Tuesday, August 9, 2016

" Stronger together " with Hillary Clinton ?

" Stronger together " ? Yes, the American ruling class is stronger if the likes of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders stand in solidarity with Wall St. billionaires, the CIA, the Pentagon, and a corrupt mainstream news media now in the service of Hillary Clinton's neo-con, War Party.

Clearly, the American political establishment is preparing for World War III. But Donald Trump-no pacifist- is too fond of fellow oligarch Vladimir Putin. And Trump is inclined to " make deals " .

There is no principled difference between Trump and his ruling class supporters and the rest of the American ruling class. The bitterness is over strategy. And the erratic personality of " The Donald ".

We still say : Fair play for Donald Trump . Stop smearing him as a racist and a bigot. He has the personality of the stereotyped American plutocrat - nothing unusually " horrible " about THIS boss-not even the arrogant tone of " you're fired ! "

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