Monday, October 17, 2016

" Occupy Providence " - no coherent political philosophy and poor public relations skills

" Occupy Providence " back to defend the homeless in Kennedy Plaza
The homeless problem in Providence, the depressing scene in Kennedy Plaza, is not the moral failure of any one " privileged " individual -like former mayor Joe Paolino who at least showed a humane interest in the " problem ".

 The problem with " Occupy Providence " from the beginning was its incoherent political philosophy and its terrible public relations skills.

My observation of the homeless in Kennedy Plaza tells me that it has nothing to do with race or " white privilege ". It has everything to do with the sacrosanct status of private property and landlord rights.

It does not help to brand rank and file police officers as " racist ". A famous Mayor Richard Daley quote from 1968 Chicago : " The police are not there to create disorder; they are there to preserve disorder ". You can't make this up !

There is a democratic socialist perspective on the homeless problem in America. For 50 years I have not discovered any intellectual or moral flaws in it. Peaceful social change is still possible.

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