Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Democratic socialists " prepare the work force " for a post-capitalist world

Democratic socialists would like to " prepare the work force " for a saner, more just, post-capitalist world. That means a revival of " socialism " in China and Russia. History has not ended with free market triumphalism.

In the USA " progress " for labor, for the American working class, does not mean " Wall St. Hillary " in the White House and a gang of phony Democrat " friends of labor " in the Congress.

With Hillary as president the American working class can only look forward to another Great Recession and a nuclear World War III .

Since DNC sabotage of the Bernie Sanders campaign, focused on the big labor issue of unacceptable economic inequality, the Hillary Democrats have evolved into a neo-con War Party.

The American working class has no quarrel with Russia or China or the Islamic peoples of the Middle East. It has no stake in the New Colonialism- covered up by an endless state terror " war on terrorism ".

The American working class must reject poison " nationalism ".

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