Wednesday, August 17, 2016

So " hard work " makes the Clintons and the" respectable rich " rich ?

Of course , capitalist society allowed the Clintons and many others to become very rich without breaking any laws. You can become rich in America without being a criminal type or a nasty person.

 But what is the essence of " hard work " ? Medical science knows only one objective measure of human " effort " -physical or mental : CALORIES. This criterion alone should have immense propaganda significance for egalitarian " democratic socialism ".

 If your mother earns a modest social security income after 30 years with the same establishment, you can tell her that she and her deceased husband did not work as " hard " as Hillary and Bill Clinton.

       I suspect a clinical thermometer will be the prized instrument of some future Nobel Prize in Economics winner. Did any enemy of capitalism ever win this distinguished honor ? Any Marxist ?

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