. Our religious instincts refuse to worship matter in motion .
 Yet even Lenin thought that a mere electron was " inexhaustible ". Does matter itself dissolve into the Mind of God ?

Do American psychiatrists have a prescription for rebellion ?

Doctors seeing more patients nervous about Trump

Can American psychiatrists really help people stressed out by the political consequences of a " sick " society ?

 For decades now American psychiatry has been conformist to core . It just assumed that our capitalist way of life - now culminating in the presidency of the Bully-in -Chief , Donald Trump- was above serious criticism. If you could not " adjust " to it, the problem was YOU. Here is a Paxil prescription.

Corrupt American Psychology assists the Pentagon in finding more effective ways to torture " enemy " prisoners. To the degree that they think at all about " social structure " most American psychiatrists imagine that history ended decades ago.

 In the year 2000 it culminated in Enron and George W. Bush. But " fascist " Donald Trump is reviving HISTORY in 2016.

I voted for some obscure but SANE socialists.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

How effete is our Electoral College !

I was a critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat ( he did run as a Democrat ) Bernie Sanders until he - and Senator Elizabeth Warren - lost all credibility on my left by endorsing Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary, " Corrupt Hillary ".

 She was not even a " lesser evil " than Donald Trump . Any student of socialism knows how little Bernie Sanders has in common with the great American socialist Eugene V. Debs.If you are anti-war and cynical about the now dysfunctional two party system, you might appreciate Debs famous " Canton Speech " .

The working class lost this election too. Too much silly " identity politics ". Where is " democracy in America " now ? Hillary won the popular vote. But our ruling class views the principle of majority rule with fear and trembling. How effete is the Electoral College.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Scorned Western literature teaches kids " empathy "

Boston school offers kids " grief counseling " over President Elect Trump

  • " Empathy " is best taught not by exposing kids to phony, compromised , lying adult models but by introducing them to the great literature of Western Civilization- so scorned by neo-liberal " identity politics".

     Any literate democratic socialist has observed that public schools in America actually communicate the essence of bullying : the capitalist way of life-now personified by " The Donald ".

    At no point in her campaign did I detect a hint of real " love and kindness " from " Corrupt Hillary ", Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

    I recall with affection one character's ( " Catcher in the Rye " ) aversion to all forms of phoniness in the middle class adult world. But post war America was in fact a lot less phony than America in 2016 with its " grief counselors " for budding neurotics.

    In real life " Holden " might have become a New York Times journalist - a lesson in irony.

    Image result for Holden Caulfield and phonies

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Organized labor should embrace the New Immigrants

[ " Aug 29, 2016 - Obama Has Deported More
People Than Any Other President. Donald Trump's immigration plan is set
to be announced later this week. ... Based on statements so far,
Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. " ]

This from ABC news. What is left of organized labor should embrace the undocumented workers and insist they be given a living wage.You don't have to be a citizen to belong to the international working class. Any local capitalists or affluent families exploiting immigrant labor should be fined and reported in " Labor News " . Revive the spirit of the IWW- International Workers of the World.
The capitalists play a divide and conquer game. The Latino immigrants are not much different from the Italian immigrants in the early 20th century.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The American plutocracy now wants direct control of the government

The American plutocracy will now settle for nothing less than direct control of the government. A rotten Democratic Party and a rotten Republican Party now make possible a cult of the Great Leader, " The Donald ". 

And yet, next year is the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution - which inspired the workers of the world. 

All things come to an end - even the American plutocracy.

Too many fired for politically incorrect bad manners ?

Michelle Obama Called 'Ape in Heels' By Racist West Virginia Official ...
 [  " 8 hours ago - Pamela Ramsey Taylor, a nonprofit group director from Clay, West Virginia, was fired after she made blatantly racist remarks about First Lady Michelle Obama. ... “It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady back in the White House,” Taylor wrote ... " ]
Image result for Ape in Heels
Michelle Obama

The Democratic Party is useless for working class " progress "

Senator Elizabeth Warren lost all credibility as a " progressive " on the real Left when she endorsed Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary.

 The DNC was also quite a cesspool of reactionary intrigue. Like Hillary, Warren must have a PUBLIC face and a PRIVATE face.

 The Democratic Party is now hopeless as a force for justice for working class Americans. Leaders who can't challenge the principles of capitalism won't do much to end racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia., Islamophobia ... .or war.

American capitalism offers the world equal opportunity exploitation .Hillary Clinton was not even a lesser evil

.Hillary the War Monger

Brown University -fear and trembling over a Trump presidency

Brown faculty and staff react to Trump threat

Would Brown students have been more pleased with the election of Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary as president of the United States ?

 Brown University should also be a sanctuary for free speech and free thought. Russia's Vladimir Putin was right in seeing Hillary Clinton as the face of World War III.

 But Hillary Clinton was a lesser evil than Trump ? The protests against the reactionary Trump should focus on the undemocratic nature of the Electoral College. But the American ruling class views MAJORITY rule -in any election or referendum - with fear and trembling.

 Establishment USA supported " Corrupt Hillary " . What does that say about Establishment USA ? The mainstream news media slobbered over Hillary . I wonder why.

History has not ended. How many angry Brown students are anti-capitalist ?

 American Working class " deplorables " were looking for a champion. They will not get one in the right wing nationalist Donald Trump.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President - ABC ...
[ "  Aug 29, 2016 - Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President. Donald Trump's immigration plan is set to be announced later this week. ... Based on statements so far, Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. " ]

Saturday, November 12, 2016

New York Times apologizes for shabby anti-Trump journalism

Good advice for many mainstream news media . My Providence Journal demonized Donald Trump-which, I wrote in a letter- to- the editor, did not make Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary , any more appealing.

 I was a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders. In general, democratic socialists do not over-vilify individuals. It is the " system ".

 I was reminded of the McCarthy era . Just replace " communist " with " hater ".

 [  " New York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly" ]

America in 2016 and Engels classic " The Condition of the Working class in England ".

  • I was forming a favorable opinion of  Senator Elizabeth Warren when I watched her on TV . " Save the middle class " was her refrain.

     But I reflected : why not talk about " saving the working class ". And for decades the white working class in general was either invisible to the mainstream news media or treated with contempt.

     If you're a poor white, you had no excuse but laziness and ignorance. If you were a poor black, you were a victim of racism. The black bourgeoisie just could never SEE poor whites. But American socialists could.

    Truth : most poor people in this country are white. Most homeless people are white. A white person without adequate health insurance does not discover any " white privilege " in the health care system. A white person without education does not discover any " white privilege " in the job market. A poor white is treated no better in prison than poor blacks.

    A mob of university " intellectuals " just lie about the condition of the white working class. America right now reminds me of the Engels classic: " The Condition of the Working Class in England " written way back in 19th century.

    CLASS matters far more than race and gender in trying to understand social inequality. But the ruling class has made socialism anathema even in academia.

    But America will soon look like Cairo, Egypt in 2011.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Social Media and " The World Brain " will organize 21st century socialism

The Democratic Party abandoned New Deal " pragmatism " decades ago. The neo-liberals destroyed the party of FDR and even JFK.There is enough political energy available in revolutionary times to overcome social entropy.

A potent political organization can be based on a simple GREAT IDEA: like rejecting the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth.On the basis of this GREAT IDEA the necessary organizing work will be accelerated by the Social Media.

As Fabian socialist H.G. Wells envisioned long ago, we now have a " World Brain." It will make peaceful transformation of society highly probable.

The World belongs to everybody . Rationalism and religion can easily co-exist with Socialism. Still there is an element of Darwinism in the everyday class struggle.

We must all rise above latent barbarism.

Image result for H.G Wells and The World Brain

The Democratic Party cannot be reformed

  •    "  True, the party didn't really move to the left. But there's zero chance that Sanders and Warren were corrupted by the party. You wait until Obama tries his final sellout, the TPP, and see how they vigorously oppose the party bosses. Obama wants the Clintonian golden parachute that comes from selling out and Sanders and Warren are standing in the way. Let's hope that together we can stop him. "
    • Sanders and Warren endorsed the near opposite of their professed political philosophy : Wall St. Hillary , Hawk Hillary, Corrupt Hillary. They are now only " standing in the way " of an independent party of the American working class. The Democratic Party is rotten to the core and beyond reform.

      Sanders could have made himself the seed of a real political revolution : a labor party that only excludes class enemies.

      I imagined that " Democracy Spring " here in the USA would look like Cairo, Egypt in 2011. The working class MAJORITY should rule.

The black bourgeoisie supported " Corrupt Hillary "

Bourgeois black leaders analyze   Hillary's defeat

The election of the right wing nationalist Donald Trump had nothing to do with " white working class deplorables ", with " white solidarity ", and everything to do with Hillary Democrats betraying the generic American working class.

 Why vote for Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary ? Russia's Vladimir was right in seeing her- not Donald Trump - as the face of World War III. And did Hillary ever put in a kind word for the oppressed Palestinians ?

The black bourgeoisie supported Hillary Clinton with unfeigned enthusiasm-as did jaded opportunist feminists. But the common people were at best indifferent to " Corrupt Hillary ".

 I voted for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in the April Rhode Island primary. Hillary Clinton had sabotaged his " political revolution " as revealed by Wiki-Leaks.

 Now the DNC is making its hypocritical peace with Donald Trump- who will NOT make America great again.

A " culture of fascism " lurks in capitalist America

Hillary Clinton's " identity politics " is intellectually dishonest, contemptuous of working class " deplorables " and completely integrated into the self-centered " Culture of Narcissism ". 

But there still lurks in America the " Culture of Fascism " - which is contemptuous of all morality. " 
Love " is not a meaningless word in ALL the great religions of humanity - including Islam.

[ " Police say a Louisiana college student has acknowledged she fabricated her report that she was assaulted and robbed of her wallet and Muslim headscarf by two men, one of whom she described as wearing a white “Trump” hat. " ]

Monday, November 7, 2016

Harvard University a force for the " culture of respect " ?

Harvard University and a " culture of respect "

  • Harvard University is a ruling class institution which perpetuates the ideas and values of the ruling class.

     A " culture of respect " for whom ? Working class " deplorables " ?

     We have had quite enough of Harvard graduates holding high office in Rhode Island. They LEAD the attacks on the working class , the unemployed and the poor here.

    Their present great leader is Hillary pal Governor Gina Raimondo. Yes, a " culture of respect ".

The pseudo-Left's false position on separation of church and state

Warwick priest scorns the Constitution ?

In general the pseudo Left and neo-liberalism have propagated a false view of the separation of church and state.

 It goes way beyond the simple political wisdom of the state not having an official religion. It comes closer to the big mistake of Stalinism of active hostility to both organized religion and faith based morality. It is filled itself with the unholy spirit of the New Atheism. 

One of its consequences is open contempt for the religious feeling of the MAJORITY. Recall the Prayer on the Wall controversy at the Cranston West High School.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

NEWS : Police officer gave homeless man a " **** Sandwich "

The depraved police officer's obscene " sandwich " is symbolic for the real contempt for the homeless, the poor, and working people in general by our capitalist ruling class- represented on the " left " and on the " right " by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. 

Only a radical rejection of capitalist property rights can begin to solve the obscene homeless " problem " in America. 

As Jill Stein said WE lose with Hillary and lose with Donald. 

True enough, the police-often decent enough as individuals- are not social workers. 

Our homeless problem in Kennedy Plaza, Rhode Island has made national attention. Hillary pal Governor Gina Raimondo has recently fired social workers - replacing them with dysfunctional computers- a real **** sandwich for the poor and unemployed in Rhode Island.

 "A vile and disgusting act’: Officer accused of giving fecal sandwich to homeless man is fired"( from the Washington Post ).

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are ruling class SNOBS - not bigots.

The Hillary Democrats are making desperate appeals to " identity politics " bigotry to stop the Trump momentum.

 Speaking as a democratic socialist I can only deplore this McCarthy era type smear campaign against a guy who is really not much different from traditional Republicans . It is hard to see only because the Hillary Democrats have evolved into a neo-con war party.

    Donald Trump is no more and no less a SNOB than the rest of the ONE PERCENT - which now includes the Clintons.

Huckabee: Clinton An Elitist Snob Who Looks Down At Most Americans
 " Oct 1, 2016 - Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee attacked Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Saturday for her arrogance in looking ...'

Friday, November 4, 2016

Harvard Soccer Team punished for unacceptable ( ? ) sexism

Harvard soccer team too sexist for Harvard 

I note this punishment is a form of Orwellian " thought crime " not unconnected to the often vicious " identity politics " of the pro-Hillary Democrats.

 Just recently in Rhode Island a gay Barrington man who dared to make negative comments about women wearing Yoga pants in a letter -to -the editor  had a parade of " nasty " ( ? ) women march by his house.

Will pornography next be banned on the illiberal liberal campuses ? A lot of sexual equality in free amateur porn.
Image result for yoga pants controversy in rhode island
Yoga pants march in Barrington

Upsurge in the class struggle in the USA

Working class Americans of all races and ethnic groups quite simply KNOW what their life is all about here in Hillary's America that is " already great ".

 Would they ever VOTE for this dismal, irrational capitalist way of life ? Then why vote for Hillary Clinton ?

 The ruling class gives us a choice between arsenic and cyanide. That is called democracy in America.

Any mentally alive college student must be desperate for a rational understanding of all this chaos and bloody misery.

 I recall Leon Trotsky saying that TRUTH has become an orphan in this world

.From the World Socialist Web Site

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Governor Gina Raimondo 's impressive war chest

Raimondo war chest tops 1.5 million
Does this impressive political war chest suggest that " Wall St. Gina " -like her pal " Wall St. Hillary "- is anything but indifferent to needs of working class people in Rhode Island, the poor and the elderly ?

 Only corrupt union leaders will support her , urge unionized employees to vote for her or her various pro-ruling class projects.

What kind of president will Hawk Hillary make ? Answer: what kind of governor is Gina Raimondo - always receiving yet another award from her plutocrat sponsors and masters ? Always infuriating distressed working class people in Rhode Island -like the victims of her advanced computer technology , including real live social workers.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

HEADLINE TODAY : KKK endorses Donald Trump --- a perspective

As a democratic socialist myself I observed months ago this dishonest demonizing of Republican Donald Trump , this false linking of him - a media celebrity for years- with KKK type racism and bigotry. Where were all these " liberal " journalists just a few years ago ? No early unmasking of Trump ? 

What did Donald Trump ever DO to suggest KKK sympathies ? 

Recall the history of Left " extremism " ? The Communist Party of the USA -loyal to Joseph Stalin of Russia in 1932- was ordered to support " liberal " reformer Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

And today Hillary and the DNC are using strangely Joe McCarthy like tones to smear critics on the left.  

The Bernie Sanders supporters had a " propensity for violence " ? FBI's Comey is- like Trump- soft on Putin ? 

Hillary Clinton sounds more and more like the leader of a neo-con war party. 

Never Hillary ! Just tell the TRUTH about the right wing nationalist Donald Trump.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Another professor ruined over political correctness

Professor gets booted from the classroom

On the Left it is clear to me that free thought and free speech are fading values in Academia. A civil " Platonic Dialogue " is now impossible on most college and university campuses.

     Democratic socialists simply cannot support illiberal liberalism.Or daffy political correctness.Too many individuals in our " democracy " are instantly ruined by something they said. Orwellian " thought crime " ?

Brown student poll on presidential election

Brown University student poll

What is remarkable in this poll of student voters is the underwhelming enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton. I commend this " least likely to vote " attitude in the decadent 2016 presidential election.

 The higher civics dictates NOT VOTING for a corrupt Democrat or an unbalanced Republican.
No suggestions here . But your CONSCIENCE is probably right.

Capitalism is not preparing a saner world for the younger generation.

Sanders' supporters nearly double Clinton's - The Brown Daily Herald
Dec 4, 2015 - Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, ... About 45 percent of Brown undergraduates plan to vote for Sanders on election ...

As a " democratic socialist " Bernie still stumps for Corrupt Hillary ?

As a democratic socialist myself I can only JUST SAY NO to Hillary Clinton , to ” Corrupt Hillary ” and her neo-con war party. Bernie Sanders is a disgrace, slobbering over Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary. What kind of ” socialist ” kisses the feet of the class enemy ?

The most moral thing to do in this decadent election is NOT to vote for either Hillary or Trump. I am not impressed with any presidential candidates this time. I will give Jill Stein a C+..Bernie Sanders 
stumps for Hillary in Colorado
Image result for Bernie Sanders endorses Corrupt Hillary
Stronger together with the class enemy