Saturday, September 3, 2016

" Thank you for your service " ? False patriotism

I commend this athlete's social conscience . War fever patriotism is the false religion of U.S. militarists. Hillary Clinton's speech before the American Legion shows her to be even more a threat to world peace than Republican Donald Trump.

Sad to say the athlete is mistaken in his " attitude " that police brutality is caused by racism. " Structural  racism "  is not significant in America.Was the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s a failure ? Today an Afro-American president is in the White House.

Class oppression -not white racism - is the best explanation for police behavior toward " disorderly " black persons.In the last year of his life Black Muslim Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism ( " The Speeches of Malcolm X " , George Breitman ).

" Identity politics " today has very pernicious consequences.

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