Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Yes, I prefer traditional Catholicism to Christopher Hitchens' New Atheism and the pseudo-Left

Real democratic socialists warn the working class-which naturally includes millions of devout Catholics - not to vote for class enemy politicians -like Hawk Hillary, Wall St. Hillary .They do not divide the working class by waging war on mere faith in the manner of Ayn Rand on the right and the New Atheists on the pseudo-left.

Don't pretend that Hillary Clinton is motivated and inspired by the Social Gospel. She is no Eleanor Roosevelt. The neo-Democrats left the New Deal behind in the Jimmy Carter years.

Hillary Clinton even supports the racist death penalty. Does Pope Francis ? Does Pope Francis praise the values of Wall St. capitalism ?

Yes, I do prefer traditional Catholicism to Christopher Hitchens and his " God is Not Great.... why religion poisons everything" . The New Atheists support Hillary Clinton and Zionist inspired Islamophobia. At least Bernie Sanders -for a while- did not suck up to the Israel lobby- not very popular on the left.

I see nothing " ineffectual " about the telling the truth and class based politics. By the way, both Sanders and Jill Stein are from a Jewish background. So was Leon Trotsky !

Despair of the white working class in America

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