Thursday, March 31, 2016

Making Hillary Clinton look more respectably presidential

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Is there an honest politician in America who thinks that the anti-establishment voter of 2016- a Trump or a Sanders supporter-is about to get all excited over abortion and Roe vs.Wade ?

   The pro-Hillary news media is trying to make  The Donald look as silly as possible in order to make the Queen of the Status Quo, Hillary Clinton, look more inevitably presidential.

     Just a hypothetical question for Trump and his reply is the " beginning of the end " for his presidential campaign ?

     If any act is deemed a felony by American law, can it be treated as a misdemeanor ? And in the case of abortion the doctor is prosecuted but woman seeking the abortion is referred to a social worker ?

      We see this with prostitution now: the loathsome " johns " are arrested while the jaded women are just " victims " of male depravity ?

       I am a  critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.  Most socialists would never criminalize abortion or prostitution.

       But I can see that the conservative Mr. Trump is being smeared and over-vilified. Only to make hawkish Hillary, pro- Wall St. Hillary , " more love and kindness " Hillary , look more respectably presidential

Phony abortion controversy and Trump's " gaffe "

   All the media noise over the Donald Trump traveling circus is calculated to make Hillary Clinton-the Queen of the Status Quo- look more inevitably presidential. 

   At least Senator Bernie Sanders raises a real issue like unacceptable economic inequality.
Most of the establishment politicians- Democrat or Republican- are saying nothing new about the abortion culture war.  

   It is more probable that Obamacare will be nullified before Roe vs, Wade .

    Trump was tricked-by a pro-Hillary fan ? - into sounding outrageous over a hypothetical situation.

    If abortion was condemned as " murder " under the United States law, how could it be treated as a misdemeanor ?

     Should the doctor be punished but the woman seeking to " kill her child " be treated as a victim ?

    This is happening with prostitution now: the " johns " are arrested but the hookers are referred to social workers. 

   Democratic socialists would criminalize neither abortion nor prostitution.

Donald Trump on abortion ? Hillary and the " right to life " in a bigger picture ?

  Any Catholic will explain the Church position on abortion as a " mortal sin ," That view has not changed for centuries.

    What has evolved is secular " democratic " societies where public opinion is not negligible in deciding LAW. Personal morality is distinct from criminal law.

     If abortion should be declared a crime by the state, could it possibly be treated as a mere misdemeanor ? How could the woman actively seeking an abortion be just an innocent " victim " while the doctor is judged a murderer ?

    We see " women as victim " in prostitution. The " johns " are arrested but the hookers are referred to social workers.

   As a democratic socialist and a Roman Catholic I think it would make more sense just to have decriminalized both abortion and prostitution. And I am pleased that the Church has become less obsessive on the sins of private life.

    In a way, conservative Donald Trump was just - at first- trying to be consistent . But what chance has now legal abortion ( a basic human right ? ) of becoming-once again- a matter for state prosecution ?

   Life is also " sacred " out of the womb. And the neo-Democrats- like Hillary Clinton- have caused ordinary Americans much grief with imperialist wars and attacks on the working class - indeed, for decades now, a one sided class war.

    Hillary Clinton has no quarrel with the right of Wall St. and the American plutocracy to exist. No quarrel with the New Colonialism.

   And no democratic socialist would quarrel with the right of Israel to exist. But Hillary recently was so one sided friendly toward the Israel lobby that she forgot to be equally passionate about the rights of the Palestinians.

   So much for the bigger picture of the RIGHT TO LIFE under insane capitalism.

   So forget reactionary Donald Trump- Hillary Clinton for president ? " Morning in America " for " liberated " working class women ? I myself am " feeling the Bern " for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo - " brilliant " and useless

  This topic of " promoting Rhode Island " has been the only topic on local Talk Radio all day. These right wing types now and then get some things right.
  They make fun of the honoring of Governor Gina Raimondo as not only " brilliant " but among the top 50 most influential leaders in the world ? In practice she is about as " brilliant " as Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama is " peace-nik .

   Puffing up individuals is mostly a ruling class game. Do these sainted individuals now move on to make the slightest difference in the lives of ordinary people ?

   Our phony politicians - Republicans as well as Democrats - have no sense of objective reality or much respect for truth. They do believe in the magic of marketing. The culture of narcissism teaches them to cherish the " right image " above all.

   Some of that money promoting " cooler and warmer " Rhode Island could have been used to clean our beaches and our parks. Just a few weeks ago a friend in his parked car at Warwick's Oakland Beach was disgusted by all the discarded cigarette butts in sight. How can responsible officials not notice this blight ?

   We have enough " brilliant " people in high office. We need more useful , more decent people- not lacking in common sense.

   What has any graduate of Harvard Business School or Harvard Law School done for your neighborhood lately?

   Why not make Rhode Island wonderful in reality ?
Close up Oakland Beach is less idyllic

White poverty vs. black poverty "

Brown Daily Herald reports anti-Semitic activity on the campus
  No democratic socialist would find white poverty more acceptable if it were at the same statistical percentage as black and Latino poverty.

     Unless you think the Civil Rights Movement of the Martin Luther King era was a failed movement, you will not attribute black poverty to institutionalized racism.

   The explanation for black poverty is the same as the explanation for white poverty: poverty in general is perpetuated by the capitalist system.

   What can oh- so -politically correct , pro-Wall St., Hillary Clinton do for her black supporters that Bernie Sanders' " democratic socialism " cannot do even more quickly ?

   Does belief in the magic of Hillary overwhelm any belief in a more rational , more just economic system ?

   Hillary is ironically both the Queen of the Status Quo and the favorite of the black bourgeoisie. Young black working class individuals are beginning to " feel the Bern ".

     Since Providence is so much like Detroit, I expect Sanders to do very well here in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary. And Sanders - with his " socialist Jew " background- is probably now already very popular on the East Side of Providence.

   The black astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson has recently endorsed " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.

   The best way to fight anti-Semitism is with real " progressive " ideas- not with stale " identity politics " of neo-liberalism.

   This is the year of the anti-establishment voter. We need a change !

 "Who would Jesus vote for? To him walls, wealth, & torture are non-starters, so probably the Jewish New Yorker from Vermont. "

What kind of world have the " educated " plutocrats given us ?

   Most working class Americans- including many poor Americans falsely associated with " white privilege " - have been denied higher education or even a high school education- because of what " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders would call " unacceptable economic inequality ".

    The U.S. ruling class always plays a divide and conquer game. It is better to try to understand the working class supporters of Donald Trump than to demean them as ignorant and uneducated.

     What kind of world have the " educated " supporters of capitalism given us ?

Will Bernie Sanders fans support Hillary Clinton ?


   The popularity of Donald Trump , anti-establishment Republican, and Bernie Sanders,
anti-establishment Democrat, is a sure sign of a profound crisis of the two party system in the United States.
    How many " socialist " fans of Bernie Sanders will end up supporting hawkish, pro-Wall St. , pro-death penalty, pro- Status Quo Hillary Clinton ?

   This is very much the year of the Anti-Establishment Voter.

Democrats fear Bernie Sanders' supporters won't back Hillary
The Washington Times
Jan 19, 2016 - Democrats fear Bernie Sanders' supporters won't back Hillary Clinton ..... and voters that do not often participate in elections, we can create the ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How NPR serves the ruling class

Ron Ruggieri has left a new comment on the post "HOW NPR SERVES THE RULING CLASS AND PROMOTES CONSE...":

Not knowing just how ILLIBERAL is liberal NPR I was shocked to see more than a few of my perfectly civil DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST toned comments REMOVED by the NPR " monitor ".
Presently NPR is clearly favoring Hillary Clinton and slighting stunning victories of Bernie Sanders in the state primaries and caucuses( today is March 29 )
I will reference this article on my blog.
[ ]

  [ "  NPR serves the ideological function of providing a LIBERAL perspective.  It is a liberalism that endorses and supports the power of the ruling elites and never questions their rule.  Socialism and communism have no place on NPR.
     Indeed, NPR, is one of the few organizations remaining that is capable of painting a more-or-less consistent mythology about free enterprise, American so-called democracy and so on and so forth.  "  ]



A Supreme Court problematic to democratic socialism

"suddenly-millions-of-socialists-in-america "

   I can't see how a truly " democratic socialist " United States government can tolerate a Supreme Court that is biased in favor of the plutocracy. In fact, the Supreme Court is as much a check on the popular will as the Electoral College.

    A democratic socialist America will retire ALL the Just Judges. Even the elitist Senate and the less venerable  Congress could be replaced by a General Assembly.

    Even those 50 semi-sovereign states of the United States are problematic to a more vigorous popular democracy.Why should the law vary so much from state to state ?

Democratic socialist view of the RIGHT Supreme Court for America

A litmus test for incipient fascism

Anti-Semitic flyer on Brown University campus

  Brown University students should have the intellectual maturity to judge for themselves what constitutes irrational " hate speech " and what  is simply dissent from more conformist points of view.

    For example, anti-Zionism should not be mindlessly linked to anti-Semitism. When Catholic priests and bishops simply " defend the faith " of 2000 years they should not be immediately branded " haters ".

    What is fresh about Bernie Sanders' " democratic socialism " is that it rises above Hillary's fatuous " identity politics " and focuses on unacceptable economic inequality which affects ALL races and ethnic groups, and both sexes.

    One litmus test for incipient fascism is a hateful attitude toward organized labor and the rights of working class people to unionize. Left wing Jews have played an honorable role in working class struggles. Read Irving Howe's popular book " World of Our Fathers ".

Image for the news result
The same flyers appeared at Brown University in Providence and other schools across the ...

Too bad for Hillary- this is the time of the Anti-Establishment Voter

" Suddenly-millions-of-socialists-in-america "

  " It used to be a dirty word. Bernie Sanders helped remove the stigma – but it’s the spectacular failure of capitalism that has really changed people’s minds "

   The evident popularity of Bernie Sanders " on the left " and Donald Trump " the right " is a sure sign of a crisis of the two party system- a crisis for Corporate America because it pulls the strings in both the Democratic and Republican parties.

    The elite of these political establishments are -obvious to most thinking Americans- out of touch with the thoughts and opinions and feelings of the more " common " people.

    There is abysmal ignorance and hostility on the Talk Radio Right about " socialism " .

     I just heard the two Red Eye Radio hosts, Eric Harley and Gary McNamara, assert that it is " socialists " like Bernie Sanders- not conservative Republicans- who are the real " greedy " ones:

       They want to take from " producers " and give it to lazy, unskilled, non-producers with a pernicious sense of entitlement :

     The right is willfully ignorant of the Marxist concept of capitalist " exploitation " , the appropriation of social " surplus value " by the owners of industry, the general condition of " alienation "- even of the wealthy- in this historically evolved economic order,
Slavery perished and so will capitalist " wage slavery ".

     Even if you reject the ideological case against capitalism , ordinary humanity will tell you that capitalism is the root of much social evil - from appalling poverty to the destruction of the environment, to the New Colonialism.

    In contrast to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton represents nothing but the political status quo in America.

    Too bad for Hillary : this is the time of the Anti-Establishment Voter.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Trump tells Japan to make its own atomic bombs

Trump advises Japan : make atom bombs

   Who should know better than Japan the horrors of nuclear weapons ? I just viewed an un-censored film of " day after " the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945. There are no words for it- except perhaps a numb reference to Dante's " Inferno ". 

    Rather than absurd debates about which nations are " responsible " or not with a nuclear arsenal there should be a revival of the BAN THE BOMB protest movement that became more militant after the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. 

   We need universal nuclear disarmament. I remember the haunting question of famous pacifist A.J. Muste  : " Who Has The Spiritual Atom Bomb ? " . 

This was all about " saving American lives " ?


Time for Hillary to concede the Democratic nomination

   This is one of the few influential articles I read that sees Hillary Clinton for what she really is: even more of a disaster for the Democrats in 2016 Election than Donald Trump would be for the Republicans. 
  There is now pathological denial in the Hillary camp about the fire, inspiration, and momentum of the Bernie Sanders campaign. Hillary is also a classic case of the " hubris " of Greek tragedy.

   What can Hillary's opportunist " feminism " do for working class American women ? What does her hawkishness promise a tensely " dormant " peace movement ?

   What does her " more love and kindness " support for the state death penalty have to offer poor blacks in America's Gulag prison system ? 

   What does her neo-liberalism have to offer " progressive " organized labor ?

    What does her unrestrained " friendship " for Israel have to offer the oppressed Palestinians ?

    We want change ! We want Bernie !

Image for the news result
Hillary Clinton might be ahead of Bernie Sanders in delegates, but Vermont's Senator has a ...

Little bird landing on Sanders' podium a sign from heaven ?

World Socialist Web Site on crisis of our two party system

    The Democratic Party -corrupt as it is - is not a mechanical thing absolutely predetermined to nominate Hillary Clinton as president of the United States.

   " Socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders is not naive in thinking he can win the nomination, reform this pro-war, pro-Wall St.. ruling class, still human political machine ?

      A little thing called the Zeitgeist makes this the year of the Anti-Establishment Voter.

        While Bernie Sanders is calling for " political revolution "  neo-Democrat  , Hillary Clinton is clearly the Queen of the Status Quo. Why should any half serious supporter of Sanders ( I intend to vote for him in the late April Democratic Primary in Rhode Island )  make such an unprincipled switch to Hillary if she finally wins the Democratic Party nomination ?

        A presidential candidate who can be so humiliated in so many state primaries and caucuses - and still is as complacent of victory as Hillary- is a clinical case of denial and hubris.

       The pro-establishment news media here in the United States clearly favors Hillary. It is always slighting or disparaging Bernie Sanders victories. I guess the ruling class prefers Hillary's  stale " identity politics " to Bernie Sanders' " democratic socialism " .

     As Karl Marx said the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. Socialism   as  anathema  is the ruling idea in capitalist besotted America. Even Bernie's moderate " democratic socialism " .

     Was that little bird that landed on the podium while Sanders was speaking a sign from heaven ?

Little bird a sign from heaven ?

True , Ted Cruz more dangerous than Donald Trump

God Crazy Ted Cruz

   [ Sep 16, 2015 - Ayn Rand, Sen. Ted Cruz said, is “one of my all-time heroes.” ... (He's reportedly required his interns to readAtlas Shrugged.”)   ]

  I agree that Cruz’s positions are ” far more dangerous than Trump' s “.  Republican Donald Trump   -   and I am speaking as democratic socialist , a critical supporter of ” socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders of Vermont-   this political right wing demagogue Trump  is bad enough for what is left of bourgeois democracy in America.

But Trump has also been the victim of an over the top smear campaign. He is not Hitler any more than Bernie Sanders is Joe Stalin. There is nothing in Trump’s past that connects him with the rabid racism of the KKK.

    To say that Ted Cruz just hates everything opposed to his religion is a little misleading. Why does this Christian sound more like Ayn Rand on social justice issues than Pope Francis who scorns the values of global capitalism ?

    In fact, Senator Ted Cruz read from the Ayn Rand cult classic ” Atlas Shrugged ” while trying to defeat Obamacare on the floor of the U.S. Congress.

   This follower of Jesus said( see You Tube video of his speech ) that we are living in the time of Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand was a militant atheist and also a militant Zionist who thought the Palestinians were inferior to the Jewish settlers of Israel.

    In fact, nearly all the Republican candidates have been or still are besotted by Ayn Rand Thought. What does her ” Virtue of Selfishness ” have in common with the Jesus ” Sermon on the Mount ” ?

    Black astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson thinks that Jesus would anoint the Jewish ” socialist ”     Bernie Sanders.

" Here we go again ! "

Lazy ants and lazy workers
 [ oh we go  ]


   What do you mean by " here we go " ? Do you want to get through life without ever having to question the sanity of the capitalist system ?

    That is just what the America ruling class expects from public school graduates. Where is this system ever systematically examined even on college campuses ?

     You really can learn a lot more about lazy ants.

  [  "Give this thread until lunch time and you will see what I mean by "here we go  ".]

" Laziness " in an ant colony and laziness in the capitalism organized human work force

  Does it make any great sense to transfer insight on " laziness " in an ant colony to " alienated labor " in capitalist society ?

   Worker ants do not work themselves to death for the benefit for any ant plutocracy.

    Worker ants , in general, serve the species. Human workers in FOR PROFIT industries are employed only so long as their labor- their " wage slavery "- is profitable for the business owners. They do not work for humanity as a whole.

   The crisis of global capitalism leads to the rational thought that human society must now be organized on a higher principle than production for profit. The planned economy of the future is presently advocated only by democratic socialists.

    Mass unemployment is nothing but socially enforced " laziness ". Not that the unemployed worker is useless or " lazy " in any absolute sense.

   There is just no capitalism motivated need for their labor.

   Also, under capitalism most workers find their work intolerably dull; hence the frequent " goofing off ".

     Much has been written about " alienated labor " under capitalism.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hillary is Queen of the Status Quo

    I expect the " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont to do as well here in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary, late in April, as he did in the other New England states.
     I will certainly vote for him : for his focus on unacceptable CLASS inequality rather than Hillary's stale " identity politics ".

     There must be something very wrong with the Hillary Clinton campaign but her staff has too much hubris to recognize it.

   To be brief, in this year of the Anti-Establishment Voter, Hillary is Queen of the Status Quo. Feel the Yawn ?

The Hillary Clinton campaign is about to implode

     It is political suicide not to see that the Hillary campaign has no backbone. Supporters should be alarmed about such poor showings in so many states.

    Are " white liberals " only relevant when they support " liberals " like Hillary Clinton ? Why oh why should working class Americans be big fans of Hillary Clinton ?

     The Hillary campaign is about to implode. And all this denial about the Bernie Sanders momentum borders on the pathological.

    Since when are so many humiliating defeats just bumps on the straight road to victory ?

     Hillary not liked by all Republicans and most Democrats will be the next president of the United States ? You will bet on it ?

The U.S. Constitution fears the masses, represses the Vulgariat

    • [CNN)Saturday was a big day for Bernie Sanders' quest for the Democratic presidential nomination as he swept to resounding victories in the caucus states of Hawaii, Washington and Alaska. But the delegate math is still in Hillary Clinton's favor.]

         The pro-Hillary news media continues to slight the big victories of Bernie Sanders. How could he win so many states with an overwhelming vote ?

         How can Hillary Clinton supporters be so lethargic ? Hubris ? Would not any astute politician be alarmed about such humiliating losses ? Can all this Sanders enthusiasm be dismissed as aberrational ?

         So much blind faith in the inertia of the status quo . Hillary is THE candidate of the status quo.

      Image for the news result

      [   I'm having trouble understanding why if Washington had 101 delegates up for grabs- and 100% votes are in, why is Bernie only showing a win of 23 delegates? With his percentage being close to 73% of the votes shouldn't he have close to 73 delegates won? ]

    •    What is innate in the structure of the American political system is not so much passion for " democracy " as fear of the common people.

         Our Electoral College-even our Supreme Court - is a check on the " vulgar masses " , the Vulgariat.

         How much control do the America people as a whole have over foreign policy ? Would we have voted for the Iraq War ? For the reprehensible conduct of this " war on terrorism " - a cover for the New Colonialism ?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders should team up with Jill Stein of the Green Party

   The establishment of the Democrat Party is in pathological denial about the momentum of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

    I too - for purely pragmatic reasons- am a registered Democrat in Rhode Island. I expect Bernie to do just as well in our state primary as he did in other New England states.

     But I have no intention of voting for " lesser evil " Hillary  as president of the United States. You don't have to be  super-intuitive to see her as very cold fish.

        It will be a bummer if Bernie Sanders ends up endorsing Hillary -with no conditions. He should team up with Jill Stein of the Green Party and achieve political immortality.

        I also note that the enigmatic Socialist Workers Party is showing some vitality again. They have always been cynical about the two party system and " liberal " Democrats.

       Peter Camejo was  the SWP candidate for president way back in 1976. Ralph Nader chose Camejo to be his Green Party running mate. The charismatic Peter likened himself to a watermelon - " green on the outside, red on the inside ".

Religious hypocrisy inspires militant atheism but deeper thought leads to the Higher Confusion

  The message of almost all the TV evangelists was : MAKE JESUS YOUR PARTNER IN MAKING YOURSELF RICH. With all the flaws of the Catholic hierarchy I never heard that sermon in a Catholic Church.

   The outstanding truth about the Moral Majority guiding lights was that they were not very moral - or even very spiritual- themselves.

    To be sure, the experience of universal religious hypocrisy can lead to militant atheism but deeper thought leads to the Higher Confusion.

Seeing Jesus as a Bernie Sanders " socialist " with many Jewish disciples

  " Theocrat " Ted Cruz is strangely devoted to cult of the militant atheist Ayn Rand. While trying to stop Obamacare he read from Rand's cult classic " Atlas Shrugged ". He said that we are living in the time of Ayn Rand.

   How do you reconcile Ayn Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness " with the Jesus " Sermon on the Mount " ?
   By the way, Jesus- who healed the sick for free- would hardly object to Obamacare or that conservative Republican anathema called " socialized medicine ".

There is  a good case for seeing Jesus as a " democratic socialist " with many Jewish disciples.

A Communist Manifesto slant on Trump, Cruz " tabloid scandal "

  Almost any " democratic socialist " is above commenting on any political candidate's sex life or sexual proclivities or sexual orientation- unless there is police evidence of sexual abuse , of non-consent .
   Most democratic socialists would prefer to decriminalize prostitution.
But this tabloid scandal involving the private lives of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump does remind me of a humorous passage from Marx's  Communist Manifesto :

   [ " Our bourgeois, not content with having wives and daughters of their
proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take
the greatest pleasure in seducing each other’s wives.

   Bourgeois marriage is, in reality, a system of wives in common.... "]

The ABC of " democratic socialism " is a CLASS analysis of human misery

   What do you think American capitalism can do  for " disproportionately poor " blacks and Latinos that it has not been able to do for poor " backward " whites ?

   Should poor whites gets condescending lectures on " political correctness " from affluent and phony Hillary neo-liberals ?

   You don't understand the ABC of " democratic socialism ": the class analysis of human misery.

So far Bernie Sanders is not pandering to racial or ethnic groups. " Identity politics "is vacuous and bankrupt.

   What will Hillary's bourgeois feminism do for working class women who will never get a view of any corporate " glass ceiling " ?

    If white persons are poor, we should suspect some character defect ?

I think the Black Muslim Malcolm X got it right in 1965 : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ".

   So long ago the black radical Malcolm X made a connection between capitalism and racism, between U.S. imperialism and the oppression of black people in America.

    Yes, I would call Malcolm X a budding socialist .

Friday, March 25, 2016

Do working class whites enjoy " white privilege " ?

   There is no reason why the Bernie Sanders message of " unacceptable economic inequality " cannot be welcomed by " fearful whites who are left behind " not so much by " modern society " as the society of decaying capitalism. Class is a much better explanation than race for the mass misery index in America.

    Most poor people in America are white. Are homeless, jobless, low paid, " un-educated " working class whites still enjoying " white privilege " ? Do poor whites in prison get privileged treatment ?

     Do working class whites without adequate health insurance get privileged treatment in the doctor's office or in a hospital? Do working class whites get privileged treatment in the nation's courts ?

Are white homeless war veterans better off than black homeless war veterans ?
Would Christ oppose free health care ?

Ted Cruz follows both Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand ?

   Hypocrisy is having a field day on all sides in this 2016 presidential campaign. The Republicans think they can substitute the Christ like Ted Cruz - a favorite of Christian evangelicals- for the more "reality TV " Donald Trump ?

   A family member says that Ted Cruz just wants to " share the love of Christ with every person in America ". This same Ted Cruz " read from Ayn Rand's ' Atlas Shrugged ' during a 21 hour speech against Obama care ".

    How do so many Republicans reconcile Ayn Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness " with the Jesus " Sermon on the Mount "  ? By the way, Ayn Rand was a militant atheist.

    Christ who healed the sick - for free- would oppose " socialized medicine " ?

    Astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson poetically endorsed Democrat Bernie Sanders suggesting that Jesus would pick him too -and with divine wisdom.

    Also Jesus was not known to throw stones at " sinners ".

  [ Senator Ted Cruz read from Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged ...]
Oct 1, 2013 - Uploaded by Anochi
Senator Ted Cruz read from Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" during his 21-hour speech against Obamacare.

The most credible anti-Zionist voices

   The best case against militant Zionism - very influential in the American news media - comes from prominent left- wing, invariably " socialist " Jewish intellectuals- like the late Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky.

   Democratic socialists, of course, believe in every nation 's and people's " right to exist." But extreme nationalism, the worship of the nation state, and fatuous ethnocentrism are incompatible with the core principles of democratic socialism.

    Crude anti- Semitism simply violates universal human dignity.

Liberal Hillary like LBJ in 1964 ?

   Of course , it is blatant hypocrisy to take ruling class money and then pretend that you are champion of the " little people ".

    Hawkish Hillary is as much the reasonable " peace " candidate as Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 ( Goldwater was seen as a " maniac " - like Trump today ) It hurt me to hear these words because I liked LBJ's " progressive " War on Poverty. But there is a sickening truth to them - the tragedy of war, the fog of war :

   " Hey, hey, LBJ how many kids did you kill today ? "

    Which presidential candidate speaks for the anti-war movement ? Our Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee did until he was laughed off the stage by the pro-war Democratic establishment. No eccentric " peaceniks " needed in this 2016 Election ?

I expect Bernie Sanders to win big in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary.

Most state secrets betray humanity

    I would not support sending Hillary Clinton to jail for betraying " national security ". Most " state secrets " are secrets only because the decent American people would be shocked by their contempt for decency and a little thing called " international law ".

    I am sure that Hillary is loyal to the interests of the American plutocracy and its New Colonialism in the Middle East.

    In 1917 Lenin's Bolsheviks in revolutionary Russia PUBLISHED all the Czar's state secrets and exposed the Great War as a war of ruling classes for imperial plunder.

Can American voters vote out the economic system ?

   [ " Nader is right. Hillary is a hypocrite and there is no way we can put that old cob in the whitehouse. She thinks she is above the law. "]

  • What is " above the law " in capitalist America is not any particular individual but irrational capitalism itself.

        The " judicial brilliance " of a Supreme Court judge consists of ruling " wisely " within that crazy framework.

    Does the Constitution allow the voter to vote against divine PROPERTY RIGHTS ? Can we vote out the economic system ? What will all those unemployed lawyers and " Just Judges " do ?

The " neo-liberalism " of the modern Democratic Party

    Karl Marx observed a long time ago that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". The intellectual representatives of this class turned " liberalism " into a dirty word during the " Reagan Revolution ". A "liberal " politician was essentially a " pimp " for communism. Democrats evolved into " neo-liberals " not even " soft " on democratic socialism ".

   So " liberal " Hillary makes any old New Deal Democrat look like a raging Bolshevik.
In general a " progressive " today still thinks it possible to restrain or reform capitalist greed while still " working within the system ".

   Democratic socialists prefer " peaceful " revolution. But few of them would choose to work inside the Democratic Party.

   The Bernie Sanders " political revolution " can only peak with a dramatic break in the two party system.

   I remain a " critical supporter " of Bernie - unless he gives unconditional support to " neo- Democrat " Hillary Clinton.

   I could end up voting for Jill Stein of the Green Party- or write in Mother Teresa for president. I preferred Mother Teresa to neo-liberal Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island.

     She is making Rhode Island look like Greece under global capitalism " austerity ". Gina is a big Hillary supporter.

    Neo-liberal Hillary will make America look more like Greece-with its completely ruined middle and working classes.

    Recently I lost my senior citizen free bus pass " entitlement "- the one my long dead grandmother was so happy about. Thank you , Governor Raimondo- LIBERAL Democrat.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ralph Naders calls hawkish Hillary Clinton a hypocrite

Ralph Nader calls Hillary a hypocrite

Thank God for Ralph Nader.

    Hawkish Hillary , pro-Wall St. Hillary is not even a " lesser evil " among truly progressive voters. She represents everything rotten and corrupt about our capitalist way of life.

    A neo-Democrat she cannot even sound like a pro-labor , pro-social justice New Deal Democrat. Her fatuous "identity politics " has nothing to offer working class Americans of any race, ethnic group, or gender.

   " More love and kindness " Hillary cannot even oppose the state death penalty. She will never start fulminating in Bernie Sanders' compassionate tone about " unacceptable economic inequality ". She is quite the cold fish.

    Like Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton will serve the interests of the American plutocracy. The moment Bernie Sanders withdraws from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination the vacuity of Hillary's campaign will become all too obvious to American voters inclined to " liberalism " but fed up with the status quo.

   No wonder the Democratic Party establishment is so lethargic about voter registration in 2016. The younger voters are overwhelmingly supporters of " socialist " Bernie Sanders.

   Sanders gets almost 75-80 percent of the vote in the Utah and Idaho caucuses and the pro-Hillary news media interprets this as not even an embarrassment to her complacent -and dull - campaign ?

     And there was something funny going on in Arizona on primary day. A DON'T GET OUT THE VOTE bipartisan conspiracy ?

CLASS trumps RACE in creating America's misery index

   The establishment news media slighted the crushing victory of " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Idaho and Utah caucuses- nearly 70-80 percent ?

    If the Sanders fans were predominantly white, it had nothing to do with any latent " white privilege " racism. In general,democratic socialists have a class perspective on unacceptable economic inequality in America.

     Socialist Michael Harrington's book " The Other America " inspired LBJ's " War on Poverty " back in 60s. Poor white people were hardly invisible to Harrington .

    The elderly in general had it tough before Medicare. Social Security is not in the least " racist ". You can also read about " homeless alcoholics " in " The Other America ". I have observed in Kennedy Plaza in Providence, Rhode Island. that most of the homeless are white.

    The U.S. ruling class plays a divide and conquer game. And Hillary's identity politics has nothing in common with even the mild mannered socialism of Bernie Sanders. Hillary is a neo-Democrat who has no quarrel with our capitalist way of life.

    Poor whites have been invisible in the mass news media for decades now. Most poor people are white. They have much in common with poor black people. In general class trumps race in explaining the misery index in America.

    Black Muslim Malcolm X made this connection between capitalism and racism, between capitalism and imperialism way back in 1965

    Not for nothing I expect " socialist " Bernie Sanders to do as well here in Rhode Island as he did in Michigan.. We never recovered from the Great Recession.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A completely digitized Providence Journal would be a precious resource for local history studies

   What brought history to life for me back in the " tumultuous 60s " was access to archived " old " newspapers - real printed editions of the Providence Journal, for example.

     What was it like to be living in Providence, Rhode Island in the Great Depression year of 1933 ? That experience was once possible for any resident who visited Brown University's Rockefeller Library.

    The microfilmed newspapers are still precious but much more tedious to use. I wonder if the Rhode Island Historical Society is interested in a more completely digitized Providence Journal.

     I can quickly access a Brown Daily Herald article from 1968 but the Providence Journal is only digitized for the past two decades.

        A curious Brown University student could more easily understand that Democrat Bernie Sanders is more connected to New Deal , pro-labor liberalism than the type of " democratic socialism " more familiar in those quaint Northern European countries.

        Also a more completely digitized Providence Journal would provide easy access to old " family skeletons " and still relevant juicy scandal stories- the" local gossip " beat .

The next best thing to a time machine- old newspapers

Bernie Sanders routs Hillary Clinton in Utah and Idaho caucuses

" Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders won caucuses in Utah and Idaho ".

    The actual rout of Sanders over Hillary in these - and other states - is ignored. How will the U.S. political establishment ever be able to marginalize the many supporters of Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump ? 

    Sanders took Utah and Idaho by about 70 percent . Any Hillary supporter should be nervous to say the least. 

    I expect " socialist " Bernie Sanders to do just as well here in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary. Providence, Rhode Island is becoming more like Detroit - lead -in-water and all.

[ Utah
Democratic result: Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton, winning about 80 percent of the vote compared to her 20 percent or so. Again, a Sanders win was expected, but the extent of the landslide he got is surprising.

Idaho caucuses

Who voted: Just Democrats
Democratic delegates at stake: 33 delegates, awarded proportionally
Democratic result: Bernie Sanders's enormous win in Idaho nearly matched his win in Utah — he got 78 percent of the vote to Clinton's mere 21 percent. When all of Tuesday's results are combined, Sanders will likely pick up somewhat more delegates than Clinton. But he'll still trail her in pledged delegates overall by 300 or so.]

The structural prejudice of the American Constitution against majority rule

What is eerily unspoken or ignored is the structural prejudice of the American Constitution against the quintessential democratic principle of majority rule.

    I am not picking on the United States government here. After all, class rule is thousands of years old. In ancient Rome the aristocrats feared the plebians -and both loathed the voiceless slave class.

    Now and then a Caesar can arise as a champion of the " common people " - meaning mostly more" bread and circuses " ( better than nothing ) .

    A pure democracy would tolerate neither the Supreme Court nor the Electoral College. Possibly the Senate and the Congress could be replaced by a General Assembly with its natural divisions.

   The president could be quickly replaced for failure to please the majority.

   Only entrenched , pretentiously " educated " elites fear the masses.
From the beginning how inclusive was WE ?

Crisis of the two party system goes under-reported by NPR

Pending  [ COMMENT " pending " or soon to be removed ? ]
   It is crystal clear that the capitalist news media favors hawkish Hillary -even after stunning victories by " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

  Walter Chronkite style journalism is impossible when nearly every journalist wears his or her favorite candidate on their sleeve.

   What goes under-reported is a profound crisis of the two party system. It can only be resolved by the emergence of an independent third party.

    At this point Bernie Sanders should start thinking about teaming up with Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party .

     How often do you hear about Jill on NPR -which asks listeners for donations to preserve its " independence "- from the ruling class ?